Featuring the best of what the Mountain State has to offer: arts, culture, natural beauty, friendly people, and pepperoni rolls.
Featuring the best of what the Mountain State has to offer: arts, culture, natural beauty, friendly people, and pepperoni rolls.
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I’m looking to take my wife on a small one or two day get away. Can be cabin style or anything. Fully open to any and all suggestions. Camping, resorts, hotels, lakes. Anything. We live in WV but don’t mind traveling. I just want to explore WV more
Does anyone know if the Brownie House in Morgantown closed? When I googled their hours just now, it’s says “permanently closed” and so does their Facebook account, however they were posting on their FB last month so I’m confused. Any info?
I live a few hours away via car and am looking to make a weekend trip to fish bass! my area is frigid, only ice fishing available currently.
Hi, everyone! Some of you may know me since I've been active on this subreddit for a while, but my name is Ellie Heffernan, and I am a journalist living in Charleston. I recently became the lead editor for a program that may interest some of you.
I am working with Black by God: The West Virginian, a statewide news outlet committed to uplifting Black voices, perspectives, and issues in the Mountain State. We're expanding our Folk Reporters program, a citizen journalism initiative where participants attend state legislative meetings and communicate about them through brief reports, news stories, video blogs, or photos.
Some of the people who participate in this program have prior professional or volunteer journalism experience, but many are simply passionate about social justice and civic engagement. I'm the program's lead editor, and I'll be providing regular support to Folk Reporters, including training sessions explaining how to be an effective citizen journalist. Folk Reporters can be as active as they'd like; people can simply do one story and be considered a Folk Reporter.
This position is essentially a volunteer role, and most legislative meetings can be "attended" and reported on remotely. However, we'll have limited stipends to help folks from outside the Charleston area travel to the Capitol and do in-person reporting. There are plenty of people on here who seem very passionate about social justice in our state, and many of you have been very supportive of my work. I'd love to get to know some of you better--and maybe convince some of you to try your hand at journalism too! I highly encourage anyone who is the least bit interested in this type of work to reach out to me, regardless of your experience level.
Here are links to several posts explaining the program (post 1, post 2).
Folks can reach out to me via ellie@blackbygod.org to join the program, and our first training will be on Feb. 4 at this link.
Please let me know if you have any questions!
I've called a few times but our government seems to be obstructive on this matter.
If there is anyone would be able to help, we would appreciate it very much! Thank you so much for taking the time to read!! Thank you in advance! ❤️
Hi! We are looking to get married July 18th this year and struggling to find a venue in our price range ideally around $1500-$2000 that we can use our own catering. Does anyone have any suggestions? We are from the Pittsburgh area but love the scenery of WV. We are open to halls and other rentals that are not traditional venues.
Stumbled into this lovely little nook, Monkey Wrench Books, last month on High Street in Morgantown. The place is small, but the book selection is lovingly curated. Nice carpeted kids' section in the back with some comfy chairs. A coffee bar up front with stools. The owner was lovely to chat with, and made me an amazing specialty latte. It was the perfect discovery on a snowy day. Apparently they opened last September. https://www.facebook.com/monkeywrenchbookswv
Taylor Books in Charleston is pretty much the default for the Kanawha Valley, so for folks that might not yet be aware, Plot Twist Books on D Street in South Charleston is also awesome. Shout out also to Scapegoat Books in the Dunbar Eclectic Goods Market. https://bookstoreexplorer.com/scapegoat-books-dunbar-west-virginia/
It was absolutely tragic when the proprietor of Buckeye Bend Books in Pocahontas County passed away a couple of years ago. That was an annual summer pilgrimage for me during camping trips. Any other favorite bookstores in your part of WV?
Any suggestions on sight seeing/fishing in WV the first week of March. Thanks.
Starting a new idea of eating at one restaurant in each of the 55 counties and wanted to know what you all thought is the best one or the best few for Wayne?
I am starting to plan my spring break, and I was looking into backpacking in West Virginia. However, I was curious about what the weather is like during March there. Would there be too much rain or too cold at night to backpack?
Hi! I am from Delaware looking to buy a car in Terra Alta, but it has expired tags. I was wondering if, with a bill of sale for example, I could drive the car back home to Delaware with the expired tag/no tag?
Have you ever wanted to feel like you were a character in a fantasy novel?
‘The Tree’ in Dolly Sods Wilderness is a large birch tree situated in the center of a grove of mature white and red spruce trees. It is estimated that this birch tree is between 150-200 years old. This is because for the tree to have reached its current size, it had to be growing BEFORE the spruce trees around it choked it out.
This means that The Tree has survived WW2 artillery practice, as Dolly Sods was used to train artillerymen prior to and during World War 2. Consequently, due to the lack of windscreen from trees and the scorched ground from artillery, wildfires devastated the original ecosystem of Dolly Sods, destroying several-feet-thick segments of ancient moss and peat away. Much like West Virginia, The Tree of Dolly Sods is a hidden gem born from strife, and is a story of continued perseverance.
It appears that rangers do maintain the area around the tree, unofficially. There is no signage or directions on how to find the tree; however, coordinates can be found online, and the tree is visible from Forest Road 75, the primary road through the Sods.