
Photograph via snooOG

A subreddit designed for discussion of supplements and nutraceuticals; for health, performance, or any intended (or not intended) purpose. Not a place for discussion of illicit and illegal compounds.

A subreddit designed for discussion of supplements and nutraceuticals; for health, performance, or any intended (or not intended) purpose.

IMPORTANT: For those with blogs/channels dealing with supplements or members of companies which sell nutritional supplements.

Slightly more IMPORTANT: In regards to illegal/dangerous drugs and how to approach their mention in this subreddit

General Rules and Guidelines or /r/supplements:

  • Posts made with brand name products as the topic of discussion (rather than the molecule(s) in question) may be removed. This is to help reduce spamming in the subreddit; if you wish to discuss your brand name supplement, simply list the ingredients and dosages, not the brand name.
  • This is a subreddit designed for supplements, so obviously most users will be biased for supplements. Discussion on the relative pros and cons for supplementation are accepted and encouraged. However, discussions or rants declaring a supplement or supplement regimen useless based on emotion and naturalistic fallacy rather than science or logical caution are subject to moderation. Repeated offenses or notably excessive offenses are subject to banning. (Basically, talk with us about something; don't be a pretentious anti-supplement douche)

  • Anything talking about supplement companies is a grey area which must be ventured cautiously. It is acceptable to talk about which companies and suppliers you like but unacceptable to spam for them. Although subjective, any posts in which there is suspicion of being affiliated with a supplement company may result in banning after various considerations (contribution to community, relevance to discussion, unforeseen context, etc.) are looked at.

General Etiquette:

  • This is a science intensive subreddit. If you make a claim about a supplement and get called out on it be prepared to either cite your source or logically defend your stance.

  • Broscience is accepted as it can lead to new theories and discoveries, but it must be clearly stated it is broscience or 'feel'.

  • Prior to posting, please review the compound on a science-based website like Examine.com rather than asking for vague 'educate me on...' posts. If making a post asking for the easy way out on learning about a compound, most likely you will just be linked to Examine.com as it is less work for us.

  • Be sure to read the /r/fitness/wiki/faq if your post is about diet/fat loss/gaining muscle.

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Coated calcium/vit d pill with score line down the middle - can they be cut in half?

I'm beginning to take a giant Calcium/Vit D pill and swallowing it is very unpleasant (warm water with chin to chest.) These pills have a score line down the middle so I am wondering if they can be split?

1 Comment
23:18 UTC


Possible deficiency? Hair loss, gum pain, spotting

As the title says, I’m wondering if I might have a vitamin deficiency. I recently started losing a lot of hair, my hairbrush is full of it and I have gaps in my eyelashes. I also have gum pain (started 2 weeks ago) and irregular, painful periods (typical for me, but they’ve been more erratic lately). The dentist suggested I might be b12 or iron deficient, because my teeth and gums look fine.

I’m vegetarian. I take vitamin d (25ug) and b12 (20mcg) supplements but I sometimes forget them. The doctor said the painful periods may be endometriosis, magnesium supplement and reducing stress seems to help. Any ideas? Please help!

23:06 UTC


Seeking Health Multivitamin MF has been discontinued? (methyl-free)

It's a 404 page on their website, not even an out-of-stock message. Has this been discontinued?

1 Comment
21:56 UTC


Pill Dissolved and gave me esophagitis

I started taking those Costco big boy Omega 3 fish oil pills about 2 months ago, and had one get lodged in my throat. Tried to drink it down with water but it wouldnt move, so it dissolved in my throat and after I started experiencing the symptoms of pill-enduced esophagitis. I immediately stopped taking them and thought it would go away by itself. 2 months later Im having trouble swallowing solid foods and I have to take my time to eat now. Im just so pissed off I got all this from a DAMN FISH OIL PILL. Im gonna try to go see a doctor soon but can anyone with a similar experience relate and tell me what they did to get better or treat their esophagitis?

21:44 UTC


Anyone tried modified citrus pectin (MCP) for detoxing heavy metals? How'd it go?

