This is subreddit created for medical professionals who want to discuss amazing medical cases, watch useful medical videos and share inspiring pictures. All about Medicine!!!
/r/medizzy is a subreddit for healthcare professionals, medical students, premed, and candidates for medical school who are interested in sharing medical cases, medical videos informative pictures and inspiring stories from their life or found in the internet.
JOIN Us and SHARE Medical Knowledge !!!!
Over +100k medical cases, videos, MCQ's on MEDizzy.com
Find amazing medical cases and stories on MEDizzy Journal
Rules and Guidelines
1. Be nice and use rediquette when posting
2. All users must have user flair
Please pick the flair from the list or create your own flair. Posts and comments from the users without the flair can be removed by mods.
3. Trolling, racial or sexual slurs will not be tolerated
4. No personal or identifying info.
This means no personal or identifying information about yourself or anyone else. If you work in healthcare, think of this as a warning against HIPAA violations. This is a zero tolerance policy and violators will be banned.
5. Submissions and comments.
All submissions should have some sort of medical connection
All links and photos need to have sources.
This will be decided at the moderators' discretion. If you are unsure as to whether or not your submission would qualify, please don't hesitate to message the mods.
6. Animals.
This sub revolves around the human body, essentially for scientific/educational curiosity and general fascination. Therefore, submissions revolving around animals are considered inappropriate for the sub and can be removed.
7. No crossposting and recent reposts.
Please publish only direct links and post. Posts that have been posted in the last 90 days will be removed
8. Educational content advertising is not disallowed but it requires the Moderator's approval.
This means if you want to promote learning resources (e.g. mobile apps, learning platforms) you need to contact the Moderators first via mod mail directly and get their approval before posting.
9. Do not ask for or provide medical or legal advice.
Posts requesting medical advice, treatments for a personal medical problem, or similar requests will be removed.
10. Moderators can remove any post or comment if they decide it is inappropriate.
11. Mark posts NSFW if needed. All gore posts without NSFW marking will be removed.
12. Self-harm posts are forbidden and will be removed.
Hey everyone, this will be my last update!
But exciting news my son received a donor heart. I get the odd message here and there asking how he is so I figured id close out my story with some good news.
We are incredibly grateful and lucky this process was so quick and for the family that donated. I cannot imagine how difficult that was for them.
We are thankful for all the great care he has received and all the support from everyone.
Thank you to this subreddit as well for the support and well wishes!
Surprisingly, this tibia + fibula compound fracture and some scrapes on my elbows were the only physical injuries from the accident.
I still get PTSD and severe anxiety anything motor vehicle related and have some slight nerve damage in my foot and leg but it could’ve been so much worse.
LVgram performed after confirming no coronary disease.