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True Blood Fan Movie

If you haven't finished the show, please don't read as there are spoilers ahead. You have been WARNED.

Okay so I've been thinking a lot, and I came up with an idea for a movie that fixes the ending and have a final closure for the show.

True Blood: Time of Reckoning Written by me and corrected by Chat GPT

Plot Synopsis:

Years have passed since Sookie Stackhouse made the fateful decision to end Bill Compton's life. Now married to Frank, a fairy whose thoughts she can read, Sookie finds herself haunted by Bill's ghost and dissatisfied with her life. Her daughter, Sophia, half-fae, has been turned into a vampire after sneaking into Fangtasia. This reckless act puts her at great risk and ignites Frank's rage against vampires. He almost kills Eric Northman, believing him to be responsible for Sophia's transformation after Eric brought her home and killed her random maker from the bar.

One evening, Sookie is approached by grandfather Neil, who reveals his knowledge of the future. He warns her that Sophia will ultimately be killed by Frank due to her hybrid nature. To prevent this tragedy, Neil suggests Sookie use her fairy powers to travel back in time and kill Bill with her light instead of a stake, altering her destiny.

Desperate to save her daughter, Sookie agrees and travels back in time with Sophia. At the crucial moment, Sophia stops Sookie from killing Bill with a stake. Neil reveals that Sophia is actually Bill and Sookie's daughter, a result of Bill's last human encounter with Sookie before he started turning human. To save Bill and secure Sophia's future, Sookie uses her light to turn Bill human.

However, an imminent threat follows them through time: Frank, also a fairy, is furious about the turn of events. Bill and Sookie must now protect Sophia from Frank, who seeks vengeance, and from vampires who want to exploit her hybrid blood for ultimate day-walking abilities. Eric and Pam discover Sophia's unique potential and plot to capitalize on her blood, creating additional dangers.

Throughout the movie, Bill and Sookie, now both human, navigate a perilous journey to safeguard Sophia. They face various threats from vampires and fairies alike.

09:47 UTC


There needs to be a spin off titled new blood

23:09 UTC



Why is this woman always trying to save bill? A vampire that self heals???? Like what is her issue. 😂😂😂😂😂😭😂

20:50 UTC


How closely related is the show and books?

I started reading the Sookie Stackhouse novels before I plan on starting Trueblood. (Please No Spoilers, not even 1st season)

I am curious if anyone has read the books beforehand and how many books I should get through before starting the show?

I will watch maybe 2 episodes a week and so far I am just starting book 3. Would I be safe starting season 1?

Is there a season it starts to stray from the books and I can just read and watch as separate entertainment at some point?


15:41 UTC


Difference in the American and European series box sets on Blu-ray?

I bought the box set off of Amazon and they sent me the European version. Is there any real difference?

1 Comment
13:50 UTC


RANT : Sookie and Bill


I know y'all ship sookie with Eric, but hear me out.

Bill really loved sookie, and they both lied and hurt each other in multiple occasions, and in the fuckedup world they live in, this is a minor sin. Bill was sent by his Queen to acquire sookie, and yet he defied the Queen. Do you really think if it was Eric that was sent he would have done what bill did? He would have took Sookie immediately to the Queen with no questions asked. The Eric sookie fell in love with only became that Eric after Godric's death and his memory wipe, before that Eric showed no humanity and regard for human life at all.

And no Eric wasn't better, he had done worse things than Bill in his lifetime (did y'all forget the people in the basement he tortured??? The guy has no mercy).

Bill really tried in his own twisted ways to protect sookie, and yes he might have left her to almost die to give her his blood, but I honestly feel like this plot was an afterthought to push the Eric romance. No where did they show this in the first season, honestly all the "horrible" things bill did early on were an afterthought.

The only really awful things he did was the Billith and Russell arcs, not saving Tara and destroying true blood factories. But even then, do we really blame him? Most of the nesting vampires were influenced by Lilith, and if it wasn't for Godric, Eric and Nora wouldn't have been any better, they just lucked out with an angel looking out for them. As for not saving Tara, that was horrible of him, and I hate him in that season.

So to get that horrible ending with him, to be staked by his lover, and not to be given one last chance with Sookie.... It's just ridiculous. Especially since peace with the vampires was established at that point thanks to new blood, and Bon Temps is generally in a much better phase that it's ever been before. His death was meaningless. And the whole "Sookie wanted kids" story is so sexist, that's literally the reason she had doubts about alcide because he wanted kids, and yet Bill assumes for her that this is what she wants????

Excuse my rant, I just finished the show and I'm very angry.

10:08 UTC


I just started

I just started true blood and I know I’m late but it’s actually a really good show. But I do have to say sookie is kinda annoying 😂

04:27 UTC


Just started watching (currently on 01.11) and omg...

The only character who doesn't annoy me to the depths of my soul is Pam and sometimes Bill! JFC these people are ANNOYING. I'm gonna keep watching but damn it truly doesn't get any better huh? Insufferable mfs for 7 seasons straight.

