
Photograph via snooOG

This is a subreddit to talk about all things related to that special time in a lady's life when she really starts to hate everything about it!

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    Hello friends, do you guys prefer Tylenol or Advil for your period?

    13:10 UTC


    period 16 days late?

    a few months ago i planned my vacation for when i would not be on my period and now it seems my body has done everything in its power to spite me.

    im sixteen days late, which has never happened for me before, and im kind of freaking out. my period might usually fluctuate by a few days or a week at most so im pretty stressed out. last time i had sex was April 26th I think, and it was protected. that was also the day that i was supposed to start my period.

    I’m experiencing a lot of extreme stress right now so it makes sense for my period to be late, but I’ve been having very minimal symptoms besides from bloating. I’ve taken a few pregnancy tests and they’ve all come back negative, yet I can’t stop convincing myself that something is wrong which of course isn’t helping my stress issue. I’m genuinely losing sleep over this.

    I’m really in a financially hard place so seeing a doctor isn’t always my first option. Just curious if I should be looking into seeking medical help/advice or just wait it out for a bit??

    12:52 UTC


    Is this normal? Or yeast infection?

    I have no other symptoms whatsoever, but am still paranoid!

    22:23 UTC


    Is a period with many thick clots concerning?

    I do apologise for the graphic description-

    During an 8 hour shift yesterday I used 6 pads and had about 7 thick 2cm long clots and then lots of super dark smaller ones in between - last night and this morning I’ve still got the clots and Im still experiencing cramps. I’m on day 5 of my period now and very rarely have clots past day 3. Is it likely that the implant is just causing issues as I missed a period last month?

    11:39 UTC


    is it normal to get a full period right after starting birth control

    i started birth control about a week ago and already started my period about two days ago (it’s not an early period linked to the birth control but rather just a regular one), i’ve already started getting heavy bleeding and all i can find is stuff about breakthrough bleeding which it obviously isn’t right now. is this normal for the first few months? and when can i expect this to stop

    10:09 UTC


    Think I could pop some progesterone to delay my period for a couple of days?

    Hello! I have PCOS and very irregular periods, I have a 4 year old that won’t sleep alone. Their Dad and I have 2 nights out of town for the first time since she was born, I can almost guarantee I’ll get my period 😅 I’m supposed to start progesterone at the start of my next cycle, so 2 weeks on then 2 weeks off to regulate my cycle. Does anyone know how progesterone works and if I could just take it for a few days while I’m out of town if I start it before my period starts? We don’t get many grown up snuggles ha! Thanks!

    09:09 UTC


    I think there’s something wrong with me

    Hey, sorry for the confusing title but I have a question that keeps bothering me. Im a bit embarrassed to ask this and I’m sorry if my post is breaking any rules . I will remove it if it does.

    Basically, after I have sex with my fiancé I always go to clean myself. Sometimes when I wipe myself with a toilet paper I’ve noticed brownish discharge on the paper. It’s not totally clear or yellowish. Now, I’ve read that the brownish colour can come from “leftover” old period blood. That would explain it, but the brownish colour appears even a week after my period, not just couple days after it. Could it still be period blood?

    The think that worries me the most is that today we had sex and when I went to clean myself there was reddish discharge. I’m not supposed to be bleeding now, I’m supposed to be ovulating. That got me worried that there might be something wrong , that I might be sick or something. Or is there both wrong with me and there’s something wrong with my boyfriend’s sperm?

    Idk what to think. Should I go to a doctor and check if I’m okay?

    1 Comment
    08:51 UTC



    Ive been wearing liners for maybe a week and its only discharge and I take it off when I dont see anything and when I do I bleed and Ive already stained 3 underwear! Is this bad or just some coincidence

    08:47 UTC


    Light period/ spotting I'm concerned

    So I'm 20 years old (nearly 21) and My periods are pretty regular. However I have noticed brown/ blood discharge on the 26th of April, the 30th of April. I also had cramps on the 6th of May. My period is not due until the 18th of may however oh the 9th I woke up with a bit of blood down there. I thought cool I'm on my period and put a pad on. However throughout the day the pad was COMPLETELY dry. I thought okay more spotting? The next morning I woke up with blood again so I thought okay period, but pad was completely dry. Same thing this morning. I am having bad cramps but barely any blood. I have gained some weight recently so I may chalk it up to that but I'm concerned. I will be seeing the doctor tomorrow but wondering if anyone else has this issue.

