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    Do you all ever forget to eat?

    So I've been on a pretty unhealthy kick of breakfasts composed of a tobacco bowl topped with shatter, and a cup of coffee.

    Half the day would go by and I'd be at my desk totally zoned in on work and forgot to eat. Appetite has been dwindling, and I haven't felt the munchies in forever. I'm in fairly decent shape btw.

    Pretty sure it's the nicotine, but it's also happened before when it's just pure flowers. Wanted to share this phenomenon with y'all.

    1 Comment
    10:34 UTC


    Where to Buy Legal HHC in UK💯?

    If you're looking to buy legal HHC (hexahydrocannabinol) in the UK, DozeCBD is the premier destination for high-quality HHC products. As a trusted and reputable provider, They offers a diverse range of HHC items to meet all your needs, ensuring that you receive top-notch products that comply with UK legal standards.

    You can explore an extensive selection of HHC products, including gummies, hash, flowers, and more. Each product is carefully crafted to deliver the desired effects of HHC, known for its unique psychoactive properties that are distinct from traditional THC and CBD. The gummies are a popular choice for those who prefer a convenient and tasty way to consume HHC, offering precise dosages for controlled and enjoyable experiences.

    For those who enjoy the traditional method of consumption, DozeCBD's HHC flowers provide a high-quality, natural option. These flowers are meticulously grown and harvested to ensure they contain the optimal levels of HHC, providing a satisfying experience whether you choose to smoke or vaporize them. Additionally, their HHC hash offers a potent and concentrated form of HHC, ideal for those looking for a more intense experience.

    they stands out for its commitment to quality and legality. They ensure that all their HHC products are produced in accordance with UK regulations, giving you peace of mind that you are purchasing safe and legal items. Their dedication to transparency and customer satisfaction means you can trust the purity and potency of their products.

    Whether you're a seasoned HHC enthusiast or new to the compound, the knowledgeable staff and comprehensive product range make it easy to find exactly what you're looking for. Their user-friendly website provides detailed information on each product, including usage recommendations and dosage guidelines, helping you make informed decisions.

    In summary, if you're seeking high-quality, legal HHC products in the UK, DozeCBD is your go-to source. With their wide selection of gummies, hash, flowers, and more, you can confidently explore the benefits of HHC, knowing you are getting the best products available in the market.

    09:33 UTC


    Is taking Ritalin and Smoking weed bad?

    To start, I have doctor-diagnosed ADHD. I’m not a junkie or a college student preparing for finals. My question is: if I take my Ritalin as prescribed in the morning and then smoke marijuana later in the day, will the combination be harmful? I’ve done this in the past without much thought, and it made me feel kinda weird, like I was hyper-focused and relaxed at the same time but not in a bad way. I assume the way crossing these drugs would affect you is different for people without ADHD, since Ritalin works to correct an imbalance in my brain whereas it’ll likely just enhance focus in someone without ADHD. I know it’s nothing immediately dangerous, I’m just more worried about long term health problems, or if this combination is known to cause emotional or mental issues.

    09:19 UTC


    $5 grinder. Thoughts?

    I’m new to weed so don’t say some rude/slick shit. Now I know the whole “you get what you payed for” alright I know that. But joints cost $1 and heck, they get the job done. Is a $5 grinder from Amazon safe at all? I heard some people saying don’t buy the $10 ones since they have metal shavings inside. If that’s true then I’ll just throw away the $5 one I got from Amazon. Again, I’m new to the whole weed thing so just tell me if it’s safe to use or not.

    09:19 UTC


    Another post inspired me to ask: What was your absolute favorite stoner day?

    So pretty much what the title says. What was your best, most memorable day involving large amounts of marijuana?

    Back in about 2015, I bought some CRAZY frosty White Widow. Haven't been able to find anything that crazy since. Massive dabs, shatter pens, hell even mushrooms have never gotten me as high as that weed did- and I do a lot of mushrooms!

    Anyways, buddy and I grind up 2 grams and share 4 bowls over the course of 2 hours. We went for a walk along the pier in my hometown and I was so baked I thought there were millions of tiny fish just beneath the water's surface. Turns out I was just so baked I was seeing a static filter over everything in my vision.

    After a while I started just wandering off, decided I needed some beer to sober up off the weed. Went into the liquor store and got refused service because I couldn't manage to choke out a single word or ask for what I wanted. I was 25 at the time, mind you. I ran out of the store because I was embarrassed and immediately started chainsmoking cigarettes in their parking lot.

    I then realized that I had just abandoned my friend and walked over a kilometer away. I went back to see him in the exact same spot, so stoned his eyes were practically swollen shut. He's sitting in front of a 6 pack of beer, saying he'd forgotten he brought it in his backpack.

