
Photograph via snooOG

The subreddit covers various game development aspects, including programming, design, writing, art, game jams, postmortems, and marketing. It serves as a hub for game creators to discuss and share their insights, experiences, and expertise in the industry.


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What's the deal with 0 views on tiktok?

I've created some posts for tiktok here and there to test the waters. They're not great, they don't have the content to go viral, but they're not deplorable. They get precisely 0 views, every time. Yes they have hashtags.

So they're garbage, that's fine, but how does the algorithm know theyre garbage before it shows it to a single person?

17:58 UTC


Game play and Survey - Male players' acceptance of homosexual storylines in games. Part.2

Guys, thanks to your help last time, I got an excellent result. Now I'd like to ask for your help again with the survey on prototype game play for my final project research.

Please spend about 10 minute to play the prototype game, and 1 minute for fill out the survey. Please~

1.Prototype game (Windows only) https://lius-ma-projects.itch.io/gdo750-rototype
(No any erotic content in the game, don't worry)

2.Fill out Survey https://www.surveycake.com/s/VaAby

Many thanks for your help!

17:40 UTC


"Game Programming by Taylor & Francis" in HumbleBundle for 20$ is good to start?

Hello guys, I am a web developer and I want to start learning how to develop games. I saw this bundle, what do you think? Is it worth it for $20? I don't have enough money but I want to invest in books.

17:36 UTC


Open sourcing Pixelgroove, an experimental game that generates gameplay from music videos.

I’m excited to be open sourcing my failed experimental game that uses Typescript, p5.js, Electron and off-the-shelf ML models to generate gameplay based off of music videos.

I knew from the start it would be a very niche product and likely fail commercially, but I thought it would be pretty fun to build.

Unfortunately, it can be finicky at times and there are still many bugs to be ironed out (it seems to vary from video to video; also, it’s a lot slower at analyzing video than anticipated).

On Github: https://github.com/Dream-Dimension/Pixelgroove

Video Demo: https://youtu.be/_yfUnCqTTuc?si=khm1DMwF08Fv0SMM

On Steam: https://store.steampowered.com/app/2871570/Pixelgroove/

Thanks for looking!

17:09 UTC


How detailed should Graphic Settings be?

I´m developing a game in the classic PSX/PS1 style. When it comes to Graphic settings other games with similiar aesthetic either give a TON of options (like bloodborne kart aka. Nightmare kart) or they give presets (like lunacid). I like the insane amount of options but can´t imagine that most players understand 90% of the parameters. I also like the ease of use of presets like 'CRT-Effect' enabling a lot of different settings. But I feel like some players will miss out because they can´t handle, let´s say scanlines, but would like the rest. The in-between seems to be the worst option to me for some reason.

I´ll add that different "Quality Levels" don´t apply for a retro game like mine, so I can´t stick to conventional settings.

16:40 UTC


Would you play this game?

In summary, you the player is on an island with up to 7 freinds. There will be monsters that spawn on the island and you have to work as a team to survive. (Btw it will be a top down 2d game) the island is abandoned and you can find abandoned structures that have food and supplies like weapons in them. It will always be storming and the goal is to get off the island to the mainland where there are more people. To do this you have to use some mechanics like time travel to go back to when they had boats and more supplies on the island. There will be an item that allows you to do this but it is risky because if someone sees you stealing they will call police and remember who you are for a while. There will also be an afterlife mechanic that makes staying alive much easier. If a player dies in the afterlife they will have to spectate until an alive player uses an item that revives them and other dead people. There is more to this game but I wanted to keep this pretty short. If you have any criticisms or things that I could add I would love to hear it. Thanks! (Btw this will be my first full game and I am doing it with 2 of my also experienced freinds)

16:21 UTC



Going to SIGGRAPH for first time. I work in tech in the data automation/ file replication space.. looking to network… my organization is sending me alone and told me too book some dinners 😂😭🙃

Who’s attending and wants to meet?

16:14 UTC


Are there any no-code/simple ways to make a visual novel for free?

Is there a preferably no-code or visual scripting way to make a visual novel game to learn from? Like some tool or engine just to learn the ropes of visual novel creation with or to mess around with. im manly looking for a free way to do things and i really struggle with understanding code.

I know about renpy but is there anything like it for people who dont really code?