    08:19 UTC


    Implantation bleeding

    Can an implantation bleeding occur after 50 days from a particular intercourse? Is it possible?

    07:58 UTC


    Is it normal or is it an Infection?

    Recently tried a sex position with my partner that made me feel a bit of pain in my cervix area after a few days. We use protection and we’re not seeing other people. The pain disappeared but I was noticing clumpy white discharge from my vagina, it had no odor. I take pregnancy tests and they all so far came out negative. Today I went to the bathroom after suddenly noticing a strange smell only to find that there was a large clump of yellow discharge with odor. I am getting random “pinches” around my pelvis area. Has this happened to anyone?

    1 Comment
    05:13 UTC


    Pt2 to yesterday’s post is this normal?

    Hey yall f16 I asked a question yesterday regarding a weird period I’d suggest looking at that post for more details but is this normal? A few hours later I wiped with tp and there was blood like period blood so I know or at least believe it’s my period if this matters I’m on the pill although I changed places recently so maybe a new recipe could be the cause?

    1 Comment
    04:15 UTC


    I keep getting mini periods before my period

    I’m 25 and this just started about two months ago. I’m starting to get a little bit concerned now since I thought it was just a one time thing, but here are my symptoms:

    -Two+ weeks before my period I will be so exhausted I can barely function, no cramps, tenderness, etc -9 ish days before my period I will spot and then spot up to the time my period comes which actually ruins my entire week because it’s a huge inconvenience -Then I’ll get my period as usual. It’s fine, just normal, but I spot for longer than usual after

    Lifestyle changes: -I started working out consistently in the beginning of Jan. I’ve always been athletic but this is the first time I’m in the gym almost every day. I do pretty intense workouts like sprints + lifting

    Other information: -My mom has hypothyroidism (I think it’s hypo and not hyper, but I could be wrong. It’s one of the two) -I am NOT on birth control and havent been in years -I am not currently sexually active

    I know people say that they could balance out eventually but when should I begin to become concerned? I have always had super regular periods so it’s actually stressing me out a lot.

    03:24 UTC


    Anyone else have periods that are super sensitive to stress?

    I have a pretty bad anxiety disorder, so my brain's stress detector is pretty inaccurate. But while attending high school/college, I had zero periods during the school year, and then in June, July, August and December I'd have the only ones of the year. This went on from age 14-20 (after which I went on birth control). Notably, I did not have this issue when I worked retail, despite there being a larger amount of annoying people. I guess my ovaries have their opinions on what's stressful and what's less so.

    03:01 UTC


    How do you deal with clotty periods?

    My last two periods including this one now have been huge clots for 4 days of my period then it just tapers off for two days after and finishes. It's uncomfortable doing most things whether on sitting down or walking around and them dropping out because of the clots. I've been changing pads (can't really wear tampons as the clot makes them flood out) very regularly last night an overnight pad only lasted an hour. I haven't seen a dr about it but will do soon - how do you deal with these types of periods? There isn't too much pain alongside it but I have more pain before the period starts now. Is it possible they are fibroids? I'm more worried I'll leak out in public like work etc, I'm in my 30s btw.

    01:51 UTC


    i’m really helpless. even the drs can’t help me. i hope someone can help me or just listen to me. (a very long rant)

    first of all i apologies as this might not be the right community to post this. but i just feel hopeless and i just want peoples answers from literally anywhere. people with vaginas or experiences like this. anything really. :( like really really hopeless and lost. and its draining me mentally.

    it all started on early feb. i (24F) had inner left labia pain 2-3 days after sex w my bf (25M) of 2 years (no sexual history prior). went to multiple drs and now none of them are helping me. some were’nt even being serious with me.

