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Need Insight or Advice

Hello, I’m (25) looking for jobs and will soon be moving to another country (probably Arab country like UAE or Qatar). I have severe anxiety and suicidal thoughts. I can’t control them and the more I try to distract myself from that, the more they get back to me. I’m unable to give my interviews well due to this. It’s really difficult for me. It’s like I am knowing sabotaging everything in my life so as to kill myself.

Any advice or help please.

Thank You.

01:54 UTC


You ever explode and just cry

I let my anxiety bottle up, my negative thoughts, my paranoia, lack of sleep, constant thoughts of cringe things I've done in the past and I just exploded infront of my bf in tears.. I actually do feel better now he comforted me alot but I always get a killer headache after crying ... I have my first therapy appt Wednesday thank god

1 Comment
01:44 UTC


having a hard time speaking my mind

i’m currently practicing for an interview, but i can’t stop but to feel like i have a barrier preventing me from saying what i actually want to say. What i usually end up doing, is digging deep inside of my brain, trying to find the right specific words or things to say and I always end up overthinking and I generally have the bad habit of trying to rely on my memory way too much in order to speak. I’m in my head all of the time, and I mess up way too much because of it but I don’t know how to stop

01:38 UTC


Moderate anxiety and Prozac

Due to an eff up by my insurance company I had to go off of my Prozac for 2 months. I just got back on but now I’m having moderate anxiety. Like the kind that got me on Prozac in the first place. Not having severe symptoms like panic attacks but experiencing a continuous sense of dread. I’m trying to pin point what could possibly be the reason as far as things going on in my life and I can’t really think of anything. Has anyone experienced this?

01:33 UTC


At the grocery store and on the verge of a panic attack

Does anybody else get like this? I’m petrified and trying to get in and out of here like a ghost. I’m not even a socially awkward person. I just hate being in here. Didn’t used to be like this

01:29 UTC


anxiety about covid

i'm vaxxed and never one had covid. however, about a week ago i had a sore throat for like 3 days. thought nothing of it ...the next two days i kept blowing my nose which idk still thought it was maybe a minor flu?? but now, today, i mean i could smell and taste all day but now when i got back from work i can't smell or taste a thing. i've tried smelling tasting a bunch but nothin... i'm scared now because the last few days i have also been at work and have work tomorrow. i saw this one girl today frm work that had to leave early because she got covid on wednesday and that's the same day i woke up with a sore throat so now im scared ugh i'll see how i feel tomorrow and to get a covid test

01:19 UTC


Loss of appetite

Does anyone have loss of appetite? I’m have this a long with a bunch of other symptoms

01:03 UTC


Currently going through the hardest time of my life

This is my first time posting here. I apologize if I ramble on but I just need to get this out and to have some words of encouragement. I’m a 20-year-old dude and currently a college student. I and all my siblings have struggled with some form of mental illness, so talking about mental health is pretty normal in my family. Ever since I was young I have struggled with anxiety, but fortunately, the anxiety I have been dealing with wasn’t bad and was very easy to deal with. My anxiety was situational, it would appear in times of stress or in times when I felt trapped or not in control of something. I would feel like having a panic attack but I would always calm myself down. A week or two after an event like that I would feel pretty anxious but that feeling would normally go away. This has unfortunately changed after I started college. During a very stressful week in my second semester for the first time in my life, I had a full-blown panic attack. Fortunately, for me the following week with spring break. I started to feel better during spring break, but when I went back to school I started to feel awful again. A week after spring break I had another panic attack. This is where things began to go downhill. For several weeks I felt anxious and scared. But for a little while I started to feel better, I even made an appointment with a psychiatrist. I’ve been to therapy before, but I chose to go to a psychiatrist this time because that’s all I can afford. I mentioned how Bupropion 150mg XL seems to work for my sister, so my psychiatrist put me on that. The first day or two on it were rough. I experienced awful depression. But I felt better later in the week. But things started to go downhill again during my second week. I felt a spike in my anxiety and felt very hopeless and depressed. Things started to look better for me this most recent week. The hopelessness and depression were getting better. Today, the day I’m writing this, I woke up feeling uncontrollably, anxious, and for the first time in a while, I almost had a panic attack. I feel awful. I feel so disappointed. I truly felt like I was getting better. This whole day I have felt horrible anxiety and I have felt on edge all day. I’m so tired of breaking down. I feel like my family doesn’t care. I’m just so scared and unsure of what to do. I plan on getting off of Bupropion. But I still feel like my whole world is falling apart.

