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An overview of the fundamental networking structure in Unreal Engine.
Concise & in depth. Including BP tools and options but also focuses a lot on C++ and "under the hood" details.
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So I'm brand new to UE5 and followed Unreal Sensei's video on Castle Creation however I'm having issues with painting the landscape. I used his landscape material instance which had a few predefined terrains that were applied through auto material. Some of the materials were not used as part of the auto material but when I tried to paint using any of the textures, including ones automatically applied, it results in these black squares that match the original material instance attached to the landscape, but none of the layers. Some of the materials can start to repaint over them, as seen on the left the square but then it creates another blacked out square a couple feet away. I suspect it may be due to my terrain being a heightmap I generated through Gaea 2.0 but does anyone know how to fix this?
I can't seem to attach images so here's a link showing what it looks like: https://imgur.com/gallery/ue5-paint-issue-jkhyv5K
I'm trying set up a player controlled turret where the turret will slowly move to shoot at where the player is targeting.
I am finding the bone (or socket) transform, finding the camera target, finding the world rotation the turret bone needs to match, and then trying to update the bone rotations in the Anim Graph. After printing the results of the Rinterp, I found that the Rinterp is getting stuck somewhere between the 'current' and 'target' rotations. Somehow the Anim Graph is not updating the bones in the skeleton and the Rinterp is reading the same 'current' numbers.
It could also possibly be that I am finding the "world" rotator to target and trying to update the "local" bone rotations. But I should at least get different numbers from the Rinterp return as I move the camera around.
Any and all help would be much appreciated.
Essentially, I have to do a project involving either AI, procedural generation or both. I decided that I wanted to come up with something a little interesting and make a procedurally generated AI character. Essentially they would be made up of 5 parts: head, right arm, left arm, torso and legs. The right arm would control the AI's primary weapon, the left arm would control it's secondary, the torso its health and the legs its movement speed.
There is a lot more to it and going over each detail would be incredibly extensive. I attempted to look for tutorials but nothing came up safe for videos on how to make procedurally generated environments. Therefore, I was wondering if anyone could offer some tutorials/advice on how a procedurally generated character would be made?
I want to modify metahuman head in Blender but when I export it as a static mesh from Unreal, it also includes teeth, eyes, eyelashes, etc. Is there a way to remove these sections in unreal?
Hello everyone,
Out of 1600 players that played my game's playtest this weekend, 3 of them reported the exact same crash. Looking into this on Google didn't give me any good results. Any idea of what might be causing this?
It's a 5.3.2 packaged shipping game.
Fatal error: [File:E:\UnrealEditors\UE_5.3_Source\Git\Engine\Source\Runtime\CoreUObject\Private\UObject\UObjectArray.cpp] [Line: 234] Attempting to add PC_InactiveStateInputComponent0 at index 50420 but another object (0x000002412dab1c00) exists at that index!
According to Epic’s documentation on Swarm Agent:
Currently, Swarm Agent and Coordinator are only supported for Windows. Light builds on Mac and Linux will only build locally.
How do I build locally? If I use Build > Build Lighting Only or Build > Build All Levels, I get the error:
Import Volumetric Lightmap failed: Expected 64 tasks, only 0 were reported as completed from Swarm"
I cant find any information about this online, chatbots just give me slop, and there are no options for Swarm Agent in Project settings or Editor settings (I believe Swarm Agent must be installed for this). I’ve tried blank projects and blank levels and get the same result.
Possibly useful info:
Editor: Linux_Unreal_Engine_5.5.0 - see https://www.unrealengine.com/en-US/linux
Lumen: Disabled
Nanite: Disabled
OS: Ubuntu 24.04
Driver Version: 535.183.01 CUDA Version: 12.2
System: Type Item CPU AMD Ryzen 5 3600XT 3.8 GHz 6-Core Processor Memory Corsair Vengeance LPX 32 GB (2 x 16 GB) DDR4-3600 CL18 Memory Memory Corsair Vengeance LPX 32 GB (2 x 16 GB) DDR4-3600 CL18 Memory Video Card Zotac GAMING GeForce RTX 2080 SUPER 8 GB Video Card
Must I run spyware Windows to develop in Unreal?