    my symptoms were left inner labia pain, theres red patch near vagina entrance, slight discharge at the time. went to the pharmacy to get otc clotrimazole cream and i applied it on the area 2-3 times a day for almost a month. but just a few days of using the cream i noticed it didnt help so i visited a dr the same week symptoms appeared. 1st dr (government) gave me clotrimazole suppository 500mg. a week later period came, so i thought, oh maybe my period affected the healing process. so i went to visit another dr (gov) gave me the exact same suppository.

    a week later, still havent improved. visited a new dr (gov). took gonorrhea swab test, dr told me i have yellowish discharge (inserted a speculum). and results taken in a gov hosp takes a month to be released. yeah it sucks waiting. so during that visit i was prescribed metronidazole and doxycycline. after i finished the medicines, of course i didnt improve. went to the same dr i visited last time. she examined my area again and told me i have “ulcers”. visually diagnosed me with herpes. now this is already early march. a month after initial symptoms appeared. took blood test and again the waiting game began.

    that dr gave me acyclovir tablets. and me being paranoid i went to a private clinic to get tested for hsv. and it came out negative. i was also tested for syphilis, chlamydia and hiv, also negative.

    at this point i feel like my pain was unbearable, there was some slight itching, on and off yellow discharge. ulcers still being there and near my vagina entrance hurt. the ulcers are located on my small labia. and the vagina entrance doesnt have ulcers but it hurt. all this located on left. sometimes my clit hood looks red and hurt.

    after finishing acyclovir i wasnt healed. my period also ended when i finished the pills, so i went to the pharmacy again to get treated myself since drs treatments werent helping. i got myself otc metronidazole + miconazole combo suppository. and i got myself vaginal probiotics. i also used zinc oxide cream on the affected area.

    after that treatment was done i was still not okay. visited the gov clinic to see my results, (which took a month) now its early april, dr told me i was positive gonorrhea. and other results was negative. so i got injected with ceftriaxone, and given doxycycline again. told my bf about my diagnosis, and told him to get tested. our relationship got rocky cuz of this. i didnt cheated and he claims he didnt too. we were kinda accusing each other. so he got tested and his results were negative. shocked of course, so he says i cheated. being in so much distress it affected my mental health so bad. even with hsv diagnosis i didnt eat a few day, woke up crying everyday, and couldnt focus on work where i had to take leaves.

    so i went to the gov dr to get explanation and my symptoms have yet to heal after treatment (2 weeks after). surprisingly another dr attended to me at that same gov clinic (for some reason the other times only one same dr attended me) this new dr told me im actually negative gonorrhea and says maybe that other dr treated me empirically. but i swear that other dr told me i was positive and i even asked multiple times to be sure. this new dr told me the results show gonorrhea not detected but pus cell was seen. new dr believes i still have hsv and gave me lidocaine gel.

    used the gel, didnt help much. after so many dr visits i felt hopeless and decided to just spend my money doing tests at private clinics rather than taking medicines blindly. so i did an std test for myco, urea and trich, chlamydia and gono, all negative.

    then did a high vaginal swab to check my bacteria culture such as yeast and bv, strep. all negative and my vagina flora is normal. but during this test, dr also told me during this test she saw greenish/yellowish discharge (using speculum to get sample). i also did a hsv test again, still negative.

    after this i smelled my discharge and it smelled sour. unsure if its normal or not. now end of april, i do still have yellowish discharge, some drs say its normal some says its not. i dont even know. but one of the days the red patch area hurt alot and was so irritated.

    visited the gov dr again and she says she cant help me. by this time i wrote all my symptoms in a note on my phone inc pics of my vagina, test results, discharge and all. explaining all in detail and she just laughed at me saying im so extreme for writing everything in detail especially when i said i smelled my discharge and it was sour. she then just refered me to a gov derm.

    visited the derm the same day. dr told me it doesnt look like ulcers more like lesions. just given me steroid pills and gel. i also wanted to show the dr my notes but she said its too long to read. i am quite positive and sure that this is not some skin problem that steroids could help. :( i feel like theyre just trying to make me take whatever hoping it gets better.

    i then visited a private GYNO the same day. she tried helping. but she couldnt. she read all my notes and seen the pics. she says its weird i tested negative and believes i do or did have an infection going on. she advised me not to take the steroid pills as it could make an infection worse if i do still have one. so i just used the gel instead twice a day. gyno also told me to do a pap smear.

