Chicago, Illinois
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I’m 36 and single and looking for a woman who is independent/ has a decent job. Tired of scallywags
I just rewatched this MSNBC clip and got shivers. What do you all think?
Belmont & Lakeshore coming from the north side.
Since it was redone however long ago, maybe 7 years? I’ve almost never not almost got into some form of accident, altercation, honk-a-thon there.
I feel like drivers have been turning incorrectly there for so long that now anytime anyone follows the posted signage, it becomes a thing.
At this point I’m just gonna get off on Irving and eat the extra drive time.
::Rant over:: I’ll probably delete this later.
Saw this while I was walking my dog.
I've been window shopping for like a year, but I'm a bit out of my element with the whole Chicagoland thing. It feels like hunting 10 cites at once lol. The cities I've lived in thus far have been college towns. It's pretty easy to work those out because the students ARE the economy. Its all about finding a good spot by the fire.
Anyway, I'm 30, single, remote, and bluer than a two dollar bill, so I'm on the lookout for a Studio/1Bed in the greater city area. Been planning on it for a while and, well, y'know. Fire's getting hot. Get out or get cooked.
In Lexington, KY, we'd tell a person like me to stick around North Lime. Friendly, pop-up craft shops, dive bars, hipsters, distant gunsh0ts, non-corporate rentals, (generally) downtown walkable, etc. Or at least we used to say that before Covid.
Looking for recs. So far I’ve landed on Malort.
what groups in Chicago are out there to organize the left / take care of our communities?
Looking for outstanding acupuncture practitioner in city or burbs. Many thanks.
My primary care doctor only has one suggestion for me that’s out of network. Would love to hear other referrals of flexible doctors in the area! Ideally they would be versed in doing the insurance paperwork for various purposes with the proper documentation
Debating whether or not to get the unlimited Ventra pass. Will be staying near mag mile and visiting the primary tourist places (Christmas market, Navy Pier, Moody Bible institute, art museum, the bean). Coming into MDW and staying 4 nights/5 days. Thanks.
I'm a trans minor living in Chicago, almost 17 years old. I am extremely concerned by Trump's promises to wipe out trans healthcare for minors. I know we have a fair set of laws protecting from federal restrictions, but would they be able to withstand something like an executive order? I'm very worried about my and my friends' future.
Sometimes they look like little specks, sometimes they’re regular, and sometimes (like today) they look HUGE. I feel like I can make out more tiny little details.
I’m sure this is some sort of atmospheric illusion but does anyone know why exactly that happens?
Love, California
Or if you work hybrid, what kind of work do you do? If your company hiring?
If you are sad, just remember Chicago is a democratic stronghold. We will be okay. We can have empathy for the Red States, especially those surrounding us, but nothing (for the most part) will change for us.
We have lived through this before. Doesn't mean I'm not upset with Georgia, Wisconsin and Pennsylvania. 🙆🏾♀️🙆🏾♀️🙆🏾♀️
Edit- I'm getting so many notifications. Sorry I can't keep up. I do care about the rest of the world and the country. I am just old. I felt the world was ending after Gore v Bush. And because 9/11 and 2 wars happened, it was bad. But I was living in a very blue city in the middle od a red state. This feels bad, but we have to remember this and do something in the next election.
It's a truly strange experience this morning taking the bus and the train and coming to work. You can see it on everyone's face just how they feel, like they can't hide it. I'm a bit shocked at the people that seemed like good people and even more at how many POC are happy about the outcome. Some queer people I know too are now open about supporting him now that it's over. The opposing emotional states of joy and dread are very palpable in the air around people.
Visiting this weekend and didn’t even think about it coinciding with election week when we booked! Should we expect any protests, business closures, or a bigger police presence? Just wanting to get an idea of what to expect.