
Photograph via snooOG

A subreddit designed for discussion of supplements and nutraceuticals; for health, performance, or any intended (or not intended) purpose. Not a place for discussion of illicit and illegal compounds.

A subreddit designed for discussion of supplements and nutraceuticals; for health, performance, or any intended (or not intended) purpose.

IMPORTANT: For those with blogs/channels dealing with supplements or members of companies which sell nutritional supplements.

Slightly more IMPORTANT: In regards to illegal/dangerous drugs and how to approach their mention in this subreddit

General Rules and Guidelines or /r/supplements:

  • Posts made with brand name products as the topic of discussion (rather than the molecule(s) in question) may be removed. This is to help reduce spamming in the subreddit; if you wish to discuss your brand name supplement, simply list the ingredients and dosages, not the brand name.
  • This is a subreddit designed for supplements, so obviously most users will be biased for supplements. Discussion on the relative pros and cons for supplementation are accepted and encouraged. However, discussions or rants declaring a supplement or supplement regimen useless based on emotion and naturalistic fallacy rather than science or logical caution are subject to moderation. Repeated offenses or notably excessive offenses are subject to banning. (Basically, talk with us about something; don't be a pretentious anti-supplement douche)

  • Anything talking about supplement companies is a grey area which must be ventured cautiously. It is acceptable to talk about which companies and suppliers you like but unacceptable to spam for them. Although subjective, any posts in which there is suspicion of being affiliated with a supplement company may result in banning after various considerations (contribution to community, relevance to discussion, unforeseen context, etc.) are looked at.

General Etiquette:

  • This is a science intensive subreddit. If you make a claim about a supplement and get called out on it be prepared to either cite your source or logically defend your stance.

  • Broscience is accepted as it can lead to new theories and discoveries, but it must be clearly stated it is broscience or 'feel'.

  • Prior to posting, please review the compound on a science-based website like Examine.com rather than asking for vague 'educate me on...' posts. If making a post asking for the easy way out on learning about a compound, most likely you will just be linked to Examine.com as it is less work for us.

  • Be sure to read the /r/fitness/wiki/faq if your post is about diet/fat loss/gaining muscle.

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What would happen if you swallow a vitamin B-12 that was meant to be injected?

I don't want to expend lot of money in 60 pills, if I don't know that drug works in me

1 Comment
01:31 UTC


What should I do?

I've been taking a multivitamin with methylated B vitamins included and 5,000 iu D3 + k2 in the morning. I also take magnesium bisglycinate 300mg every night (I actually think I need to take a little more.)

I live with major depression which can get pretty severe. Idk if it's a coincidence, but I forgot to take all of my vitamins this morning and I have not had any suicidal thoughts and I am less restless (which I usually deal with everyday). I still have all my other symptoms including anhedonia, apathy, etc. Could just be coincidence like I said, but I am curious how I should experiment with this to see what's worsening it without making myself too deficient and cause more issues.

Anyone relate or have any advice?

00:44 UTC


Do I need to take 2mg of copper if I'm taking 15mg of Zinc?

I've heard some conflicting information on whether or not to take copper if I'm taking Zinc. I can't seem to find 1mg of copper anywhere so I'm wondering if it's ok to not take copper if I'm on 15mg of Zinc. Would this be ok?


00:35 UTC


Omega 3

Is it okay to take omega 3 supplements that were expired last march ? Or is it dangerous??

00:13 UTC


Clear Protein Isolate

Has anyone based in Canada got experience buying and using bulk Protein from Vita Plus Canada?

Just looking for any feedback on the taste or quality of the product

1 Comment
23:54 UTC


Looking for men’s multi/general stack recommendations

I’m between a couple of multivitamins which have been recommended to me: Naturelo one daily, Kirkland daily multi, Adams Now multi and Life extensions multi

I’m currently taking the Naturelo multi but I wanted other options for when I run out or if I should stick with that one. I’m also taking Sports Research Omega 3.

For reference I’m 30 y/o and workout 4-5 days a week. Main reason of taking a multi is just for insurance to fill in the gaps whenever my diet is not great.

Any recommended general health stack is appreciated!

1 Comment
23:05 UTC


Yellow armpits - Ashwaghanda

My sister swears by ashwaghanda for stress and sleep, so I thought I'd try it. I was looking into it and saw that you should take breaks every 3 months, so I asked her about it. She says every 3ish months her armpit skin starts to turn yellow and thats how she knows it's time for a break and she stops taking it for 3 months.