16:05 UTC


Animating in Vector, tips?

I just finished a game jam and was gutted when my backgrounds looked low-quality when zoomed in. It's time I learn vector, but how do people animate with vector?

I'm used to using Photoshop and other raster programs.

1 Comment
15:50 UTC


Animating in Vector, Tips?

I'm new to doin


I'm used to working in raster but am trying to learn vector so my art can be resized without blurring. But how do people do frame-by-frame animation in vector! I have Illustrator but I'm new to it. Or do I have to buy a different program like ToonBoom?

If someone can share their tips or programs(I hate to ask "what are your programs! But I'm really lost rn) I would be infinitely grateful

15:41 UTC


Animating in Vector, Tips?

I'm new to doin

15:41 UTC


Help us pick our horror game story!

Hi there! My team and I are working on a first-person horror game set in a psychiatric hospital. So far, we've focused on 3D models, scripts, and the environment, but we haven't had someone dedicated to developing the storyline.

We've come up with a few story ideas, but we'd love to have people who are passionate about games help us decide which one to choose.

If you have the time, please read through our ideas here: Story Ideas

And you can vote for your favorite(s) here (multiple options possible): Vote


15:31 UTC


Best way to make a complex browser game

Would it be better to simply use JavaScript/WebGL/Three.js and alike or something that converts to JavaScript in the end anyways like TypeScript/Unity/Godot and so on? JavaScript ist apparently a shitty language because it is so high level, but if everything has to convert to it anyways, is there really a point in avoiding it for performance/features/productivity etc., especially since Unity is expensive/unreliable and Godot rather niche?

WebAssembly is apparently too young still with limited features. But if it fully replaces JavaScript one day, Unity/Godot might be the most future-proof choice.

15:28 UTC


Use old engines for low end devices?

I always wanted to develop a game that explicitly targets most devices, from old laptops to chromebooks or whatever. From what I've read, people then say to use godot or go bare SDL/SFML or even write ones own Engine in pure OpenGL.

I've wondered: What about using some old engines, such as CUBE (Think Assaultcube), CUBE2 (Sauerbraten) or even Source1 (CSS/TF2)?

Now to my discrete questions:

  1. Why does nobody use old engines? Is it just because they were written with less multithreading in mind? They were definitely written by great people.

  2. Can godot be performance-wise on-par with old engines for simple looking games? While there is definitely a lot of new research into more performant rendering and doing "more with less", I wonder whether at the end you are still "doing more overall" than the more ugly, simpler engine without all new shader tricks.

EDIT: Also, what are other old engines I should check out? My interests are something alone the lines of momentum based movement games, like Tribes, Source Engine Surf+BHOP, even Tony Hawk or Titanfall.

15:18 UTC


YouTube channel for learn some secret tricks?

Hi everyone.

One day I find a video on youtube where this explaine how reflect are made in old game and I find this very cool to know(now I use this for my mobile game). Same thing for Mario Kart on super Nintendo for know how this game simulate the 3D.

Do you know some YouTube channel talk about "secret" technical/math/physics etc.. in a game dev?

15:15 UTC


what is the best 2d engine for someone who doesn't know how to code?

self explanatory.

14:52 UTC


(Rant) Anyone else feels like some recruiters just don't have any respect for others

Sorry, this is mostly going to be a rant but been out of the job for a year now. Noticed the other month a lead from a mid sized game studio was checking out my Linkedin profile and a week later their lead recruiter contacted me for potential contract work and asked for my hourly rate. I get back to them within an hour and give them a pretty fair rate with the clear understanding that I am open to a different number. Then I hear nothing back. I messaged them a week later, than messaged again another week later. I eventually find the job posting and see that my rate was well within their range so I didnt go too high or something.

Now for all I know the recruiter went on vacation, had an emergency, or something that prevented them from seeing my messages, but I feel like it's most likely they just decided to ignore me, and that honestly pisses me off to no end. I am perfectly fine with getting an automated rejection, interviewed but turned down, or even no messages at all when I was the one who applied, but when an in-house recruiter messages you directly only to immediately ignore you, it feels unbelievable disrespectful, especially when the game dev job market is so damn hard right now. It just makes me feels like these kinds of people can treat you like you're less than a person by getting your hopes up like that. Like we're not even worth the time when they're the ones who reached out in the first place.