1 Comment
01:03 UTC


Wtf is wrong with me…?

For the last couple months I have been getting super dizzy and feeling out of it all the time . It’s almost like I’m in a dream and I’m super lightheaded/dizzy everyday . I sleep a good 9 hours and still wake up feeling like I just need to sleep because I’m just exhausted all the time . It gets a lot worse sometimes after I eat as well . I went to the doctor and they made me do a couple different tests with my blood pressure and all was good also my blood sugar was fine . I am now scheduled to get a head MRI Tuesday to check for anything bad and I am freaking out about that as well. I don’t know if it’s my anxiety or what . I’ve been prescribed ssri’s but have never made it past the first pill because I’m always nauseated and feel worse after taking one . I will also add that I’m a chronic weed smoker so I do believe that could be causing it too. I have an addiction to it to be honest and I have smoked everyday for the last 7 years . Really just need some advice because I feel so disconnected from everything right now .

00:54 UTC


Whatever you are going through I promise you it does get better.

00:50 UTC


did you ever need dentist work.?

00:49 UTC


Newly diagnosed…

For some background information - female, UK, mid 20s. I originally had a referral for ADHD symptoms but I’ve since then been told that I don’t fit the criteria at all and what I’m showing are all symptoms of anxiety and low self-esteem. I also waited on a 4 year waiting list for them to tell me this.

I mainly struggle with social interactions but I do also have problems with my concentration, focus and memory. The doctors I’ve spoken to are also adamant these are symptoms of anxiety - whenever I try to find information about this online though there isn’t really any.

Please can anyone inform me of any other symptoms of anxiety that aren’t as common/ones that you don’t seem to find in the typical definitions

00:48 UTC


Why does this keep happening

I started a new job in February and it was going really well. Then, I was in a car accident where I was rear-ended. I took the rest of the day the day I was hit, and the doctor at the hospital who said I had a concussion told me I could return to work on Monday. Well, on Wednesday, I had a panic attack because I felt like I needed to take a mental health day but knew it would likely cost me my job.

I called out of work from the parking lot sobbing at 9:04AM when I had to clock in by 9 because I was shaking and having a panic attack. On Friday I lost my job.

It seems like every time I start a new job and start doing well, I shoot myself in the foot by taking days off for anxiety related things or my stomach issues with the vomiting I have almost every morning, or because my 2 year old special needs toddler was up all night and I'm about to die of sleep deprivation...

I don't know where to go from here. Hopefully up, but my head space is just not a good place right now. I could use some support or love I don't even know what I'm doing with this post I guess I just needed to get this out.

00:40 UTC


Panicking as HR increased drastically

Hi, I’m a 20f (5’7 and a half and weigh around 113 lbs) who’s been battling with severe depression for two years now who’s become basically sedentary and move minimally. I decided today to go on a walk with my mum and dog to the pharmacy to pick up her medicine when I saw my HR was 140 while walking normally. Then, I began feeling dizzy and it would come and go. I’m currently menstruating and have anemia and had taken a Melaleuca multivitamin at 6 after my McDonald’s before the walk. Then, upon arriving there, my HR had increased to 152 bpm (highest it’s been in a while while walking) and immediately freaked out, started feeling like I was going to faint ( have an intense fear of fainting and cardiophobia) so yeah…called my dad to come and get us and we went home…

I sleep late and wake up roughly early/late but get my 9hrs + naps. I want to get better again and even try calisthenics but this anxiety is messing me up…

00:40 UTC


I feel so much impending doom

I can't explain the feeling but I've suffered so much in my life and I'm only 20. Went through psychosis and dpdr.

