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With the help of your valuable feedback, I've been able to improve a large part of the game and even add new content. That's why I need your help once again to test these content additions and fixes.
For those who don't remember Evermist, or missed the last post, it's an isometric pixel-art cRPG in RTWP currently in development.
The game features free character progression, character group management and a balance between affordable and complex mechanics.
Thanks a lot for your help!
I prefer pixel or low graphics, and Windows. I have been looking for quite a while, and I cant seem to find any. It does not matter if I fight WITH the other player/players, or against them.
I know, everyone posts about progress of their games here. But today I have to post something else. About a company you should avoid at all costs. A publisher called 404games who offer indie teams porting their games to consoles.
Disclaimer: I work for a publisher myself. I'm in charge of it. If you ever want to work with us, do the same as with any other company: Do your homework, do some research and talk to teams we work with.
Anyways. 404games is a scam publisher. They promise you in their mails that both parties would benefit from their offer. That's a lie. How do I know? Cause they don't do their homework. They contacted us twice now. For two games which were already on consoles. The first one was CrossCode. I played along in June and let them take the offer further. They stepped out when they learned it is based on a custom HTML5 / JavaScript Engine as they can only port Unity and Unreal.
Now they contacted us over Drova. Same mail. No homework done. Game launched on Consoles as well.
It is pretty obvious that these are mass mailings, most likely also autogenerated to a certain degree. And they hope that someone falls for it so they can generate a quick cashgrab.
Their Mail:
My answer:
Great new horror game The INNSANITY an end of the world story where I spend the night in a hotel
Will it be for you ??