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    The Science Behind Cannabis Watering Techniques: What you need to know

    I just wrote an in-depth article breaking down the science behind dialed-in watering practices. But so that you don’t have to read the whole article, here are the key points:

    • Quality Over Quantity: Maintain the right volumetric water content (VWC) levels to ensure cannabis plants receive adequate hydration without drowning or experiencing water stress. The optimal VWC varies based on growth stage, environmental conditions, and strain.
    • Back it With Science: Monitor VWC and water to dryback percentages based on scientific principles like allowing the growing medium to partially dry out between waterings to encourage root exploration and prevent issues like root rot.
    • Unique Plant Insights: Follow watering practices tailored to each cannabis growth stage - seedling (gentle misting/bottom watering), vegetative (increased water for rapid growth), and flowering (careful monitoring to prevent mold/bud rot).

    The full article covers critical topics like optimizing volumetric water content, benefits of watering to dryback percentages, and much more.

    Thanks for reading!

    1 Comment
    12:19 UTC


    How long to wait to smoke after tooth extraction?

    Got a lower front tooth extracted yesterday, it’s a pretty small tooth and it’s been about 30 hours since and I would love to smoke some bowls right now from my bong.

    Dentist gave me a sheet that specified:

    • Tonight, avoid hot foods, alcohol and weed

    If I do smoke, I’ve got spare gauze that could protect the tooth in theory, how could I go about this? I definitely don’t want dry socket. But then again, my friend smoked cigarettes 4 hours after getting wisdom teeth removal.

    It feels like it’s healing well, not too much pain, no swelling and it stopped bleeding right after it came out and hasn’t started again.

    11:48 UTC


    First time trying edibles

    Hi everyone, a friend had gifted me 2 200mg cookies. Im a very square guy so I have never smoked or taken anything containing cannabis (matter of fact i have never drank either). Im contemplating throwing it away however I am also of the mind that it's about time I start trying novel experiences in my life, so what would be a good dose to start? And what would be the potential implications of downing both cookies at the same time. Thanks in advance 🙌🏻

    1 Comment
    11:45 UTC


    Trees make me paranoid and confident at the same time?

    Hi, I've noticed with certain strains I get more confident and free and don't think about what I say (this is great for me as I do have social anxiety so I'm hyper aware of what I'm saying most of the time anyway) but then after I will think more about what I just said as it seems like the words just appeared, it's a good thing and bad thing as I love the freedom and not thinking and speaking my mind but then it's like my normal anxiety hits again afterwards even to best friends, any tips?

    11:10 UTC


    Does anyone feel as if weed has drastically dulled your memory?

    I have been smoking for maybe 3 years now. Sometimes I feel that my memory is not as good as it was before I started to smoke. Does anyone feel like their memory isn’t as good? Do any of you think your memory has changed a lot?

    11:05 UTC


    Like fortune cookies but for weed! 😂

    Got these as a gift from my wife! All papers need to have inspirational quotes or jokes.

    Have a great day everyone!

    1 Comment
    10:53 UTC


    Sudden strong reaction

    I experiment a bit with making some cannabis oil. This time I used some hash. It's pretty nice hash, very soft, lightish colour. I'm in UK so you get what your given!

    I infused an eighth in some olive oil over a low heat and got about 25ml out of it. I use it to microdose for sleep. First I had 5 drops, I had already vaped a bit earlier but noticed that the 5 drops had a stronger effect than needed but slept soundly. I played around with 1-3 drops without feeling particularly high at all.

    Last night 3 drops. Didn't fall straight to sleep and noticed my mind wasn't right. Dozing a bit. Got up for the toilet after an hour or so and I was feeling really really off. A bit trippy. Freaked out, heart pounding. I should NOT of fealt like that from a tiny dose. The more I didn't want to be high the higher I fealt which is something I might have had before. Hardly slept.

    I don't get it?

    I'm not a big user at all but have used my whole life on a and off. I'm 43

    Even if the hash is 20% and I got a good extraction max 1mg a drop I reckon

    10:15 UTC


    When you don’t know what you’re having for breakfast but, you start your day with a couple o dabs.

