
Photograph via //r/prolife

A place for Pro-Lifers of all religious, secular and political views to gather on Reddit.

A place for Pro-Lifers of all religious, secular and political views to gather on Reddit.

Posts must be about abortion. For all life issues, see /r/trueprolife.

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Abortions effects on women’s health:


Pro life Laws work:

How to argue and What to argue:

Misconceptions about Pro-Life and other Myths:

Person and Personhood:

Abortion Clinic Workers and Pro Choice Testimonies:

Bodily Autonomy and Consent:


Pregnancy Help:

Post-Abortion Grief

See Also


46,570 Subscribers


Abortion Is Hurting Humanity

Besides the obvious point of killing children, I am starting to think abortion-on-demand is hurting our species.

By killing unborn children due to the challenges they might pose to the mother and society that are not life threatening, I suspect we are hurting our capacity as a species to be caring, loving, find solutions, and lastly, to understand the value of each and every human being.

I think the abortion regime over the long run sets up our species for future crimes against humanity. I think this is the case because the arguments and reasoning used to justify abortion are striking similar to arguments and reasoning used to justify genocide, enslavement, segregation, apartheid, rape, etc. They all to their core are dehumanizing arguments.

However, as history has taught us, those arguments start to leak out of their prescribed areas and can thus be used to strip any group of even born humans of their human rights.

I can see a day when the poor and sick are killed without justification, where born people are harvested and enslaved for their organs, and when infanticide becomes permissible. All of these would be as a result of the spreading of dehumanizing ideas driven by those undergirding abortion.

Your thoughts?

19:37 UTC


What is up with all the astroturfing and brigading going on on this sub these past couple weeks?

I am seeing an alarmingly large number of bad-faith unflaired users and regulars on pro-choice subreddits posting loaded questions on here these past few weeks. Is there anything we can do to stop this?

19:20 UTC


another question for pro lifers

do you think that a fetus that was carried by a 44 year old mother with pre existing health conditions and a father who is neglectful and drug addicted should be born? that was the exact situation with my parents and i have so many health problems and i wish that i was not born and my quality of life is horrible. one of the reasons why i stand for pro choice so openly is because i believe that people who are addicts/ older/ in poverty or have no housing should have the option to get an abortion, so would you rather have a baby be born with a horrible quality of life or no baby at all?

07:35 UTC


These folks act sociopathic...

I was just looking at a HORRENDOUS post of a mother who killed her newborn baby and threw her child in the trash.

Have y'all noticed that in the comment section of any article like this there is never any sympathy toward the babies? Instead, they react with smug indignation; as if the baby "deserved" this due to the repeal of Roe v Wade. It's infuriating how quickly people will devolve into animals for the sake of tribalism.

I'm sure the reason this post went viral is because we are close to the election season and abortion is the hot topic issue... as a matter of fact, it's pretty much the only thing Democrats are really talking about. I think this sort of stuff pushes "fence-sitters" to the pro-life side. Along with: Those cringey TikTok videos of women bragging about their record number of abortions. I've even seen a video where a woman posted a photo of her son and said "please don't make me do this again!" essentially saying her kid is a burden (as if anyone is forcing her to have another child by limiting her ease of access to killing it)... but I digress.

Those articles are always infuriating, not because of simply the fact that a child was murdered in an egregious way, but also because of just how stupid and illogical most of the commenters are. You have 9 months to give birth... she could have dropped the baby off at a hospital or fire department and proceed with her life as if nothing happened. Right or wrong, it is absurdly easy to escape parenthood without murder... something the pro-choicers ignore.

Killing a baby is EVIL!

The fact that I have to even say this (and would get push-back in some spaces) is some Twilight Zone crap. A non-evil person would NEVER murder a baby, regardless of the circumstances... and an evil person would murder a baby even if there were an abortion clinic on every corner.

13:24 UTC


Is this real?

15:11 UTC

16:07 UTC


I have a question for pto lifers how can you defend women getting an abortion when they simply just do not want to take care of the child( and are able to)

Edit: my title was supposed to be asking pro choicers this question sorry for that I just dunno how to edit the title. Like most of the women just have abortions because they don't want a child and I gave to ask how can you defend that even when they are able to take care of it. Like do not bring up medical issues or rape issues because I am focusing on the common reasons to why they do it such as I just don't want a child and I have to ask why do agree with that. And before you say oh they should not be forced to have a child then my response is they should not have made the choice to have sex if they don't want a child.