Unhandled Exception: EXCEPTION_ACCESS_VIOLATION reading address 0x0000000000000000
12'::<lambda_1>::operator()() [D:\build++UE5\Sync\Engine\Source\Runtime\Renderer\Private\SceneCaptureRendering.cpp:1478]
2'::<lambda_1>::operator()() [D:\build++UE5\Sync\Engine\Source\Runtime\RenderCore\Private\RenderingThread.cpp:1541]
UnrealEditor_RenderCore!TGraphTask<TFunctionGraphTaskImpl<void __cdecl(void),1> >::ExecuteTask() [D:\build++UE5\Sync\Engine\Source\Runtime\Core\Public\Async\TaskGraphInterfaces.h:634]
UnrealEditor_Core!UE::Tasks::Private::FTaskBase::TryExecuteTask() [D:\build++UE5\Sync\Engine\Source\Runtime\Core\Public\Tasks\TaskPrivate.h:504]
UnrealEditor_Core!FNamedTaskThread::ProcessTasksNamedThread() [D:\build++UE5\Sync\Engine\Source\Runtime\Core\Private\Async\TaskGraph.cpp:779]
UnrealEditor_Core!FNamedTaskThread::ProcessTasksUntilQuit() [D:\build++UE5\Sync\Engine\Source\Runtime\Core\Private\Async\TaskGraph.cpp:668]
UnrealEditor_RenderCore!RenderingThreadMain() [D:\build++UE5\Sync\Engine\Source\Runtime\RenderCore\Private\RenderingThread.cpp:317]
UnrealEditor_RenderCore!FRenderingThread::Run() [D:\build++UE5\Sync\Engine\Source\Runtime\RenderCore\Private\RenderingThread.cpp:443]
UnrealEditor_Core!FRunnableThreadWin::Run() [D:\build++UE5\Sync\Engine\Source\Runtime\Core\Private\Windows\WindowsRunnableThread.cpp:159]
Here's what comes up on crash. I have debug symbols installed.
I cannot replicate this on a fresh project but here's the scenario:
For reasons that I assure you, 100% cannot change, the player in my game needs to be moved around 10,000 units to another identical part of the map when they overlap a trigger. There is a similar trigger on the other end to send them back. I have tried the "Teleport" "AddActorWorldLocation" and "SetActorLocation" nodes. All of these work fine unless the player is MOVING TOWARD and TOUCHING the same wall. If this is the case, the game crashes about half the time. Since there are two triggers in the same area for teleporting to and from the identical map, I'm able to test this without moving my control rotation. Sometimes the game will not crash on the way out, but does on the way back. Sometimes it crashes immediately on the way out. This happens in the editor and in packaged builds.
This is 100% not a case of an infinite loop where the player is accidentally teleported into both triggers "at the same time"
The game does not crash if you are not touching a wall in this transition area.
What I've tried:
Teleporting the player to the middle of nowhere to avoid potential collision issues - Still results in crashing. Which to me suggests that this crash happens based on the start of the teleport and not the end.
Adding an invisible "guide wall" to the transition area that forces the player to not touch the actual wall. - Still crashes, confirming previous point.
Shrinking the player capsule on teleport to avoid any potential collision issues at the start or end of it. - Still crashes.
Having an identical character moving in this identical map section that I simply possess during the "teleport" rather than actually teleporting anything - Results in a very obvious transition frame, unacceptable for my purposes and I'd legitimately rather deal with the crash.
Teleporting the identical map section at the same time as the player - I'm keeping this as it masks the transition nicely when using Lumen. Still results in the issue occurring though.
