
Photograph via snooOG

An official admin-moderated community to provide a space for moderators to discuss mod related topics. Please check out our pinned post for more details!

Welcome to /r/ModSupport

subreddit guidelines

  1. No posts appealing admin actions. If you want to appeal an admin action, please use the appropriate report form. More details about this in our pinned post

  2. No calling out other users or subreddits. Posts or comments calling out other users or subreddits may be removed. If you need to discuss something sensitive in nature about another user or community, please send a modmail to /r/ModSupport

  3. No insults or uncivil behavior. Please keep posts and comments free of personal attacks, insults, or other uncivil behavior

  4. No off-topic posts. Please keep posts on the topic of moderation on reddit


93,851 Subscribers


Mod tools showing on a sub I don't moderate?

I'm a mod for r/catsoncats but recently sometimes reddit will show me post tools under things in other subs?

13:48 UTC


User suddenly can’t post images

I mod a small sub and a regular sub user is suddenly unable to post images. They have always been able to post images before, even up to a day ago. No subreddit settings have changed recently.

They are using the official Reddit app for android. They can create a title, add a flair and body text, but as soon as they add an image the post button greys out. Images are enabled in my sub settings for both posts and comments. The user has never been banned or muted from my sub. They can upload an image in a comment after making a text post, but they can’t upload an image post. The sub is safe for work and so are the images, so it should be nothing to do with the nsfw filter.

Anyone have any ideas?

1 Comment
08:32 UTC


Can I alter the groups name

I need to add an additional word into the groups name. Is it possible

05:52 UTC


It won't let me upload images to my own subreddit?

I have an ongoing subreddit where I post pictures daily, and for some reason despite not having any issues for the last 288 days, and disabling and reenabling image posts it hasn't fixed itself.

05:21 UTC


community for Reddit

Hi I need advice on how to make a Reddit community for different hobbies. Any advice on how to do so?

01:05 UTC


I'm the only mod in my own subreddit (and I've been labeled inactive)

I posted last month, but when I tried to post today, the "post" button was grayed out. I removed myself and then added myself again, which then gave me the "inactive" label. What can I do?

Edited to add: I only have the gray "post" button issue when I include a photo. I've never had this problem before.

00:55 UTC


Someone is mass reporting my stuff falsely

What can I do about it? They are reporting things such as cat pictures as targeted harrassment. Its dozens of reports at once. How can I help Reddit find them and ensure my accounts and subreddits dont go down?

23:34 UTC


Moderator edits

Is there a way to remove the main/original moderator of a sub? The creator of the sub doesn't want to moderate anymore and wants to hand it off to someone else

1 Comment
23:08 UTC


Does my subreddit exist ?

I created /microProjects ... but can't find it when using a different account, as if it does not exist other than in the world of the account it was created from.

Does my subreddit exist ?

20:46 UTC


I am invite in my community, invite is going fine, but no members amr increase in my community but new post are coming to the community but the number of members looks the same

20:29 UTC


Question regarding exploited rules

Hi, I was apart of a decent sized subreddit. Recently one of the trusted mods reached out here for help to gain "Full permissions" due to the lead mod being inactive for 60 days. What this mod did not tell mod support was that the lead mod had notified him via discord within those 60 days that he would be on a temporary break due to losing a close family member. He took advantage of this information and exploited reddits rules to take over the reddit and remove all of the original mods from the subreddit.

My question is how can this not be reversed with evidence provided that the mod was lying about having no contact for 60 days from the lead mod?

If anything Is there a way to raise this issue to any "higher ups"?

This rule needs to be changed or added on to in order to prevent such incidents from taking place in the future to others.

It's very sad to see a community swept out from the owners feet in such a way as this one.

19:12 UTC


Broken report form

I'm trying to report spam (big surprise) and it tells me the last name in the list of users I want to report doesn't exist. Fine, so I remove it and mention the issue in the text body instead, except the problem persists to the degree that I cant actually report anything/anyone at all every time I do that and delete the offending row.

I've seen this happen a few times and it seems to resolve itself with time, but is there any reason in particular that this KEEPS happening, or what to do when it does happen?

19:06 UTC


insights: what does "uniques on average" mean in the page views insight?

