
Photograph via snooOG

A subreddit designed for discussion of supplements and nutraceuticals; for health, performance, or any intended (or not intended) purpose. Not a place for discussion of illicit and illegal compounds.

A subreddit designed for discussion of supplements and nutraceuticals; for health, performance, or any intended (or not intended) purpose.

IMPORTANT: For those with blogs/channels dealing with supplements or members of companies which sell nutritional supplements.

Slightly more IMPORTANT: In regards to illegal/dangerous drugs and how to approach their mention in this subreddit

General Rules and Guidelines or /r/supplements:

  • Posts made with brand name products as the topic of discussion (rather than the molecule(s) in question) may be removed. This is to help reduce spamming in the subreddit; if you wish to discuss your brand name supplement, simply list the ingredients and dosages, not the brand name.
  • This is a subreddit designed for supplements, so obviously most users will be biased for supplements. Discussion on the relative pros and cons for supplementation are accepted and encouraged. However, discussions or rants declaring a supplement or supplement regimen useless based on emotion and naturalistic fallacy rather than science or logical caution are subject to moderation. Repeated offenses or notably excessive offenses are subject to banning. (Basically, talk with us about something; don't be a pretentious anti-supplement douche)

  • Anything talking about supplement companies is a grey area which must be ventured cautiously. It is acceptable to talk about which companies and suppliers you like but unacceptable to spam for them. Although subjective, any posts in which there is suspicion of being affiliated with a supplement company may result in banning after various considerations (contribution to community, relevance to discussion, unforeseen context, etc.) are looked at.

General Etiquette:

  • This is a science intensive subreddit. If you make a claim about a supplement and get called out on it be prepared to either cite your source or logically defend your stance.

  • Broscience is accepted as it can lead to new theories and discoveries, but it must be clearly stated it is broscience or 'feel'.

  • Prior to posting, please review the compound on a science-based website like Examine.com rather than asking for vague 'educate me on...' posts. If making a post asking for the easy way out on learning about a compound, most likely you will just be linked to Examine.com as it is less work for us.

  • Be sure to read the /r/fitness/wiki/faq if your post is about diet/fat loss/gaining muscle.

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Adding in Creatine

Looking to start taking creatine and trying to find a good way to incorporate it without just mixing it into plain water and chugging.

I don't usually drink a protein shake and beyond that drink mostly water all day. Anyone have any other recommendations on adding it to their diet?

Thought about a daily electrolyte, maybe Magna?

06:58 UTC



For three years after my sister was murdered I was easily agitated. I always had to turn down people who asked me to bsbysit because I knew I'd be overstimulated and overwhelmed. SamE and B12 somewhere along the line helped tremendously.

Years later now, I've been well and doing full time childcare. On Saturday or Sunday I took an ibuprofen, which in the past has caused mood problems, but I figured I'd been able to tolerate a lot of things lately and tried it. Anyway, my poor husband had to take a day off of work to watch the kids today, and yesterday with them was pretty tough. Sunday I was upset about something and laid in bed all day.

I finally put it together and went to buy more SamE, which I haven't had in about a year, and there was none on the shelf at the store. I got a liver support supplement that I knew had L-methionine in it so I'm hoping that will do the trick. I'm going to make sure I'm taking magnesium and B vitamins and getting plenty of sleep. Any suggestions for further supporting a quick recovery of my SamE levels?

05:11 UTC


Daily count

How many pills/capsules do you take per day?

1 Comment
04:51 UTC


What’s the best kind of potassium?

There’s many types of potassium supplements but i don’t know which one to choose I want one for general body function and health to take daily

04:22 UTC


Supplements/peptides that support liver function? While trying to lose weight with fatty liver.

So I have a fatty liver, 36 years old, raised ALT and AST levels. I know thr issue is my weight and to improve function I need to lose weight. I also know that you don't "detox the cleanser" and no detox or suppliment is going to magically "heal" the liver.

But I was wondering if anyone has or knows of supplements or peptides with research that help "support" or aid in regeneration of liver as I started losing weight to increase its function and lower ALT and AST levels?

I have heard of things like NAC and NAD+. I'm not sure of any evidence based they are but my doctor offers infusions of NAD+ (but I noticed they also have it in pill form) and also suggest NAC?