Teleporting the character a small distance of 100 units away - Does NOT result in a crash. Even if this small distance sends the player into overlapping geometry
Disabling Lumen out of curiosity - Still crashes. Also, there is no Nanite in my project whatsoever and it is disabled everywhere.
Deleting my WaterlinePRO asset since that's the only thing in the entire project using "SceneCapture." - This must be the answer since the crashing goes away but now the teleporter places you in the middle of nowhere? It's not 0,0,0, it's some seemingly nonsense coordinate. Man, why is this happening? This feels like some kind of cosmic joke. There is, and I cannot stress this enough, ABSOLUTELY NO RELATION BETWEEN THE WATERLINE ASSET AND THE TELEPORTER. So WHY would deleting the asset cause the teleporter to work twice and then dump you in the void? Why? Why is this happening to me? I feel cursed.
Hey! Like I said, I have many years of programming experience (especially in C++) and game development experience in several game engines (Including a custom one I made for a project I was working on). What resources do you have for learning Unreal that don't overexplain the programming or basic game dev aspects and focus more on the stuff unique to unreal (especially graphics stuff)? I tried using UE4 about a decade ago but never really got anywhere. Thanks in advance :)
Hi! I made a mirror texture, a very simple one and had to change some of my settings in the project to make it work, but no matter what i do, the reflection looks, awful, pixelated and the flower texture that has an alpha map has visible white background. Any idea what to tweak in settings? Picture in the comments for reference
Hi there.
For my multiplayer game I have Death Event for Ai Characters.
This Event just fires a RepNotify (bool - "IsZimbieDead" ) that sets the mesh to collision profile Name "Ragdoll" and set simulate physics.
This works on the server but for the client sometimes("!) when the AI Character should go into ragdoll it teleports the Mesh to its spawnpoint.
When I emulate lag it becomes worse and happens more often. So I think somehow the ragdoll (Event) is not always properly executed and causes a location mismatch or something. But thats just a guess. I printed the location on server and client on death but its the same. So no difference there.
Also on death I disable movement and unposses the controller. So there should be no movement at all after death. I also tried no replicating movement after death but it did not change anything.
I also tried enable/disabling clientside movement and increasing the net frequency, set always relevant, but again, no luck.
Any help would be very much appreciated.
Okay so I was attempting to restart the level using the open level blueprint node, which I figured out a different way to do it than this that works, I am just wondering if anyone is able to provide me with a reasoning for why it doesn't work the first way. I used the open level blueprint node within the BP third person character in the 3rd person template UE provides, using a check that would see if the player was ever below a certain location on the map. Whenever I would test it, the game would freeze, when I stopped the editor to see what errors were occurring it was saying that it couldn't access the BP third person character values anymore as if it had been deleted. Which does make sense because when the level restarts the old instances are re-instantiated I believe. The thing I don't get is why does it work without crashing when I move the open level blueprint node outside of the BP third person character and into a collider trigger instead? I don't understand where the fault is with the other version, the only differences are where the open level blueprint node is placed, and instead of it being a collision trigger, its a check on the location of the BP character. From my understanding if the collision trigger version works then I don't see why it wouldn't also work when I call the node from inside of the BP character instead of from inside whatever the character collided with, because the values of the BP character are still used outside of the level restarting (infact that's where it says the problem is but I don't get why). If it was actually a problem with accessing the BP character values then it'd crash regardless of where I put the open level blueprint node because of that wouldn't it?
So I created an actor and placed it as a child of another actor. When I make changes to the actor (child), the transform variables are not applied correctly to the copy of that actor (child). Why? The screens are in the comments. Does this work differently than prefabs in Unity?
SO derived cache eating up major space of the WRONG harddrive.
Does anyone know where the location of default derived cache is? I tried to look and cant find it through window search, I looked in project settings and the areas are ALL blank, it doesn't even tell me where it magically puts this cache on c drive.
