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Dosto Brothers and sisters please like and subscribe Islamic channel Jazakallahu khair ✨️🌸💖
Please. is there a hadith for that?
Excerpt from Ibrahim Dewla’s speeches and notes.
The essence of all worship is turning towards Allah. Whenever an issue arises, a person turns to Allah. Whenever there is a problem, a person asks Allah.
What will happen then? Allah will make a way out.
How so? Through Allah’s power.
The youth of the cave in the Quran. In their community, there were only seven, and everyone else was a pagan. They were fearful of two things. What did they fear?
Being stoned or forced back into their prior faith. In either scenario, they wouldn’t succeed.
“…they will stone you to death, or force you back into their faith, and then you will never succeed” (18:20)
What did they do? They turned to Allah.
Allah made them sleep in a mountain for over three hundred years, manifesting his power by protecting them in their sleep.
Generally, a person sleeping is in a vulnerable position. While sleeping, one’s possessions can be stolen. How will one protect oneself when one cannot protect one’s possessions?
But Allah granted them protection by making them sleep.
In the name of Allaah, and peace and blessings upon His messenger:
Allaah descends to the lively heaven on the night of the 15th of the Hijri month of Shaaban.
The night of the 15th means the sunset that occurs on day 14, which is today.
The hadeeths in this matter are plenty, and the salaf have accepted them and worked by them.
Abu Musa may Allaah be pleased with him said: The messenger of Allaah peace and blessings upon him said: "Indeed, Allaah the most exalted descends in the night of the middle of Shaaban and forgives all of his creation, except a mushrik, or a person who is hostile"
Hostile mentioned in this hadeeth is as defined by imam Al-Awzaa'i (died 157AH) said:
في حديث: «إن الله ينزل إلى السماء الدنيا ليلة النصف من شعبان، فيغفر لمن استغفر إلا لمشرك، أو مشاحن».
- وقال الأوزاعي: ليس المشاحن في هذا الحديث من لا يكلم الرجل بل الذي في قلبه شحناء لأصحاب رسول الله صلى الله تعالى عليه وسلم.
وقال: كل صاحب بدعة فارق عليها أمته.
"In the hadeeth that Allaah descends.. the one who is hostile in this hadeeth isn't the one who refuses to talk to another Muslim, instead he is the one in whose heart there is hostility for the companions of the messenger of Allaah peace and blessings upon him."
He also said: "Every innovator for whose innovation he differed with his nation" [Narrated authentically by Ibn Abi ad-Dunyaa in 'The virtues of Ramadan']
Imam Ahmad was asked if Allaah descends? He said yes. He was asked if Allaah descends on the night of mid-Shaaban? He said yes. [Questions of Ahmad ibn al Hussein to imam Ahmad and As-Sunnah by Al Khallal]
Ikrima the freed slave of Ibn Abbas may Allaah be pleased with them said, in the tafsir of the aya:
فِيهَا يُفْرَقُ كُلُّ أَمْرٍ حَكِيمٍ
"On that night every matter of wisdom is ordained." Ad-Dukhaan (44) aya 4
He said: "The night of the middle or Shaaban when the sunnah is strengthened, the living and the dead are written and the one who performs pilgrimage is written, so nothing increases or decreases in these people's decrees" [Tafsir Ibn Abi Haatim #18531]
في ليلة النصف من شعبان:
يبرم أمر السنة
وينسخ الأحياء من الأموات
ويكتب الحاج فلا يزاد فيهم لا ينقص منهم أحد
[تفسير ابن أبي حاتم ١٨٥٣١]
Abdullaah ibn Umar may Allaah be pleased with him said: "Five nights during which a duaa is never declined: The night of Jummaah, the first night of Rajab, the night of the middle of Shaaban and the two nights of Eid" [Abdur-Razzaaq #7927]
خمس ليال لا ترد فيهن الدعاء:
ليلة الجمعة
وأول ليلة من رجب
وليلة النصف من شعبان
وليلتي العيدين
[مصنف عبد الرزاق ٧٩٢٧]
That and the Muslim must know that when Allaah descends, He becomes closer to His slaves by Himself, to give them what they ask for, of the matters of this life and especially the matters of the life to come. Dedicate significantly more time to worship tonight, and understand that this world is mortal, so dedicate your duaas for the life to come most specifically those of the sunnah.
as for fasting on this day . all the haddeeths are fabricated . and as for al isra wal miraaj . its something which is not known on which day it occured
They take our tongue, strip the paint, sand it down until it gleams in their hands. They carve its roots from our prayers, from our poems, from the breath of our elders, then place it back, renamed. They say it was always theirs. They say it belongs to all. They say it has nothing to do with us.
