
Photograph via snooOG

A place to for conservatives of all nations to discuss politics and articles related to or of interest to conservatives.

All kinds of conservatives are welcome.

The goal here is to keep things insightful and non-confrontational.

We do not tolerate racism, sexism, or hate in general.

We are not a forum for liberals to come and do battle with conservatives. If you are going to troll, expect to be banned. We will be okay with respectful banter.

For a good mission statement see The Speech.

  • Pro Second Amendment. "Shall not be infringed" is clear.

  • Slow gradual progress is preferable to radical change

  • Not ALL change is good change.

  • We must preserve those institutions worth preserving

  • Small governments that defer to local governments whenever possible are preferable .

  • Government's principal responsibility is to protect the lives and rights of its constituents as laid out in the Constitution.

  • Milton Friedman/Chicago School economics.

  • Promoting Democracy throughout the world.

  • Strong military...funded military.

  • Lower taxes on the American people. If taxes are raised, let's make everyone have some skin in the game.

  • Less crippling regulations on job creators.

You MAY editorialize your titles to reflect the content of the article or to draw attention to the important part/s. You may NOT choose a title that misleads and doesn't reflect the content of the article.

  • Please have a look at the subreddit to make sure your submission doesn't have a variant of it already submitted.

Regarding submissions from blogs: If the blog is merely a reiteration of a news story, please locate the news story from a non-blog source and post IT instead of the blog. We understand that some blogs have links that put a number of relevant stories together around a topic. We don't want to become like other subreddits , where a topic is flogged to death by endless blog posts that don't add anything to the story.

Please don't complain about people's submissions. If you don't like them, don't upvote them. There may be subs about entertainment, or world affairs. If it doesn't belong here, the mods will decide. If it's harmless and interesting, it will likely stay. Don't report and tell us that the site is "biased". We know. That's the point. We see the content that gets launched onto the front page of /r/politics written by the 16 year-old foaming-at-the-mouth-liberal who thinks that "Repuglicons" are evil and should be exiled from the USA... or the dude that hasn't gotten over #occupy and lives on Hot Pockets fighting people online who don't like Bernie Sanders.

What we want is good, convivial discourse.

Something to ponder “When the people find that they can vote themselves money that will herald the end of the republic.”

― Benjamin Franklin

See Also:

/r/TheTrumpZone/ /r/BestoftheRight
/r/conservative /r/conservatives


3,453 Subscribers


Sergei Lavrov must think the West are fools. Or perhaps just Tucker Carlson

20:26 UTC


America’s new declinists are deluded about the consequences of letting Putin win

17:22 UTC

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