I am trying to make a main menu, i've followed many different tutorials accurately but the widget bp is not showing at all- ive checked my project settings and all of the modes are set correctly, yet nothing is showing up. would anyone be able to help me please?
these are my relevant blueprints: https://imgur.com/a/widget-bp-not-showing-gzMpgEg
edit: the issue was that i set the game mode as a gamemodebase and not a gamemode!
Anyone set up a perforce server that saves files on NAS? My goal: I have a Nas with a lot of space but not powerful enough to run a perforce server. My idea is to share a folder with Nfs and save all the possible data on it. The server will be a Ubuntu server that runs docker, I will mount the nfs folder in it as a volume. I already have a working configuration with cifs, but I'm not satisfied with performances. Reading the documentation, it seems that the solution is to create on the nfs only the depots, the db and journals on the local machine. Since I want to be able to recreate the container without losing data, I was thinking to create a docker local volume where set p4root. I cannot set p4root on the nfs volume since the database needs locks and nfs seems to not support them. At this point I'm unsure on some things:
I thought of this configuration because the server will be used for other things and is essentially a server that I want to format frequently without leaving important data on it.
I'm struggling with this for weeks, so I decided to ask for help 😅 if anyone can give me other suggestions are well accepted. Thanks to everyone
Screenshot : https://imgur.com/a/XGVwCb0
Hey everyone, I’ve been working on this cinematic project in UE 5.3 with standalone ray tracing. Just upgraded to 5.5, and now the lighting is completely off. The godrays are gone, and the whole scene looks way too foggy, even though my directional light and exponential height fog settings are the same. Please help me fix this. Thanks in advance!
The shadows underneath the plants transition from dark to bright very fast, its like there is a specific distance where this effect occurs. Is there a way to change this range or remove it? Or make it more smooth??
I’m trying to dynamically create a submix during runtime in C++, and add a reverb submix effect to it. I replicate the setup I have working in the editor ( using the assets ), but can’t get it to work. I wonder if we are allowed to do this dynamically at all?
I tried to create a ‘USoundSubmix’ and a ‘USubmixEffectReverbPreset’. I set the settings on the reverb effect, and add this to the effects-chain on the submix. After this I set this submix on the audiocomponent, and restart the sound. This does nothing.
I also tried to set this effect on the ‘USoundBase’ directly. So I get the sound from the AudioComponent, enable the submix sends on it, and add the reverb effect to the ‘SoundSubmixSends’ array ( which is the same as the ‘submix sends’ in the metasounds asset ). This also does nothing.
Code context:
Hey Guys i have been working a project for the last 3 years and have recently transitioned to using mass ai to direct traffic, flying vehicles, drones and pedestrians around my level. last week I loaded up the editor and my level would not open due to a line of code in the MassTrafficSubsystem. Unable to fix it i decided to cut my losses and redo all the zone graphs in a fresh citysample which is a very long process.
Today i was editing tags on mass intersections and when i built the zonegraphdata and went to simulate the level the editor crashed again with the same error as before and i have no way of opening it to try undo whatever it is that has caused the issue.
i took a look at the section of code that is causing this crash. the specific line that crashes the level is bold.
// Override left & right lanes
if (int32* LeftLaneIndex = LeftLaneOverrides.Find(TrafficLaneData.LaneHandle.Index))
if (FZoneGraphTrafficLaneData* LeftTrafficLaneData = TrafficZoneGraphData.GetMutableTrafficLaneData(LeftLaneIndex))
check(TrafficLaneData.LeftLane == nullptr);
TrafficLaneData.LeftLane = LeftTrafficLaneData;
if (int32 RightLaneIndex = RightLaneOverrides.Find(TrafficLaneData.LaneHandle.Index))
if (FZoneGraphTrafficLaneData* RightTrafficLaneData = TrafficZoneGraphData.GetMutableTrafficLaneData(*RightLaneIndex))
check(TrafficLaneData.RightLane == nullptr);
TrafficLaneData.RightLane = RightTrafficLaneData;
I really dont want to have to redo this a third time to be hit with the same error so if anyone with cpp knowledge can help i would really appreciate it.
