🇺🇲 RIP r/TheDonald
🇺🇲 Sub our sister sub r/Republican as well
Conservatism (from, conservare, "to preserve") is a political and social philosophy that promotes the maintenance of traditional institutions and supports minimal and gradual change in society. Conservatives will also argue for reversal of change that has proven to be detrimental.
Feel free to speak your mind, as a conservative, without fear of being banned. Non-conservatives may ask questions and engage in polite conversation with conservatives on a limited basis, but should avoid heated debate or downvoting our users based on opinion.
This is not, in fact, a debate subreddit... so if you are a liberal you are not welcome to constantly try to challenge conservatives here. There are other subreddits where you may do that.
Please do not use excessive profanity and heated rhetoric.
1) Personal Attacks
Avoid personal attacks and insults. Be civil at all times. Spirited discussion and disagreement is encouraged, but insults and personal attacks degrade the quality of discussion on the subreddit and will not be tolerated.
2) Bigotry
You may not make racist, sexist, anti-Semitic or otherwise bigoted comments in the sub.
3) Reddiquete
Follow reddit terms of service and Reddiquette
4) Voting and Complaints of Bias
Do not engage in blind downvoting of comments and submissions on a partisan basis. Do not complain that articles are biased.
5) Liberal Talking Points
Do not make comments consisting entirely of liberal talking points. For example: Do not make the case for socialism, universal health care or UBI. Do not use the subreddit to shill for liberal candidates/politicians.
6) Conservative Bashing
There are a lot of places on reddit where bashing Conservatism is allowed and even encouraged. This is not one of them.
7) Trolling
Do not engage in trollish behavior. Avoid excessive profanity.
8) Use Your Words
Posts and comments consisting of one word, an image, meme or just an emoji are highly discouraged as we seek to foster debate and conversation. As such, they are subject to removal at the mods' discretion.
9) Complaints About Benign Submissions
Do not complain in the comment section about submissions that are benign in nature. If there is something posted that is truly inappropriate, message the moderators or hit the report button.
10) Complaints About the Subreddit
Complaints about the subreddit should be directed to modmail.
11) Posts and comments about transgenderism
Posts and comments about transgender individuals, news stories referencing them, any sexualization or mutilation of children by individuals who identify as part of this group, or governmental or institutional policies about them will no longer be allowed on this subreddit, because certain redditors consider anything remotely negative posted about that group to be "promoting hate", and the admins agree with them. Any such posts or comments should be taken to a different platform on which free speech is still possible.
If you are a liberal joining us.
If you have issues with anyone violating the rules, please message the moderators. Thank you.
See Also:
/r/SocialConservative (private)
How come no one is talking about Marsha Blackburn exposing Dick Durbin, Christopher Ray, the Democrats and FBI for stone walling aka preventing the release of the Epstein files!?