AKA How to become a subreddit moderator ninja
This subreddit is simply tutorials for moderators. Posts should either be a tutorial or a tutorial request. For questions about moderating, use /r/ModHelp. For questions about CSS, use /r/CSSHelp.
Mod tutorial topics include;
mod tutorial, moderator tutorials, moderation tutorials, sub tutorials, subreddit tutorials
AKA How to become a subreddit moderator ninja
This subreddit is simply tutorials for moderators. Posts should either be a tutorial or a tutorial request. For questions about moderating, use /r/ModHelp. For questions about CSS, use /r/CSSHelp.
Feel free to request a tutorial. Once the tutorial is made, the request will be removed. Requests need to be a bit generalized so that the resultant tutorial is helpful to more than just one subreddit. Questions on specifics are better served by /r/ModHelp and /r/CSSHelp.
Show only Moderation Tools topics
/r/ModSupport /r/announcements
/r/NeedAMod - posts for subreddits who need mods and vice versa
/r/RedditRequest - official requests for subreddits when mods are deleted or inactive
/r/adoptareddit - posts from folks who want to relinquish a subreddit
/r/ProjectCSS - helping folks with CSS
/r/toolbox (moderator toolbox)
Stattit - see helpful info on subreddits and mods / redditors
/r/ModHelp wiki collection of mod stuffs
Creesch's collection of moderation guides, tutorials, etc.
Raerth's Guide to Creating a Successful Reddit
Common CSS from the r/CSSHelp wiki - Part 1
Common CSS from the r/CSSHelp wiki - Part 2
reddit policy on self-promotion
The original page is now a 404. We need a new initial setup tutorial.
I need a tutorial with tablets about fonts, size, color, to work with wiki texts.
Also I need to know if it is possible to make big spaces between words in Wiki.
I created a secondary sub to do CSS testing and other site changes that were being considered (I am new so this was highly recommended while I was learning). I also added mods from main sub to this secondary one. I have found that by creating threads for suggestions and using the "pending" and "resolved" flair method, we are able to communicate on the issue, see the changes and make decisions about them prior to putting them on the main sub.
It also has been a great way to have "conferences" about things with out having to jump to mod mail.
Be sure to keep it set to private:)
This tip will help you quickly determine which of your fellow-mods approved that submission. Perhaps even more importantly, it'll let you know which kind of submissions the top-mod deems acceptable.
Managing many subreddits can be difficult, especially the comments.
Here's how to view ALL of the comments in the subreddits you moderate. This technique is helpful in discovering trolls or comments you deem inappropriate.
Simply replace the term SUBREDDIT with the actual name of the subreddit you moderate. Notice the + sign between them and the "slash comments" after the last one at the end.
To see all the comments in ONE subreddit, simply change the word SUBREDDIT to match the name of your subreddit. Here's an example:
Both these methods will only show to users who are not subscribed.
###Method 1
This method shows a message at the top of the page in an official looking manner.
Code snippet:
body:not(.subscriber) #siteTable:before {
content: "Hey! You are currently not subscribed, you may want to consider subscribing for regular updates from the subreddit.";
display: block;
max-width: 800px;
background-color: #F6E69F;
padding: 5px 10px;
margin: 5px 305px 5px 0px;
border: 1px solid orange;
font-size: small;
###Method 2
Using this method you can have a 300x255px image on the sidebar which can display anything you would like to remind users to subscribe.
Code snippet:
body:not(.subscriber) div.side div.spacer:nth-of-type(1){
padding:300px 0 0 !important;
background:url(%%IMAGE%%) top center no-repeat;
Simply upload a 300x255 image named 'IMAGE' and you're ready to go!
One of the best and easiest places to get a quick look at reported posts and comments is the mod queue - http://www.reddit.com/r/mod/about/modqueue
This link will list all reported comments or posts from all the subreddits you moderate in one easy to manage location.
A reported item will look like this: http://i.imgur.com/v4Lns0S.png
The yellow box tells you how many reports it has received.
