
Photograph via snooOG

r/IdeasForTheAdmins is a subreddit where you can submit ideas from your reddit feature wishlist for admin consideration. This is not an admin-run community, so we can't personally implement the ideas, but we will try and give our support!


r/IdeasForTheAdmins is a subreddit where you can submit ideas from your reddit feature wishlist for admin consideration. This is not an admin-run community, so we can't personally implement the ideas, but we will try and give our support!

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  • 2. State your feature idea clearly

  • 3. Do not call out specific subreddits or users

  • 4. Be civil in your ideas and discussion

  • 5. Be constructive, not destructive

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Allow OP to see poll results without voting!

17:34 UTC


[iOS] Move the reply button for comments to the upper part of the screen to prevent accidental replies

When replying to a comment on the app, the reply button is just above the keyboard. This, at least for me, has occasionally resulted in sending the comment before I've finished typing it

15:57 UTC


Remove outcomes from Trending Topics about sports

I just had the F1 US Grand Prix results spoiled for me by seeing “Norris wins US Grand Prix”

It’s really disappointing because for two weeks in a row I wasn’t able to watch live and Reddit’s trending section has spoiled the winner for me.

The equivalent discussion could just be “US Grand Prix”

14:56 UTC


Remove "removed" posts and comments from mod queue

Trying to clean up our mod queue after a big incident. Cleared out the Mod Queue and Reported but annoyed "Removed" won't get cleared out.

I think it's valuable to have an archive somewhere of removed somewhere but the main reason I need to see that tab in the queue space is for stuff auto-mod removed and see there's any that need for correcting or appropriate messages. I'd like it if I could resolve something in the removed queue and it goes away. Removed should be able to be cleared out as well

07:25 UTC


Ability to unreport posts

There's a recent film that came out in the US whose name contains a word often used historically as a racial slur.

Someone made an amusing post about it, which was removed, in which they talk about how the film is not for everyone.. because it's really just for white people.

Firstly, the use of the word is obviously the name of the movie, and secondly, the person writing is clearly writing as a black american who feels like this film cannot be aimed at them due to being too obviously didactic in its discussion of race. The joke within their post relies upon this fact.

Any human inspection of this post would immediately allow you to determine that this is an error of automatic moderation, but there is currently only a mechanism to register false-negatives of the automatic system, posts that should be removed but are not, rather than false-positives, posts that are removed but should not be.

The option to "unreport" removed posts, and so refer them to human inspection, could be a way to resolve problems like this in future, particularly if the auto-moderation system begins to work with machine learning or becomes liable to remove posts more intensively.

This post is pretty harmless, and in being harmless is an example of a use case when being able to automatically unreport removed posts would be helpful.

1 Comment
04:30 UTC


If a profile has any NSFW content, all its posts should be NSFW regardless of the content

Often, OnlyFans/porn creators will cross post in other generally SFW subreddits to try and promote themselves.

While there's nothing wrong with that, their SFW posts should still be marked as NSFW because those posts are one link away from nudity. These posts could easily be a gateway for underage people who should not be stumbling upon content like that. (I know you can't stop underage people from looking up porn, but you do what you can.)

Similarly, if they were to have a separate purely SFW profile, but still link to their NSFW profile, OnlyFans, etc., that SFW profile should be automatically flagged as NSFW.

22:02 UTC


The ability to file "Saved" content into multiple lists for FREE! :) 🥳

16:29 UTC


Get rid of the god damned Welcome Bot

Especially the ones who “Welcome” you to the Sub days after you joined.

11:30 UTC


Create a speech feature for reading posts out loud

Reddit never improves their app ever… Like. EVER! But my suggestion to start would be to implement a feature that reads post out loud while allowing your eyes to go do other things because the amount of see that require at least five minutes of reading take advantage of this. Almost every other text has this feature nowadays.

And if they feel like they need to monetize this feature also… Just place like a 15 second ad before reading a post… I don't know but I don't know how this isn't a feature yet

15:56 UTC


Moderating on ios app

Please add ban and Removal Reasons to app mod pop-up menus.

