Instances of crazy fixes that actually ended up working. Or not working, I'm a description, not the cops.
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Subreddit of the Day (December 1, 2012)
optiplex 7010 (free) ssd + hdd 8gb ram i5 3570 gtx 1060 3gb gpu ($60) corsair cx430 ($25)
...until you make it wall mountable.
I'm trying to permanently affix different usb-c adapters to different ends of a usb-c CABLE.
Each cable requires two DIFFERENT adapters. The end/adapters are posted here: https://a.co/d/87UCs0X
For example, one cable needs adapter ends #1 and #2, another cable needs adapter ends #1 and #3, another cable needs adapter ends #2 and #3.
These cables are for connecting different things together in different situations (mounted external battery to steam deck, steam deck to 3rd party dock, charging brick in tight space to 3rd party dock, etc etc etc.)
I cannot find ready made cables with the end orientations I need for each cable. The are usually uniform, and not in the lengths I want, not to mention I already have the cables and don't want to buy more.
These cables will be plugged and unplugged frequently, so the adapters need to stay permanently affixed and have staying power.
EDIT 3: I AM NOT SURE HOW MUCH CLEARER I CAN MAKE IT. Please note the 2 adapters are DIFFERENT. This is on purpose. Just need the adapters PERMANENTLY affixed once they've been put on.
why would you use wake on lan when you can just hook up an arduino directly to the power switch on the motherboard.
the arduino have to be outside of the case to connect to the wifi so it goes out one of the holes for the pci cards. and to power the arduino, there is a front panel usb thing from another pc case inside of the case.
(modified it since the photo, it’s just cables now, I removed the breadboard. i also duct taped the cable to the top of the case so i can pick up the case without it hanging, I also put a lot of duct tape over the front panel thing to prevent short circuits)
Testing an upgraded motherboard that is partially compatible with my old laptop. Can't replace it just yet until I take care of the compatibility, but it works! It's going to be an upgrade from a Celeron N2830 to an i7 6500U
Male to male connector from paper clip and binder clip
It worked for a few weeks until I haven’t forgotten to bring the correct cable.