
Photograph via snooOG

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132,578 Subscribers


(M19)What is this?

I’m wondering what this part of the tip is or what it does. It’s been like this since I can remember. It’s usually sensitive and it’s like there is extra skin there. And for reminder i am 19 years old.

19:03 UTC


Is This True?

If a UA test has negative leukocytes, normal RBC,and normal WBC, does that indicate that the person does not have chlamydia or gonorrhea? I had a nurse recently tell me this and it has me confused 🤔 can anyone clarify?

1 Comment
21:29 UTC


Weird bruise on forearm

Hello I recently notice a bruise on my forearm that seemingly is growing larger everyday. I do lift weights so maybe that has something to do with it but am wondering if I should have it checked out.

1 Comment
19:41 UTC


Weird lines?

Can someone please help me out? I have theese purple faint lines on my left thigh, there’s no pain or anything I just get really anxious over little things like this. Someone said it might be strech marks but I’ve had an ed for over 2 years, is it still possible they can be strech marks?

1 Comment
18:40 UTC


Please help

I am 5,7 and iam 15 years old boy and my isn't increasing for about an year

18:11 UTC




Is it still common practice to diagnose patients with epilepsy if a “seizure” was reported but there is nothing to support the diagnosis?

33 y/o white female. PMH for severe anxiety that is somewhat managed with an SSRI. No major medical history. No personal or family history of seizures. Patient was walking when she “collapsed and was shaking” per husband. Episode lasted a few seconds and patient was oriented a few minutes later. No tongue biting or incontinence occurred. Went straight to the hospital where vitals, labs, and head CT were all normal. Patient is discharged that afternoon.

Almost immediately upon returning home, patient has another identical episode. Patient goes back to the same hospital and is admitted for further testing. Vitals, labs, brain MRI, and EEG all normal. No episodes have occurred since. Neurologist diagnosed with epilepsy.

1 Comment
17:53 UTC


Should I be worried about my ECG?

Thanks for any input!

1 Comment
17:11 UTC


MCAS obesity help

MCAS weight loss. I want to share this story for others who might struggle with MCAS without knowing. And perhaps some tips or tricks from someone who lost weight while having a medical condition.

After a lifetime of medical problems I have been diagnosed with MCAS. [Mast Cell Activation Syndrome, it is a sort of allergy which creates inflammation throughout the body] Which was a relief because almost all the issues I had were caused by it. I have been treated with H1 and H2 and vitamin C. I never knew I had allergy like reactions because most docters dont know about MCAS. I have had excema and rashes, astma (but not really), sleep apnea, water retention, obesity, dry skin, infections etc etc.

Before the diagnosis I thought my obesity was causing these problems. I used to have all the before mentioned symptons but after treatment I lost all the before mentioned issues except one, obesity.

I used to be a fat kid including all the above mentioned issues. I was eating healthy and working out but nothing helped me reduce my weight. After around my 18th or 19th birthday all these symptons dissapeared. My obesity vanished and suddenly I was ripped with the same eating and training pattern.

After years of being healthy and absolutely loving working out i got covid19. Which now I know can activate MCAS. All my childhood symptoms reappeared. I gained weight quickly. No matter how much i work out and eat healthy, it was just like my youth.

After going on reddit and reading a lot about working out i started noticing stories of people who had medical conditions. I had seen multiple docters, endocrinologists and health experts as well as a training and food coach. I was on mysimba which helped reduce weight but i didnt know why and it seemed as a quick fix for a real medical problem. I learned about MCAS and had to beg my doctor to get me tested. In the meantime I regained all my weight in mere weeks because i stopped using mysimba. Turns out I was right and I do have MCAS.

After treatment my doctor convinced me that my weight will drop if I work out and eat healthy. But that hasnt happened. All the other problems dissapeared in mere weeks and obesity remains a problem. It could be that chronic infflamation takes a lot of time to dissapear. But it doesnt sit right with me.

For people struggling with weight, read about MCAS if my story seems familiar to your case. Since people on reddit knew I had MCAS and the doctors didnt im hoping for your endless wisdom again. I wanted to know if someone has had the same experience or has valuable knowledge that might be helpfull. Or some tips and tricks would be nice. Especially regarding the medical part. Im a male, 183cm and 116kg. I think i genuienly know how to train as my friends all have succes with my training schedules and i used to have succes before covid too. I eat clean and healthy for the most part, i do cheat sometimes when i have family over but i keep a diary. I sleep around 7 or 8 hours. I try to manage stress as much as anyone.

1 Comment
16:42 UTC


Bruised Balls

It's exactly what it says. Little backstory on it though, I was at a taekwondo tournament and my opponent kicked me in my balls, I was wearing a groin guard but damn I felt that shit. Fast forward a few days later my balls are looking a little blue, I've been putting ice on it to help with the bruise but I'm just worried. How long will it take for the discoloration to go away?