The other buttons are what you will use to handle the reported item.
Spam: This will flag the reported post or comment as spam, moving it to the spam queue listed in the mod tools in the sidebar. (The spam option should only be used for actual spam as the reddit spam filter is a learning computer and using this feature for any and everything will make the spam filter start flagging things you don't want it to.)
Remove: Will remove the item. A user will not get a message that their post or comment was removed and it will still show up on their user history. Also removed posts are not permanently deleted from reddit, they are only removed from your subreddit.
Approve: Approves the post or comment if you feel it has not broken a rule.
Ignore Reports: This is good to use when an item is getting repeatedly reported and you are approving of it. Instead of getting a new report each time it is flagged you can select 'ignore reports' for this item so that it will not continue to show up in your mod queue if it is reported again. This is also really helpful if someone is trolling your subreddit by reporting multiple comments to annoy the mods.
Selecting Spam, Remove and Approve is not permanent and can be changed if you decide to select another option for the reported item.
It's like a facebook notification thing. It tells you when there are posts that are stuck in the evil spam filter, reported posts, posts that need to be approved, and mod mail.
[It shows up as a tiny toolbar at the bottom of your screen. My numbers are at zero currently, that means I have no posts to moderate. This makes it so much easier.] (http://i.imgur.com/LA9jsvd.png)
I believe you can get this for firefox but I'd recommend using it with Chrome.
Hey there! I wrote this for the /r/aww mods, and so it lacks a few things, like:
You'll need to follow the initial set up instructions first.
You should replace all instances below of /r/aww with /r/<your subreddit goes here, but you knew that, right?>
This is intended to be a quick primer on how to use Automoderator.
You can get very complex with Automod, and I encourage this, but... this post is really oriented towards folks who are a bit scared of the whole damn thing. When I first started I was pretty intimidated by it as well. It's going to be okay, trust me. Take my hand, let me show you a whole new world of moderating.
Let's first address the major fear every mod has when diddling some kind auto-moderating tool: ZOMG, what if I bork the whole thing? Better if I just don't touch it!
This is a really valid concern, and, as it happens, an easily overcome one. There are three rules:
Thou shalt copy the config BEFORE editing it. Copy it to a text editor (Notepad++ is my favorite on windows, but Notepad will work just fine), and save it. Seriously. This will save your butt.
Thou shalt "commit" the config successfully before calling it a day and having a beer. This is done by sending /u/Automoderator a message - more on this in a moment.
Thou shalt chill, it's really not a big deal and those two are the only ones to keep in mind. See? It's already easier than you thought it was going to be!
I used some developer-esque words up there, like "config" and "commit". Don't Panic!(tm). Let's go over what these mean:
Config: This is list of stuff you want automod to do. It's on the auto-mod wiki page for /r/aww. It looks super complicated, and parts of it are, BUT: Don't worry about all of the stuff just yet, we're going to only touch on the easiest ones.
Commit: This means, "Hey Automod! Check out the new list of rules, yo!" That's all. Nothing more.
Okay, now we've got some ground rules and new vocabulary terms. Let's get busy! Here's an example:
A. Go to the /r/aww automoderator wiki. You'll see a bunch of scary stuff, but Don't Panic!(tm)
B. Click Edit at the top of the page.
C. Copy all the text in the edit box. Paste it into Notepad. Now save it.
Note: Seriously, did you save it? If not, go save it now - this is important!
