A place for Pro-Lifers of all religious, secular and political views to gather on Reddit.
A place for Pro-Lifers of all religious, secular and political views to gather on Reddit.
Posts must be about abortion. For all life issues, see /r/trueprolife.
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Abortions effects on women’s health:
Pro life Laws work:
How to argue and What to argue:
Misconceptions about Pro-Life and other Myths:
Person and Personhood:
Abortion Clinic Workers and Pro Choice Testimonies:
Bodily Autonomy and Consent:
Pregnancy Help:
Post-Abortion Grief
See Also
A pro choicer woman told me that I woman does not have the obligation to carry a pregnancy if she does not want it.I replied she does not have an obligation to get pregnant. She replied that a woman may not be aware that she can get pregnant because contraception can fail . Shouldn' t a woman who is not aware she can get pregnant avoid having sex in the first place?
forgive me if this has been said already but out of curiosity what if someone was sa'd, drugged, incest, or it could kill the mother?
Go to a group of pro-choicers hem you support abortion because it culls the populations of the undesireable races, such as Hispanics and Blacks, and also wipes out disabled people and culls the poors.
Watch them squirm, then boo you before throwing you out and calling you a Nazi.
Then go to a different crowd and say Abortion benefits BIPOC communities the most, as well as poor communities and disabled people by preventing harmful births which affect those communities the most and they will cheer thunderously.
They are literally just lying to themselves that it is "helping".
It's actually insane that dismembering then incinerating predominantly poor, non white, and disabled babies while sparing rich, white, healthy babies is the compassionate liberal stance if you think about it.
I am pro life and believe abortion is murder because everyone in my family is pro choice, I would like to hear your guy’s standpoint on abortion.
Edit: I am not pro life out of spite. I just see the other extreme and disagree.
However, what matters is that women are not dying from abortion bans in the US, they're dying from medical malpractice. And abortion laws not theocratic, but a common sense extension of laws against murder to protect human life before birth as well.
And Trump has openly stayed he will not push for a nationwide abortion ban.
Pro choicers told me most women feel relief after an abortion. So many on the abortion sub absolutely seemed relieved. But I experienced suicidal feelings and absolute regret. All I wanted was my baby back. This was not long ago at all. I can’t use birth control of any kind for many reasons and tried to use ovulation kits to be more careful.
After this accident, I realized my method was not reliable. I am very mentally ill, poor, and get easily irritable when under the tiniest amt of stress. I am like a big irresponsible child who can’t handle their emotions. And I couldn’t handle adoption. I thought abortion would be easy. Wrong.
I swore to never get pregnant again and made an appt to get my tubes tied. My fiance though wanted kids and assured me he would step in and help and that his mother would too. He begged and begged but I still said no. He was traumatized from the abortion and wanted another child. did too but I knew I was unfit.
While waiting to get tubes tied, I got condoms and had to smoke lots of weed or have 2-3 margaritas to not have pain when using them. So sex was infrequent because I do not like to smoke or drink.
Well I passed out during sex from drinking alcohol and I will never know if he removed condom or not. He said he didn’t so idk. Unfortunately he cheated & we parted ways. Because I wouldn’t take him back he no longer cared about the child either.
My choice is to move home with my mom who is 62 and has chronic pain issues. She’s also very poor. I’m 39 and I haven’t worked in a very long time. I was going to get on disability for mental illness and sciatica.
I understand I could use all these public resources for food, stamps, and housing and etc. What I worry about is abusing my kids or neglecting them because my extreme irritability issues & my extreme low tolerance for stress. My mother was also a very abusive person and so I feel like I would be the same as her, but I wouldn’t want to be.