1 Comment
16:27 UTC


pain in armpit after blood donation

i (18F) went to donate blood for the first time yesterday and followed all the rules and felt fine. today though i developed an itchy type of pain, i’m guessing nerve pain in my left armpit and a little bit in the arm as well. i got my blood drawn from my left arm. could they be connected? should i be worried or is it normal?

1 Comment
15:48 UTC


Does anyone know where I can purchase an electric hospital bed with a built in toilet in the US for a disabled person?

Hello reddit, I’m not sure if this is the right place to ask and I’m sorry. I just feel a little scared and desperate. I’m looking to buy a hospital bed similar to the one provided in the link for my grandmother.

Some context for those that want it: she is a non-native speaker and cannot speak english, and only has my small family here for help. She is completely paralyzed from the waist down and has stage 6 dementia. When shes in hospice care without a family member present, she becomes extremely scared and confused due to her lack of cognitive functioning. There is nobody who can communicate with there due to the language barrier, she doesn’t know where she is, thinks her family left her, and she forgets there is a call button. This has resulted in my mother giving her round the clock care in the hospital. My mother cooks all her meals (our cultural food since she doesn’t eat American food) changes her diapers, and tries to keep her calm throughout all of this. I also drive down 3 hours from college every chance I get to give my mother a break from the stress that carries on top of her other responsibilities. It’s breaking my heart to see my grandmother like this, I just want to take her home and give her the care she needs. I just want everyone to feel relief and have an easier time navigating this.

TLDR: Any knowlegde on product similar to the one in the video, or a way to purchase that would be great.

Thank you all for your time.

1 Comment
15:17 UTC


Yellow spots on hand

Hello all!! Before I make time to go to the doctors, would any of you know what this is?

It’s been a couple of days and I keep forgetting about it. At first I thought these yellow orange spots were a stain but they aren’t.

They don’t itch or hurt and haven’t spread.

Let me know your thoughts!

1 Comment
13:21 UTC


Can anyone tell me what this symbol means

Nothing was mentioned on the report to The doctor, this is the only image that has it symbol on it. Doctor could not explain the symbol as he said he didn’t know, nor did he take the time to look at it.

1 Comment
12:44 UTC


ALT and AST are extremely high after blood test results.

Im a 21 year old non-drinker, no supplements, no alcohol, healthy lifestyle. However, after getting my bloodwork results, I am very high in Ast and Alt. While I’m low in Bun/Creatinine levels (7). Everything else is normal. I have no symptoms, no past trauma, and no other illnesses. Waiting for an answer from my doctor about what to do next. Anyone have any advice?

1 Comment
11:30 UTC


Bad ear infection and toothache

I have a really bad ear infection and toothache pain. Any ideas of how to help relieve it? I’m desperate

23:08 UTC


What happened to my toe? I have no idea what this is and why

It only hurts when I walk with shoes. When it does hurt it hurts BAD. It happened about 3-4 hours ago. I never look at my feet unless something is hurting so I don't know much about it's previous condition.

1 Comment
23:04 UTC


Anyone know whats going on with my tongue?

I can rule out stds, thankfully. But does anyone have a clue what this is? It suddenly appeared a month ago I thought id burnt myself without knowing It started to heal but then started to maybe look like it was a cut or scar healing And now it looks like this It was painful the entire time and still is slightly painful

I dont know how i couldve burnt myself this bad without realizing it though…

1 Comment
07:59 UTC


Considering cancelling imminent knee surgery

Hey, I hope things the right place to ask about this. For context, I’m a 40yo Male living in the UK and being treated on the NHS. I was advised that my knee surgery has been booked for 22/05/24 and I now need to make a decision on whether or not to go ahead. This will be the 6th surgery on my right knee, timeline as follows (apologies for my uneducated descriptions):

• July 2001: Torn meniscus clipped/repaired • July 2002: Torn meniscus clipped/repaired again • December 2002: Meniscus deemed beyond repair and removed • December 2020: Knee damaged to point of requiring tibial osteotomy and insertion of cadaver meniscus transplant and metal plate • January 2021: Infection of surgical wound requires surgery to clean • May 2024: Cadaver meniscus transplant deemed a failure. Now require surgery to remove debris, arthritis spurs and metal plate

My right knee has given me a lot of discomfort ever since the first surgery when I was 17 years old. Since the major surgery in 2020, I’ve taken up Jiu-Jitsu and train about 5 times a week along with some light kettlebell workouts. As a result, I’m probably the fittest/strongest I’ve been since 2021 and the knee (despite its current state of disrepair), feels no worse or better than it has done for about the last 15 years. It’s constantly swollen, always a bit shifty and sore and doesn’t like any lateral movement. I also can’t bend it back fully. I will say that the metal plate that runs down my shin causes a lot of discomfort and the slightest knock on the protruding lumps (I assumed the screws) buckle you with sharp pain. They won’t give me a knee replacement until I’m 50.