They take our food, the scent of our homes, the slow-cooked memory of our ancestors, set the table, serve the feast, but tear the nameplate from the door. They call it tradition, call it heritage— but never call it ours.
They take our clothes, our fabric, our thread, but leave behind the hands that stitched them. They drape their walls in stolen patterns, erase the seams, the history, say it was always meant for the many, never the few.
And what they cannot take, they tear down. They turn our streets into warnings, our faith into suspicion, our names into questions. They carve our wounds into proof of our failing, say: This is who they are. say: This is all they have ever been.
They rewrite history in their blueprints, blot out our victories, magnify our sins. They cast us as invaders, call our past a theft, yet steal from our culture without shame.
They whisper fear in the ears of the crowd, draw lines through our neighborhoods, plot us on maps, count our children like warnings, watch our prayers like crimes. They build walls around our homes with their words— then ask why we live apart.
They refuse to rent us a room, refuse to sell us land, refuse to buy from our hands, then call us outsiders. They choke our streets, drain our trade, then ask why we have less.
One side renovates, until we are unrecognizable. The other demolishes, until we are nowhere at all.
One side swallows us whole, the other spits us out. Both claim to know us. Neither wants to see.
But we are not theirs to erase. Not theirs to redefine. Not theirs to lock out of homes that were once our own.
We are more than what they take. More than what they leave behind.
And no matter how they redraw the map, no matter how they rewrite the story—
We remain.
Recently met an old man in Bihar, claiming to be a muslim from Galwan who has settled here recently with wife and daughters as his son was murdered in Galwan. He was asking for help, is it something believable? I don't know what's happening in Galwan, can anyone who knows throw some light on it.
Is Tata Ethical Mutual Fund 100% Halal? I've been investing in it for over an uear now.
I was scrolling through Swiggy Instamart and I came across this brand 'Shah fresh' which sells raw meat and sea food. I just wanted to know if anyone from this group knows whether they sell halal meat or if it's owner/founder is muslim because their brand name seems kinda like a Muslim owned brand. Thanks ✌🏻
السَّلَامُ عَلَيْكُمْ وَرَحْمَةُ اللهِ وَبَرَكَاتُهُ
As someone who has had the privilege of being around muslims (Ms) & non-muslims (NMs), I've observed that the financials habits & mindset of muslims are pathetic as compared to the others, not only in terms of religion but materially as well. We need to work upon this to improve the financial condition & upliftment of the community.
I've seen instances that the moment a young M guy lands a job, the first thing he does is to buy the latest iPhone or a fancy bike on EMI. Someone I know did exactly the same but later ended up losing that job early and now his family has to pay for the remaining EMIs which they wouldn't otherwise. I know a lot of young Ms are into this. Even some irresponsible elders like one of my mother's acquaintances has her networth now in negative because of seemingly lucrative EMIs & now she's asking for help from every other person she meets to help her family get out of the debt trap. One of my colleagues being a girl coming from a poor background saved up her entire savings to be able to buy the latest iPhone where she could have invested it instead to help her in the future (for marriage or other emergencies). Majority of the M folks from my neighbourhood, either emotionally blackmail their parents for getting an iPhone or pursue inappropriate/dumb methods to get it and when I ask them about savings/investments they're completely dud in that. Some even go to the extent of misquoting that “This life is temporary, we should surrender our affairs to Allah ﷻ”.
I was at some Islamic congregation where I met one of my M schoolmates who had left studies after Class XII, he ridiculed me for pursuing higher studies and asked what I'm gonna get by running behind this temporary world for so long, I should rather focus on Akhirah. I tried to explain to him but he won't accept. I was not affected by his jibe but the fact that this is the state of the M youth who are the future of our community disheartens me. There are a lot of instances like these where instead of being focused towards self-improvement, finances, Deen, social work the youth is more concerned about relationships, instagram, iPhones (where majority of them don't even know to fully utilise it's functions), fancy bikes, cars & unnecessary trips (like what stressful job do you have to treat yourself w a trip?).