MCP exists as a supplement, with multiple studies showing it helps remove toxic metals (lead, mercury, cadmium, etc.) by binding to them.

Has anyone tried it, and it yes, how did it go? How long did it take to see improvements? Thanks! :)

21:43 UTC


Valerian extract plus baby unisom safety

I took 1000mg valerian root extract, standard dose, plus a baby doxylamine, about 4 milligrams, next to 0.5mg melatonin.

Is that dangerous?

1 Comment
21:42 UTC


Plant extracts and micronutrients

Do plant extracts supplements (eg garlic) contain same/similar nutrients as powdered/spice forms?

1 Comment
21:27 UTC


Any supplements to help muscle tears heal faster?

Think i tore a muscle right below my ass going down a bit, feel like a bit of lines at the spot and i get a burning pain. Hasnt really gotten better in a couple months, no swelling, just a burning pain.

21:03 UTC


High Homocysteine after Taking b12 methylcobalamin 300mcg three time

Its been one month First I got Neurological symptom and high potassium then all this gone

Now I high High homocysteine Some one please tell me why this is happening

1 Comment
21:01 UTC


Feedback on Daily Vitamins?

Hey everyone, first time posting here. I've started taking vitamins on a daily basis to improve my health, but it seems like I'm taking a lot of individual vitamins, so I'm wondering 1. Is there a more efficient way to do so, and 2. If it's the right mix and 3. If I'm taking too many.

I am taking the serving recommendation on each bottle, and these are all typical NatureMade/GNC brand supplements.

I'm 28M. I lift moderately heavy and do cardio 5-6x week and get about 8K average steps. I fast until ~1PM each day, and eat a full lunch and dinner comprised of whole ingredients high protein/low carb (cruciferous vegetables, lean meat etc). With every workout I drink a serving of BCAA's.

I'm looking to improve my metabolism (bad throughout my life) and lose weight, enhance muscle growth/recovery, strengthen bones/joints and get higher quality sleep.

I'm currently taking:

  • Vitamin B-1
  • Vitamin B-6
  • Vitamin B-9 (Folate)
  • Vitamin B-12
  • Vitamin D3
  • Calcium
  • Magnesium
  • Fish Oil
  • Fiber (6g)

All advice welcome. Thank you!

20:21 UTC


what nutrients does curcumine depletes/increases bioavailability ?

i already know curcumine depletes iron... but does it deplete other nutrients ? or maybe increases their bioavailability ?

dont wanna end up with a deficiency/excess because of my curcumine supplementation.

1 Comment
20:02 UTC


I need guidance or suggestions to make DIY pre-workout

I have been seeing many pre-workout nutrition facts and I have been tried Raw powder form ingredients like Creatine and citruline mallate. Creatine (Tried : worked) L Citruline mallate (Tried : worked) Beta alanine (Tried: worked) Caffeine (Tried : I have insomnia it's not for me) Ashwagandha (Tried : worked) Taurine (heard : I'll try) Tyrosine (heard : I'll try) L-malic acid (heard : I'll try) Thenaine (heard : I'll try) L-Carnitine L-Tartarate (Tried : felt some effects) Inositol (Heard : I'll try) What is your suggestion and advice how to combine and what result I should expect I think I should add pieperine (better absorption)

19:48 UTC


anyone ever get heart palpitations from magnesium?

I know people take magnesium for heart palpitations. Did you ever get those palpitations ever?

19:39 UTC



This may be a ridiculous question but I’m writing it anyway!

Are there any supplements that may help alleviate or prevent hayfever symptoms?

I’ve just read that antihistamines can have a negative impact on sperm but my husband suffers horrifically with hayfever. We’re going through fertility treatments and can’t afford for his sperm to be affected any more than it already is.


19:36 UTC


L-theanine amino acid vs l-theanine with lip balm

Any differences from effects here? Didn't pay attention to my purchase when I was getting them.

I take the l-theanine at night, helps dramatically the next morning if I drank too much alcohol and lessen the hangover. Sleep better in general too. What kind of difference I expect with the lemon balm?if any


1 Comment
19:26 UTC


Best supplement for depression?

