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The picture was taken at Hoensbroek castle, in the very far south of the Netherlands. The 120 orphans and their caretakers were liberated by the 30th infantry and 2nd armoured division on 17-18 September 1944.
The children in the picture were all orphans and stayed in the castle throughout most of the war. Their initial home in Velsen near the coast was demolished in 1942 to make the ‘Atlantikwall’. Their new, not ideal, home was in the southern tip of the Netherlands. The silver lining for the children was the liberation in September 1944. Velsen had to endure the famine of the ‘44/45 winter and was only liberated in May 1945.
A British officer ordered the castle to be used for the troops, and the children had to leave, this order was quickly overturned by an American Civil Affairs officer. A tight friendship followed between the American soldiers and the (small) castle inhabitants. American soldiers often visited the castle during their off time. The children wore traditional Dutch clothing and made little plays to amuse their liberators in the months after September 1944.