Subreddit for popping addicts and the pop-curious. Blackheads, pimples, cysts, abscesses, and more.
Under new management and subject to change
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Other subs you may like
Weird stuff like this sub | Description |
/r/gonewildpopping | NSFW pops on privates |
/r/softpops | for all pops that aren't gory nor actual bodily fluids |
/r/peeling | Pictures, videos, and stories about peeling skin |
/r/thatpeelingfeeling | place to share in the unique joy that is peeling the plastic off of new objects |
/r/plucking | Pictures and videos of hairs, splinters, and other foreign objects being plucked out |
/r/tonsilstones | Self-explanatory |
/r/Warts | Pictures, videos and home remedies advice about warts. |
/r/boogers | Self-explanatory |
/r/MedicalGore | Medical gore is a place for gory pics/videos with some connection to professional medicine |
/r/Medizzy | sharing medical cases, medical videos informative pictures and inspiring stories |
/r/Trypophobia | I dare you |
Advice type subs | --- |
/r/skincareaddiction | For when you want to admit you have a problem and get help |
/r/CompulsiveSkinPicking | Self-explanatory |
/r/Dermatillomania | Text only version of CSP |
/r/trichotillomania | Compulsive hair picking |
/r/AskDocs | Ask a doctor or medical professional on reddit! Mod note: You get what you pay for |
My husband hates me doing this lol
Irrigated an underarm with hydrogen peroxide
got to rinse w/ syringe at home for the first time since dry socket treatment. honestly it hurts now lol but very satisfying
it had a lil explosion but I don't think the camera caught it
This shit hurts so bad I had to poke it a little to releive some pressure, is throbbing so bad it feels like my thumb is gonna explode, it doesn't look bad now but its hot to the touch and it hurts like a bitch. Wouldn't wish this on my worst enemy😭
Hot butter burn at work.
Found this on my dog’s hind leg and it was exquisite. Wish I got a video of the squeeze!
First, I apologize for the blackhead moving out of the shot at certain times. This is on my back by my right shoulder blade and extremely hard to get to. My GOOD-time extractor is already a little bent from me doing this so much 😂 This sucker refills every couple of months. This is after not popping for several months (6+). I think it’s gods biggest joke on me ever to make me a popaholic but then put this amazing blackhead in such a crappy place on my body. My husband refuses to pop it for me so we can film and get it cleaned out more. We’ll settle for this.
My cat decided she wanted to try and jump onto a hot stove while I was cooking. Pushed the pan away and had to practically karate chop her mid air. She will be locked away when any cooking happens now
Long time lurker, first time poster. Please enjoy this MRI scan of my noggin’.
Got a head MRI for the first time in my life. 0/10 for super sound sensitive folk like me. Even with ear plugs and the sound of the MRI whirling, I could hear the music the techs were playing in the control room. Anyways, went to see why I was having migraines / headaches constantly and found out I got a huge cyst in my right maxillary sinus. (I do not recommend the surgery squeamish peeps looking up how they remove sinus cysts.) So this will make 1 of the 4 other surgeries I’m gonna need this year. 🫠
Original link if my screen record isn't good enough.
Truly one of the best nose extractions. Oldie but a goodie by Ngoc Bon Spa