I already take high-dose omega 3 (1000mg EPA and 500DHA), and 300/400mg of magnesium glycinate per day.

What could I add?

19:24 UTC


What’s the difference between taking 7,000iu of Vit D weekly and taking 1,000iu daily.

Got some blood work done to find the cause of my night sweats. All bloods were normal besides low vitamin D, my doctor prescribed me 7,000iu of vitamin D to take once a week, for 4 weeks (will probably have to return for more once the 4 weeks are up).

I have some vitamin D that I bought in the health shop, they are 1,000iu and the packaging suggests taking them once a day, why can’t I just take these instead of the prescription 7,000iu weekly? Is it not equal to the same thing?

18:20 UTC


Zinc and Copper balance after taking Zinc for years

Hi All,

31M here.

I started taking Zinc when Covid started, around March 2020 and then never stopped it.

I usually took 10mg once or twice a day and when I got covid in 2020 and 2021 then I took 50mg twice a day for 2 weeks ( each time ).

Fast forward 2023 and early 2024, I took 50mg Zinc a lot. If I recall correctly I took minimum 60 tablets of 50mg in past one year. Sometimes one 50mg tablet and sometimes 2 50mg tablets(100mg). I took higher dosages of Zinc to prevent cold especially in winter months. I stay in Europe now and winters are really cold. On other days I took Zinc ranging between 10mg to 30mg ( depending on mood )

I never took Copper with Zinc. I used to blood test zinc and copper once a year and it always comes within the range. I recently did it again in April 2024 and both Zinc and Copper came in the mid range.

I feel long term Zinc supplementation and has depleted my copper which has reduced my immunity as I got some sore throat, brain fog, fatigue, anxiety, depression when I was taking high amount of Zinc - 30 to 50mg ( or more )per day which are signs of copper deficiency. Also, Zinc caused more hair loss (due to increase in Testosterone and thus DHT).

I feel the blood test for Copper is not indicative of how much copper is bound in the tissues. There is some reddit post also highlighting this issue.

I have ordered Jarrow Zinc balance which has 15mg Zinc with 1mg copper. But I am not sure if that would help or a separate copper supplement is better. I also ordered L Optizinc which has 30mg Zinc and 0.3mg Copper but I will mostly skip that one. I do not want to take high amount of Zinc per day.

Anyone over here has also gone through similar thing and saw some improvement after stopping Zinc and/or adding copper.

18:03 UTC


MSM Absorption Question

After I wake up, I have a routine of drinking 1g of MSM and 1g of glycine dissolved in 4 cups of water to prevent headaches. However, I'm wondering if consuming so much water is hindering the absorption of the supplements and if they're just getting excreted in my urine.

On a side note, as a teacher, I prefer waking up very early to empty my bladder 1.5 hours before getting ready for work rather than hydrating throughout the day (I struggle with limited bathroom breaks). I hydrate a bit before lunch and after work as well.

What are your thoughts on this?

Thank you in advance!

17:23 UTC


BetterAlt Shilajit, real or boof?

I impulsively bought betteralt shilajit after little research, afterwards I discovered primvae or cymbotika seems to be the better option. Should I toss my jar or keep it? I haven’t found any reviews specifically saying a whole lot of negative things, but I know a lot of the cheaper products have potential downsides. I’ve been on for 3 days and haven’t noticed much despite a potential placebo stimulation, not sure.

16:52 UTC


Potassium Supplement

I took the recommended amount of potassium, and I'm vomiting so much. Is this normal?

16:46 UTC


Royal Jelly allergy question

Want to try Royal Jelly but have questions...

Should I be worried about allergic reactions/anaphylaxis? As far as I know, I'm not allergic to "bee products" and regularly consume local raw honey. Had my share of bee stings in youth, and even had one within the last 5 years when I accidentally stepped on one while barefoot in the park.

Is it safe to assume I'm safe in the allergy department with regard to RJ?

