
Photograph via snooOG

A community for all the lonely people. Everyone is welcome here, no matter your age, race, sex, sexuality, relationship status. All that we request is that you be accepting of people, and kind. Any problems at all, please let the moderators know.

A community for all the lonely people. Everyone is welcome here, no matter your age, race, sex, sexuality, relationship status. All that we request is that you be accepting of people, and kind. Any problems at all, please let the moderators know.

If you prefer realtime interaction, you might want to check out our Discord server!

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Rule 1: No discrimination, sexism or racism

  • Pretty self explanatory this one, no discriminating based on a person's circumstances, this is a tolerant community and anyone found breaking these rules will be dealt with.

Rule 2: Please be kind

  • This isn't so much as a rule, but just worth remembering. Most of us here are quite vulnerable, so please just if you can, spare a kind word, and if not, at the very least don't try and make someone feel worse.

Rule 3: No suicide encouragement, glorification, or notes

  • Also goes without saying, don't tell people to kill themselves, don't glorify suicide/death, and, unfortunately, we will have to remove any suicide notes from here, as whilst we want to help everyone, we do not want more people getting that idea.

Rule 4: Don't post personal information outside of PM's

  • For your own safety, do not post or comment your phone number, social media usernames etc. outside of private messages.

Rule 5: No NSFW or posts looking for a relationship

  • r/r4r might be more suited for that.. If someone ends up PM'ing you only for the purpose of getting nudes, etc. Instead of making a post "exposing" them, Send a message to the moderators so we can take action.

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Rule 7: Trigger warnings

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(25f) So Bored with Life

I have just been feeling so bored with my entire life lately. I like my job, I like my house, I have a daughter who I love, I'm in a stable relationship. Sometimes I just feel like I'm missing excitement. My fiancé is a homebody who never wants to go out, and he is completely unenthused if I ask. Not even just going out to dinner. I miss having butterflies and excitement, I miss going out eat, I miss looking forward to something...the only thing I look forward to is seeing my daughter after work and going to sleep. I pretty much just take my meds and exist. Anyone else feel anything similar?

23:28 UTC


Anyone want to chat tonight?

Got back from a short weekend trip today and it just wasn't a very good time. I could use a friend tonight to get my mind off things.

1 Comment
23:20 UTC


Do you have to be fully healed to be loved, enjoy things, and be happy? What do you do when your work doesn't do anything?

To clarify this is a mix of a vent and a question.

feel like everything’s closed off to be whenever I feel bad. Unless I’m perfectly content The consensus is you will not be able to get friends, or a relationship, but Ive worked on myself for years and there's never been a time when I have purely just content and I got any of those things anyways. At my best I am happy and alone at my worst I am sad and alone. I will always be sad again which prbes Im not healed enough and I’ll never be healed enough to be loved. I don't understand how other people manage to not feel bad for so long a nd get friend and fall in love and be talented. I could work forever or go to any therapist and I'd still have nothing. How do you know when you've worked enough and do you do when the work doesn't last?

23:18 UTC


What are your opinions on drugs and alcohol?

Bit bored and noticed thought I'd like to hear other people's opinions on drugs and alcohol aswell as any past experiences or trauma(you can always text it instead to me privately if you're not comfortable with sharing it in the comments)

23:16 UTC


I want to be loved

I am a 15 year old bisexual guy, and I desire greatly to be loved romantically, I have never been in a relationship, and it has gotten to the point where I think about ending myself on a daily basis because I feel so unlovable and alone.

The problem mostly started a year ago, before then I was optimistic about my future with not only romance but life in general, I met a girl which with lack of a better expression, I fell head over heels for, I really believed that she was gonna be my first relationship and I thought of the future we would have together. After a few months of holding onto those feelings, I finally told her about the way which I felt, she unfortunately did not reciprocate my feelings, which is to no fault of her own, however she wanted to continue to be friends which I agreed to as I still loved her and wanted to be around her.