    We got picked up by his buddy who owned a 15 passenger panel van with the back 2 rows of seats removed. He had put down several cushions, hung plants from the roof, put in trippy LED lights and stuff, so we were taking bong rips and drinking beers in the back of buddy's van having the time of our lives while he drove us around.

    We ended up at a chill little get-together at my drummer's place, his mom made us cookies and we took some dabs and played Skate 3. I never got below (10) all night, and at the peak of it I was (13). It was the perfect day.

    09:15 UTC


    Is my plant starting flower

    09:04 UTC


    [ Amnesia ] What's your thoughts ?

    1 Comment
    09:04 UTC


    [ Blue Amnesia ] What's yout thoughts ?

    08:59 UTC


    i got really high because today i learned that my dad might have leukemia, to try and not be so upset by it, surround myself with laughter instead of just my thoughts and now im eating a bunch of toaster strudels and im not worrying because i know if whatever happens, its going to be okay

    08:55 UTC



    Hypothetically if I had to get blood work done in about 3 days and it's been about a day since I've hypothetically had an 100mg edible that would definitely show on the test right 😞 and hypothetically i am underage by like 2 years hypothetically of course ☝️ this is definitely a stupid question but I'd still like to know for future references if this was to ever occur yknow?

    1 Comment
    08:16 UTC


    I took a random drug test and I fear that I will fail

    Hello fellow tree enthusiasts.

    Forgive the formatting, I'm nervous typing this on my mobile. But anyway, like the title states, I just did a random drug test today for work and I am unsure if I will pass it.

    Here's the story, I recently got a job with a mechanical company as a general labourer and have been in it for only a month and a half. I don't mind the job and it pays well. Unfortunately, the company follows the DOT rulebook and I've been a lover for Mary Jane since my college days (a bad mix). However, I only had access to state legal products like my hemp derived THC-P vape pen which I bought recently and used over the weekend to treat myself. I wanted to celebrate finishing a major project so I hit the pen about 6-8 times throughout the weekend. I thought I'd be safe and would have only used it every other weekend. Surprise surprise, my superintendant comes in four days later and says "luck of the draw; you're up for a random drug test, kid." So here I am, about five hours later after taking the test, typing this post while still sweating bullets.

    My question to you wonderful people is: how can I go about explaining myself if I get a phone call from the main office for failing my drug test? I saw that the DOT drug policy section prohibits any use of federally illegal drugs. But, according to 2018's farm bill, hemp derived products with a certain thc percentage is federally legal which my vape pen falls under. Could I go about explaining that I consumed a federally legal product that doesn't violate DOT's drug policy while not directly before or during work hours?

    P.s. Sorry if this is just extreme cope (because it is), but I need this job and I thought hitting the penjamin during my day off for the first time in months would be harmless.

    07:59 UTC



    I know this is a bit dumb but I’m grasping at straws here

    Been a daily smoker for the past two years I’ll take a t break once every two months for a week or so, I’ve just started a job in the middle of the bush (I’m In Aus) and my supply has run out three weeks ago and it’s bloody impacting me, I use weed at night for sleep and it in general just helps me get along so much better but I’ve got none rn

    I’m debating ordering a cart online but I don’t even know if it would get through customs or what the go would be, I think the worst id get is a letter so I’m not worried abt that I just actually want to get the mf cart

    Been looking at a website called vape shop that sells carts if anyone’s used that? Or if anyone’s gotten carts online in Aus and can lmk what works for them much appreciated

    07:48 UTC


    crying uncontrollably after munching on some

    hi yall, i havent had/taken(???) edibles in like 3 years and even that is pushing it because ive only had them maybe twice.

    my brother gave me a little bit of this chocolate bar edible and he said the whole thing had 4g. i took maybe 3-4 chocolate squares and ate them all in one sitting.

    now im crying nonstop and really hard 💀😭. i dont even know why and i havent cried like this since 2020 when my mental health was in hell. it’s not like tears of joy, but im feeling fr fr sad and im so confused by my reaction??😅😅

    07:35 UTC


    What's everyone's favourite thing to do while high?

    If you haven't listened to dire straits - telegraph road, you should. 2-3 cones or a joint is the perfect amount.

    07:23 UTC


    Has this ever happened to you? Where outside feels inside?

    1 Comment
    07:13 UTC


    What are y'alls favorite snacks while high (that I can get for relatively cheap)

    Hey everybody! I've started doing uber eats deliveries, and since I live right by a campus, the number of drunk and/or high people is cranked up to eleven.

    These people make up a huge part of my deliveries, and I'd like to start keeping little "thank you" snacks in my sling bag.

