The goal of r/MedicalGore is to foster medical discussion and learning through the gruesome reality of the vulnerability of humankind. Posts must have a medical connection and OP interaction with commenters is strongly encouraged. When you find cool medical stuff to post, please try to add a medical background.
Medical gore is a place for gory pics/videos with some connection to professional medicine. From selfies in the ER, to autopsy documentation, from bot fly removals, to academic surgical videos, from botched tummy tucks, to reconstructive facial surgeries. We welcome it all.
This will be decided at the moderators' discretion. If you are unsure as to whether or not your submission would qualify, please don't hesitate to message the mods.
This means no personal or identifying information about yourself or anyone else. If you work in healthcare, think of this as a warning against HIPAA violations. This is a zero tolerance policy and violators will be banned.
This will be decided at the moderators' discretion. If you are unsure as to whether or not your submission would qualify, please don't hesitate to message the mods.
We do not allow postmortem pictures unless they are in some context of medical autopsies.
Any content with a minor is subject is typically discouraged and subject to moderator discretion. Must have strong medical educational content that cannot be shown with an adult subject. Must add Child victim flair to post.
The purpose for this sub revolves around the human body, essentially for scientific/educational curiosity and general fascination. Therefore, submissions revolving around animals are considered inappropriate for the sub and will be removed.
Posts depicting self harm will be removed. This means all forms of self harm including cutting, burning, skin peeling, etc.
All posts depicting genitals must be tagged NSFW and flaired appropriately.
Posts that have been posted in the last 90 days will be removed
Please limit your submissions to 5 posts per day. This is to dissuade spamming and to encourage diversity in our posts. Users who violate this rule will be subjected to a 5 day ban.
Keep your comments civil and educational. You will be banned for making disparaging or shaming comments about content or people. There is no need to go out of your way to be unkind to random internet strangers!
Joke comments and other off-topic comments (including, but not limited to, food comparisons, vulgarity, etc) are not allowed and will be removed; this sub is for medical discussion.
This sub is for the viewing and discussing of medical gore and medical science pertaining to the gore, it is in no way, shape, or function meant to be a medical advice forum. Comments or posts containing any of the former will be removed and the user subjected to a 5 day ban.
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A significant loss of volume, induration and hyperpigmentation was evident 20 months after completion of radiotherapy
Patent presented to practitioners office for an Liletta IUD insertion. Speculum was inserted. Doctor sterilized, measured, clamped the uterus, and then attempted insertion of the Iud. Device failed to disconnect from the applicator. Insertion was attempted a few more times before procedure was discontinued.
I know this is mild compared to some gore but I had a mild tumble down a single step the other day and resulted with this huge bruise. I showed it to my doctor at my recent follow up for something else and her first words were “oh my god” I am not on blood thinners or anything so I have no idea why it bruised so bad
Intraoperative images of the uterus objectify right unicornuate uterus: (a): The right fallopian tube and the right ovary. (b) & (c): The uterus is cylindrical with a flattened left wall.
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Four divers in a decompression chamber system were suddenly decompressed. One of the divers was about to close the door between the chamber system and the trunk when the accident happened. He was shot out through the door and severely mutilated. The three others died on the spot. The autopsy results are described.
Source: https://zero.sci-hub.se/5268/7dda7cee52d7eb3ec606a82d0f1b9a61/giertsen1988.pdf
As someone who'd worked offshore, but fortunately never experienced more than a cut on a pinky and people limping about with gout.