I never shook off my feelings that I felt towards her, I think partly due to us being still involved a lot within each other’s lives, but that lead to me being manipulated by her, I have no idea wether she did/does this on purpose, but she has often made me feel awful about myself and the way I feel about her. Even though she did things which destroyed my self esteem I still love her, this has caused me to suffer greatly in school and other friendships. Recently there was a case which she completely ghosted me, she found a way to blame me entirely for why she did ghost me, all the while she wasn’t talking to me she was going out with everyone else in our friendship group (which is the only one which I have) leaving me to essentially rot by myself alone in my house during the time we were off school. I apologised to her for why she ghosted me, in hopes that we would remain friends.

I still love her so much even though she has hurt me more than anyone else, because of the relationship her and I have it has left me desiring love not from her alone but from anyone, yet I can’t find anyone wanting to love me. I believe that I am unlovable, I have developed body image issues, and hate essentially everything about myself, I think about ending myself every day because of this, and have attempted to with no results. I am sorry to take up space in this subreddit as I have no doubt that other people have worse issues than me, but I didn’t know where I could just talk about this. If you have read this far I appreciate it greatly. Thanks

23:14 UTC


how to look attractive??

like what kinda hairstyles and clothes look best on girls?

tomboys or feminine women?

open hair or french braids?

attractive people are treated better in society so just wanna improve myself.

23:13 UTC


19F - if you’re lonely and want to chat please dm me

I’m cami nursing student and I love meeting new people, nature and working out. I am lonely sometimes and I’m sure some of you are so we can be lonely together:)

23:13 UTC


23m- let's talk often and be genuine

So I tend to care too much for my own good. Like I want to take care of people. But I'll always be myself and do my best. I've been told Im like a golden retriever :3

Also I noticed I get a long very well with Muslims and ex-muslims. They are a very caring people based on those I've talked to. So don't be afraid to message. (The friend I've had the longest is a very nice Muslim girl actually)

Anyone with good values are welcome of course. Just want to make sure everyone feels welcomed

In the future I want to get a beehive and I even have designs for it. I started making mead (honey alcohol), this is mostly because of fantasy games and DND. But I also really love the science of it

I cook a lot and bake fairly often. I'm a really good cook. I play video games basically daily. Watch YouTube and I really like anime. I haven't watched it in a few. I've started learning Japanese. The language is pretty and id like to visit one day. I've also learned how to make ink, paper, charcoal, medieval crossbows and such. I like the history of it. And how things improved with time

I also have random useless knowledge but I think I'm interesting.

If you wanna play games or watch something id love to (I have discord)

I overthink pretty often. So I may need reassurance but I'll always be there to reassure you as well.

I've spent my life figuring myself out and even helping others im basically a therapist at this point haha. Id be happy to help just have there for me too.

I'm attentive and a great messenger. Even when I'm working. Let's have some deep, interesting and random convos. Just do your best 💜

If we get along well you might even get hugs :D

Just send a dm if you'd like to talk. (Be at least 19 years old please, I'm just more comfortable with people who are adults familiar with adulting haha)

23:12 UTC


I just want someone to talk to

I'm M20 and I'm just feeling lonely and would appreciate if someone messaged me, I just want to talk, thanks in advance if you reach out, it means a lot.

23:04 UTC


I feel so cold , alone and bad tonight. I'm in need of people that can relate or form friendships

I'm not the type of guy that really dwells on such things, but tonight a bad feeling has struck me. I have always been my own company for as long as I can remember and I am fine with that, but some times man when I see people sharing their happiness or friends finding their life partner it makes me feel sad like "Will I ever experience that?".There was a time when I was in depression and anxiety but meds helped me a lot and I thank medicine a lot. I have had friends but they come and go, I have tried it with girls but they have rejected me or didn't connect enough. And I don't think I am unattractive, I think I have an interesting personality , I am smart, funny and easy-going, but Imo I live in a community where girls seek superficial and materialistic things , guys with expensive cars, clothes and such. I am 22 and I drive a Smart car, not like I am not able financially to afford a better car ( I come from a very financially stable family) , but I could not be bothered with such unimportant things and I don't care , in my opinion if a girl will like you ,will like you for who you truly are no matter what car you drive or how rich you are, or is that the wrong way of thinking? Is being happy alone most of my life a bad thing and I should aspire for more relationships because that's where the true "happiness" is?

