A subreddit for propaganda collectors, enthusiasts, or anyone fascinated by propaganda as an insight into history, sociology, perspective, and manipulation.
Propaganda: information, ideas, or rumors deliberately spread widely to help or harm a person, group, movement, institution, nation, etc.
A subreddit for propaganda collectors, enthusiasts, or anyone fascinated by propaganda as an insight into history, sociology, perspective, and manipulation.
Posters, paintings, leaflets, cartoons, videos, music, broadcasts, news articles, or any medium is welcome - be it recent or historical, subtle or blatant, artistic or amateur, horrific or hilarious.
1) Don't vote on whether you agree with the message of a post.
2) Don't post with the intent to spread propaganda you agree with or the intent to degrade propaganda you disagree with.
3) Civil conversation is okay; soapboxing, bigotry, partisan bickering, and personal attacks are not.
4) Titles must have a date and must be neutral. If in doubt, you can simply use the caption of the poster (eg. "I want you!", US, 1917).
5) No current events. To help us to be objective, posts cannot be from within the last two years. Please post contemporary work on /r/ModernPropaganda.
6) No reposts. You can only repost the same image after a year.
7) No memes or clickbait. Image macros are only allowed if released by an official agency and the source is provided.
For a complete rundown and explanation of the rules, refer to the wiki.
/r/historyporn (SFW)
/r/movieposterporn (SFW)
The bottom left translates in Arabic as "Freedom" and the top translates as "Our Day Will Come".
The Irish language version below:
Political propaganda poster where the Action Party guards against the rise of a new fascism after the Italian civil war (1943-1945) inviting not to abandon the fight
Sorry if the translation isn't very good, my Chinese isn't that great
I bought this in Kyrgyzstan around 15 years ago and have always loved it. I get the general idea, but specifically what does it mean?
Young Turkey - Why did your back bend like that?.. From old age?
Ottoman - No… from bowing before every force!..
The rijkspostspaarbank, later simply named Postbank and gradually privatized, a precursor to ING, was founded in 1881 to facilitate banking through the postoffice as a public good. This is still very explicit in this 1957 advertisement for a savings account for children framing having a savings account from a young age as a patriotic duty.