the crash report is here:
Assertion failed: TrafficLaneData.RightLane == nullptr [File:D:\build++UE5\Sync\LocalBuilds\CitySample\Windows\Plugins\Traffic\Source\MassTraffic\Private\MassTrafficSubsystem.cpp] [Line: 524]
UnrealEditor_MassTraffic!UMassTrafficSubsystem::BuildLaneData() [D:\build++UE5\Sync\LocalBuilds\CitySample\Windows\Plugins\Traffic\Source\MassTraffic\Private\MassTrafficSubsystem.cpp:524]
UnrealEditor_MassTraffic!UMassTrafficSubsystem::RegisterZoneGraphData() [D:\build++UE5\Sync\LocalBuilds\CitySample\Windows\Plugins\Traffic\Source\MassTraffic\Private\MassTrafficSubsystem.cpp:188]
UnrealEditor_MassTraffic!UMassTrafficSubsystem::PostZoneGraphDataAdded() [D:\build++UE5\Sync\LocalBuilds\CitySample\Windows\Plugins\Traffic\Source\MassTraffic\Private\MassTrafficSubsystem.cpp:144]
UnrealEditor_MassTraffic!TBaseUObjectMethodDelegateInstance<0,UMassTrafficSubsystem,void __cdecl(AZoneGraphData const *),FDefaultDelegateUserPolicy>::ExecuteIfSafe() [D:\build++UE5\Sync\LocalInstall\Engine\Source\Runtime\Core\Public\Delegates\DelegateInstancesImpl.h:667]
I am not a cpp developer so i have no real ideas to resolve this. a quick copiloit search gave me this
The error message indicates that the assertion TrafficLaneData.RightLane == nullptr
failed. This means that TrafficLaneData.RightLane
is not nullptr
when the code expects it to be.
again i have no idea how to resolve this.
also if i edit this file do i then have to recompile the editor?
again any help would be greatly appreciated, i am in over my head and really need this to work as i have a lot of time and money invested in this project.
I am using mixamo to easily have animations on my custom blender model. I just came across an "issue" while creating the blendspace for the ennemy moving holding a rifle.
The socket for the idle animation doesnt fit the animation for aiming. So I was wondering if it would be bad practice to create multiple sockets for different animations ? In this case, it would be one socket for aiming the rifle, and an other one for the idle pose.
Thank you!
Hi everyone! I have started developing 3D Models and Logos using Blender as a side hustle. If you want any custom models/assets for your game, for any short video, a logo for your portfolio/startup/company etc, you can feel free to describe it to me using a rough sketch. I will create it in some time and once that's done, you can pay me. The time required to deliver the product will obviously depend on the complexity of the task. Nevertheless, I will try to deliver it as soon as possible.
[Note: Currently I don't do character creation so please avoid characters]
You can find me on my Fiverr Gig: DM me for the link (If I upload the link the post gets deleted. I don't know why)
Thank you. Looking forward to working with you.
I'm planning on creating a custom body control rig in ue5 and was wondering if I could attach a metahuman head to the neck bone of the body and still get it to function with neck movements. I want to avoid using the mannequin rig for this. Are there any good resources out there for this?
So i guess we all know phong from the og. Source engine, i guess it either never was implemented but im sure there was something similar in earlier unreal versions. Is there a current "something" that does the same and is just as performance friendly as phong back then? Or is this all now handled by PBR?
Has any one had any luck on fab?
I have been creating base meshes for rigging specifically on unreal and their like a dollar 2 dollars and I don’t plan on changing that but it seems nobody can find anything and I don’t think people want base meshes but it’s compounded by saturation and I think the flooded un organized unreal fab
I want to create a patterned material with a flat texture always looking to the camera, very similar to the effect you get when using the custom stencil filter on the viewport. Image in comments
The texture always looking to the camera as if were a flat image, on the silouette on whatever mesh has it.
How would you go about doing it?