Instances of crazy fixes that actually ended up working. Or not working, I'm a description, not the cops.
The premier "slapping a fan on something" subreddit since August 2012.
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TSMG Rules:
1) Follow the Rules of Reddit and use Reddiquette.
2) Posts must contain a MacGyver or be a question about a MacGyver. A MacGyver'd solution is defined as fixing something by using parts that are not the intended replacement parts and/or using unorthodox methods to get something working again. A MacGyver'd solution is also improving on something (whether or not it works) by improving existing functionality in an unorthodox way or by using unorthodox parts. It is not about whether the repair works, but the spirit of the endeavor.
Questions can be asked, but the solutions should not be boring.
3) Posts must be relevant. It doesn't have to be a computer or even electronics - it just has to be MacGyver-y.
4) Text posts are allowed, but images are preferred.
5) Please respect the mods. They're moderating this because they want to, not because they have to.
6) Stay safe: MacGyver at your own risk. Any and all repairs, modifications, hacks, changes, etc. made (hardware and/or software) are done at your own risk. We encourage and enjoy modding & hacking, but please do it safely and please remember that things can go wrong!
7) Do not ask for tech support. Unorthodox solutions are what /r/techsupportmacgyver is here for, remember that asking for orthodox solutions is off-topic and belongs in /r/techsupport.
Promoted Subreddits:
Subreddit of the Day (December 1, 2012)
The central heating for my apartment only kicks on if the ambient temperature is below 65⁰F. This is unfortunate because it's in a hallway nearer to the mini split which is in the kitchen, the bedrooms are a little bit chilly this morning (it was 10⁰ outside). I put a tupperware of ice on the sensor to fool it. Lo and behold it worked! I tricked the sensor and now the back rooms are getting consistent heat!
It's first Ben changed to usb then I made a adapter from a 9v power supply to a female usb a without changing the voltage
You just add another power supply.
So I made the world’s shittiest isolation transformer from scrap microwaves…
The temporary permanent mounting solution until I could find a good place for my soundbar or wall mount the TV
The rubber was so hard it wouldn’t spin the disc… so i got the closest rubber thing…