    10:06 UTC



    Hello guys i am really lost and dont know what to do.I had a really good harvest but during drying all the dense headbuds got a bit of mold inside, you cant almost see it... how bad would it be to smoke? if its not smokeable can i at least turn into bubble hash if i use a lot of diffeent bags to filter it?

    10:04 UTC


    Looking for advice…

    Currently writing this at 5:30 am, on day 7 of a much needed break from za. Honestly been really great so far. Ive been smoking almost every day for about 10 years, since I was 15 pretty much.

    I love everything about smoking. Since I was a child I’ve had trouble sleeping and eating. As a young teen I struggled with bad anxiety. I guess I’ve been using weed to self medicate for those for years. Honestly, that was never the goal. I just liked to be high ! lol. I decided I want to take a break, since I never really have. So far I’ve really enjoyed it ! It’s not like I was high 24/7, but having a few days without it completely has been fun. Surprisingly easy as well ! I don’t crave it nearly as much as I craved other addictions (nic and porn for example) that I had to kick. I’ve been being a bit more productive, as I don’t have the luxury of curing boredom with a bowl. All in all, I’m sure I’ll come back to weed eventually but I’m really enjoying my time without.

    Well, except for two things. I can’t fucking eat or sleep. I get hungry but very picky with no appetite. I’m an (aspiring) body builder , so I’m usually good at forcing food down. The last week I’ve probably averaged less than 1000 calories a day. No matter how hungry I get , I can’t finish’s a plate. I also haven’t been able to fall asleep before 3am. Today , it’s almost 6 and I’m still up. I know T breaks are pretty common here , so I was wondering if anyone has any advice on how to fix these things? Does CBD help ? Any natural appetite boosters ? Does melatonin actually help ? I’m sure there’s some answers on google, but I wanted to see if the community has any tips. Thanks in advance and sorry if this is not allowed.

    TLDR taking a break and I can’t eat or sleep for shit. Help !?

    09:44 UTC


    What is ur fav stoner story? [Story Time]

    Im in a mood for some nice stoner storys also i wanna share two of mine.

    First story: Wholesome Busdriver

    My best friend, his little brother and i got invited to a garden party. In germany many people own a small gardens with a small house and teens/young adults use those for partys in the summer time. We had a really okay time there, sometimes the vibe felt off. So after a while we went to find a good spot and smoke some doobskin. Obviously the unavoidable happened... We were hungry. So burger King it was! Nice time tasty food and a dope milkshake. This is probably my fav thing to drink while high. It was around 04:00 am in the morning. Thats when we dicided to head home. For me its basically wait for a bus that drives to my busstop that is around 500m away from my home. I was pretty baked with a combination of little bit alc. So when the bus came i was happy to get home. Sadly after one busstop the bus driver told the only three people in there that he is shift was over. Pani raised that i had to go home by walking for a hour +. But then the busdriver asked us where we needed to go. The other two people needed to go to the next busstop but i had to go to the ~7 bus stop(?). And this wholesome busdriver then drove us to our busstop even tho his shift ended. I went up to him to have a nice chat with him which also was really cool. He is a immigrant and loves his job because he can support his family in germany and his home country with his money. After the two others went out this dude drove me not only to my busstop but even further. He droped me of excalty a few steps from my door.

    I will never forget this experience because he didnt have to do it. Yet he did and made my night unforgetable.

    Sec Story: Echo and football field (yea i call it football not soccer)

    This is quite a short story because its about my best friend and I having a few bubatzs (bubatz=the ger meme term for joint) on a football field. The cool thing was we had some gum. Idk if its common but u can create a really loud sound with just a gum by basically doing a bubble but instead of blowing u had to suck the air in. Because then u create a vacuum and the moment the layer of the gum cant hold up against the vacuum the sound is created. Idk why but this football field had such a great acoustics. Because of it we could hear the sound traveling away and back to us and together with being baked we had a feeling of the sound taking an incredible long time to reflecting back to us. We were laughing our asses of just because the sound traveling.

