Chicago, Illinois
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Not sure the exact subreddit to put it…but you could argue he is the face of FS1 these days.
Great talk about what makes it drawing to move to Chicago.
Welp. It happened again. During my regular commute to work, I noticed that pigeons (at Clinton pink/green line), fly into the tunnel where the escalator is, and get trapped between the escalator and tunnel wall. Because the space is so narrow, they are unable to spread their wings and fly out. Usually I ask the cta ppl to get me gloves and I rescue them. I have rescued tons of pigeons by now. Unfortunately sometimes I am too late and I find them dead. Today, I rescued one healthy pigeon and one pigeon I thought was dead, but it was alive. It must have been stuck there for days (sometimes I’m at my partners place and don’t take this route). It was so weakened. I took it out and tried to feed it and warm it up since it’s been pouring in Chicago. I was going to take it to a rescue but ultimately it passed away.
I really wish there was some way we could block off this narrow area so pigeons don’t get stuck there. It’s actually incredibly sad. To people who take this route, I urge you, if you care about animals, to keep an eye out on these pigeons. Either call Great Lakes pigeon rescue, or if you’re brave, ask cta personel for rubber gloves and free them yourself (they won’t do it). Please, it’s incredible sad seeing these trapped birds, who used to be our domesticated friends. Sadly, they flock at this entrance because they perch at the neighboring parking garage and people also feed them there.
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This thread is exempt from Rule 8 regarding promotion, so we invite anyone and everyone to advertise anything going on in Chicago. But please be mindful of rules 2 & 3 which still apply in this thread, as well as the Reddit Content Policy when posting.
All the lights (in every direction) at the Lincoln/Halsted/Fullerton intersection are blinking red. It was happening when I drove north on Lincoln to work this morning (~8am) but I figured they’d fix it quickly. I was super surprised upon driving home (after 5pm) that it’s still not fixed AND that there’s no one directing traffic. Considering it’s an intersection of three very busy streets, it’s an understatement to say it’s a mess.
Hello! I moved to Lakeview last June from Ravenswood and since have been surprised by how frequently helicopters fly over this neighborhood - it really seems daily.
Is this just normal? I thought it might be due to all the activity in Wrigleyville during the summer but it’s obviously continued since.
Any weather buffs know how much snow we'd have if all this rain was snow?
I got this message this morning. It was a group chat of 8 people and by the time i got around to opening it, I was removed from the group.
Not only is all of this fishy but they're calling the Tollway a "Toll Road"
Be aware!
My 8oz black coffee was $4. I think we all know what’s causing this…
Received an email today with details about my usage. As a follow up to a post about costs, I’m sharing bc I’m rather stunned by how low my bill is. I am not on the budgeting estimate plan, live in a 1500 sq ft three-flat (2nd floor which helps) but how is my bill so low? Two occupants if it matters, we are mindful of usage but always leave lights on in living room overnight to deter break-ins, tons of laundry and we also run the furnace fan 24/7/365. The seals on windows and doors also horrible.
Previously I was getting emails about how my electric use was sometimes 155% more than my neighbors. What is going on with ComEd and is transparency part of some settlement or new legislation?
Oh chicago, how I love you