    so i did, results came out 2 days ago and i was negative. nothing detected. since everything is for sure clear now, i started taking the steroid pills 2 days ago. today i still have pain on the red patch, the “ulcers” doesnt seem to be healing. but hurt only when touched. sometimes sitting on certain position makes me feel sore. but pain level not as bad as a month or two months ago. but i still have pain. i have been using the steroid gel a week now. i think im going crazy. idk what i have. nobody is able to help me. i know the pain is not just in my brain.

    literally the red patch is very red today. ulcers still there. idk if i should stop using the steroid gel. i know i cant stop taking the pills suddenly or id get withdrawal symptoms. the pills are prednisonole. and its taken for 14 days decreasing dosage weekly. maybe ill apply steroid gel once a day now? is that okay tho.

    my next appointmnt with the derm is this friday. but i really dont think its a SKIN PROBLEM. :(( i got symptoms 2-3 days after sex. the red patch pain has been there since day one, which is actually where it first started before ulcers popped up. never had outbreaks elsewhere up until now. so im sure its not hsv.

    its been 4 months now, its already mid may. im not 100% better. ulcers/lesions have yet to heal since early march. what problem do i have? does anybody have similar experiences? what should i do?

    edit: the same timing i tried smelling my discharge, i started noticing my pee smells off? idk if its normal pee smell but i think its musty? or soury? idk how to describe it tbh. but yea, its not like i smell my pee everytime. so im unsure how it smelled before this problem started. it might just be normal and im being paranoid now.

    01:35 UTC


    Should I go to the ER?

    hello, so I’ve been having weird brown orangeish- light red discharge for about a week now, it started around day 17 of my cycle when they last for about 36 days. Has this ever happened to anyone? I’m getting really worried, this has never happened to me nor have I ever had any problems with my period.

    1 Comment
    01:32 UTC


    Tampon struggles

    I’ve (F21) just started using tampons about 8 years after my first period. I could never before but just recently lost my virginity PIV (very painful for me and only got so far but it was enough to cause a couple of days of bleeding which I think was from my hymen being torn)and I think that made it easier. It hurts a little to first push it in but once I’ve got it all the way in I can no longer feel it for the most part now. However, when it’s time to pull it out it is very painful and there’s a lot of resistance. It feels like my vagina is trying to suck it back in. This is bad every time but worse when it’s completely saturated. I’m left a bit sore after, like there’s something still there. I’ve had problems in the past with overly tight pelvic floor muscles. Any advice on how to make this easier?

    01:26 UTC


    so done with today

    I took a really hot soak in the bath because I'm cramping bad and it helped a lot and then I showered to rinse off my cramps started coming back, I took meds already and I'm just tired with this already and I'm crying cause I'm just done. Like I want to do my nails and get pretty for tommowre but I'm breaking out bad on my chin and I feel awful

    00:01 UTC


    My period has gotten worse as I’ve aged and I’m kinda freaking out

    Hello, 25f here. I used to have the easiest periods as a kid, just sore boobs and a few days of bleeding and I’m done. Ever since I hit 20 my periods have gotten worse, not horribly worse but each month is heavier or lighter than the other, I always have some form of PMS, and menstrual pain. Occasional ovulation pain and nausea. I’m not on any meds.

    Last months I was so tired I could hardly stand so I called out of work for the first time ever because of a period issue, my period was heavy and I had dull pain for 3 days. This month on day 1 the pain was so bad I ran into the bathroom at work 3 times and cried and thought I was gonna be sick (I haven’t thrown up or felt the need to in 12 years). The pain only lasted 3 hours and POOF all gone and I’m fine.

    I panicked and made an appt with my GP, I saw her 3 months ago for my gyno exam and my pelvic exam and pap came back normal. So idek what she’s gonna help me with. I’ve never had any actual health issues so I’m not sure what could be wrong. I’m wondering if a vitamin or hormone thing is possible?? I really don’t want to be on birth control because I’m not sexually active.