D. Find this text, it's right at the top (note that the list of domains might have been updated since this post):
# Posts: Remove (spam) posts linking to banned domains
type: submission
domain: [porn.com, pornhub.com, porntube.com, redtube.com, socialmunch.com, spankwire.com, xhamster.com, xvideos.com, youjizz.com, youporn.com, extremetube.com, hardsextube.com]
action: spam
F. Add a new domain to the banned list, in this case it will be "HookersAndBlow.com". Now the text looks like this (again, total list of domains might've been updated since this post, but it should look something like this. Oh, and scroll to the right to see the new domain we've added):
# Posts: Remove (spam) posts linking to banned domains
type: submission
domain: [porn.com, pornhub.com, porntube.com, redtube.com, socialmunch.com, spankwire.com, xhamster.com, xvideos.com, youjizz.com, youporn.com, extremetube.com, hardsextube.com, HookersAndBlow.com]
action: spam
G. Click Save - this button is at the bottom of the edit box.
H. Open the link at the top of the wiki page you just saved. Open this in a new tab, it's a lot easier. Here's what the link in question looks like - the text is larger, but this is what it reads:
If you update this page, you must click this link, then click "send" to instruct AutoModerator to load the new rules.
I. Click send. Don't edit the message, just click send.
J. Count to 20. Now refresh the wiki page (F5 on Windows). You should have an orangered envelope! Oooh, a message, what could it say? No orangered evelope yet? Count to 20 again, and hit refresh again. You'll get one. If you don't after counting 40, then you probably did not click "send" on the prior step.
K. Your message is from Automoderator - Yay! You're almost done! Hopefully the message reads:
AutoModerator's conditions were successfully updated for /r/aww
L. If the message reads something else, like so:
Error updating from wiki configuration in /r/aww:
Invalid condition in section #1 - Invalid type: submissionasdf
DON'T PANIC!^tm if this happens. You have some options, they are:
FIXING IT - I think I can figure this out Edition: In the example above, I've added the letters "asdf" someplace I shouldn't have. Instead of this:
type: submission
I've got this:
type: submissionasdf
Automod was cool about this and told me where the problem was. So... to fix it, I'll just go edit the wiki page again, remove the incorrect letters, save it, send a message to automod, count to 20 and look for the success message sent to me. Easy!
FIXING IT - OH CRAP! Please Just Make It Work Again Edition!: Just go to the text file you created waaaay back in step C. Now you just need to:
AutoModerator's conditions were successfully updated for /r/aww
See? You have just fixed it. Your new changes aren't in, but hey - you didn't bork it up! Yay!
Just make sure you get to the point where the automod message is "successfully updated" before you call it a day. Cool?
Note: In the very unlikely situation where you don't get the above success message, repeat the above steps again to ensure that you do get it.
Reference links:
Automod Subreddit: http://www.reddit.com/r/automoderator
Automod Comment Conditions (Documentation "lite", aka "you can copy & paste stuff from here"): https://github.com/Deimos/AutoModerator/wiki/Common-Wiki-Conditions
Automod Full Documentation: https://github.com/Deimos/AutoModerator/wiki/Wiki-Configuration
What is AutoModerator:
AutoModerator is a bot mod that can be added as a moderator to assist with automated functions of your subreddit.
It was designed by /u/Deimorz, one of reddit.com administrators.
Some of the functions it can do for you automatically:
send a mod mail whenever a post or comment is reported
Leave comments explaining why a post was removed
remove posts that have received a certain number of reports.
adding link flair to posts
Further help can be found at /r/AutoModerator
It's easier than going to every post or using automoderator.
For my tutorials, I just took some screenshots of my posts and added some arrows. Due to tools I have and CSS of the subreddit(s) I moderate on, your experience may not be exactly like my screen shots, but the idea will be the same and the options will be extremely similar.
Distinguishing thing:
If you want to distinguish a post (when you turn green) go to you post(first part of picture) or comment(second part of picture) and click distinguish.
How to Sticky something:
If you Sticky something, that puts it at the top of your subreddit. If you want to sticky something, you'll want to look for the button that says 'sticky this post'.
How to ban a user:
On the sidebar you'll see moderation tools. Click where it says ban users. At the top it will say "Who to ban". after you click in that box another will appear under it saying "Why to ban?" You can put a reason in there that will be visible to other mods, but not to anyone else (even the user who was banned). After you ban a user they will get a message notifying them of their ban and the subreddit they were banned from. They are able to respond to this message which gets directed to the mod mailbox.