For nights like this I'm in need of people who can relate and share their stories. I'm all ears!

23:01 UTC


What you guys smoking on?

I got a dab pen atm 😮‍💨

23:00 UTC


Worst experience at the bar the other night.

I was literally just there with my buddy. No intentions of anything, just wanted to chill and have a few rounds. Eventually two women around our age show up and start talking. They BOTH exclusively talk to my friend.

Not one of those group of two boys and group of two girls and one guy talks mainly to one girl and the other guy talks mainly to the other girl.

I even tried talking to the less talkative one but she never even made eye contact with me. I sat at the bar almost having an anxious breakdown. My buddy ended up leaving with the two chicks and I got to drink alone for the night.

Yah me. Great times. Loved every moment of it.

22:59 UTC



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1 Comment
22:59 UTC


I really wanna just end things

I feel like an awful person, I’m not comfortable in my body and I hate myself. I’ve got no real friends and everything in my life is failing. no one’s probably gonna wanna listen but oh well.

have a good day/night.

22:45 UTC


why do i get so nervous to do things alone

going to the movies and i’m anxious. idek why

22:35 UTC


if you are lonely and wanna dm, would be gladdened to do so!

im an 18 year old male, and genuienly wishing the wellbeing of all lonely people! anyone who wanna dm, I would be gladdened to do so :D ! take care, and wishing you people and your loved ones to be well and to have a good day!

22:30 UTC


I feel empty

So it all started a couple of weeks ago when I started thinking that I'm always the second or third or 100th choice and sometimes not even a choice and this led to a spiral of thoughts and it all ended with me shutting down and stop interacting and talking to people and now I'm at a point where I don't care about anyone or anything and I don't even want people to try to push me to talk about anything and I just want to be left in peace. I only want to cry and rot in bed, but I can't because I have to work and it's either way a good and a bad thing because at least I have some human interactions with I wouldn't have otherwise, beside my parents obviously, and also it helps to not think about anything but on my tasks; on the other side it's bad because I'm mentally drained, not by the job which I actually like, but by everything else and I want only to die. I have no purpose on my life, the only dream I had has already gone away even before I could even start and I have no other purpose to be alive. I don't want to talk about this to anyone either because they can't change anything so it's pointless to open up about this when nothing can change or help and also because Im tired of people feeling compassion towards me and faking their interest on me when 99% of the time they don't care. It's easier to say this in a subreddit because none knows me and I need to take this off my chest.

22:27 UTC


How Do Ugly Men Date Attractive Women?

22:24 UTC


Anyone wanna call?

Just feel like chatting about w/e, preferably politics :v. I like disagreements but not into arguments or bad faith engagements. Preferably Discord. 26m

22:23 UTC


I don’t understand people.

Maybe if I wasn’t so fucking lonely I wouldn’t be so suicidal.

1 Comment
22:23 UTC


Life still sucks but is dosen't suck as much as it used to

I still don't have a girlfriend yet which sucks but I KNOW I'll find someone eventually. I posted a while back about how I was so consumed with the search of a partner that I completely ignored my hobbies and friends and honestly, things have improved for me a little. I've started talking to my online friends a lot more and I've also gotten back into baking (i made cookies and they were straight up GAS). I still have like ZERO confidence but I'm gonna start working out soon (I'm lowkey a chunky mf) and hopefully it will help me build up the confidence to go out more. I hope yall have an amazing day/night and most importantly, I BELIEVE IN YOU!!!!

