News, questions and information about Rotterdam, the Netherlands
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Hallo! I’m a British tourist and was in Rotterdam this morning/early afternoon. I had two keyrings on my bag - a plush Sitting Kirby (round, pink Nintendo character) and a felt, hand-sewn Feathers McGraw (penguin with red hat), but these fell off at some point during my visit.
They are sentimental as were gifts, and so I know it’s a long shot, but if anyone has picked them up I would be very grateful to hear from them.
I walked from Centraal station to the Markthall and Cube Houses. I retraced some of my steps but didn’t have time to look properly as I had to make my flight.
En voor de derde dag op rij geef ik m'n tickets weg, nog steeds ziek. :/
Deze keer:
Daarmee bedoel ik als danser/lid van een groep. Het lijkt me ontzettend leuk om mee te doen. Maar ik kan hier nergens informatie over vinden. Hoe word je lid van zo'n groep en zitten er voorwaarden aan vast? Ik ben zelf geboren in Rotterdam, maar ik woon vlakbij in een andere stad.
Is er hier iemand die hier meer van af weet?
Hi everybody as said in the title me and a group of friend will be visiting from February 14th to the 16th. Since I wasn’t able to find a ‘guide’ here in the subreddit can you give me a list of must-see’s and some other suggestions? Even some good spots for eating will be very appreciated. Thanks
Beste Rotterdammers, Ik ben net verhuisd naar de Zuidplein-buurt in Rotterdam. Vanwege de hoge huurprijzen heb ik een beperkt budget voor meubels. Ik ben op zoek naar gratis meubels die nog in goede staat zijn. Ik ben specifiek op zoek naar:
Een sofa Een staande lamp Een kleine nachtlamp Warm witte ledlampen Andere bruikbare meubels die u kwijt wilt
Als u iets heeft dat u wilt weggeven, zou ik het graag komen ophalen. Ik woon in de buurt van Zuidplein, Bij voorbaat dank voor uw hulp!
Looking for Free Furniture - Zuidplein Rotterdam Dear Rotterdammers, I have recently moved to the Zuidplein area in Rotterdam. Due to high rental costs, I have a limited budget for furniture. I am looking for free furniture that is still in good condition. I am specifically looking for:
A sofa A floor lamp A small night light Warm white light bulbs Any other usable furniture you need to clear out
If you have anything you'd like to give away, I would be happy to collect it. I live near Zuidplein, so transportation shouldn't be an issue. Thank you in advance for your help!
Hi there, does anyone know which store in Rotterdam sell Al Yaman tahini, the ones in a white plastic jar with a red lid? Preferably a store above the Maas (so in West, Noord, Centrum, Kralingen, etc) but somewhere down south is fine too. I know these can easily be ordered online, but I prefer to shop at a local brick and mortar store. I've already tried a few local Turkish minimarkets but they didn't offer them, so I hope someone can tell me which ones do.
Hey y’all. Does anyone know a good local discount shop to buy bulk dry foods like beans, rice, oats, etc? Thanks
Tja met je zatte kop over een brugrailing klimmen is niet erg verstandig.
Het zal een beste borrel zijn geweest met een wat stevige kater.
Vraag aan de experts, Moet je in zo'n geval de hulpdiensten betalen voor het helpen?
Zo ja dan is het een dure kater!
I figure the sun and blue sky today make the statue come to life best! As a figure of speech, mind you.
Can someone recommend a place that sells really good kimchi please? I’ve been craving a proper homemade kimchi but all i can find in supermarkets/ stores are those that looks like its made from chemical preservatives.
Edit: kaartjes hebben een nieuwe eigenaar!
Ben helaas nog steeds ziek. Daarom bied ik weer twee kaartjes aan in de hoop dat ze gebruikt worden!
Guo Ran - 17:30 Ariel - 20:15 (uitverkochte screening)
Beide in Pathé Schouwburgplein.
Hi, my bike has a flat tyre and I’ve been asking for the price of repair in several bike repair shops in the city and they’re asking 50-60€ for the repair. That’s really expensive, given that I paid that for the bike itself. Is there any shop that’s fairly priced in Rotterdam? Thanks!
Hello Rotterdammerts. I haven't found a resource for accurately coming up with a definitive list of "good" coffeeshops in Rotterdam so I thought I'd share my list and hopefully receive some of your recommendations. Since covid, many coffeeshops stopped allowing people to sit inside, so I'm going to base my list purely off the quality of weed, not the service, nor the "vibes." I get that that can make or break an experience for somebody, but for me personally, if you've got the nicest, chillest shop in the world, but your weed is ass, then I'm not going there. Also, I personally don't smoke hash since I smoke pure, so take that into consideration that I haven't tried a lot of the hash in many places.
NOTE: REMEMBER, this is just my opinion according to my experience. I've been a stoner for 14 years and counting and I've also been to coffeeshops in Den Haag, Amsterdam, dispensaries in San Diego, Los Angeles, and Colorado. Honestly, having smoked in other Dutch cities and other places around the world I have to say that the weed in Rotterdam in general is poor quality. Most of the times you really can't be sure that you're getting something decent and in comparison to places like Den Haag and Amsterdam, it feels like Rotterdam is very much lagging behind in their weed game. Recently they've been stepping things up, which is a super positive development in my opinion! I feel like the suppliers and coffeeshops also have to do their part to make sure that what they're selling is quality product, and not filled with harmful chemicals, mold, and other disgusting things.
1. Coffeeshop New York --> Best quality weed I've seen so far in Rotterdam. The only selection that has as far as I know REAL Californian weed, but also their Dutch selection is extremely good and reliable.