15:57 UTC


"We can't protect children until we have free childcare for all." hm iffy logic

15:30 UTC


Spoken like a true pro-choice propagandist. No independent thinker would believe a doctor should be allowed to choose to let a child die.

Also, there are thousands of later abortions a year in the United States. I won't name specific subs as per this sub's rules, but if you go on some of them, you will find stories of abortions after 25 weeks.

I tolerate disagreement on abortion and enjoy productive discussion on the subject, but my current policy is to avoid arguments over it and other issues.

12:48 UTC


Wtf is up with candidate subs?

I have been lurking just to see how the different subs are discussing the election but for real the masks are gone.

We are talking full term child slaughter being praised as a rally cry.

Lord have mercy

12:05 UTC


Kamala’s abortion policies?

Where do abortion rights end if Kamala was to become president? I’m not from USA so I don’t know a lot about much, but I was wondering, would Kamala support partial birth abortions and abortions at any week gestation? I’m not sure where to find this information but I’m sure someone here knows more than me.

09:15 UTC


Damn, they got us here

08:53 UTC


Don't dream it. Be it.

07:43 UTC


Maybe (I think) the argument that obliterates the pro-abortion narrative

I heard someone I know say something to the effect of "the baby isn't alive until after it is born, until then it's the woman's body or a parasite feeding off of her". This stance seems to be more and more popular amongst the pro-abortion folks. With that logic then it's totally logical to say that in that case, a woman is free to be a fentanyl addict all throughout her pregnancy because it's not a child. If she is free to kill the baby into the ninth month, how is poisoning it with drugs any different? Given that it's not alive as they would say until after birth, the fact that it's born with birth defects and/or born addicted to fentanyl isn't the mothers responsibility because it's only at birth that it becomes it's own person and when society should protect it. Should the mother be prosecuted only if she doesn't abort, otherwise she's good?

It's indefensible at this point, unless you choose to be consistent and agree that mothers have the right to be drug addicts while pregnant, impacts to the baby be damned. It also underscores the slippery slope the pro-abortion folks find themselves, simply because they want to end their pregnancy for any reason including out of convenience. This argument doesn't really apply to more reasonable stances on the topic, but if your argument is that it's not alive or a human being until after it's born, then you have to be ok with this too.

01:37 UTC


My quickfire responses to common pro-choice talking points.

"My body, my choice": yes, but the fetus is an independent organism — you have no say on what to do with the baby's body

"You don't have a uterus, so you can't comment": And without testicles, there is no pregnancy: a man has the same stake on a birth as a woman; yes, I can comment.

"Abortion is a matter of public health": No, it's a matter of life or death. We're deciding on whether to stop a person from being born or not, there is nothing more life and death than this.

"But the child will be born in poor social conditions": since when is that an excuse to kill someone?

"It's not killing because the fetus doesn't have X, Y or Z": So if I find a person lacking whatever you mention, I can shoot them because they are not alive, right? Any line you draw besides conception will include people who were already born.

"But counterceptives don't always work": but 99% of the time, having sex is a choice. If you're so worried about this, don't have sex.

"You can't expect all people to abstain": so the person who wasn't even born yet has to take the bullet from their parents being irresponsible? Spare me.

"But illegal abortions are dangerous to the life of the mother": You know what is legal and quite safe almost everywhere around the world, though? Giving birth. Plus, adoption exists and the baby is only there because the woman had sex, something she more than likely did of her own volition.

"But the pregnancy can be the result of a rape": While that is a horrible reality and the rapist should be dealt with, the baby has nothing to do with that; aborting is punishing the kid for the father's crime.

"Not everyone has access to counterceptives": but everyone can choose to abstain if they fear pregnancy. Spare me.

"But the child can have a birth defect": so we can kill people born disabled? Spare me.

"But some people can't afford taking care of a child": then they should have thought of that before going to bed. Plus, counterceptives exist. Further, adoption exists.

"But the fostercare system is flawed": but stopping the person from being born is not the solution. And you don't need to officially put the kid for abortion, you can find people willing to take care of them through unofficial means.