Are there any other things that help? Or worth looking into? Thanks

EDIT I forgot to add that i also was on glutathione injections but it was expensive my doctor was charging me $300 a month. I also was told 2 different protocols by 2 different doctors and wasn't sure how often to take it... one told me to inject a full 1ml syringe everyday and another said that was too much and injection 1ml syringe every 3 days? Not asking for medical advice but it is odd getting 2 different advice from 2 different doctors and if anyone had their own proticol if they could share what they did? Thanks!

04:16 UTC


Help with sifting through magnesium brands?

Does anyone know of reliable magnesium malate and glycinate brands? I'm aiming to do maybe 100mg of malate to get through the day with some energy with 300mg glycinate at night to help correct a deficiency.

Gummies are great but not needed. I'm struggling looking online because they're either combined or the amount of mag in each is questionable because it doesn't state if it's elemental or not.

1 Comment
04:08 UTC


Are there people who are experts on ALL the supplements and the scientific research and will help you find the best ones for you?

There are mind-numbing numbers of supplements and soooo many studies and brands and issues with particular people and particular issues.

Are there people who are reliably expert in this stuff and keep up with it and can help people find what's best for them?

03:23 UTC


high heart rate and seizures

I'm on keto, and everything was fine until I bought vitamin b6. I drank it for 3 Days at 300 mg / d and after that I started having seizures and a high heartbeat. before that, I started drinking a lot of salt and eating fewer vegetables, most likely this was also part of the problem, because I ate little I'm on keto, and everything was fine until I bought vitamin b6. I drank it for 3 Days at 300 mg / d and after that I started having seizures and a high heartbeat. before that, I started drinking a lot of salt and eating fewer vegetables, most likely this was also part of the problem, because I ate little potassium and drank a lot of salt. I bought potassium and drank it, nothing helped, I also felt cramps and a high heartbeat. Also after that (it wasn't so much later after I bought vitamin b6) I started drinking vitamin d3 (10,000 iu per day)I'm on keto, and everything was fine until I bought vitamin b6. I drank it for 3 Days at 300 mg / d and after that I started having seizures and a high heartbeat. before that, I started drinking a lot of salt and eating fewer vegetables, most likely this was also part of the problem, because I ate little potassium and drank a lot of salt. I bought potassium and drank it, nothing helped, I also felt cramps and a high heartbeat. Also after that (it wasn't so much later after I bought vitamin b6) I started drinking vitamin d3 (10,000 iu per day) and k2 mk 7 (100 mcg per day)I'm on keto, and everything was fine until I bought vitamin b6. I drank it for 3 Days at 300 mg / d and after that I started having seizures and a high heartbeat. before that, I started drinking a lot of salt and eating fewer vegetables, most likely this was also part of the problem, because I ate little potassium and drank a lot of salt. I bought potassium and drank it, nothing helped, I also felt cramps and a high heartbeat. Also after that (it wasn't so much later after I bought vitamin b6) I started drinking vitamin d3 (10,000 iu per day) and k2 mk 7 (100 mcg per day). As I read, to I'm on keto, and everything was fine until I bought vitamin b6. I drank it for 3 Days at 300 mg / d and after that I started having seizures and a high heartbeat. before that, I started drinking a lot of salt and eating fewer vegetables, most likely this was also part of the problem, because I ate little potassium and drank a lot of salt. I bought potassium and drank it, nothing helped, I also felt cramps and a high heartbeat. Also after that (it wasn't so much later after I bought vitamin b6) I started drinking vitamin d3 (10,000 iu per day) and k2 mk 7 (100 mcg per day). As I have read, k2 in the form of mk 6 can cause seizures and increased heart rate. then not knowing what to do anymore,I'm on keto, and everything was fine until I bought vitamin b6. I drank it for 3 Days at 300 mg / d