22:20 UTC


22M lazy guy looking for long-term friends

I'm extremely lazy,I only scroll reddit,listen to music and stuff like that.If you are at least similar to me, hit me up.We will get along well!

22:18 UTC


Anyone wanna chat? 18f

About anythingg

1 Comment
22:10 UTC


Just needed to share with someone

https://youtu.be/3vbt8ReH0hI Tom Waits - Christmas Card from a H**ker in Minneapolis

Was listening to the piano version :)

22:08 UTC


31M. Can you match my energy? If so, I mean either way, let’s connect! 😆✨👏💬

Hello from the other side!

Yes, you guessed correctly, from the west coast, golden state! 😆 Anyone else from these whereabouts?

As this fine Sunday is winding down and Monday closing in, getting closer, I could totally use some distraction! We can chat, text, talk, whatever as long as my mind stirs clear of next week thoughts! Lol Don’t know, we can chat about Game of Thrones, the lesser version of it; House of the Dragon lol… or the last book you read, if you’re like a book warn 🤓 jk.

Otherwise, we can do a spontaneous Q&As? Something within the lines of 21 Qs! I might actually build the courage to go spend a couple of hours at the gym! Wanna come along, or keep me company? Haha.

Seriously though, either way, I’d love to hear from you! A bit of a cool icebreaker more than just a random Hi or Hello, would be really nice for a change. You want a friend, bestie, gym partner, accountability or motivation buddy, got you! I’m even willing to be the other guy if we totally click and the chemistry 🧪 is on point haha. But please being some good energy and humor my way please!

Cheers Your tall tanned & handsome bestie

22:06 UTC


I’m at rock bottom

Long story short, I was a young, overweight guy, 15 years old at the time. I met this girl who was about a year older than me. Initially, we were just friends because I never thought I’d be attracted to her. In fact, at one point, I even helped her with advice on how to ask out one of my other friends. Over a few months, we got closer as we lived in the same neighborhood.

One day, I shyly and awkwardly confessed my feelings to her. I had never talked to many women before, and I was pretty timid. She said no, and although she insisted it wasn’t because I was overweight, I still felt like it was. We continued being friends, but that rejection lingered in my mind. Over the next six months, I worked out every day and lost about 25 kilograms, finally starting to look better.

During this time, she briefly dated someone from her grade, but it didn’t last long. Later on, she started to develop feelings for me after I had changed. When I told her that I wanted to be with her again, she was already on summer break somewhere else. She mentioned that she was texting her friends about me, and we continued to text throughout the summer, growing closer and liking each other more.

I got really into self-improvement, focusing on the gym and even trying a “no-nut” challenge. I was on day 40 or 50, feeling extremely “sigma” and stoic. I don’t even remember exactly what I said in our texts, but whatever it was, she didn’t like it. When she came back, she apparently wasn’t interested in me anymore because of the things I said. I swear it wasn’t anything weird or suspicious; I’m a normal guy. We were still on talking terms, but she wasn’t “into me” like before.

Eventually, I invited her over to my house when my parents were out, and I brought up the idea of being friends with benefits (FWBs). We discussed it, but nothing happened then because it was awkward. I was looking at her, and she said, “I’m not going to kiss you right now.” We chatted, and then she left.

However, after she left, she came back, rang my doorbell, and asked if I wanted to kiss her. I freaked out and slammed the door shut. She went back home, and I texted her to come back, but she said she couldn’t because she was already home. She mentioned that she would’ve literally gone down on me right then.

Later that evening, we met up on a lonely rooftop and decided to be FWBs. We were supposed to kiss, but I was super nervous and inexperienced. I kind of froze, and our kiss was a big letdown. I didn’t know what I was doing, and it didn’t feel like how they show it in the movies. She was significantly more experienced than I was, so she made me watch a YouTube video on how to kiss. Slowly, our kissing improved, and over time, it felt better.

