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They always try to play the "morally righteous" card but when literally any minority says they are voting for Trump they just spew hate, especially against jews
My god, I hope for the sake of the Western and possibly entire World you win next week. Never cared about an election in the UK cause they’re basically irrelevant.
Vote Trump. Vance 🇺🇲
Don't forget to vote Trump. Vance 🇺🇲
Swamp the Vote USA
Latinos for Trump! Luchador! https://youtu.be/jjsqncOWTYk?feature=shared
I can't get away from the absolute hatred I'm seeing from people who support Harris. Reddit is absolutely awful but I'm really trying to understand where it's coming from?! I'm just a late 40s white female, mostly conservative, God fearing woman.
I don't think my beliefs are that extreme. Do they truly believe the media? They call him a dictator when I've seen nothing like it. I can't believe people are still talking about January 6th like he had something to do with it. This feels like a nightmare. Inflation has made things so freaking expensive and that was a DIRECT result of Biden/Harris. I'm just shocked that people talk so badly about his supporters.
Do I wish he was a more polished speaker? Heck yes! He drives me nuts when he rambles, but I'm looking at actions and I know he isn't a politician so I give him a pass for that. And outlawing abortion? Am I missing something? When did he say that? I just wish someone could explain what the other side is seeing that I'm not?