01:44 UTC


Anyone have positive experience with reversal

I’m 5 weeks 1 day today. After extreme pressure from my family and friends since I found out I took the first pill at 1:30 today. I immediately regretted it and called apr. I was able to be seen by 4:30 and able to take my first dose of progesterone at 6pm. I’m so afraid of losing this baby. I truly wish there was more requirements around getting the pill, because if I would’ve been required to actually speak to someone instead of just getting it so easily in the mail this could be so different.

04:32 UTC


The despair I feel about abortion and how many people support it is overwhelming.

My own 21yo daughter who was delivered prematurely to save both our lives, who struggled to survive her first weeks of life in the NICU, voted to make abortion a right enshrined in our state constitution. I'm heartbroken and filled with guilt that I failed to raise her with proper values. I failed as a parent to instill morals in my daughter, and the secular world has done it for me. I can only blame myself. All I can do is cry because of how much shame I feel. And I cry for how many times a day I am reminded by political ad after political ad that half of the country I live in thinks its a mother's right to murder her own child in the womb. And not only that, but being allowed to kill their babies seems to be the most important thing in the world to them. I can't even describe the despair I feel lately over this. I sometimes feel like everyone around me has lost their minds. But, I'm starting to be afraid that I'm the crazy one...

06:35 UTC


a question for yall.

why do some of yall think that women are using abortion as birth control? i’ve seen so many pro lifers talk about how women supposedly get multiple abortions so they can sleep around. first of all abortions are very traumatic to go through and i dont think any women are using abortions as birth control when many other forms of contraception exist, which brings me to my point that abortions are very expensive also and there are more affective ways and no one in they right mind is using abortion as birth control

06:10 UTC


Pro Life

05:05 UTC


Thought you guys would appreciate this

04:24 UTC


Why do Pro-Choicers always say, "woman have a right to control their bodies." What does killing babies have to do with their bodies?

Look at it tvis way - women should and do have complete control on everything they want done to their bodies or inside or outside. They coukd get any tattos anywhere, dye their hair, pierce anything. They can eat whatever they want, can consume legal and illegal drugs. They can seek medical attention for problems with their bodies. They can also choose not to seek medical attention.

Women have complete and total control over their bodies. Like it should be. But how is giving a woman the abilities to kill a real life growing inside her have anything to do with controlling bodies?

03:53 UTC


moral dilemma (kind of)

i know we are against abortions, does this extend to animals as well? id assume no but im not sure.

im asking this because i brought home a stray cat tonight, she is the sweetest little thing and is clearly very young. not sure how old she is, maybe 8 months, but she’s definitely old enough to get pregnant. im taking her to the vet on sunday to get her spayed, have her vaccinated, and possibly dewormed. im hoping she’s not pregnant, but if she is i know that the vet can still spay her. it might be a really dumb question, but i would still feel bad because i know that those are kittens being killed. what are your guys’ thoughts on this?

03:40 UTC


I Just Got A YouTube Ad About Harris....

It went something like: "Kamala Harris will cut prices because she wants families to be able to afford living. And she'll protect abortion rights."

I literally went: "What the (beep)!"

Yeah, she'll help you afford to feed your family, AND she'll keep it legal to kill your family too. (When money is a problem for many who get abortions.)

Also, those are 2 different things, why slip that in there? (Half a rhetorical question.)

By the way, I early voted, and I didn't vote for president. I could have voted Green Party or something, but I just skipped president. I think our country is so screwed either way tbh.

02:39 UTC


Roe v. Wade would not have saved Nevaeh Crain. Don't listen to pro-choicers who rely on anecdotes instead of raw data.

Roe v. Wade only affected fetuses before viability. Had she miscarried in 2018, she would have still died because she did so after viability. Even if Roe v. Wade is restored, the left will eventually argue that any restrictions on late term abortion will put women at risk. My previous post indicates that there is no evidence that the Texas abortion law put women's lives at risk. Trust the data, not anecdotes

Saying that we need to legalize abortion to prevent women from dying of malpractice is like saying that we need to disenfranchise 100,000 voters to prevent 10 cases of voter fraud every year. It saddens me that anti-fetus community is using such misleading information to change people's minds.

00:29 UTC


I don't even know what to say

00:03 UTC

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