and after that I started having seizures and a high heartbeat. before that, I started drinking a lot of salt and eating fewer vegetables, most likely this was also part of the problem, because I ate little potassium and drank a lot of salt. I bought potassium and drank it, nothing helped, I also felt cramps and a high heartbeat. Also after that (it wasn't so much later after I bought vitamin b6) I started drinking vitamin d3 (10,000 iu per day) and k2 mk 7 (100 mcg per day). As I have read, k2 in the form of mk 6 can cause seizures and increased heart rate. then, not knowing what to do, I increased the magnesium to 1000 mg per Day.I'm on keto, and everything was fine until I bought vitamin b6. I drank it for 3 Days at 300 mg / d and after that I started having seizures and a high heartbeat. before that, I started drinking a lot of salt and eating fewer vegetables, most likely this was also part of the problem, because I ate little potassium and drank a lot of salt. I bought potassium and drank it, nothing helped, I also felt cramps and a high heartbeat. Also after that (it wasn't so much later after I bought vitamin b6) I started drinking vitamin d3 (10,000 iu per day) and k2 mk 7 (100 mcg per day). As I have read, k2 in the form of mk 6 can cause seizures and increased heart rate. then, not knowing what to do, I increased the magnesium to 1000 mg per Day. seizures and high heart rate remained in the total for a month.I'm on keto, and everything was fine until I bought vitamin b6. I drank it for 3 Days at 300 mg / d and after that I started having seizures and a high heartbeat. before that, I started drinking a lot of salt and eating fewer vegetables, most likely this was also part of the problem, because I ate little potassium and drank a lot of salt. I bought potassium and drank it, nothing helped, I also felt cramps and a high heartbeat. Also after that (it wasn't so much later after I bought vitamin b6) I started drinking vitamin d3 (10,000 iu per day) and k2 mk 7 (100 mcg per day). As I have read, k2 in the form of mk 6 can cause seizures and increased heart rate. then, not knowing what to do, I increased the magnesium to 1000 mg per Day. seizures and high heart rate remained in the total for a month. I'm currently drinking 530 Mg of magnesium per day.,I'm on keto, and everything was fine until I bought vitamin b6. I drank it for 3 Days at 300 mg / d and after that I started having seizures and a high heartbeat. before that, I started drinking a lot of salt and eating fewer vegetables, most likely this was also part of the problem, because I ate little potassium and drank a lot of salt. I bought potassium and drank it, nothing helped, I also felt cramps and a high heartbeat. Also after that (it wasn't so much later after I bought vitamin b6) I started drinking vitamin d3 (10,000 iu per day) and k2 mk 7 (100 mcg per day). As I have read, k2 in the form of mk 6 can cause seizures and increased heart rate. then, not knowing what to do, I increased the magnesium to 1000 mg per Day. seizures and high heart rate remained in the total for a month. I'm currently drinking 530 Mg of magnesium a day, and I'm going to start again later. I'm on keto, and everything was fine until I bought vitamin b6. I drank it for 3 Days at 300 mg / d and after that I started having seizures and a high heartbeat. before that, I started drinking a lot of salt and eating fewer vegetables, most likely this was also part of the problem, because I ate little potassium and drank a lot of salt. I bought potassium and drank it, nothing helped, I also felt cramps and a high heartbeat. Also after that (it wasn't so much later after I bought vitamin b6) I started drinking vitamin d3 (10,000 iu per day) and k2 mk 7 (100 mcg per day). As I have read, k2 in the form of mk 6 can cause seizures and increased heart rate. then, not knowing what to do, I increased the magnesium to 1000 mg per Day. seizures and high heart rate remained in the total for a month. I'm currently drinking 530 Mg of magnesium a day, and I'm going to start drinking D3 and k2 again later, but in the form of Mk 4, as well as zinc. I still think it's I also think it may be due to a calcium deficiency, because I drank 1000 mg of magnesium for 2 weeks somewhere, tomorrow I will take a calcium test. Help me, what should I do?