09:43 UTC


improve appeals esp when mods abuse report abuse functions

On one health related account I came across a sub that had a lot of illegal stuff going on, like people talking about buying and selling prescription meds, so I reported a bunch of posts. They were removed because theyre against the TOS, but then later I got hit with rapidfire I tried to appeal but only 250 characters to point out that the sub is promoting illegal things and that the posts I reported were removed for violating ToS isn't enough and I was just told that reporting illegal content (even if removed) is harassing.

I will admit I was a bit naughty and found I could still use www.reddit.com/reports to report some blatantly illegal content that way but I tried to stay away from the sub that has report abuse mods on it and then gave it up after one of the subs got banned by reddit for illegal content. But I guess I reported some from that one sub that abuses report abuse a few weeks ago and it only now hit? I can't tell but I got hit with a bunch of notices that all my accounts are banned and it's the only thing I can sort of think of and connect that might have done something. My partner is hit too which sucks.

The 250 characters isnt working out for trying to get in touch to appeal and I tried to use the reddit support zendesk but I'm not sure it's going through. How do I connect with an actual person to have a discussion about what's going on with abuse of report abuse to get accounts back?

1 Comment
05:06 UTC


The UX to mute a sub on mobile is pretty poor

You mute the post, select to mute the entire sub, but can't confirm it until the "successfilly muted" message goes away as the popup blocks you from selecting anything. Not the worst thing in the world, just annoying.

04:03 UTC


Make new users automatically start with a "newbie" avatar. This would make it easier to spot possible bots or spammers.

Certain subreddits frequently get targeted by bots and spammers using new accounts and trying to build up enough karma to post elsewhere. I think starting every user with an easily-identifiable "newbie" avatar would help people identify suspicious accounts more easily and make it more difficult to manipulate the community.

10:14 UTC


Request to have the ability to turn off subreddit like "coloring" of sections off

Yeah basically the feature request above. For some reason, the color coding feature of subreddits is like to jarring to me and I don't like it 😂.

So yeah, it would be amazing if there was a feature to turn this off if users wanted to.

Thank you 🙏

01:46 UTC


Reddit Care Resource messages should list *where* they came from

When a user gets a message from Reddit Care Resources, there is often very little context added. It's anonymous who made the "report", and since it's a generic message it's also nearly impossible to tell why you're getting it.

The anonymity part should stay, but I propose that when viewing someone's profile to send that "report", it logs where you viewed that profile from. "Viewing the what, but not the who", so to speak.

For example, if someone's beloved pet has passed away and from that post, you click on their profile to send them Reddit Care Resources, it will tell that person that the post about their pet was what people were thinking of when sending the report.

It would be similar to how when banning a user from a subreddit, you can link to their post or comment, so that way the ban message says which post/comment it was.

I see two benefits to this:

1.) When the Reddit Care Resources feature is being misused, it will be obvious. Someone uses it just after an argument that was clearly not reason for concern, at least you know why it was sent.

2.) And when this feature is actually being used as intended, it adds important context and a little personalization. Sometimes when we're struggling, we don't even really realize it "Oh, that is actually concerning".

I am aware that it's possible to opt-out of getting messages from Reddit Care Resources, however I think there's still the underlying problem that even though 99% of the time this is misused, and is usually meaninglessness, it could at least be better with a little context.

If users are to be prompted to seek help for something, they should have an understanding of what post/comment was so concerning to begin with, rather than assuming that a Reddit user who makes potentially dozens of posts/comments a day would automatically know which thing is worrying.

As in real life where someone shouldn't just say "I'm worried", they should elaborate "I'm worried because XYZ" so you can be on the same page.

Basically both reasons summarized, it makes it easier to ignore when someone's obviously trolling with care resources, and also lends a bit more credence to it when used out of genuinely caring for another user's well-being.

20:38 UTC


Controversial comments and comments downvoted to oblivion, in the comment section, should not be hidden. (By a toggle)

There should be a toggle that says “Turn this toggle “on” or “off”, to decide if controversial or downvoted comments get automatically collapsed when entering the comments section of any post.

