This is a friendly place for those cringe-worthy and (maybe) funny attempts at humour that we call dad jokes. Often (but not always) a verbal or visual pun, if it elicited a snort or face palm then our community is ready to groan along with you.
To be clear, dad status is not a requirement. We're all different and excellent. Some people are born with lame jokes in their heart and so here, everyone is a dad. Some dads are wholesome, some are not.
It's about how the joke is delivered.
Hello and welcome to r/dadjokes!
Only self-posts are allowed. However, you may still link to images within the self-post if the image is relevant.
A couple of suggestions to follow:
Leave the punchline out of the title!
Preferred to be a joke an actual father said, but not required.
Tag [NSFW] or [NSFL] if ever necessary.
Remember to edit out any personal information that could lead to identifying people in real life. This includes, but is not limited to, phone numbers, email addresses, facebook/twitter/instagram screenshots.
Other places to laugh at:
Subs for dads:
Turned out to be a pretty waffle idea.
Nevermind. It won't work.
He wants to have a Buzzed LightYear again.
They’re the wurst!
But my brains kept falling out...
It's a Naan issue there.
Unless you multiply yourself by the speed of ligth squared, then you energy.
You can only Samurais it
Canada and Mexico
Maybe it is bi-shop
He’s really into non-friction.
He was caught lakh'n
That's why it always turns out parfait rather than parfbee.
Would he greet patrons with, "Hello, is it mead you're looking for?"
That's So Raisin
It may never come
A stick.
His newer work's kinda gotten stale.
He didn’t have the guts
At least spongebob will ask "are you ready?"
I pay whatever they ask
After some delicate questioning, "Gender Reveal, Mom. It's called a Gender Reveal."
Fine aunts.
Me: Please don't drop those pumpkins on the floor, they'll make a big mess if they break!
Toddler: Because then they'll be squashed.
I would like to meter.
!it was a great trade!!!<
In a riverbank.
It's your own asphalt!
...She said she needs to be ruthless, so I threw her out too.