And if I'm looking for a little testosterone kick, what dosage should I look at? They all seem to vary wildly. Should I go with a version I can actually eat or get capsules?

16:39 UTC


Cholesterol Supplements?

My lipid/cholesterol tests have gradually been increasing the last 5 years in my 30s (M). My most recent tests show cholesterol, triglycerides, LDL, and Non-LDL are high and HDL is low (see below). So, now my doctor wants to put me on medication. In addition, my free/testosterone levels are fairly low. All other tests were normal. There is no history of heart disease or high cholesterol in my family. I am fairly in shape other than visceral abdominal fat 40in (Gym 3x/week) - skinny fat.
I would like to try a natural approach first with diet and exercise, and then get retested in 6 months. Any tips/advice please? Thoughts please?
What are the best supplements, foods, exercises, and diet for lowering my cholesterol/triglycerides? What is the best way to get rid of visceral fat/skinny fat? Which aerobic exercises?
On a nutritional label, which fats or nutrients/contents would you avoid for improving cholesterol/LDL/triglycerides?... Would polyunsaturated fats be good to consume to help blood level cholesterol? etc?

HDL 35 mg/dL
Cholesterol 220 mg/dL
Triglyceride 215 mg/dL
LDL 140 mg/dL
Non HDL 180 mg/dL

16:27 UTC


How to verify a company's claim that their supplements are certified to be free of certain harmful chemicals?

Is there a certain governmental agency that would have this information?

1 Comment
16:05 UTC


why is black currant oil giving me reflux but evening primrose does not

I have acid reflux when I take black currant oil.

14:48 UTC


Title: “Powder vs. Capsule: Which Form of L-Carnitine is Better?”

Hey everyone! I’m considering adding L-carnitine to my supplement routine, but I’m torn between the powder and capsule forms. I’ve heard arguments for both sides, but I’d love to hear from those who have personal experience with either form. For those who have tried L-carnitine, which form do you prefer and why? Did you notice any differences in effectiveness or ease of use between the two? Any insights or recommendations would be greatly appreciated! Thanks in advance for your input!

14:44 UTC


Comparison of Pregabalin and Agmatine Effects on Experimental Neuropathic Pain in Mice


Our results have shown that agmatine a NMDA receptor

antagonist has remarkable antinociceptive effects in neuropathic

pain and this effect is comparable to pregabalin.

In one part of my life I was taking pregabalin for like one year and it was awfull drug for me with side effects that come with it(weight, tremors, dissociation, headaches after waking up etc).

Than one friend told me about supplement that is very neuroprotective(i was having neuropathy symptoms on all of my body and muscle twitching) that mainly are taking bodybuilders for better circulation and pumps.

At first few doses I get similar pregabalin calming effect but other things that come crushed pregabalin(neuropathy sensory symptoms improve, parasthesia, sleep went skyrocketing(was having bad insomnia)-like it upregulate GABA, my mood was instantly better and memory too.

from that few days past like 3and half years of daily taking it like 1x750mg, 2x750mg. it depends.

To this day with methylation supps, mushroom extracts and curcumin bcm-95 my favourite but when I look what helped me the most for sure on number 1. I would put Agmatine. I considered it miracle powder(I take mine from Nootropics Depot).

14:38 UTC


Accidentally taking 10g of creatine a day

So the recommended dose is 3-5 grams but my dumbass didn't read propertly and thought one scoop was 2.5g instead of 5g. So i guess I've been taking 10g of creatine for 3 weeks now... Should i be worried? Should i stop or just continue on with 5g? Im pretty new to the gym and supplements so im not really sure how to proceed... Thanks

14:35 UTC


Calculating daily intake vitamins minerals etc

Maybe stupid question but.

How do you really do this? For example magnesium Lets say its like 500mg

Labels on supplements would say 250mg (50% RDI) - then u read on ingredients that its magnesiumcitrate or whatever

So im wondering then, because citrate means thats actually 15% real magnesium in that 250mg pill

So how can they say thats 50% rdi? Thats more like 40mg actual magnesium? No?

Im probably confused, help

14:03 UTC

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