A subreddit dedicated to and for discussion of and relating to everything about Mayan culture and history.
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A subreddit dedicated to the fascinating and rich Mayan civilization and culture.
This is a place for discussion of and relating to everything about Mayan culture and history.
Images, videos, articles and other relevant media is acceptable and welcomed, use your best judgment when it comes to NSFW tags - many documentaries on the subject include nudity.
Please be civil to one another, abuse of any kind will not be tolerated.
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Does it simply indicate that it is a calendar? Or could it be an actual word or symbol ?
Hi! I just want to check that this is “kaj” and means to settle, resettle, begin, start? I found it on mayaglyphs.org but when I’ve searched for “kaj” and “Mayan” the results all seem to be part of “Heart of the Sky” or referring to a god named “Huracan.”
Lengua Záparo (lengua indígena)
For example, Oct 13, 2024 would have been "2 Ix" on the Tzolk'in calender, but how would one actually pronounce that in Yucatec Mayan? Would it just be "Ka'a Ix" or, because Ix refers to an animal, would the number use the ending of "túul" and be "Ka'a-túul Ix?" This started out as simple curiosity but now I haven't been able to find the answer for the life of me. Thanks in advance :)
I've been interested by the Maya lately, and looking at this entire reddit community it seems I still have a lot to learn (T-T).. is there any suggestions on where I could start researching like websites for example and books. Thanks!!
My mom brought me this necklace from Mexico. I love it so i’m wearing it daily but… What does it say? I’ve been asked this question and i just answer that it’s my name but honestly i have no clue.
Anyone else here on reddit may have a Idea for the Dialect of Q’anjobal, where I can find books, websites, videos on it, if so please let me know, thank you.
Interested in the correct way to write out dates in the Mayan numbers Does anyone know how to write 7/1/2022 properly? Thanks
Where do i go to see authentic Mayan tattoo ideas?
Chimney was replaced in a 1954 house built by an architecture. This was in the Chimney. Is it a flute for the chimney or what is the sculpture associated with? So curious.
Hello, Im hamster. Im an independent artist in a rural area with a lack of resources but really want to do a world building project based off Mayan culture. I’d love if any of you could give me recommendations for free educational materials for Mayan historical clothing, hair, etc. My internet is horrible and I can’t find anything. I made a Reddit account specifically to ask this, lol.