01:57 UTC


What’s a good brand with no chemicals?

Ive been seeing a lot of ads lately on TikTok to buy things like ashwaghanda and lions mane supplements straight from the link in those videos. However, i dont really trust these brands’ that are on tiktok shop and I dont know how effective the supplements even are. Ive also seen videos in the past that exposed certain popular supplement brands that also have harmful chemicals that don’t even have anything to do with the actual supplement itself. Ive already been taking ashwaghanda but it’s the one from costco and I want to buy lions mane but I dont know where to get it from. Ive been seeing a lot of funky, sciency words in the nutrition facts of many of these bottles and Ive been looking for a company i can stick to that offers affordable, natural products that only contain the essential ingredients necessary for the supplement.

Does anyone know of a supplement company thats 100% natural and potent too? Or does anyone know of a company that’s supplements definitely work and make a difference? I feel like buying from the big companies is a waste of money and the supplements arent potent or make much of a big difference.

01:54 UTC


37 supplements walk into a bar..

Well not really 37, but over the last six month I definitely added some.

I’m male, 37. My (mental) health has taken a heavy toll over the past two years. The things that I do (working out, sauna, ice baths) & take (list below) feel good though.

I tried setting it up in a way that works for me (e.g. avoiding drinking my pomegranate juice while ingesting ECGc, combining l-arginin with grape seed extract,..) but maybe you see something that doesn’t make a whole lot of sense.

I also listed my morning health shot, this feels like supplement really.

Honestly, just happy to hear some opinions.

M O R N I N G : Health shot (cold pressed lemon, ginger, turmeric, cayenne, black pepper).

Morning shake (oat flour, flax seeds, chia, psyllium, Orgain protein powder, liquid egg white, matcha)

  1. Algae omega-3 (350mg)
  2. Ashwagandha (1200mg)
  3. L-theanine with inositol (200mg)
  4. Cordyceps (1000mg)

L U N C H :

  1. Zinc biglycinate (15mg)
  2. Coenzyme Q10 (200mg)
  3. B-vitamin complex capsule (Thorne)
  4. ECGc (400mg) (I actually take it a while before lunch)

B E D T I M E :

  1. Grape seed extract (200mg)
  2. 5-HTP (100mg)
  3. NAC (1000mg)
  4. Mix of Magnesium Glycinate & threonate
  5. L-Arginine (500mg)
  6. Algae omega-3 capsule (450mg)
  7. Reishi (1000mg)

I mostly buy NOW, Thorne, and Real Mushrooms.

01:13 UTC


Beta Alanine question?

So, I've heard 50/50 information on if you should take Beta Alanine just when you workout or everyday. So my question is, should I be taking Beta Alanine everyday even though I only work out 3 days out of the week? Supposedly taking it everyday is "to maintain optimal carnosine levels in the body."

Any help would be greatly appreciated, thanks!
- Brian

00:12 UTC


Should i raise my iron levels?

I did a blood test today and it showed i have 58 mcg/dl(iron), the test said the lowest normal range was 65 and highest 175 so i was 7 bellow the lowest range. I googled tho and it says for men 50mcg is the lowest so I'm barely above it. Is there any benefit to going from barely sufficient to the high range like 150mcg? I play at a football team so if it increases my fitness I'll definitely try to raise it.

00:10 UTC


Worrying interactions?

I'm disabled, on state healthcare, so to get the treatment I've been needing I've had to do a lot of research and a lot of self treatment. I'm taking a lot of suppliments daily, I'm wondering if anyone has some insight on interactions or other possible complications? I recently added: 300mg GABA(x1) Glycine (x2) Have had some nice results so unless theres any other dangers I plan to keep going with these. I've been taking: L-Theanine (x2) Omega 3 (x2) Lion's Mane (x1) Magnesium Biglycinate (x2) Melatonin (x1) Huh I thought I was taking more, my pillboxes get so full they pop open sometimes. I just got Coq10 and k2+d3 to add fir heart health. I have SIADH, treated with urea and massive amounts of sodium, and an untreated TBI that I've been trying to manage with the Lion's mane and other treatments. Along with these I also take hormones and super low dose trazodone for sleep, I stopped taking 5HTP because of the trazodone, and I have recently had two serotonin syndrome events within the past 2 months (partly possibly because of the GABA and another occasional med I take for tbi treatment). Its plenty easy looking up drug interactions but finding the safety info for suppliment interactions I've been having trouble with.

1 Comment
00:02 UTC


What is the best Probiotic for overall adult gut health?

23:46 UTC


psyllium husk

psyllium husk gives me mild diarrhea when its actually supposed to firm it up, why is that? my stool when off psyllium husk is normal. I take about 10g of husk powder daily with a lot of water. I don't think I'm taking too much as i've seen posts about people taking 20-30g a day but it could be a possibility?

23:17 UTC


Do I need to take a fish oil supplement and an omega 3 supplement?

Hey everyone! Forgive me, because I'm sure this question is dumb as hell. Do I need to take a fish oil supplement and an omega 3 supplement? Or just an Omega 3 since it contains fish oil? I have no idea why this is so confusing to me lol but if someone could explain it to me like I'm 5 that'd be sick. Thanks!!

22:30 UTC


which blood tests to request

what are some things to test for a healthy female in late 20s.

21:18 UTC


If you take vitamins for hair (healthy hair by olly) when you’re not losing hair, will it have negative effects?

If you take vitamins for hair (healthy hair by olly) when you’re not losing hair, will it have negative effects?

