Receiver 2 simulates every internal part of each firearm based on manufacturer schematics and gunsmithing resources. Learn exactly how each sidearm works, including how to load and unload them, clear malfunctions, and operate their safety features.
Receiver 2 simulates every internal part of each firearm based on manufacturer schematics and gunsmithing resources. Learn exactly how each sidearm works, including how to load and unload them, clear malfunctions, and operate their safety features.
Does anyone have a high quality version of the Receiver 2 soundtrack cover? The one with the buildings that look like guns.
I'm using a Google Home connected via Bluetooth as a speaker for my PC. Every time I boot up receiver 2, the audio never works. I check the in game audio settings, I check my speaker settings, I check the Bluetooth connection and only restarting my computer fixes it. Does anyone know a solution to this issue? I have never had any audio issues with any other game or software
Genuine question, I'm unsure if it's just a weird bug or if it's a quirk actual guns have (I live in the UK lol) or if it's just a part of the dreaming etc. I only really play the game in the Compound so it's something I've always wondered lol, it happening with the Hi-Point is what actually prompted this post
Hey ya'll, I'm relatively new to Receiver, only got upto about Sleepwalker difficulty
I just picked up a hand with an illuminati symbol on it and I'm kinda lost. :/
Any tips??
Have loved this game/series for so long, and I was sad to see that I had completely missed that they released the 2 soundtracks on cassette, and that they were long sold out. I have looked around online and can find zero evidence that anyone has ever sold one. If anyone here has any idea where I should look/is willing to talk about selling theirs to me, please reach out!
If this post is up assume that I am still looking for both
I got a good run with 19.547 and it still hasn't given me a 3 star. What is the 3 star score for this?
Can someone help me understand why I always come back to this game? Like every few months I spend almost a week or more always playing it. What is it in this game that keeps me coming back?
So, I've spent most of today trying to get the Pacifist achievement on Receiver 2, with no luck until just now. Played multiple times through without ever firing a shot, even dry firing. Kept my finger off the mouse button, didn't hack drones, the works.
The thing that finally worked? Don't holster the gun. It seems that a quick-holster, which will tap the trigger (but not fire if the gun is in "safe" mode) will still count as pulling the trigger for this achievement, based on what I saw.
So yeah, keep that gun at a low ready, not like you should be hacking anyway. Thought I'd share so maybe the next person to Google this issue might have better luck finding an answer.
P.S. you can get the achievement on Baseline rank, that works fine
So, I’m trying to work one some Receiver 2 based bots on Character.ai. I already have 2 of them done and I’m planning on making 7 total. Should I keep going or call it quits and grind Receiver 2 instead?