Does anyone have insights into the insights?

In the first section they give you a summary with the sections

overview: views, uniques on average, subscribed, unsubscribed

What does the 'uniques on average' mean- per day, per week (if you have the 7 day view selected), etc? Is that unique profiles and all their views across all posts that they viewed?

Also if you switch the graph from pageviews to uniques, what is the uniques showing? unique profiles browsing threads from your sub?

18:47 UTC


Does anybody know how to grow your subreddit community and how much time it takes?

17:54 UTC


Request to Rejoin as Mod

I accidentally removed myself as a moderator of r/TumblerWrapDesign - please add me back.

15:02 UTC


Comment feeds seem to not be working?

I frequently mod by checking all the recent comments for a subreddit - e.g. reddit.com/r/outfits/comments

This now gives an error and says not found, and this happens for all subreddits I've tried it for. It started yesterday. What's going on with this?

14:14 UTC


Automod does not recognise the sahred mod account as a mod.

Description: Automod does not recognise the shared mod account as a moderator and therefore does not trigger when that account posts/comments. The Automod condition to trigger only when a user is a mod is not triggered by the account that posts removal reasons. eg u/tall-ModTeam does not trigger the mod only AM code.

12:39 UTC


The Option To View All Comments - Resolved!!

As this is such a key tool for moderating our subs. We tried this format:


And it works. It's just a matter of adding the word 'old' in the link, which takes you to old reddit, but at least we can now see all comments.

1 Comment
09:52 UTC


Is there some kind of word filter for the domain TLD "ltd"??

I've been trying to make a post about warning users of a scam site under the TLD ".ltd" but keep getting filtered by "Reddit spam filters". I'm not spamming anything, in fact I'm doing the opposite: Trying to warn people they WILL be scammed if they attempt to do business with this company, yet I'm being blocked - on my own subreddit to make things more confusing. Any help is appreciated. Is there a list anywhere of which tlds are blocked? I know RU is...but what else?

02:50 UTC


Removal of banned subreddit owner??

I petitioned control of /r/arcorip on redditrequest and it was granted. I am now the only mod other than the banned owner. Under moderators in the mod tools I have no ability to remove this banned owner. It says "can't remove". Is this just something I have to work around, or is it possible to take full control?

00:23 UTC


The option to view all comments - anyone else having issues?

Seems the option to view all comments has disappeared - this is very helpful in moderating our sub and we check it daily.

Can anyone advise? Is there a glitch, or an updated link for this?



20:29 UTC


Anyone Can Use "Brand Affiliate" Tag and Mods Cannot Remove

Users have started just using this on one of our subs, and it doesn't look like the Mods can do anything to remove this or restrict it.
Is there just a setting we're missing, or is there a way to disable it?


19:27 UTC


Reddit incident reported: elevated error rates on many frontends #8256

1 Comment
17:22 UTC


Reddit incident reported: ads.reddit.com degraded for some users

16:04 UTC


Detected a new karma farming bot submission spam format, examples linked below:

https://imgur.com/a/AIMvgnV The screenshots were only from four out of over a dozen similar accounts that have the same submission text format.

They seem to be using ChatGPT and using a rotation of the same prompts while changing the main topic to fit the target subreddit.

15:37 UTC


Haven't seen the Monthly Community Digest Report for over a quarter

Last one we received was 4 months ago. Noticed there were some hiccups with the ModSupportBot, but couldn't find anything noting the report was discontinued.

Has it been discontinued? Should I re-request the report?

Thanks for any advice!

1 Comment
15:14 UTC


upstream connect error...

I recently created r/MicrosoftBookings but cannot post anything. Each time I click "Create a post" I get: upstream connect error or disconnect/reset before headers. retried and the latest reset reason: connection failure, transport failure reason: delayed connect error: 111

Any thoughts/guidance on how to get this server-side error addressed?

14:14 UTC


How do you fight off users who go "all in" on interfering with your subreddit?

I assist in moderator /r/TeslaMotors, which is a special interest subreddit for Tesla, and their related products. The subreddit is currently at 2.7 million users.