18:53 UTC


Sookie ending

I know we don't know for sure but how do we feel about Sookie marrying someone supernatural? Another fae or werewolf?

14:52 UTC



What is everyone's favorite episode and why? (or one of favs)

14:47 UTC


Damn TB really hate it’s black characters

Just finished season 2 and the killing of Eggs by Jason of all people was so unnecessary. Just watching Tara go through trauma after trauma after trauma literally ruins the whole show. She and Lafayette deserved better. Really makes me mad the writers and the irony of the bigotry within the show.

07:09 UTC


Most overrated and most underrated character?

In your opinion, who do you think is the most overrated character and who do you think is the most underrated character? Please explain why if you can.

22:42 UTC



I’m seeing an influx of Sookie hate on this sub and I think it’s pretty disappointing. Maybe it’s because I’ve read the books and without context she seems more annoying in the shows but it feels like every single fantasy show I watch has the discussion at some point become all about shitting on the female main character. I get that there can be some valid criticism, but it just seems odd it happens every single time. Open to all thoughts but I really don’t see why she is sooooo bad and terrible and annoying.

17:19 UTC


Godric final scene

How was Godric able to burn up so quickly and Bill burned for minutes trying to get to Sookie when Rene was whooping her ass? If he’s older and presumably more powerful, stronger, faster, etc. than the rest of them, shouldn’t he have been strong enough to withstand the sunlight? Was it his sheer will to die that let him succumb so easily?

Bill’s ass was burnt toast by the time they got him and buried him.

Just a thought during the rewatch 😵‍💫

06:50 UTC


Another horrible Sookie moment

I’m already aware Sookie Stackhouse is beyond annoying, downright dumb at times. But for the fuckin life of me, what was the purpose of sucking Eric’s blood to get the silver out of him after Luke detonated the bomb?! She couldn’t have dug it out? He’s a vampire, we’re not risking infection here what was the purpose? She really is a god awful character. I’ve read book Sookie is a lot better than TV adapted Sookie. (S2-E9)

04:57 UTC


Ummm....what about Tara?!

I'm seriously surprised no one is annoyed with Tara's ending. How does Terry Bellefleur get an entire episode about his passing, but no one mourned Tara for longer than 5 minutes?

Even season 1, Tara feels down about herself because she keeps losing jobs, mom is a abusive, neglectful lush her entire life, you know what Sookie says? "Stop sitting here feeling sorry for yourself." Like, what? The entire time she had issues, everyone just told her to be quiet or to not mope. She was treated better as a vampire than a human.

Tara had so much potential. I think the reason why I'm so annoyed about it, as someone who could literally have been a main character, someone who truly went through a lot, got maybe 5 minutes of remembrance at someone else's party.

I digress.

19:41 UTC


you have to name your baby girl something from the True Blood universe ... what's your pick?

I literally named my son Emory bc I heard it on True Blood and absolutely fell in love with it. Now im pregnant with a girl, hypothetically speaking... If I were to keep up naming my children after True Blood characters, what should I name my baby girl? Could even be a super minor character.

17:31 UTC


Musical themes - thoughts?

To my ear:

  • Gran's theme sounds like You Are My Sunshine/Amazing Grace/May the Circle Be Unbroken

  • Bill and Sookie's theme sounds like the opening bars of Beauty and the Beast

1 Comment
07:55 UTC


Hot take on Alcide (season 6)

So I'm rewatching the whole series of TB and I've just finished watching episode 2 of season 6. Alcide has just came with a couple pack members and basically kidnapped Emma and it led me to think, what is going on with him? He was a kind hearted hunk consistantly, even when he supported Sam and did the right thing, yet that all goes out the window now he's pack leader.

Speaking of, it annoys me that he's never cared for the pack and has flip flopped on pack loyalty and the werewolf laws but now he's happy to kidnap a 9 year old pup after her mother literally died the night before? He beats up Sam too and allows that wannabe wolf queen to beat on our boy Lafayette?? I hope he bins that mongrel of a wolf she ain't got a thing on Rikki. Rip my love for Alcide.

Also I don't remember how the season ends so pls no spoilers<3

01:49 UTC


A baby Steve Newlin on Big Love

Rewatching Big Love and who do I see but a very young Michael McMillian playing a young Mormon smitten with Margene.

19:24 UTC


I will never understand the hype over Sookie.

I’m sure this has been discussed regularly on this sub, but I’m on my second rewatch. Last I watched the series it was still fairly fresh and I was in my twenties. Now that I’m in my thirties, and “wiser” I suppose, sookie is SO annoying. I’m only on season four, but watching all these men absolutely fawn over her, even after her almost two year hiatus in the fae realm. Bill, Sam, Eric, sexy af Alcide…just why? She’s stubborn. Self righteous at times. DUMB. And can’t take a hint.

Tell me I’m not alone here.

18:56 UTC

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