    Can you all please give me some small (roughly "fun size") snack ideas that won't break the bank? I've seen a lot of fruit trays mentioned here, but that's really freaking expensive, and it would obviously spoil, too.

    I'm already gonna buy some electrolyte sticks for the drunk folks, and I could probably swing some mini boxes of raisins. I'm convinced that I could do this for less than $15-$20 per month, especially if I catch candy bags on post-holiday clearance.

    If I were delivering to you, what would you like to get as a "bonus item"?

    07:08 UTC


    I wanna grow. In LV. Helps and tips please.

    I wanna try to grow cannabis.

    Any sites that sell cheap bundles of seeds? Or do they only sell singles at like 20$ a seed. And any guides or vids on growing in hot climates like LV.

    Also i have some seeds from buying that i found in my grinder lately. Will these seeds grow plants that have buds? Or no? They need to be feminized.

    06:27 UTC


    Lined up so nice

    05:39 UTC


    Reclaim Retrieval From Rig

    Does anybody have some advice on how to capture the reclaim globs from their rigs? I am trying to make some edibles using the wax, but have never figured out how to keep the reclaim from inside my rig. Only on the little side stem thing...

    04:44 UTC


    Did I just have a weed-induced psychosis?

    I got so high earlier. I did not even realize that I was high at all until I went to go show my friend in the passenger seat a meme on my phone. When I turned to show them the meme, I realized that nobody was actually there. I was all alone the entire time. I began panicking because for at least 10 minutes I was positive that I was in the comfort of someone else’s presence. My heart began racing and I started to notice the people around me who were talking in the parking lot. I ended up somehow convincing myself that they were talking about me and laughing at me. I kept having these recurring thoughts that one of them was going to knock on my car window and tell me to leave because I looked like a tweaker. I almost convinced myself that it actually happened until I realized that the people were still standing in the same spot. Everything was just super scary and felt like it was in my face. It only lasted about 40 minutes but felt like hours. So glad it’s over.

    04:30 UTC


    What does being high feel like for the people without Internal monologue

    apparently about 30% - 50% of people completely dont have that voice in their head when they think. so how does being high feel like for these people since when im stoned all i hear is the inner voice in my head speaking loudly and taking over my mind.

    04:21 UTC


    My GF wants to smoke weed for the first time, what should I use?

    So to give a little more context, she has experienced being high before ( but only on Delta 8 gummies). I have smoked before however she told me that she wanted to experience the real stuff, THC. I do have a couple things in my disposal, however since it's her first time I'm a little nervous with using wrapping papers or a bong. I'm overthinking it down to even the strain cause I am not a fan of sativa. I have papers, a bong, a gravity bong, and pipe. I recommended we could use the gravity bong to reduce the burn, however I don't want her to get too high to where she has a bad time and I haven't touched a gravity in months (to be fair, I haven't touched weed in almost half a year).

    So my question sums up to: what type of weed should I get(indica/sativa/hybrid) and what method should I do for her first time ever smoking (bong/papers/gravitybong)?

    04:20 UTC


    What is this bug and how do I deal with it?

    I found these larvae looking bugs hanging from my grow light. They're attached the light with a single thread of web that seems to be connected to their abdomen. I found maybe 20-30 of them hanging. I think I got them all. Should I be worried?

    1 Comment
    04:14 UTC


    Looking for smoke buddiee

    Wassup yall, anybody up in Spring TX tryna smoke together, lowkey want some new friends as well.

    04:13 UTC


    Tolerance after 8 day break

    I've been smoking (exclusively vaping) everyday for about 4-5 years now. Since I got Arizer Air Max, I smoke 0.3g/day in weekdays at night and anytime I want on weekends.

    I needed to go to Russia for 8 days, so obligatory tolerance break😄 Now I'm back, and for two days I haven't even been able to go over 0.1g, I'm getting ridiculously stoned with that amount and the duration is literally doubled.

    Am I really lucky or is this gonna pass soon? Not that I'm complaining of course, I like this situation so much. Is 8 days really all it took for a reset?

    04:08 UTC


    Not sure what's going on: High for 20 minutes then back to normal.

    I smoke often, daily.. I've noticed the duration I am high has decreased a lot -- 20 minutes maybe half an hour if im lucky. It could be just a tolerance, but usually switching from wax, to flower, to vape pen fixes it.. however i'm finding now that I don't get as high for very long and the high isn't as high as I'd like it to be. I'm experienced, basically smoked through college and after for like 10 years then stopped for about 3 and then slowly started smoking again. I don't remember needing to take a break in the past.. any ideas?

    03:47 UTC


    how is this smoke spot?

    1 Comment
    03:46 UTC

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