As the subreddit has grown over the years, we’ve done our best to try and tailor the subreddit based on user feedback. This has resulted in us expanding to have an “umbrella” of subreddits, which include /r/TeslaLounge, and /r/TeslaSupport, among others. The goal behind these additional subreddits is to ensure a more focused conversation. /r/TeslaMotors, for example, is tailored towards more note/newsworthy posts regarding Tesla, and their related products. We direct users with support questions to /r/TeslaSupport, and users who want to share ownership experiences and such to /r/TeslaLounge.

We’ve done this because, frankly, as subreddits grow in size, moderating the subreddits becomes more difficult as the user expectations will vary. Even now, with /r/TeslaLounge reaching over 100,000 users, we’re attempting to spin up /r/TeslaCollision in an effort to move questions relating to repairing Teslas to a different subreddit, as the /r/TeslaLounge userbase has voiced that they don’t really want to see “How much is this going to cost to fix?” posts anymore.

The core issue we’re experiencing is an onslaught of users who have no regard for the intents behind a community, and would rather attack the userbase, and stifle any productive conversations regarding the interests of the subreddit. Worse, we have found that the tools that Reddit offers in order to assist in moderating, simply don’t scale well as subreddits grow into the millions of users, let alone thousands. More so, the tools reddit offers don’t assist in coordinated attacks against the subreddit.

We’ve established a set of community rules, and guidelines, which advise users on how we operate the subreddits, however, it’s become quite clear that no one takes the time to read these, or care what they say.

We leverage Crowd Control to assist in stopping posts from non-community regulars, and folks with negative karma counts within the subreddit. This does not help with purchased accounts, or well established alts. We have the minimum karma, and account age, restrictions in place to assist in filtering out brand new alt accounts, this does not help with accounts purchased online, or well established alts.

We’ve got the harassment filter enabled, however, given the nature of the special interest subreddit, there are words and/or phrases that are considered harassing which are not typical. For example, folks referring to “Elon” as “Elmo”, or referring to folks who discuss Tesla related products as being in a “cult”, or “worshipping” Elon/Tesla, among other irritants that don’t belong.

We have Automod backfill the harassment filter by removing non-generic statements, like those mentioned above, and a bot which will issue bans based on the severity of the statements being made.

We’re also leveraging the ban evasion filter, which we have found to either be imperfect, or unreliable. It ends up being a whack-a-mole game, because as you ban an account, you will later find that the account gets deleted by the user, which we believe nukes their “existence” from Reddit’s back end, thus allowing them to escape the ban evasion filter. I have no proof of this, it just seems that way. Short of banning the originating “primary” account, and that account remaining operational/not deleted, it seems like the ban evasion filter is not as effective as desired. Worse, you can only go back a year in time, so if the primary account gets banned today, they just need to make sure they wait a year before using an alt. We also have users who hit us up in modmail advising us of their intent to use alts, and VPNs with the alts to avoid the ban evasion filters.

All this to say that, so far, the tools that reddit offers subreddits do not appear to be effective enough to counter users with a legitimate desire to interfere with communities online.

This is compounded by there being the existence of subreddits on reddit which are counter to the reason for your subreddit, which I’ve been referring to as the “Evil-twin problem”. The reddit algorithm appears to not care about the intents behind the subreddits, resulting in users not paying attention to what subreddits they’re visiting, and ending up in toxic subreddits where the moderators are allowing toxic behavior to exist, and walking away with unfavorable views on things, which may in fact be incorrect, because there’s no core mechanism to fight dis/misinformation other than hoping that the moderators are “up to speed” on whatever their subreddit is about, and squashing it there. But not all moderators care, resulting in the propagation of dis/misinformation on reddit.

Frequently these users will crosspost things from our subreddit to theirs, resulting in their userbase flowing into ours, resulting in us having to lock the conversations due to there being too much hostility.

We recently conducted an experiment where, for about a week, we had a bot enabled to automatically ban users who participated in subreddits we determined to harbor toxic users. The results were interesting. For the most part, we found that the users getting banned were absolutely hostile to the moderators upon receiving their ban. We reported them to Reddit, and as far as we’re aware, they were sanctioned by Reddit, however, in at least one case, a user publicly bragged about having been able to successfully fight, and win, the Reddit sanction, getting their account restored, and how they were going to annoy, and harass, a moderator (Me). Once I found the post, I reported it, and then the account was properly sanctioned again, the second time appeared to be more effective. This demonstrates, however, that despite our best efforts, the toxicity can prevail, with Reddit’s assistance.