My family is in debt with 10 million dollars and i don't believe in any divine miracles to save us. I kinda lost my faith on god. I have tortured my soul more than it can bear. I have went through so much pain and I struggle with lots of anxiety about the future. There's a thousand ways it could go wrong and almost nowhere it could go right. I feel so hopeless and it feels like my body is inescapable because I don't want to die but I don't want to suffer so I just wish I wasn't born to face this all

00:39 UTC


PSA for all who are suffering from health anxiety!!

I have been wrestling with healthy anxiety for the past year. I’ve made thousands and thousands of google visits about my symptoms, trying to find reassurance only to be left with fear, which in turn makes the symptoms worse, and so I google again, and the cycle continues However I’ve come to say to all who dare to consult Google for medical advice, STOP. For your sake please stop. Google is almost never right, anxiety can cause many bizarre symptoms. If you’re truly scared about your symptoms, see a doctor, NOT GOOGLE. I repeat NOT GOOGLE . You’re most likely fine, and if you’re still not convinced, here’s a list of symptoms caused by anxiety:

  • muscle twitching
  • headaches
  • fatigue
  • tingling

-muscle weakness -nausea

  • chest pain
  • heart palpitations


  • overheating
  • insomnia


  • muscle pains
  • sweating
  • hyperventilation
  • body jolts

While this is not all of the symptoms anxiety can cause, it goes to show how powerful the human mind is. If you truly believe something is wrong, you should seek a doctor and get a real medical evaluation. But if you are constantly googling symptoms you are just going to make things worse for yourself. And chances are, the anxiety you’re experiencing that you caused yourself by consulting Google, is so much worse for you than whatever our friendly neighborhood Google says you have.

Let me give you my personal experience. I’ve had muscle twitching and some tingling for the better part of a year. I googled my symptoms and was told I have, ALS, MS, Parkinson’s, Cerebral palsy, a Malignant brain tumor, and the list goes on. The fact of the matter is, if I truly had one of these, I’d either be dead by now, or have experienced a significant loss in muscle, strength, have trouble walking or something else, which I have not had any of these things happen.

I know this can be scary, I know it sucks, But there are plenty of other things to be scared of. find something you love and do it. spend time with family, friends, pets, etc. fall in love, work hard, find joy in life. Don’t let this shit keep you down. Life is not that long so please, be present with yourself, and I promise it will get better. I wish you all the best, and I know you will beat this!!

Edit: I’m not sure why the list got a little fucked up when posting this, because when I made this post, the list was in tact.

00:38 UTC


Dentist Anxiety

I have to get my two pre-frontal molars removed tomorrow and i’m so scared and nervous. I know my dentist won’t let me use laughing gas or anything and i get my braces literally the day after so there’s no rebooking. Does anyone have any tips or maybe things that would help? I’m thinking of taking my airpods with me so i can listen to some music to relax me but i’m not sure if it’s gonna help.

00:24 UTC


Anxiety of leaving my town

I don't know why i have this, but i get really really anxious if i try to go to a nearby city, even 5/10 minutes distant. Not only trabellig but also staying there. I also have a deep fear of vomiting and unfortunately i suffer from motion sickness, so maybe this is part of the problem. The next month i have to stay an entire day in a city at 40 minutes from mine and I'm really scared to do It, but i really don't want to do nothing and stand back because of my fear. I would love some advices and words of comfort.

00:10 UTC


Im so scared my health anxeity could manifest and turn into a real illness

My health anxiety had a disastrous toll on my physical health, ever since I started having health anxiety I kept getting sick and having different type of pain every week. I'm so scared that I actually made my self sick and I have an undiagnosed disease that I don't know of yet. I've been having headaches, fatigue, and body pain for the past 2 weeks (I've had worst symptoms before that due to my health anxiety) but they all weren't persistent like this one! And I recently did some blood tests and they weren't really good but my doctor wasn't really concerned and I can't follow up with other doctors and do a bunch of tests to know what's wrong with me because my final exams start in a week. I hate it so much. I can't open up to anyone about it because everyone has enough going in their life, I nearly destroyed my fiance’s mental health because of how much negative energy I throw on him due to the constant worries I discuss with him, and it kinda made him distant from me and I don't blame him. No one deserves to keep up with my bullshity negative energy but I'm scared, so scared. My favorite part of the day is sleeping because it's my only time that I take a break from my health anxiety and illness scares. I'm so scared that this time my scare turns into reality.