21:03 UTC


Serious Help needed with tinnitus and eye floaters!

I have kinda strong tinnitus plus a fuck lot of floaters which developed recently, it's making my life living hell, currently I take the following supplements, what else should I add or reduce for it?

  1. Omega 3 : 2600mg (1000mg EPA, 800mg DHA)

  2. Coq10 : 200mg

  3. Magnesium Glycinate : 2000mg (440mg ele)

  4. Vitamin B12 : 1500mcg

  5. Zinc Methionine : 88mg (26.4mg ele)

  6. Copper : 3.4mg

  7. Ginkgo Biloba : 240mg

  8. Vinpocetine : 5mg

  9. Piracetam IP : 800mg

What else more do you suggest to take or reduce or any lifestyle changes you recommend?

20:48 UTC


Alpha lipoic acid and mercury fillings?

I’ve been taking ALA for a couple of months now as I’m severely ill with long covid and me/Cfs. I’m fully bedbound and one of my biggest symptoms is brain fog and a complete inability to visualize.

I’ve had so many filling throughout the years and have a ton of amalgam fillings. Has this actually been proven to be an issue? Severe brain fog like what I have is common severe me/cfs. I’m starting to get paranoid that mercury redistribution can be contributing to it…

1 Comment
20:43 UTC


Types of CoQ10?

I wanted to take CoQ10 for PCOS and chronic fatigue. I immediately had diarrhea the day after continuously and then every day until I eventually stopped after a week.

I took nature made 200 mg Ubidecarenone. Is there another type that won’t cause this effect?

20:40 UTC


Need Help Finalizing Supplement Stack and Timing

Issues: tired , fatigued all the time. Depressed half the time and lack motivation, Low libido. Muscle soreness stays for 2-3 days. Have some stomach issues doc says gastritis / ibs but not am not bothered abt that.

I workout weekly 5 days. That helps a bit but not that much. I weight 132lb / 60kg and Height 5'5. I prefer being lean. Sleeping about 6-7 hrs.

Current Routine:

Multi + Tmg 500mg in Morning

Whey Isolate 30g + Creatine 3g + Glutamine 1.5G + Cacao Powder 3g after Workout

Used to take NAC and ALA , but stopped since NAC gave me anhedonia and ALA give me headache .

New Routine: 2 Multi ( added 1 ) + TMG( same ) + Taurine 500mg ( added ) + ALCAR 500mg ( added )in Morning

Whey, Creatine ,Glutamine, Cacao will stay the same.

Need help in figuring out where to put this in my schedule and if I need to add anything else to help these work and be effective

  1. Coq10 100mg + 10 mg Pqq ?
  2. LE Senolytic Complex ( Fistein, Apigenin, Quercetin ) ?

Thinking of taking these in night on alternate days.

Open to suggestion / criticisms / complete overhaul

17:54 UTC


Anyone from India, suggest me a good brand supplement for Magnesium Glycinate and L-Theanine?

Hey everyone! I'm looking for some recommendations for good quality supplements for Magnesium Glycinate and L-Theanine. Does anyone from India have experience with brands that offer reliable and effective products? Appreciate any suggestions or advice! Thanks in advance

17:49 UTC


Primal Queen - cow or pig gelatin??

Does anyone know if the gelatin is bovine (cow) or porcine (pig)? Or is it just the Nu-flow gelatin which seems to be rice hulls? I'm so confused. There is NO info out there.

17:42 UTC


Supplements to improve communication

Idk if there is any supplement that improves brain functioning or Broca's area directly but I needed something to improve my communication. Does anyone know about it?

17:18 UTC


Can pine pollen affect drug testing?

Hello. I am a 21 year old athlete in the use of pine pollen soon. I was curious if the testosterone, dhea, are significant enough to cause drug test failure in combat sports organization tests. I guess more so the dhea part. Since pine pollen has really strong affects on hormones. If anyone has had any experience, or knows anything about this problem. Please let me know :) I am more than happy to hear feedback. Thank you!

17:09 UTC


Help finding reputable brands for NAC, glycine and taurine

I’ve been looking everywhere for reasonably priced, third party tested, legit brands for NAC glycine and taurine, but the brands I’ve looked into are either extremely expensive or really sketchy about their products. This is my first time looking into supplements that weren’t prescribed by a doctor and I don’t know what to look for, so any recommendations would be appreciated!

17:05 UTC

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