16:26 UTC


Stickied posts should still be shown, when viewing a subreddit’s feed by (“New”, “Top”, “Controversial”, or “Rising”)

I generally browse by “New” when I’m visiting a subreddit, but I can’t see the stickied posts, (also called “pinned posts”), if there are any😕. I had made posts, in the past, on some subreddits talking about something, and some users had told me to check the “pinned or stickied posts”, yet when I went to see if I could see them, I couldn’t see them unless I had sorted the subreddits feed by “Hot” instead of “New”.

16:23 UTC


I'd love to get a notification when a response made to me (that I have already read) has been edited! 😊

11:43 UTC


Collapsing the comment by clicking on the front of it is very annoying.

screenshot of a reddit comment

Collapsing the comment by clicking on the front of it is very annoying. Even the cursor shape is not a pointer.

11:33 UTC


Search Within Wikis

I think it would help a lot if there were a search field. For example, I went to FAQ hoping to find out what a flair is. Since I don't know, how can I choose a link from the Table of Contents? And how long would that take?

11:31 UTC


Permanent bans shouldn't exist

In my opinion people shouldn't be permanently banned in my opinion. If they break the rules in my opinion they should be banned maximum 7 days

09:01 UTC


I want to be able to set my own default sort order for comments

I really hate reading comments sorted by BEST. I had never used old Reddit, but I had to switch to it to set my default sort order to OLD. That setting recently stopped carrying over to new Reddit, so I'm now using old Reddit for the very first time. Having to switch the sort order manually for each post I read has really reduced my Reddit usage. Please provide the setting in new Reddit.

1 Comment
03:42 UTC


“Ban” vs “suspension” terminology

Please, admins, in your messages to users, call a site-wide suspension a “suspension”, not a “ban”. Let ban mean always a subreddit ban. Let suspension always mean a site-wide suspension. It would prevent a lot of confusion. Thank you.

1 Comment
00:51 UTC



Can you add a way to zoom, in photos and just in the normal post.

21:38 UTC


Notification bar/pop-up too large, hovers for too long, and should be repositioned in Reddit app

In the current app design, whenever you download anything or take an action (such as bookmarking) a white/green bar pops up for 7-8 seconds letting you know the download started, finished, or failed or whatever else you did was successful or failed.

If you're trying to do multiple things quickly, like download multiple photos and/or bookmark or other activities, this massively slows you down because the pop-up last for so long each time you do something and it covers much of the options bar in the process (see screenshotted photo). If you're trying to download photos from a 10-photo gallery, something that should take seconds, it can easily take a minute, for example.

I could be misremembering, but I thought the noticificarions used to appear at the top of the screen (and be less intrusive), away from the options menu towards the lower screen, whereas currently they overlap. Notifications at the top of the screen would be the easiest common sense solve , but even if the bar were not as wide at the bottom it wouldn't fully block the options menu.

23:26 UTC


Make the thread search able to search for user names

Greetings and felicitations. I like the thread search in new Reddit very much, but it does not search for user names. I often forget if I've already posted in threads, and would like an easier way to check than scrolling through sometimes hundreds of comments.

04:19 UTC


Change the color of the chat notifications in image preview

Greetings and felicitations. I realize that this is trivial, but the color of the chat notifications in image preview windows is a slightly darker red in desktop mode than the standard Reddit bright red. Please change it to match the rest of the site.

04:16 UTC


add the option to view search results in Card mode, like in the rest of reddit

22:03 UTC


Word counter for posts

Issue: Some subs have a minimum word count requirement for the text portion of posts, with the consequence for not meeting it being that the post gets removed for being a "low- effort post"

Suggestion: Implement a word counter for the text section. There is already a character counter for titles, so it shouldn't be too hard to implement

1 Comment
19:05 UTC


News Feed needs user control and so de-duplication.

I love to browse the news panel on my ios devices, however I recall there being an option previously to control what kinds of news you want to see - this seems to have disappeared. Of late most of the news is stuff I'm not interested in.

It would be really good to mute communities Eg: I don’t want news on sports or politics. Can’t hide it, and it dominates the new articles posted. I end up scrolling tons of stories I'm not interested in and just give up and go to a different site. There should be a way to customize this feed!

Also it would be good to de-duplicate where multiple reddit threads post the same article. When something major happens it's kind of annoying - This would be great to have a feature flag! maybe then offer to select the most popular thread or latest as the "one you read"

1 Comment
18:03 UTC

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