A sub-reddit dedicated to the long awaited video game, turned Mobile game.
Useful Links:
Official Website: Click Here (in Japanese, so use Google Translate for now)
Guide by u/sirtaptap: Click Here
Disgaea Discord server: https://discordapp.com/invite/Tcr7Ywx
Character Stats and Skills (WIP by u/Pecoros92) in English: Click Here
Stars to Copy/Paste
★ ☆
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Main: /r/Disgaea
Systems: /r/PS3 | /r/PS2 | /r/Vita | /r/PSP | /r/Android
Publishers: NipponIchi | CloverLab.inc | Atlus | SquareEnix | Nintendo
Genres: /r/JRPG | /r/WRPG | /r/TBS | /r/RTS | /r/gamingforleisure
Series: Shin Megami Tensei | Final Fantasy | Tales
Games: /r/PSO | /r/FinalFantasyTactics
Other: /r/AnimeNews | /r/VisualNovels
I recently rolled Biiko and Asagi=カデンツァ and I still have the free 5 star ticket.
I'm trying to choose between Android Asagi (アサギ=アンドクリア), Magical Girl Fuka, Music Angel Asagi (アサギ=ディベル, and Zed.
I'm having trouble deciding.
Hi Everyone! so i keep getting error 504 when i'm trying to download the game. What could i do?
Just wanted to get a read, see if anyone has gotten through her. Because she is a wall and I can't make a scratch.
My name is Makai Lyons I think I seen this anime like ones in a picture looked weird
Started the grind for 8* weapons, about to to start working on 武器2 but I was wondering if there was any strat to deal with the Prinny's massive explosion damage on death aside from not being next to them? Like a unit or magichange's passive skill or should I just just buildup a healer?
Sorry if this is a silly question!
It won't let me get Killias either, how do I get their weapons?
I know it had a very rocky start, but it seems to be still going now, celebrating 2 years. Its still only japanese right, so how does one even play? How is the gatcha? what are the units I can get?
Trying to decide on a new character to invest in, possibly as a replacement for part of my main team. I stuck between the new year 2 anniversary Valkryie, Majin Rozalin, and Tyrant Val.
Any suggestions?
Is there anyway to recover the id?
Anyone know what all of the requirements for them are (and how many cards there is?)
I was able to finish the first and have most of the second one done, but I'm stuck on the bottom right that needs me to do something during the Equipment Enhancemant 6 times (from what Google Translate is telling me.)
For anyone curious on the others:
Card 1:
Don't recall the other 2 (middle and bottom middle) that are on that card, but they aren't too difficult.
Card 2
Don't recall which one I'm missing on the list, and the other one I can't figure out is the Bottom Right that gives 100 Skip Tickets for doing something 6 times.
Edit: Just recalled one of them is to level a character up to 6*. Should be the one I couldn't recall on Card 2.
2nd Edit: Figured it out. Finish the Exp Trial 6x... really should have known better.
Edit 3:
3rd Card:
Not sure on these ones, will update once I figure them out.
Final Edit: 3rd card is the last. Kind of a disappointment since the rewards are decent, but not too surprising.
So I'm trying to gather up a list of 100 classes from all the classes within the disgaea multi-verse for a pen and paper rpg my friends and I want to do, the problem? I can't seem to find Makai kingdoms list of units and what they do. The same is also true for "La Pucelle: Tactics" and "Soul Nomad & the World Eaters". I have a copy of soul nomad somewhere so that's not a big deal, but please direct me to a informative list for makai wars?
Getting these are going to kill me
How many of you have gotten Des-X?
Hello! (New to reddit ^^')
I've been playing for a little while now but I seem to have come across an issue where my game is stuck on the screen as shown in the image attached. My game was loading up just fine yesterday afternoon but a little while later it stopped loading and it's still getting stuck on that screen, specifically the "setup game data" part. https://ton.twitter.com/i/ton/data/dm/1104757876545990661/1104757857705168896/LUziE-kp.jpg
Even after waiting, restarting my phone, and moving the game to different storage, trying on 3G instead of internet, it is still getting stuck in that exact part. I'm on the latest version of android. I made a CloverLab ID but have not yet had the chance to sync it to my game data. Is there a way to do that from the title screen? I see that there are a few options there which I can access but I unfortunately can't read Japanese ^^' https://ton.twitter.com/i/ton/data/dm/1104757965041688581/1104757938030284801/WESPSa5o.jpg
If at all possible, I would like to avoid having to uninstall without backing up my account since I have a lot of my favorite characters on here any help is greatly appreciated. Thanks!
Paul Blart, Every Disgaia game and other mobile games. lets have some fun
btw link doesn't expire
I am new to this game and I was wondering, how should I spend my event tokens?
If one wanted to start playing this game then transfer one's progress to the global version if/when it came out. Would one be able to?
Now you can add people and use their units. My id is 190416 and my name is 回天.
It's nice seeing an event about Usalia and Majorita, my two favorite characters from D5.
But what the heck, whats with the new event. For the recent summer one it was easy and possible to get summer Asagi for free if you just finish to the second last quest but with the recent one, not only do the Majorita summon fragments cost insane amounts of event pieces but you don't get any from the quests so the max amount you could get is only 50 which isn't even enough to summon. It doesn't even seem worthwhile to go for fragments so maybe I'll just exchange for the 6* and 5* summon tickets and be done with the event. Anyways I was just a little disappointed that there was no obtainable unit this event
I thought I'd post another [rough] translation guide for those who were stuck on creating a CloverID for Makai Wars in case you needed to backup your data! I posted this in the Disgaea subreddit since there's more people there, and I wanted to put it here too!! I did a previous tutorial about navigating around the game here, so here's one for creating a CloverID! Click here for it!
Hey guys, the Makai Wars official Twitter (@makaiwars_sp) is doing a retweet campaign for the upcoming arena update. Retweeting each of the 4 campaign tweets gets everyone free rubies, up to 9999. Any retweets past 9999 gives us mana, so lets go for the max reward! Look for the tweets titled ★大型アップデートキャンペーン★ retweet and you're done.
Searching through the net for a updated wiki, I found out that Axel has a passive skill that increases rare drops x2, but not the method to get him. Do anyone know, please?
This morning while abroad, traveling Japan and Korea. I got a pleasant surprise. Last night I got a susano. This morning a flonne! What should be my next goals? Save for Pram/plum? Save for dupes? I get loads of off banners but it seems to have paid off. Below is my units. I'll focus on finishing story. (F2P) but haven't had much time to play.
Hey guys, new player here. i'm still rerolling and i wanted to know if its still posible to get pram (fav char from all disgaea series). Also, can i get Valvatorez in tutorial gacha or any other gacha?
I've done some single pulls and have this so far, barely started yesterday maybe have done 5 single pulls.
Also the gold gacha tickets, are those guaranteed 3*?