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Can't change BlendSpace 1D speed values?

i need to change the values for the animation speeds but whenever i type a value, it just goes back to what it was before & it wont let me change it??

would anyone know how to solve this please? i cant figure out how to add an image on here so ive attached a link to show what im on about: https://imgur.com/a/B0T3IKm

1 Comment
21:20 UTC


Tool for getting all quixel assets into library

In the FAB FAQs it stated that we will get a tool or some kind of feature to put all quixel assets into our library. Is this already out, have I missed it? Just claiming the free assets is not sufficient, am I right? Thanks for your help. Merry Christmas everyone

20:51 UTC


Can't get variables to save in GameInstance

I have created a Game Instance, and it contains how many players are in the game currently. When the "3 Players" button is pressed on the title screen, it will save the integer "3" to the GameInstance.

After opening a new level, when player 3 collects a coin, it calls and checks to see how many players there are, to dictate whether 2 integers need to be added together (P1 and P2's coins) or 3 integers, (P1 + P2 + P3)

When it calls for the GameInstance, the variable returns as the default. Isn't a GameInstance supposed to save data as long as the game is still running? What am I doing wrong? And how can I get it to save?

This is all local multiplayer by the way.

1 Comment
20:39 UTC


What is the best GPU/CPU/RAM build for unreal engine (no budget limit)

Hey folks, soon nvidia will anounce it’s newezt gpu’s, the 50 series. I’m looking at upgrading my pc but struggle to understand the differnce between all the different cpu ‘threads’ and ‘cores’ and the importance of vram in GPU’s

Im a solo indie dev working on a single player game where high end graphics play a big role of the experience.

Thanks to everyone who can give some insights! As the title suggests, no budget limits so feel free to recommend the best of the best 😎

20:28 UTC


Check out my early Advanced PCG Forest Devlog! GamesByHyper

1 Comment
19:32 UTC


UE5.5.1 | Geometry Script | testing procedural generator

19:22 UTC


Does the disappearing and reappearing of cards look good for my game, Desecrated Deck?

1 Comment
18:35 UTC


Should I buy the personal or professional license for the limited free items on fab?

I'm not a business, but I'm stocking up on free stuff, whenever they come out for future projects and I'm wondering if i should be purchasing the personal licenses or the professional ones, so that i can use them, if i were to get success from any games.

I'm assuming that you can use something with a professional license even if you don't meet the criteria, is that correct?

18:24 UTC


Is Tom Loomans C++ course updated to UE5?

Hello! From the reviews I have seen his course is highly regarded, but I am wondering if he did any updates to it, because I can't find any update log/patch notes. I have seen that he made it in UE4. I am talking about the C++ game dev course not the new optimization course.


18:20 UTC


I cannot figure out how to assign and make it recognize what the current item is

I am trying to have a simple hot bar system 1-5 where when the player presses 1-5 an item appears in their hand and disappears when switching to a new item. I cannot figure out how to make the logic work where the program recognizes which button has been press and is set to current item, and when I press a new button it destroys the previous item and sets CurrentItem to null and assigns aswell as spawns the new item. https://imgur.com/a/logic-error-7OpDulw?third_party=1

18:15 UTC


Bough a pdf plugin. works fine in editor but not in a packaged project

The PDF Viewer plugin has a node called "Render Page" and apparently this is the error I find in the logs:

[2024.12.21-12.20.01:400][779]LogPDFViewer: Warning: Page index 0 is an invalid page number.

[2024.12.21-12.20.01:400][779]LogScript: Error: Script Msg: PDF page for RenderPage() was NULL.

Its a 1 page pdf that im trying to load, which loads find in editor. If i set the index to 1 it still throws the same error. No response when reaching out to the plug in maker. Any ideas?

[2024.12.21-15.07.15:133][697]LogPDFViewer: Warning: Page index 1 is an invalid page number.

[2024.12.21-15.07.15:133][697]LogScript: Error: Script Msg: PDF page for RenderPage() was NULL.

18:02 UTC


I cannot, for the life of me, figure out priority during multiple inputs held down with Enhanced Input Actions.

Let's say I have 4 input actions in a mapping context for forward, backward, left, right. It seems to be that the index of the input action in a mapping context effects priority. So If I hold down forward, and then try to hold down right in order to override the forward input, nothing happens. However, when I start with the right input held down and override it with forward input at the same time then it works and I can move forward. I can't seem to figure out how to have all inputs override each other equally.

17:50 UTC


Custom Spline Point Metadata

The Article i followed: Author: MintBanjo

I want to make a custom spline where i can store data of each spline point. I found one and only one article about this in internet and it is working except for one issue,

I have custom spline component inside an actor.

The Issue:

Everytime I change something in spline component, the spline actor gets replaced with spline component.

the parent class changes and the actor class won't even be visible for reparenting.

The article also addressed this issue and gave some workaround but I am unable to figure out how to fix that as that part of article is very confusing for me.

Little help would be very helpful for me. This is important for me.