And I can’t handle adoption because the parents aren’t always good parents even if they seem to be. And I’ll never know. They could end up being worse than me. Or I’ve heard of the parents molesting their adopted children and things like that. And I hear for some adopted kids It’s very traumatic for some of them, even if they were adopted at birth. I’ll just never know and even if they promised it open adoption, they can at any time make it closed. It’s legal to go back on their word. I have been on the birth parent sub, and they are extremely traumatized and said that the adoption process for them was more traumatic than any abortion they’ve had. And I would hate to feel those bonding hormones and then be traumatized forever because they took my baby from me.
I don’t want to kill it. I want to keep it. But I don’t know how I’m gonna do it. Any help is appreciated.
I’m pretty sure there are plenty of other things that bring a woman closer to death outside of complications (which are not and should not be the norm.)
Childbirth is definitely not a walk in the park, but borderline death? It’s a natural, albeit miserable for most, experience, but definitely not close to death.
Again, excluding the rare complications. I believe the average is about 700 in the US due to either rare complications or complete medical negligence and malpractice. That’s a whole other conversation.
Hello everyone! So I am new to this sub. I grew up being pro life but changed my mind when I became a teacher (oddly enough). I worked as a teacher for about 10 years at low income schools. I have seen the worst of the worst and even worked in a prison as a teacher. For me, I always personally would be ok with going back to the pro life side but personally I just always felt that there was a bias. From what my students have told me, we only care about babies before they’re born. Once they’re here, we don’t care about them. My foster students have been treated horribly. No one advocates for them once they’re here.
For me my biggest issue with pro life is that if we were really pro life, we would advocate for people outside the womb first. Once we had a functioning foster care system and actually had decent maternal care, I feel like that’s when I could resort back to pro life.
However, I’m open minded. I want to be pro life again, the only thing is I see what happens when people have kids that they didn’t want or shouldn’t have had. I have had students tell me that they wish their parents would’ve aborted them.
I just want help. I want to be pro life but I just see so many biases and not enough caring of life outside of the womb.
I have a debate in my class. I’m originally pro choice but I got assigned pro life so I wanted to know if anyone would be willing to share why they’re pro life. Thank you!! (Btw I am open minded, no hate here!!!)
Malta is one of the most ProLife countries in Europe! Every year so many come to the capital city to promote pro life values! Choose love, choose life!
COLUMBIA (The State) -- After meeting with the GOP caucus in Sumter in November, coming up with an a bill to further restrict abortion is not at the top of the priority list, Massey said.
Massey wouldn’t say if and when they will jump into an abortion debate, but a conversation took place in the all-male Republican caucus. “It was a good spirited conversation as always,” Massey said. “We had a good conversation about it. I don’t expect that will be our only caucus conversation about it.”
House members have passed more restrictive abortion bans in recent years only for the pushes to stall in the Senate. Now with the 34-seat GOP supermajority in the state Senate, Republican may have more flexibility to push for a ban that starts earlier than the six-week mark of a pregnancy. At least, that’s what House members want.
House Republican leadership has indicated that abortion restrictions need to start with the Senate. “Some of those folks campaign on the fact that they’re pro-life, and some of the ones they beat, they claim we’re not pro-life,” House Majority Leader Davey Hiott said. “So let’s allow them to send it to us and we’ll take a look at it, because we’ve always been the one that started it, and it won’t sit over here if they send it to us.”
The hard-line conservative House Freedom Caucus was more direct that the Senate should be able to pass more restrictions on abortion after the results of the election, which included the ouster of three Republican women who stood against the state’s current six-week law. “I think the voters in South Carolina were very clear when it comes to life,” said state Rep. April Cromer, R-Anderson, and Freedom Caucus vice chairwoman. “We have three senators that lost their race solely based on their stand with the Democrats when it comes to life and I think that should speak to the current Senate. They gained a supermajority and there’s nothing that we can’t do for the people of South Carolina.”
Read more at: https://www.thestate.com/news/politics-government/article295946259.html#storylink=cpy
Just like the pro choice movement, I do not think every pro lifer feels exactly the same about abortion. But I was wondering what the consensus is on the Abolitionists of abortion. I personally think that is the logical conclusion to this movement.