The largest downside to the experiment, however, is that some honest users were caught in the crossfire. Not as many as you’d think though. 15-25% of the users that got banned appeared to be people who were just browsing /r/all, and got caught by the ban when trying to combat dis/misinformation. The remainder of the users were people who, when they reached out to us, gave us a variety of ways to which we could procreate with ourselves.

We understand that the topic of our subreddit is divisive. Folks have issues with Tesla, and issues with Elon Musk, however, we still expect the userbase to have a civil discourse regarding the topics being discussed.

Which brings us back to the core problem, which is that the current suite of tools that moderators have to assist in trying to keep conversations “civil” do not appear to be sufficient. As noted, we’ve tried the tools, and we’ve broken things up to spread the conversation out across multiple subreddits. The only response back we’ve received from Reddit has been “Well, just get more moderators”, which is not an easy task. Given the degree to which our moderator team gets openly harassed, and dragged through the mud, the turnover on our moderator team is remarkably high, not to mention the additional task of finding reputable users who aren’t just trying to get onto the modteam to order to perpetuate their toxic behaviors.

We’re volunteers. We’re not paid to do this. Our main objective is to have a set of special interest subreddits, wherein we can reduce the administrative effort of ensuring that the conversations being held within the subreddits are civil. We understand the concept of “Just add more moderators” is to expand the surface area to which the administrative load can be spread, but when the subreddit is a meatgrinder for moderators, the “preferred Reddit solution” is insufficient.

I’ve been trying to get assistance with this issue through various channels, however, the responses I seem to be getting back imply that the Reddit Admins are a little out of touch with the problem we’re having, or don’t seem to understand the scope, and scale, of the issue. The responses I’ve been getting read like Reddit Admins are reviewing dashboard metrics of subreddit activity, and giving responses based on that, versus wading into the cesspool of user behaviors and trying to understand the problem itself, which is people irrationally hating on a thing, and expressing that irrational hate in a manner that is not civil, or conducive to a proper discussion on a subject. This goes both ways, there’s irrational hate towards the nature of the subreddit’s special interest, and towards the users expressing irrational hate.

Ultimately, this is a last ditch effort on my part to seek assistance on the matter, because from what I’m seeing of the current state of reddit, and their inability to properly assist moderators fighting off toxic users, who intentionally interfere and harass the users of subreddits regarding topics they don’t agree with, I’m not sure I can continue to stick around the site. Reddit’s IPO was based on the data being able to be used to train LLM AI services, however, at the moment the content is more aligned with training a Microsoft Tay type AI, which is not a valuable dataset.

12:35 UTC


Can't see my community posts after redesigned reddit

Description: I can't acces posts in my own community. The issue persisted for a few days. I believe started after I've used reddit ads.

Platform and version: iOS (app) & Web (chrome)

Steps to reproduce: Log-in, access community.

Expected and actual result: To see my posts, but instead got a "This community doesn't have any posts yet Make one and get this feed started."

Screenshots(s) or screen recording(s):

Edit: My community is r/CabalofEnchantment

My posts can be seen by other accounts, but I can't access them through my subreddit. I can see them on my u/ feed.

I can make new posts but cannot see them through my subreddit.

Only when I use old reddit, I can see my post.

This issue persisted for more than a month, and I have recieved 0 help.

11:57 UTC


My subreddit (after making it private) has very high online users. Is this normal?

I mod a small venting subreddit which has 16 members with one other mod (keep in mind we were getting harassed so I set it to private) and ever since we made it private the online members have been high as 177 online.

Our subreddit is tiny, we never get anything higher than 15 online. But ever since we did it never goes below 10.

For example, we will see "16 members 93 online"

Any post that is within 4 days old already has 28k views.

Is reddit just fuzzing up the numbers again? There's comments that will have up to 200 upvotes, at least on my end.

For context, the subreddit is r/my_safe_space_.

02:59 UTC

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