Thank you for anyone who would help me out :))

1 Comment
17:46 UTC


Final fantasy 7


Trying to play final fantasy 7 rebirth on pc using 4090 on native 4k tv lg c2 oled. I have dsr set up on nvidia control panel and works fine with other games. I'm trying to use a pak mod or engine tweak to force 150 res from native 4k on final fantasy 7 rebirth. The blood works fine for other users according to nexus but causes this green screen bug for me. Does anyone have any idea why this is happening? Ive tested dsr on other games from as high as 8k and also resolution scale up to 200% in other games including other unreal 4 and 5 games and no problem. Just seems this game causes issues for me. Tried reinstalling too but nothing. Just realised i can't post images with this so I can best describe it as a green square in the corner of screen and the main character skin is all green and pixilated when trying to go above 100 res.

17:39 UTC


Problem when loading an str/int map from saved game

I have a list of timers stored in a map, and they seem to be saved to the save file. Yet, when I load the Game, the map appears empty. Is there any issues with loading maps or maybe I should keep looking for an error in my load code?

16:56 UTC


Anything safe to delete that isn’t used in UE 5.5.1?

Recently downloaded UE, and was pretty astonished that it took up roughly 250gb of space on my ssd. Looked around on the internet and saw there may be a lot of things it automatically downloads that are old/outdated, you likely may never use, etc. But I don’t want to rely on random, older articles and comments from various sites when I don’t know what I’m exactly deleting so I wanted to ask here

So for anyone who is familiar with UE (because I’m very new) and has cleaned up their download before to save space, is there anything that takes up a substantial amount of that space that I would be 100% fine with deleting because it’s unnecessary or that I’ll almost certainly never need?

16:41 UTC


Modding Marvel Rivals?

Hey everyone, I was hoping to have a try at modding Marvel Rivals. I've managed to unpack the models with quickbms and umodel but was wondering how I could repack them into their .pak? Also wondering if there's a specific format the models need to be. Any tutorials available? Thanks!

1 Comment
16:05 UTC


How might I go about creating this kind of glitch effect in my menu screen?

15:22 UTC


Struggling with replicated inventory system

So I am making an inventory system for a multiplayer game. From my understanding in a multiplayer game, all the logic should be done server side then replicated to the client (via replicated variables or RPC). But anything related to UI (creating widget and adding to viewport, updating widget) should be done on the owning client.

So, when my player pickup an item, I do the logic server-side, add the item in the inventory which is a array of APickup (which are replicated). The array variable is replicated. Then, the OnRepNotifiy of this array variable will call on the owning client the widget update function to add an icon in the inventory.

It is working great but first of all, is that the correct approach ?

The issue I am encountering happens when I try to populate the inventory rapidly. Let’s say I add a potion item in a loop that is iterating twice to add 2 items in my inventory. The OnRepNotify is called twice on the server but only once (the second time) on the owning client. So my inventory widget is only updated the second time and I only see the icon of the second slot.

If I add a delay of 2 seconds between both iterations then the inventory widget is called twice (as intended) and both slots show the potion icon.

I forgot to add, but I am only updating one slot at a time (so the slot that is supposed to be updated).

Is that the correct way to do it or should I loop through the list and update every slots ? What is the best practice ?

15:15 UTC


Material function call

Hi, I recently started using Unreal Engine and I'm still quite new to it. I'm working with materials and I've tried exporting a few of them, but for the exported ones, the material function call shows up as "unspecified function." I wanted to know if there's a way to identify and understand which function is the correct one, especially since I’m still learning. I don't think I have access to the nodes of the exported material to figure it out from there. Thank you for your help!

1 Comment
14:50 UTC


Custom fullscreen resolution is broken in 5.5. Do you know any workaround?

Another 5.5 broken thing.

It seems impossible to set a custom resolution in 5.5.1 and scale it to fullscreen ('downsampling'/'upsampling'), specially if the resolution is higher than the monitor's native one (for example, forcing a 4k resolution in a QHD monitor, which was working like a charm in 5.3, 5.4, etc).

I have tried the r.SetRes cvar, the Game User Settings nodes, my custom C++ code (but I'm a beginner in C++)... nothing works, but this seems like an elemental setting for ANY game.

Please, dou you have any solution or could you be able to find what code line have they broken this time?

PS: I'm talking about packaged game.

Thank you very much!

14:15 UTC


Special Forces soldier 02

1 Comment
13:59 UTC


Live Retargeting is NOT working in 5.5

I'm trying to live retarget my metahuman to the GASP character and the live retargeting option is ticked but doing nothing
(I have parented the metahuman blueprint to the mesh of the GASP character)

1 Comment
13:53 UTC


Rotate bone only in a specific animation?

I imported some Mixamo animations (punch) and applied them to the unreal mannequin.

The problem is that if I keep punching the character keeps rotating after the animation ends.

I looked at the animations and it seems the pelvis is rotated in the idle animation of the unreal manniquen, while in the punch animation it isnt. If I go and rotate the pelvis in the punching animation it also gets applied to the original idle animation.

How can I rotate the pelvis only for a specific animation? cant find how to do that for the life of me!

13:00 UTC


Made this camping skill using my RPG template ⛺

1 Comment
12:29 UTC


Boycot FAB !

We need the old Unreal Marketplace back with it's manual quality control.

Boycot Fab and post / write to Epic that the community wants the marketplace back along with the whole content, even the good old Epic samples and assets.

11:25 UTC


Problem with directional lighting

Every time I look in a specific direction (looking away from directional light) causes a kind of clipping and cuts the light off. anybody have any idea how to fix this?

This is what it looks like. I'm currently in UE 5.0.3 also


1 Comment
11:16 UTC

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