2. Mon Camarade --> I used to hate this place a few years ago and avoided it whenever possible, but now I think it's one of the best places in Rotterdam since their renovation. They seem to have some strains from Canada and California (though I'm not sure they're legit.) They do have the branding and Californian packaging though. I personally find their Canadian/Dutch weed to hit the spot.
3. Coffeeshop Bamboo --> A bit further in Schiedam, but their selection is HUGE and decently priced. Above average for Rotterdam standards in general.
4. De Stichting --> I used to go here a lot because their emphasis was on growing biological/organic weed catered towards medical users. Nowadays, I wonder if this is still the case. In general though, because they have a good reputation I would still give them a good rating. Honestly haven't smoked anything from here in a while though. If it's good please let me know and I'll see if I change my mind.
5. Coffeeshop Pluto --> I want to like this place more, but it's usually a hit or miss. I feel like it lacks consistency. If I order something here for 2 weeks, chances are on the 3rd week it'll taste different or smoke differently. This is one of the few places where I'll ever order Amnesia Haze from. Their California selection is dubious though....I feel like they're one of those places that put "California" on the menu, but really mean Dutch-grown Californian strains while still pricing it as if it was imported from USA, because the quality does NOT compare. If it wasn't the case and they were more consistent then I would really place this place a lot higher.
6. Sensi Smile --> Lowkey, small, but as far as I know....safe to buy from....not really impressed or anything but their prices are cheap and they have the classic strains that are grown decently.
7....and beyond --> Honestly, everything else in Rotterdam to me is a scam or a health hazard. At many times I also feel like some of the coffeeshops above are dubious at best. The only place I've consistently had great weed from is Coffeeshop New York. Places like Witte de Wit, 4 Floors, Trefpunt, and The Reef to me are just hardcore tourist traps. Bob Marley, Sky High and Centrum are just not for me. I enjoy smoking weed that tastes and smokes good.
If you think my ranking is complete bull then please do let me know why that is and what your recommendations are. I haven't recently been to a lot of the coffeeshops I've listed and a lot of my experiences are divided from the last 6 years. Feel free to share your top 10s, your tier lists, recommendations, places you hate, places you love, etc. Share the knowledge! Anyways, I'm off to buy some ganja, see ya in the comments!
The mame on the card is L. Truong. It was found in tram number 3 in Rotterdam. Please DM me so I can return it to you
Hey, where in Rotterdam over the weekend, probably gonna visit now & wow club tomorrow but don't know what we should do tonight. Any recommendations? Bars or Clubs or fun things to do in the evening? We all listen to hardcore/Hardtecho so if it would be a bar or club with this genre it would be even better!
Hello party people
Me and my friends are in Rotterdam today and we searched for techno/rave clubs but we couldn’t find something that suits us. We want a good techno sound not to hard not to low..
Any recommendations for today?
Welke kroegen hebben Guinness op de tap. Ik weet Locust en wss de Irish pub. Maar weet een van jullie nog een andere tent?
It would be nice if you could describe a place a little bit
Hi allemaal,
Ik heb afgelopen jaar mijn eerste huis gekocht. Dit jaar worden de huizen tegenover mij gesloopt en de buurvrouw verwacht dat onze huizen ook worden gesloopt over een paar jaar (is nog niet officieel). Ik ben hier niet vooraf over ingelicht en ik maak me nu zorgen over het opkopen door de gemeente. In zuid zijn er nog veel meer huizen opgekocht en gesloopt en ik ben benieuwd hoeveel de WOZ en taxatie waarde was en hoeveel de gemeente er uiteindelijk voor betaald heeft. Wie heeft hier ervaring mee?
I am looking for remote/unpopulated areas near Rotterdam to go scream my lungs out. I was thinking going to the kralingse bos at night but im not too keen on disturbing the animals. Any place nearby where there aren’t much people around.
Hallo lieve mede-Rotterdammerts!
Mijn vrouw en ik zijn een tijdje geleden verhuisd. Fijne is dat we bij deze woning eindelijk een mooie tuin hebben. Althans, mooi in potentie; het is nu nog één groot stuk modderig en braakliggend stuk grond! Heeft iemand van jullie wellicht goede ervaringen gehad met een hoveniersbedrijf in de regio die ons voor een goede prijs kunnen helpen met het inrichten en planten hiervan?
Mijn dank is groot!
Ik ben op zoek naar een plek in Rotterdam die kleine witgoed apparaten kan repareren. Dus ketels, broodrooster etc... Degenen die ik op google map vind repareren meestal grote apparaten zoals vaatwassers of koelkasten.
Liever in Rotterdam West/Noord Kralingen. Bedankt voor de hulp!
HEYYY guys, anyone got tickets for Rotterdam Rave? Thanksss 🔥🔥🔥🔥
Gistermiddag liep ik naar huis, waarna er een engelse mercedes naast me stopte. Achter het stuur zat een vent, met naast hem zijn kindje en achter in zijn vrouw. Hij sprak me aan en hield een zilver-gouden ring naar buiten alsof hij em aan me wou overhandigen. Ik zei “i don’t need it, thanks” en hij trapte vol op het gas en racete weg. Fucking vaag, ik weet het.
My wife and I and our 2 year old daughter are visiting Rotterdam in March. Can we expect most restaurants there to have high chairs? We won’t be doing 9-course tasting menus with our toddler, but at home our general approach is to take her wherever we want to eat as adults, having her eat what we eat. We don’t limit ourselves to blatantly “kid friendly” places or even places with a kids menu; but we’ll probably need to use a high chair. Thanks in advance!