The surgeon says the ball is in my court. He says that the imminent surgery is unlikely to make any difference to the mobility/stability of the joint but may ease some pain and swelling but he can’t guarantee it.
He says he’ll just remove the redundant parts and leave it to crumble until such time that I get a new knee, I just need to look after it as best I can. I’m not keen on the surgery because I don’t want to stop training and don’t see the benefits of going under the knife for little to no result. On the other hand, what if I say no and then the knee completely fails?

My questions are: • Should I go ahead with the surgery based on the above? • Will saying no to surgery mean that I drop off the NHS radar?

Thanks in advance for any advice or opinions.

1 Comment
06:30 UTC


Please help in diagnosis

I’m 28M. On the night of Feb 20-21 I started to feel that my whole left body was numb, it was very slight but very worrisome. Before that I had pink and ring finger numbness 1-2 times for a brief period(like 1-2 days in 6months) . I always thought maybe it was because of cholesterol or posture issues. So Stayed up all night worried and in the morning I went to the GP. He was good and did some strength tests etc and told me that it is most likely a pinched nerve or B12 deficiency. I asked about MS and cervical spondylitis etc he denied. After doing blood tests everything turned out normal except slight increase in iron and Hb1ac but not alarming.

My b12 was around 174pmo/l so I asked my brother (pharmacist) he said that it is most likely due to b12 deficiency and gave me supplements and bi weekly 1000mcg injection. It has never occurred with the same intensity but I do have pinky and ring finger numb and my elbow feels weak in stretching and folding tightly hurts slightly. And randomly after 1-2 weeks I feel like my eyes and neck don’t move freely; they feel stiff or jerky.

I also noticed that I sometimes suddenly start shaking like tremors just before sleep. This has happened like 2-3 times in last 5-6 months But last night it lasted longest about half a second, even after i got up in sitting position.

Idk if all this is only nerve issue due to compression or b12 or is it MS related issue, Im very worried kindly help if these symptoms seem serious or related to MS.

I went to GP again but he did took me seriously, he said you meed physiotherapy and exercise. He denied for referral and mri tests. Im very worried and seriously want to be assured with the diagnosis.

1 Comment
06:06 UTC


Half deaf struggles

Hello hope everyone is well. Lol This is nothing serious I’m just wondering if some people could bounce some ideas back and forth about this one.

I have minimal to no hearing in my right ear and it was suspected to be caused by meningitis, which is something I had when I was 11.

I don’t use any aids as I don’t like the artificial noise mixing with natural noise, so absolutely nothing ever goes near or in my right ear.

However, in recent years I’ve been struggling with painful spots in my right ear and am slightly confused as to why this is happening. To be clear this has never happened in my left ear and I’m an avid earphone user.

Anyone got any ideas as to why and maybe how to stop it? Thanks :))

1 Comment
22:39 UTC


[Mod Post] Please contact the Moderator and Community Manager Team if your verified flair has been changed to include "This flair needs updating, contact the mods", this is because we have multiple template of the given flair and want to remove the duplicate. You will not have to re-verify.

22:01 UTC


Seroquel (quetiapine) + Truxal (chlorprothixene) - interactions?

i cant find anything online about the possible intera actions between these two. I'm in an urgent pickle situation regarding my sleep meds , I have severe insomnia and due to problems with my current prescription I need urgent help. I only have a little bit of both.

Is it safe to combine them? Any experiences please?

21:41 UTC


What is this?

I have several (about 7) of these yellow spots on the tip of my thumb and they hurt very bad. Does anyone know what this is?

1 Comment
21:36 UTC


Ripped big toenail off, how to care for it?

Got major trauma to my big toenail by a door (there was lots of blood) and the doctor later pulled the whole nail out (not sure if this was right but oh well). It's been 2 days and I've gone to the hospital to change the dressing once. Changing the dressing causes SEARING pain, but generally it's at a constant 3-4. I want to do my own dressings going forward so does anyone have any tips on what to do? I don't want it to get infected but the doctors didn't really say anything about how to care for it (I guess they didn't really think it was serious enough) but the pain is so bad 😭. No idea whether the nail bed or matrix is damaged and honestly I don't want to look at it. I want my nail to grow back so if anyone has been through this and has advice, I would much appreciate it!

1 Comment
21:25 UTC

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