God please help me I wanna live normal again.

00:07 UTC


Why does my anxiety work this way?

I have a mental list of worries that I shuffle through at any given time. I make myself sick with worry. Once I rationalize my way out of one, I'm onto the next. Is it a good idea to put a worry down because I remember that I once rationalized my way out of it? Do I really need to go through that process all over again or should I just trust myself in that I thought my way out of it the last time?

00:02 UTC


Developed a fear of passing out

About a year ago, I passed out for the first time in my life from giving blood. To this day it is still the only time I’ve passed out in my life. I definitely asked for it by not eating and drinking enough beforehand. Anyways, ever since then I have had anxiety about passing out again. Questions run through my head like “what if I pass out while driving?” This makes me worry more until I eventually calm down. I usually feel this way when I’m not home or when I’m driving. I also rock climb and fear that I could pass out while belaying my partner only to have them fall to the ground while I am unconscious myself. Any advice on overcoming this?

23:56 UTC


Serotonin Syndrome

I’m freaked out about serotonin syndrome. My doctor increased my Prozac dose from 20mg to 30 mg about 4 days ago and I started with a low grade fever and body aches. I feel shaky too. I’m not sure if this is possibly serotonin syndrome or if it’s just my body adjusting to the new dose of medicine?

23:44 UTC


Anyone switched brands?

Brand switch here paroxetine to generic 3 times i. 6 months. Chemist told me - when u switch brands it can be like starting again!!!!!!!!!

23:39 UTC



Feeling like I'm dying soon

Hey guys so a few weeks ago I was experiencing alot of religious ocd but then suddenly my classmate died. It made me have anxiety thr whole week and I started having like a alergic reaction on my face. The next week I still had anxiety symptoms racing heart, shortness of breath and jot being able to sleep I felt a sense of doom.

I went to the doctor and they just called it dehydration and so I started drinking more water cause I never drink water. I started feeling better and the anxiety went away but then I started getting intruisve thoughts and ocd about death. I started getting image sin my head ext.

Last weekend I thought I was dying soon I started googling my symptoms which you should never do and started seeing things as "signs". I had a pit in my stomach.

Now I have a racing heart agian as I speak and started getting. Chest pain a little bit I have shortness of breath and derelization sometimes I also had questioning my morailty a few days ago. My parents say I look like I'm losing weight and not have been eating food as much which is true. This only makes me more scared cause I don't know if it's just anxiety cause everytime i hear about a death I get anxiety. I really need help I don't know if I have ocd but I'm pretty sure I do. All my brain says is "I feel like im dying soon" cause I seen some posts that said people acutally died from saying they feel like dying soon. I hate hearing things on the news about death it makes it worse. NOW THATS ALL MY BRAIN SAYS BUT I DONT I DONT WANT TO FEEL LIKE THIS I ALSO GET ANXIETY AT TIMES WHEN I THINK ABOUT UPCOMMING EVENTS I DONT WANNA FEEL LIKE THIS IM YOUNG IM ONLY 14 😭

Even if it's not that I feel uneasy I don't know what it is.

Please of anybody has felt like this tell me how it got better and if it's just anxiety.

23:34 UTC


Health anxiety

Im in my early 20s, never any health problems besides being slightly over weight. BP and resting heart rate is fine. Smoker and vape. Every day I have at least one moment where it feels like I’m going to have a heart attack. This happens after pt or after going to do something stressful like a meeting I don’t know the outcome of. I don’t know how to deal with this anymore and I hope this doesn’t get lost in sea of others seeking health. After running or doing any work out when my heart rate goes up I can hear my heart beat and that begins the whole cycle. This has been going on for over a year with it happening more frequently now. Any help would mean the world. Thank you.