We made out for about 30 minutes, but I still felt clueless. I didn’t even feel her up because I didn’t know that was allowed in real life; I’d only seen that in movies, and they don’t do that there. I went home with strong feelings for her and texted her, saying I didn’t think I could just be her friend anymore because I really loved her. She replied that she knew this was going to happen, that FWBs wasn’t a good idea, and that I didn’t even know what love was.

From there, everything went sour. Her friends told her she should drop me, and a weirdness developed between us. Maybe too many things had happened between us for things not to get awkward. We kind of stayed away from each other, but I continued texting her on Instagram. She would block me, and I’d make new accounts—at least four in total—to keep talking to her. In retrospect, I realize that making new accounts was a bad idea, and I should’ve just left her alone, but I guess I was too lost in my idea of her. I was truly heartbroken.

We argued over text about whose fault everything was, and then she’d block me again. When I went back home for New Year’s, I sent her my last message, asking to meet up. She said, “Maybe, let’s see,” but ultimately didn’t want to meet, so we didn’t. We saw each other in public from afar, but that was it. New Year’s came and went, and I sent her one last text saying I’d leave her alone if she didn’t want to talk to me.

When I started at my new high school, I was very broken. I stopped meeting and talking to people entirely, and it took me a solid two years to get over her. I didn’t talk to any girls in my new high school and didn’t make more than two friends. I was basically a loser there, keeping to myself. I wasn’t depressed, but I was hurt, and I didn’t want to talk to any girls or make friends.

I got fat again, and by the end of high school, I was super obese. Now I’m a few years into university, and I barely talk to anyone here either. I don’t talk to females, and I honestly don’t have any friends here. I have people I talk to in class to pass the time, but I find it really hard to do anything meaningful in life. I’m the fattest I’ve ever been. I haven’t talked to any girls and honestly don’t even know how to talk to people anymore or how to make friends. What the hell is wrong with me?

1 Comment
22:03 UTC


overthinking sucks

today i caught myself almost overthinking about my age and i almost started to worry about getting older(pretty much before i wrote rant abt 2 posts that triggered me and made me overthink)

i know that's very unhealthy because overthinking also made me feel ugly and very much more insecure and emotionally vulnerable

any tips to prevent overthinking is appreciated

1 Comment
21:54 UTC


am I a p*ssy for that ?

im a 22yo guy and I feel like Im being a baby or too sensitive. Everytime I fall asleep while sad / sobbing / feeling terrible, I always have bad nightmares. and when I wakeup I remember the nightmare and I feel horrible, I often cry when I wakeup and I remember it all day, like the worst part of the nightmare just pop in my head and disapear instantly. Got one last night and Ive been feeling bad all day because of it, because it kinda reflects how I feel inside and relived a bad moment but worse and idk... I feel like Im giving too much importance to theses dreams, that Im just a cry baby and should just brush em away but I can't.

1 Comment
21:54 UTC


Better lonely or with shit friends?

After a lot of effort I finally managed to get some friends but they ain't like me they are really mean sometimes and the only thing they like is to party 24/7 we are the exact opposite but I am acting like one of them They are the kind of guys the second they get a girlfriend they dissappear until they break up I really don't like them but I don't have any other choice either them or alone again

21:52 UTC


" I'm good then why am I lonely"

Hey So I really had to say this

I noticed a lot of things in this subbredit and other subbredits too about some people complaining about how lonely they are although they genuinely care about other people and how much they want a friend but when u talk to them and actually wanna help them You will know why they are lonely ( not all of the people here just SOME)

Because I understand that some good people are in fact lonely ( I am one of them)

So I am really wondering like why People are drawing this pic of them? Like now you can't even help someone or make friends cuz apparently when u talk to them they aren't depressed they will just turn against you

21:50 UTC

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