Even the ppl that I know who appear "pious" individuals considering EMIs for their purchases, I now don't even try to explain why it's impermissible in Islam (cause they always have some fatwa allowing it citing the need of the hour) but it's also a bad decision in general financial terms. But they don't want to wait and save up for the purchase & rather try to find a way out by citing "no-cost EMI" (which also is impermissible and is an issue of it's own).
At the same time, my NM colleagues/acquaintances from studies/work have this future orientated mindset (which rather should be of Ms given our belief in Aakhirah). I know not all of them are like that but the ratio of such ppl is way more in NMs than Ms and I'm happy for them for having that but sad because we don't have it. One of my NM acquaintance earning 6LPA from passive sources alone alongside studies was using a simple MI phone with a cracked screen, simply because it did whatever he needed a phone to do. Another one managed a portfolio of securities worth 20 Lakhs while he was still interning. Guys w 50k p.m. salary lived way below their means, started small & were learning actively about various investments for having a secure future. One of the clients where I used to work had ₹10,000 p.m. of SIP in the name of each of his daughters aged around 6-10. Some NM girl I know, instead of wasting time & resources in hooking up or degenerating w her boyfriend, is earning well by running a successful stock trading channel on various social media platforms along with her boyfriend, all of this while managing studies. And there are numerous other instances like this that I've personally witnessed which highlight the stark difference in the mindset & actions of M & NM youth as well as the elders. I also felt this while interacting & noticing the quality & relevancy of discussions w Ms & NMs.
Again, I'm not generalising it, I've also been around some amazing prudent practicing Ms as well, but according to what I know, there's no doubt that the ratio of such ppl is way much lower in Ms than NMs. Maybe, I haven't met such practicing Ms and have only been around the bad side of Ms and the good side of NMs and I pray that it is the case, cause otherwise this state is very alarming & disheartening. If things continue this way, the disparity and divide is only going to go broader & deeper.
To me, this isn't much of an issue of the Government or poverty but rather a mindset & priorities issue where we are required to do a sserious introspection of our habits & priorities otherwise the times are going to be scarier than what they are right now. May Allah rectify our affairs! 🤲🏻
Issues like these cause an uneasiness in me and while not having much people around to discuss this, I thought venting it out here could be a good idea.
Weekly Discussion Post
- Feel free to discuss any topics or ask any questions
It's almost impossible to get a riba-free loan in India from any bank due to certain RBI guidelines. After lots of research, I found this company (https://www.itaqwa.com/index.php) which mentions that they provide a riba-free property financing option.
Has anyone heard of them, or have used any of their services? With the amount of scams happening daily, I'm really hoping to get some reviews before even contacting them.
PS: I know there are differences of opinion on whether these halal loans are actually halal, but right now I'm just looking to know whether this is a legitimate company that can be trusted or not.
JazakumAllahu khair.
Unlike kerala and tamilnadu, most muslims in deccan dont speak the native langauge there, so whats the historical reason behind it? Are they descendents of north indian migrants? or are they just telugu/kannada people converted and adopted this persianed urdu culture during the nawab rule?
So if you are a deccani, these are what i would like to know
Do most urdu speaking deccanis identify as kannadiga or telugu?
Are most Deccani speakers descendents of migrants from north india?
Does recent converts in these regions also adopt urdu and urdu culture to fit in?
Guys thinking to create a community of muslim students from Delhi University with respect to academics and carrier orientation.
I have been casting my vote since the last 5-6 years - never missed one election - and yet, I find it perplexing that my name was deleted from the electoral roll all of a sudden. I have lived at the same place from the last several decades, making the mystery even more complicated.
The same has been happening to people around me. Last elections, I volunteered at the booth of my voting station and saw a huge number of people being turned away because their name was struck off from the voter list. The common theme? All of them were Muslims.
I went to the Election Commission website and they have made it weirdly complicated and cyclical. For example, they ask you to fill form 7/8 - but to fill it, you have to give your EPIC number, but when you write your totally correct EPIC number, it says it cannot accept it as it is not valid.
I have raised a complaint, but I don't see that working out with our sarkaari offices.
Anyway, I may be wrong - the intention isn't to cause an uproar, but to see a pattern if it is there.