Is yellow skin a normal thing for ashwaghanda or is that more likely a liver issue?

1 Comment
22:36 UTC


Supplements that have made your voice deeper?

Any supplements that y’all have taken that has made your voice deeper? Only one i know of that has any impact is boron!

22:22 UTC


Allergic reaction to Pine Pollen? Or too much?

So if I take a teaspoon once a day for two days im relatively fine, but i've now noticed that on the third day, or after taking a higher dose, I start to experience side effects similar to anaphylactic symptoms about an hour or two after ingesting. It normally lasts throughout the rest of the day through to the next. Dizziness, fear of impending doom etc. To make it clear I will not be taking Pine Pollen again, unfortunately so as it does harbour some positive effects. But it's not worth it if it makes me feel like this. Im not in immediate danger, im not struggling to breathe or short of breath, but is this common or happened to others with PP? Or any other supplement for that matter? For ages I was trying to pinpoint what was making me feel this way and I think i've finally found it.

22:21 UTC


MSM Powder dosage for joint health?

I've bought some MSM Powder and at the moment I'm just taking a single scoop morning and night of it, but the scoop is about a quarter teaspoon I think.

I've been looking for recommended dosages bt most of the recommendations seem to be around either how much to take for skin hair and nails, or for animals joint health.

Does anyone here have personal experience using it for joint health that can recommend what dose worked for them?

21:51 UTC


Which Supplements helps boost activation in the prefrontal cortex

Through my own research, ginko biloba and vitamin B6 specifically increases dopaminergic transmission in the prefrontal cortex.

Personally I struggle alot with executive function, and wanted to know if theres was stuff I could supplement with to help my own ability follow through plans, stay organized, and not get overwhelmed.

1 Comment
21:50 UTC


Best Psyllium Husk Supplement?

I’ve been struggling with IBS-C for the past couple of years and recently had a spike in my cholesterol. Long story short I am looking into supplementing extra fiber into my diet to kill two bird with one stone. Does anyone have a good recommendation on a product?

21:02 UTC


Accidentally took too much iron in a day 🙄

I have very heavy periods and it often leads to anemia. I just recently got “fixed” again to normal levels but was advised to take double dosage of OTC iron supplement when bleeding heavily. Which I currently am.

Today I took a double dose at lunch and then again at dinner because foggy brain forgot. Each pill is 20mg.

Is that dangerous? Should I skip it tomorrow?


20:46 UTC


Looking to give skin tone a more natural colour

so for reference i’m extremely pale because the sun is barely present where i live, i’ve been looking at astaxanthin, beta carotene, lycopene etc. But I also smoke (not so much cigarettes anymore, mostly 🍃 maybe once a week at best) i’ve heard that smokers shouldn’t take Beta Carotene due to increased risk of cancer. does this also apply to astaxanthin and lycopene ?

1 Comment
20:30 UTC


Can I get Epsom Salts Magnesium in an oral tablet?

So, I heard that Magnesium helps calm the nervous system and assist with sleep. I purchased many types of magnesium over the years and took them consistently for a couple of months to see if they'd help with my sleep. Nothing. BUT, when I have an epsom salts bath a few hours before bed, I sleep like a baby, nearly every time. I don't want to have a bath every night before bed, so I'm curious if there's an alternative way of "getting that magnesium" so I can sleep? Or is it that I need that form and soaked in through my skin, since it's the only way that it works? Any alternatives?

1 Comment
20:26 UTC


Reliable Multi-Vitamins for Kids

I'm looking for a good multivitamin for kids, i.e., something that tastes acceptable to kids, and also isn't a pill too big for a kid to swallow.

However, I was listening to this podcast, and although the kid in my question isn't vegan, the podcast mentions that 'methyl-B12' supplements are actually 'degradation products', and that there are different types of omega-3s which are not necessarily all equally represented in omega-3 supplements.

So, what I now realize that I don't know is what all the important details that you might miss with other vitamins or nutrients are. Like, maybe there are different types of omega-6s or B2 or D3 or K1 etc, and maybe some of them are 'degradation products'? Or there could be other things that I've just completely never heard of (especially as someone who knows very little about supplements in the first place).

Does anyone here who is more aware of these types of things, know any multivitamins for kids (and preferably something with omega-3s) that don't have any of the relevant issues (whatever they are)?

