A place to post about Dads reflexing/reacting to stuff, good or bad.
No reposts from hot 50 or top 100. Frequent reposts are also not allowed.
Only RES compatible Gifs/Videos are allowed, no images.
Don't be a dick - No racism/bigotry. I can't believe we even have to specify this. Adhere to reddiquette, people. Follow all reddit site-wide rules.
Only Post dad Reflexes. Posts must contain a reaction involving a dad and a kid. It must occur between an adult male and youth, with the context indicating it is a father/child(ren) combo. No Moms, Grandparents, animals, cars, food etc. Reflexes can be good OR bad.
Examples of Reflexes: GOOD BAD
Not sure if your post fits our criteria? It likely belongs in one of the following subs inste**ad: - /r/wholesomememes - /r/MomInstincts - /r/suchadadthing
/r/StepDadReflexes for when dads' reflexes fail
/r/SuchaDadThing for when dads do non-reflexy stuff
/r/DadJokes for teh funnies
/r/MomInstincts for when moms do stuff
/r/Daddit for real dads
Lucky kid
smooth and decisive