/r/3amjokes - for all the stupid humor of sleep deprivation.
Have you been up for longer than a normal human being can operate? Good.
Have you just laughed at a joke that wouldn't be funny otherwise?
submit your insomniac dad jokes today
/r/3amjokes - for all the stupid humor of sleep deprivation. "So bad, its good"
Have you been up for longer than a normal human being can operate? Good.
Have you just laughed at a joke that wouldn't be funny otherwise?
Jokes should be stupid, nonsensical, and more or less unfunny at any point before sleep deprivation kicks in. Think of dad jokes for insomniacs.
Try to avoid longform jokes or reposts of jokes that have been posted within the last month. Posting jokes from other subs is allowed.
Rule | Explanation |
1. Be civil | Remember the human behind the keyboard and try to treat others as you would prefer to be treated. |
2. Follow Reddit's rules | This includes reddiquette and all sitewide rules that can be found here |
3. No spam | Pretty straightforward, don't spam. If your post gets caught in the spam filter please message the mods and it will be fixed. |
4. No promoting targeted hate | racism, misogyny, bigotry will not be tolerated to any extent. users that incite violence or that promote hate based on identity or vulnerability will be banned. |
Sidebar last updated: Jan 23rth 2021
a pupsmear
(no dogs were harmed in the making of this joke!)
Because it’s the sudden stop in the end that got to me
Because it felt like it needed more space!
To work through its phases!
Fried vegetable
It's nothing to take lightly.
It's only a brief window.
And it's only a brief window.
And I'm potent
He didn’t, he chickened out!
And on the next table a diving bird was complaining bitterly about the food. He’d ordered a curry with chicken and coconut milk and he HATED it. Went on about it for some time. It was a cormorant.
(I woke my partner up to tell her this one, unsurprisingly she didn’t think it was very funny, but then it was about half 2 in the morning)
Because 7 days makes a hole weak
It's still a fucking pigeon
Great moms turn them off first.
A lighthouse
FYI, chicks don't like being called broads no more.
A clitortoise!
I never wanted to write about my love for big black ducks.
It went in one ear and out the other.
A tweeter.
I knew I had to hide my excitement – or else I'd be too easy to find!
but she always gives herself away with her tail-tell signs.
Your pupils, they dilate.
"Water you up to?"
But then I saw the electric bill.
when one door closes, another door opens.
You know, like heroin.
Because he didn't meet the dead-line.