I'm not in charge of the kid's diet, but I'm aware that they eat white bread, cheese, yoghurt, sliced ham, grapes, and strawberries every day, split across breakfast and lunch. Dinner varies considerably, but the kid often refuses to eat vegetables.

Please don't provide parenting advice or start arguing about veganism (the kid isn't mine and isn't vegan), but thanks for any relevant, well-informed replies.

1 Comment
20:05 UTC


Can I avoid L-Theanine headaches?

I would love to take one in the morning as needed & then one at night to help sleep, however, the one time I did that I got a bad headache. Im not someone who gets headaches so it was very noticeable. Is there a way to avoid the headache if its a day i want to take 2? With or without food? X amount of time apart??

20:05 UTC


New to taking supplements and need help!

So I’m looking for a good powder that meets these four requirements

-NO CAFFEINE (I have high blood pressure already and also my heart rate gets super high while working out so caffeine won’t help me)




Trying to better my health this year and I want some good recommendations on what powder I could use. Please don’t tell me to just eat a banana and drink water lmao

20:01 UTC


Healthy dose per day of Magnesium Threonate?

I don’t want to over do it. I’m 150ish lbs. if weight matters for the mg. dosage.

1 Comment
19:57 UTC


A little confused on how to stack supplements

Is it fine to take individual vitamins/minerals on top of a general multivitamin?

I take this multivitamin, which has a bunch of everything. But currently i also take vitamin D, Boron and Magnesium bisglycinate before bed. Are these safe to take ''too much'' of? I know Zinc is also very important, but i'm not sure if a multivitamin covers the bases well enough or just prevents deficiences. What i mean by that is, just because i might not be deficient, might not mean i would function better on more than minimum.

19:41 UTC


Is 16,000 IU of vitamin D ok?

Been on 16,000 IU for about 4 months probably and have had no side effects whatsoever but I’ve just been I’m taking way too much and will cause long term affects. Is this true? Or is what I’m doing totally fine

19:35 UTC


I have irritating pain inside my breast.

I was told to intake 15 tablets of Vitamine (Evion) E 400 by the homeo doctor. Unfortunately i fogot how often should i take? I take 6000 iu vitamine D once in a week. What about vitamine E? Can i take it per day for 15 days?

19:06 UTC


How often should k2 MK-7 be taken?

K2 prevent calcium buildup in places like teeth, arteries, other tissues, etc which is very beneficial.

It also strengthens bones.

But having too high k2 mk7 can cause bad effects. How often would you take it, and what dose?

mk7 is more potent than mk4.

MK-4 is well-evidenced for osteocalcin and collagen at a dose of 45mg daily (because this is the clinical dose in Japan and they do the studies).

There is less but reasonable-quality evidence for MK-7 and osteocalcin function at 100mcg+ daily. Only in vitro evidence for MK-7 and collagen.

This dosing study is showing lower doses are effective for bone loss. It's a small study though. Maximal dose-response of vitamin-K2 (menaquinone-4) on undercarboxylated osteocalcin in women with osteoporosis - PubMed https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/30816822/

19:05 UTC


Can't find correct dosage of K2

Hello! I take 2000IUs of Vitamin D3 and want to take K2 with it for its benefits. However I heard you only need 100 mcg k2 to 10,000 d3. This would mean I would need to take 20 mgc K2 daily. However I can't find any K2 products that are only 20mcg or 10 mcg K2 online or at any stores. Could anyone assist me with finding the correct dose of K2? Thanks!

19:03 UTC


🆘 Need an appetite suppressant

Hi Reddit Fam,

I am writing this post as a defeated and hopeless individual. I have binge eating disorder/food addiction/compulsive eating whatever you want to call it but it has taken over my life. I have been gaining loosing weight for as long as i can remember but always gain it back due to my lack of self control. Yes, I have had therapy and seeing a doctor. He has given my Buprion xl 150 & Flunil 60 that im taking for a while. It has helped my depression but doesnt do anything for my binge. I have tried a lot of things in the past as well along with my medicines: Chromium: did nothing Berberine: did nothing Nalextrone: very little help and then stopped working Metaformin: very little help and made me nauseous and dizzy Semaglutide: did nothing

I want to get rid of the food noise in my head and want to be in control of my eating. Reduce my appetite as well.

If you can suggest something please.

Note: I live in india so dont have access to vynase, phentamerine etc

18:45 UTC

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