Post a picture of you plant from:
And also: The plant today or latest picture you have of said plant.
Post pictures of a younger version of your plant as well as the latest stage of growth for your plant and everything you want in between. Must be of the same plant for obvious reasons.
Similar: /r/matureplants /r/proplifting /r/IndoorGarden /r/OrganicGardening /r/MasterGardener /r/GardenSupplies /r/plantbreeding /r/Gardening /r/WhatsThisPlant /r/GardenSupplies /r/botany /r/SavageGarden /r/cactus /r/succulents /r/watchplantsgrow /r/watchplantsrecover /r/watchplantsresurrect
Our dog just tried tearing apart a pothos that was gifted to us. :,))
What is it?
Top left is Oct 2023, below that is Dec 2023, & the larger pics are from today. Love these clovers, they fold up at night to 'sleep' and open when the light turns on. Neat.
We still have August and September left.
Got to get weeding.