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Friends of the sub:
But I find it touching, myself
Man, she would have been pissed if she knew I meant kilos.
A guy who hounds you to death!
So, my wife managed to crash the car again today.
When the police showed up, she was all fired up,
insisting that the guy she hit was being totally reckless.
“He was on his phone! Can you believe it?!” she exclaimed.
“And, to make matters worse, he was sitting there, casually sipping on a can of beer!”
The officer, trying his best to hold back a smile,
took a deep breath, looked her dead in the eye, and said,
“Ma’am… he can do whatever he wants… in his own living room.”
Ouch 🤕
That I have to file a police report because the bastard stole my ladder
He said, "Fuck it, take me to KFC."
They both like a tight seal!
A bop-tart
My wife teaches freshman composition at a local university. One paper she was grading described a person as a "45-year-old, middle-aged housewife." My wife deleted "middle-aged," noted in red "redundant," and returned the paper.
When she received the rewrite, the revised line read: "a 45-year-old redundant housewife..."
Swing and a piss.
Heard a comedian recently on a standup show, picking on the audience and mocking their home town. One lad was from Southampton - the comic had nothing to say about the city. Can any Hampshire Hog help him? And joke about dear old Soton?
So make sure you use an airtight container when storing leftovers.
She told me “After this one I’m calling it Quits.”
You can't spell "homeowner" without "meow".
Dottore, all five of my bambinos! They have the no ambition! They all want to be valets when they grow up, just like their lazy father! Can you do anything?”
“I’m afraid it is hopeless, Senora Abatangelo. It is the worst case of parking son’s disease I have ever seen.”
But his smashed windshield was repaired in two days.
A bloody Busch.
Just the thought of eating there makes me grimace
But one night I fucked five 2’s, and I think that should count.
RIP George Carlin
Ahhh! My Buccaneers!
"What were you doing when the police arrived?" the judge asked the defendant.
"Waiting, sir."
"Waiting for what?"
"For money."
"Who was supposed to give you the money?"
"The man I was waiting for."
"Why was he going to give you the money?"
"For waiting."
"Enough of this!" exclaimed the judge.
"What do you do for a living?"
"I'm a waiter!"
Nobody knows.
After a round of racquetball, two men were changing in the dressing room, when one of them put on a girdle. The other asked, "Whoa, when did you start wearing that thing?” He replied, “When my wife found it under the seat in the car.”
Every conceivable situation.
I told her I was just going through a rough patch.
Hebrew coffee