Sorry for the long winded post. This just has been eating at me for a few weeks now and just needed to get it off my chest. Thank you.

14:45 UTC


Examples of game developers using automated testing


Im looking for examples of game developers using automated testing like bots or AI agents to test their game during development, any examples would be helpful.

The only example I currently have can be found in this Polygon article:

where they go over how No Man's Sky devs used some automated "probe" to go and record gifs of planets for devs to watch back.


14:38 UTC


where do i get some free references faces for character?

I am trying to create the character for my game and I need some people's face references so I can make a beautiful character. all I am making from my mind is garbage even with metahuman lol. kinda expected it. Please don't say google images. idk how to search efficiently in search engines. I want something that also goes a bit in detail

13:33 UTC


Looking for Sprite Animation Interpolation tool

A long time ago, I remembered seeing a tool in a video that I believe was from gamefromscratch. This tool could take for example, a 4 frame animation, and "fill in" the gaps in-between frames to convert it to a smoother, 8 frame animation.

Does anyone remember what this tool was called? I can't seem to find it anywhere.

13:28 UTC


How do I get an unpaid gamedev team to be active?

TL;DR = No one is being paid, no one communicates

So i've become the "2nd-in-command "project head for a gamedev team. I technically have been for a while now, but only recently did it become official. And it's a shitshow of silence, and this is kind of my last ditch effort to find solutions.


Right now, the way it works is:

"If you want to join, just sign a form (and add any related experience) and we'll accept"

That's it. Very low barrier of entry. Which sounds fair, even the leads and the project head don't have any real gamedev experience (myself included).

If you want to leave, you just say you want to leave, and leave.


  1. No one is being paid, and the project isn't being monetized. At least, that's how the project head wants it to go.
  2. We're all working online via Discord. Almost no one knows each other irl.

These two problems really suck for productivity

The team is split into 5 branches: Game Designers, Writers, Artists, Composers, and Coders.

Almost all of our branch leads aren't good at leading, nor do they actively keep up with their branch. Our project head especially. Even when i've done my best to give pointers and organize, they rarely initiate anything with it.

The branches rarely ever communicate with each other. A branch will get stuck on a certain part just because they need stuff from another branch to continue.

The rest of our devs aren't productive nor communicative either. Nobody notifies when they're going inactive, nor how long they'll be gone. And even if they do, the routine usually goes like this:

(dev goes inactive wo/ warning) -> (ask for update 1-2 weeks later) -> (they say they're tied up with irl stuff) -> (say it's alright, check back in another 1-2 weeks) -> [repeat step 2]

And I can't really blame them. They're not getting paid, so they don't really have to be here. But for the actual health of the project, it's detrimental.

We have booted off some of the dead weight before, but even then, our most active devs are active for casual chatting more than actual work.


  • No one is being paid
  • No one communicates

Can I save this? I can get more specific if asked.

I desperately need solutions because i'm tired of trying to solve this myself. Either that, I leave, or I convince the project head to start paying people.

12:35 UTC


Whats harder to code? Multiplayer pvp or singleplayer npc AI?

Civ like game. Need to decide wether to make a multiplayer browser based pvp real-time style game (no ai coding), but need client-server architecture. Or make a single player turn based pc game, but then I need to make a very decent NPC AI.

So, from your point of view, whats easier to implement and make? Multiplayer without AI or just NPC AI?

Making it in godot if that counts.

12:15 UTC


First game I ever made

I am currently almost done developing a game I have been working on for a few months. Its a rather short platformer. One level and is designed to be a first person speed runner. I re made the map about 3 times so far becasue i was not getting a consistant and fun experience. Since the game is small and can be completed in probably 10-30 minutes, what should I do in terms of pricing? i was planning on selling it but im not too sure Im experienced enough to sell people a project that could be consitered "slapped together." I made all my assets from scratch and used no help. Its not too pretty but i think its a wonderful start. I am ready to move on to another slightly larger project. Should I release it for free on itch.io? Or could it be sellable? I am not super experienced, but I think I have polished this game enough to get it to work well and be fun.

11:24 UTC


I'm trying to fund my Kickstarter campaign for my gamedev competition but I haven't gotten a single dollar yet. Any tips?