    Im overly anxious about doctors appointments so I’m really scared about this one, if anyone has advice or can related it’ll be appreciated, I’m really hoping it’s nothing and I’m just overreacting

    1 Comment
    23:08 UTC


    Brown Discharge

    I am on BC and I am always on top of my pills. Never missed one and always take it at the same time. I been on the pill for a few years now. I have been recently having brown discharge for 8 days straight. I noticed the brown discharge the next day I had sex, the 3rd. On 6th, I had sex again but I noticed light pink blood when I wiped after sex. During the day, my vagina was sore and a little painful. Ever since then, I have been having brown discharge. My period is not supposed to come until the 13th. I took two pregnancy tests, one on the 5th and one on the 10th and they both came out as negative. I am not really experiencing any other symptoms either. Is this normal?

    23:07 UTC


    Late period

    Hi, I was supposed to have my period last Wednesday, May 8 and I still am not bleeding even though I already had my usual symptoms such as diarrhea, headaches, and acne breakouts. This is very unusual and I have never gotten this delayed before. For reference, I usually get my period between 18-20 days. I had protected intercourse last April 5 and got my period the week after (Apr 12-19). I haven't had any penetrative intercourse since. So am I safe to rule out pregnancy?

    22:44 UTC


    Extremely painful periods after plan B pill ...12 hour flight coming up

    So the good news is the periods arrived...and a bit early. But oh boy...it's one from hell.

    I feel like my uterus is being wrung dry. I haven't been able to leave the house. Nausea, headache dizziness, extremely heavy flow, terrible mood swings. Is this usual ???
    I have a 12 hour flight tomorrow and I am WORRIED.
    Would love recommendations on how to ease the pain during a flight. I usually use a menstrual cup but read somewhere they can explode in a flight !?! Maybe I am just delirious.

    1 Comment
    21:36 UTC


    I feel like a squid.

    That's it, that's the post.

    21:07 UTC


    Plan B (Julie) cramps 4 days and counting

    I use Natural cycles and my husband and I had unprotected sex with no withdrawal on a light period day. (Had that day and one more Green Day however this period was a bit weird …) I went ahead and took a Julie (plan B) 4 days after. I’ve been having cramps every day since the day of taking it but I was still cramping during my period as well sooo idk. Is this pretty normal? Orrrr something I should be concerned about? Implantation pain? And I’m waking up same time every night with woozy tummy. Goes away after a while. (My guess is a ton of estrogen)

    Yes I know it will mess up my cycle and make NC useless (but I marked I used a emergency contraceptive on the app) refrain from saying “it’s useless now and you’ll have a messed up cycle blah blah.” I’ll take a messed up cycle for a couple cycles over a pregnancy. I am not one for chemical birthcontrol or emergency contraceptives however and had a HUGE intuitive sense to stop to get it and swallow my pride and take it.

    Thanks in advance

    20:36 UTC



    Hi so I jst started my period like 2 or 3 months ago and I've only had like 3 periods bur ther each like 18 to 19 days apart is that bad????

    20:33 UTC


    Very Light Spotting 4 Days After Period

    So I (27f) had a pap done last month and everything came back normal.

    I had unprotected sex twice during the middle of my period (6-7 days ago) and my bf pulled out both times.

    I have discharge so I thought I was ovulating rn but I just saw some random light spotting with it and this has never happened before.

    Any thoughts on what it could be? Google has been no help and I’m just curious about if it could mean I’m ovulating, have implantation bleeding, or if something is wrong?

    20:29 UTC


    Is 2400 mg of Ibuprofen safe

    Similar to s previous post but I know that a taking painkillers alot can fuck your kidneys and liver. Obviously I do not want this to happen but I've already accepted the fact I will have severe period pain until the go away from old age. I usually take this amount for the first two days of my period and then lesson it heavily until it's over. Are my organs still fucked or am I okay. I'm 17 by the way so I'm not in charge of my medical decisions(I've tried)

    20:13 UTC



    Usually I noticed my heart rate lower on my period … and my resting HR is always lower on my cycle … but this cycle , my pms/pmdd was SO bad before and I’m on day 2 of my period and I noticed my heart rate higher today. I was sitting on the couch and I could just feel it … does anyone else deal with more palpitations or an increased rate on their cycle too? Not just before.

    20:06 UTC

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