1 Comment
23:31 UTC


Is this normal at all? (Alcohol and Panic)

Back in early December I was on 40mg prozac but taking it very inconsistently (like 4x weekly). One night, I went out to the bar and drank more than I ever had. Probably 12-13 drinks. I blacked out. Come the next day it was a usual hangover but I had terrible anxiety and panic attacks, which I hadn’t experienced in awhile. The anxiety kept getting worse until around end of December when it peaked. I ended up in the hospital with a 170bpm. It continued being bad for a couple months, but slowly getting a little better. I got a new physiatrist mid March and she decided it was time to try something else. I was feeling better, but not near where I wanted to be. I’ve been on Zoloft for about a month, and been on 75mg for about 2 weeks. it has gotten worse again, but I’m told maybe that’s normal when increases dose or changing meds? I guess my question is, is this normal to happen?? It was just one night of me being a moron and drinking. Will it ever get better?

Thanks for anybody who reads this or responds.

23:21 UTC


Self care

For those of you who feel you have your anxiety / depression managed well- what are your daily or semi regular self-care routines?

23:20 UTC


Hi can anyone talk panic attack

Hi I’m drunk stupid I thought it would eliminate my anxiety nope just checked my heart rate and blood pressure and it’s super high I’m so scared I’m dying help just took my propornal 10 mg 5 mins ago

1 Comment
23:19 UTC


Back to my anxiety, I do things sadly and feel pressured to improve by force from my mother.

After a personal problem with a very dear person I feel very sad, I continue doing my things normally and I have improved my hobbies, social life (I have made many friends and acquaintances in my new city where I moved) and academics, but I always I do it with great sadness, I cry every time I can at home and that brings problems to my mother, she has done many things for me including spending on medications and professional doctors, but seeing me with enormous sadness infects her and she also feels sad and anger, he recently confessed to himself that if I continue like this he is going to get sick and he is tired of my state despite everything we have done for my well-being.

I feel drowned to the bottom of an ocean, this year was supposed to be better than the last, it was until that dear person left me and said things about me that I don't completely identify with, making me fall into a insecurity and stressful uncertainty, plus I'm alone, I have to improve on my own and it's tiring, I only have a psychologist who I only see every 3 months and my mother, but she is no longer an option.

The only thing I want is to talk to that person, I want it with all my desire, i feel that I would improve considerably if I confessed and talked to her, but I wait for his call, I don't want to force him to talk to me even though he is probably better off without my presence and he is saying many negative things about me to everyone he knows.

I hope I don't go back to my panic attacks and constant anxiety, I don't want to go down again into that dark well of sadness where getting out is difficult, I'm so afraid of entering that well that the only thing I want is to go to a lake, close the eyes and get into the deep end, hoping to feel happy with my decision to drown.

Thanks to those who read this, this is only 1% of my situation but I wanted to vent anyway, take care everyone.

23:05 UTC


Anxiety and Depression Swings

Hi, I had a stressful situation 6 months ago that I think triggered my mental health to worsen over the past few months. I had this stressful situation and then the next day had symptoms of anxiety for the day but then they dissipated but I began to become depressed and then started having anxiety attacks a few weeks later. I got put on Zoloft/Sertaline and ramped up to 100mg but it didn’t seem to help very much and made me feel more dull I think. Since then I have lowered to 50mg and added busbar around a month ago and welbutrin a couple days ago.

This is where I am now. I think the Busbar has helped the anxiety somewhat because I am not as afraid of having anxiety attacks but my GAD is constant however I have noticed a pattern in my mood:

I will be constantly anxious for a 3-5 days until one day my constant anxiety is at a very high amount. As in my chest is super tight and gives me a headache all day long. Also I have a heavy heartbeat as well as many other symptoms. Then I crash into a bad depression where I just feel numb and it’s even worse than the heightened anxiety. That depression lasts a day and the next day I wake up not as depressed and anxiety not at its worst. Then the anxiety builds until another crash and the cycle repeats.

I was wondering anyone has had the same experience and found a medication that worked for them?

Ik that anxiety and depression is pretty common together but is this the way most people experience it with of days of increasing anxiety and a depression crash day?


23:05 UTC

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