It's been over a week since I released my funding campaign for my Gamedev competition: Gamedev Clash. I wasn't even asking for much, just 1,700 dollars. I am wondering if there is something I could be missing or do better that would drive more people to my page. Just check out page and point out stuff that is wrong or I could add.

11:21 UTC


Game just with notepad, folders and assets

How would you approach making a game only with notepad, folders and assets, if that is even possible? No premade engines, libraries, apis or visual studio. Full control on the code without clutter. Hyper optimized, flexible and unique.

Not a game that just displays in cmd as ascii, but at least a pixel art game like the old Pokemon/Zelda games. And it needs to be a persistent online world.

All I know is that you make a game loop...

11:09 UTC


Scenario planning

Hi, I will be making my own "hack" of a gameboy pokemon game. While I have already discovered the technical part, I'm struggling with having a step by step scenario representation. What would be a good app to make a scenario? I have a general concept, some specific events and overall plot in mind. But need to picture it step-by-step, make links and variations, which won't work well in a wall of text. What do you use for that?

1 Comment
11:02 UTC


HTN VS STRIPS-like planners

Greetings, I've been interested in learning and implementing an HTN planner but I'm quite confused on the actual differences between an HTN planner and a STRIPS-like planner such as GOAP.

So far all the stuff I've read regarding their differences just have me say "well this is essentially a STRIPS-like planner", even though they say they're different things, but I cannot see that.

So I was wondering if anyone could kindly explain me the differences between the two properly, perhaps even with concrete examples.

Like, the canon implementation of a GOAP makes use of an FSM as well, which HTNs do not.
However, both STRIPS-like planners and HTN planners work on decomposing a goal (for STRIPS) or a task (for HTN) into actions / sub-tasks in order to accomplish it, even though they're strictly different concepts per se, their end goal is essentially the same.

STRIPS-like planners work on trying to satisfy a goal and reaching the final world state from the initial world state, by using actions, HTN planners work on accomplishing a task by decomposing it in primitive tasks, but both work on sort of preconditions and effects with operators, so this is the main thing that's confusing me on their differences.

11:01 UTC


Can i get some feedback on my world map? i think it looks great but i dont have that great art taste and i need to give my artist an feedback. Any feedback would help.

This site does not allow me to post image so here is link for my world map. https://imgur.com/a/l6fwZCZ I think the map looks really great but i am worried if an artist saw this and think differently. Any feedback would help thanks.

10:48 UTC


Game concept is fundamentally mission based. What now?

I've been thinking about the viability of a quick Twisted Metal/Vigilante 8 remake.

There have been many car combat games that have by default been claimed to be "the spiritual successor to Twisted Metal" while having very little to do with Twisted Metal other than featuring cars with guns on them (most recently Fumes). There is nothing wrong with cars with guns on them, but these games tend to lack the gameplay loop that made Twisted Metal 2 in particular a cult classic.

So instead, I would stick close to the Twisted Metal formula: well designed discrete maps, character brawler opponents, powerups, weapons and physics that encourage both skill expression and "emergent situations".

The problem is that it is said that a mission based structure is not a good idea in the indie space and you should offer infinite roguelite replayability.

The roguelite part is probably the easiest. I don't like character building in this context because the purpose of character building is to gain an edge over the game world and these games are supposed to be a fair fight against equal (though braindead) opponents. Still, there is some room for loadouts, a Twisted Metal 4 esque system of building a character out of car parts or for simple character unlocks.

Infinite replayability is the bigger problem. The maps have to be handcrafted, an open world or procgen does not work. (Twisted Metal, Vigilante 8 and friends emphasise map positioning and finding a path through the map to the good powerups.) I could make a largeish number of maps if I go for either PS1 visuals or asset flip but there's the risk that even that won't be enough and people won't want to go through the "same maps" a second time.

Would this indeed be the problem I think it is?

10:32 UTC


Unity skill needed for first game jam

I had planned to join a game jam this August, but I ultimately got pretty busy and haven't gotten to practice much Unity. I followed along a couple of very simple tutorials (think Flappy Bird) and I could probably somewhat recreate that on my own now. I also am pretty competent with Python so I understand code logic and OOP (although Pygame is not for me). How much more work/time would I need to put in before being able to have a shot at completing a game in a jam? I'm not planning to take the jam too seriously, just to use it as practice. Thanks for any advice you might have!

09:28 UTC

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