    Those are my fav stoner storys that i experienced. I am really interested what you guys experienced while being stoned!

    Please let me know where i made grammatic/spelling mistakes. Will.be glad to correct myself. Typing this on my shitty phone.

    09:00 UTC


    Can THC oil be laced with LSD???

    Because holy shit. I'm in a legal state and it was my usual dispensary. I am really not ok..is this a thing?

    08:31 UTC


    Tolerance break

    I’ve been trying to stop smoking weed as much because i’m starting to never want to be sober anymore. The first three days were not good at all. I felt like I was disassociating the whole day, my eyes felt weird, and it felt like i was in a dream. Does anyone have any tips on how to take a tolerance break from weed?

    08:16 UTC


    Any time I get high my inner dialogue sounds like someone talking into a microphone that’s right next to my ear and is really. Does anyone know why this is happening?

    1 Comment
    08:12 UTC


    Girlfriend experiences a second high the day after smoking and we are unsure why

    It doesn’t matter if its flower or edibles if she gets high it’ll go away but then randomly the next day it’ll hit again and we can’t really find anything on why this happens. It never happens with carts though which I think is extra odd, it also typically does not matter how much she does as she could do a little and have the same effect

    07:01 UTC


    4/20 Ideas?

    My friends and I all took the day off of work to smoke all day. I was just wondering what ur guys fav things to do while you smoke? Activities or games we could do? I was thinking about a baking competition? Rolling competition for sure. Let me know what ur guys plans for 4/20 are

    06:42 UTC


    Cherry bomb 🍒💣

    1 Comment
    06:24 UTC


    smokin fuckin broccoli

    06:13 UTC


    Miracle Alien Cookies

    06:03 UTC


    Despite living in a country where 10 gr can cost $1.05 per airtight sachet, I still haven't finished this stockpile that has been sitting for 2 months. How long would this last you?

    05:24 UTC


    Anyone else experience this?

    Recently for the past 4 days or so I have found myself a little disgusted by weed. Now I've been smoking almost everyday for the past year or so and I absolutely loved it, that's why it's so odd to me. I don't know what it is, but it could be one of 2 things.

    I recently did dabs and absolutely hated them. The taste, the smell, the feel, all of it.


    I have had the flu for the 4 days that I've felt this way.

    Could it be the bad experience with dabs that make me dislike it this much? Would that even make sense? Would it make sense for the flu to make my body stay away from weed?

    I can now only smoke joints now and I still feel weird about it.

    Please if anyone can help answer this I would greatly appreciate it.

    05:23 UTC


    Hows my first hand rolled J looking, any advice?

    05:22 UTC


    This is the second time I've done this today.

    05:09 UTC


    Advice on smoking after panic attack

    I used to smoke once a month or so for about 1.5-2 years, then I got a dab pen… I was ripping that shit daily like in a matter of a month I went from smoking on special occasions l, to smoking weekly with friends and by the end I was smoking daily at home alone. at my peak I was doing multiple hits from a 99% thc sativa cart on the 4v setting on my pen.

    Then it all came crashing down, I started to take finastride for hairloss (idk if this has anything to do with my panic attack but it does cause anxiety?) and after two weeks of taking it I took the pill after I got high because I was like “oh shit i forgot to take my daily dose”.

    the entire time I was a little on edge because “what if it mixes badly with finastride?” I had looked it up and it doesn’t but after a couple hours I had a mild panic attack. I brushed it off but they kept coming. every time I got high after I had a panic attack. so I stopped both weed and finastride.

    I haven’t smoked since the new year started and I’m mostly fine, however I have gotten a few panic attacks since then, mostly related to the fear of getting another panic attack and my heart rate

    I want to smoke again super bad, I loved when I was high, music was amazing movies were funny. But now every time I think about weed I get nervous because what if it goes bad? What if it’s fine like last time and in a few months I have another panic attack?

    What is your advice/experience with this. how can I enjoy weed again?

    04:57 UTC

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