The PlayStation 2 (PS2) is Sony's second game console. Released in 2000, it officially replaced the PlayStation 1 in Sony's lineup, offering backwards compatibility with the PS1.
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So I got a buddy who's trying to install a specific version of OPL onto his mem card but isn't sure of the EXACT steps needed to take. Anything he's looked up so far either leaves out details or glosses over specifics, he already had a hell of a time trying to update FMCB as it is because the guide he was using said to use exFAT when the reality is he needed FAT32. Can anyone provide step by step instructions on how to do so? It's specifically GrimDoomer's version of OPL, apparently that lets you boot from a harddrive without needing to use some fancy program.
And when I say 'step by step' I mean step by step, like once he's in uLaunch can he just go to the mass folder, copy, and paste it and if so where specifically (folder location included) or is there some other step he needs to take?
Will a PAL modded/flashcarted PS2 run games at 60hz without issues, exactly like an American or Japanese PS2 would? Or am I better off selling my PAL PS2 and buying an American/Japanese PS2? I plan to play NTSC roms. I'm asking this as I want to enjoy the game library at it's best quality.
Hi guys. I'm quite new to ps2 world. Kind of making my childhood dream come true. I wanted to ask for recommendation of an rpg game to look for with immersive story. The one for cosy evenings when you can play for a while without any rush. If its gonna be turn based it would be nice to have some interesting mechanics. Like in the Legend of the Dragoon from PSX where you could amplify attacks by pressing buttons in right moments, so it was turn based battle mechanics but with some "action" elements.
The controls are jank as hell but once you get used to them it's so much fun.
Hey everyone,
I recently got a PS2 Slim from a friend who had stored it for a very long time without using it. Surprisingly, it still works! He gave me:
Would really appreciate any help or suggestions!
and kindly suggest where can i get game CD or do i need to jailbreak for better experience.
This is a random question that I have.
Out of the 3 batman games on the ps2, which is the best?
Batman Vengeance (2001)
Batman Rise of Tzu (2003)
Batman Begins video game (2005)
I've bought a PS2 and now I need to choose a TV for it. I have limited space on my desk, so the big fat CRTs are pretty problematic for me, but I also want it to be authentic. So I've found a 15'' LG Flatron LT-15А10 in my city which is pretty compact and has a YPbPr. What do you think? Is it a good choice or should I keep on searching?
Noctua recently released a 15mm fan, ie. same dimensions as the stock PS2-fan but much quieter. Also, it comes with an OmniJoin-adapter to connect to 2-pin connectors, like the PS2´s. Has anyone tried this yet? Would it work? Probably also need a 3d-printed bracket or something. Seems like a much stealthier solution than the existing Noctua fan-mod with bulging 25mm-fan.
I purchased a MCP2 and am waiting on it to come in the mail. In the mean time I have been trying to research information on transferring save files between the MCP2 and emulation, but the results are scattered across so many years with so much mixed info that I am having a hard time finding exactly what I need to know.
I use a Mac but do have access to a Windows 11 PC. I would for sure prefer Mac compatible apps for the process since that is what I typically emulate on. Some of these apps I can probably run in Crossover on my Mac if I had to and they are not to complicated for it to run them. I also have access to a PS3 with CFW as another potential middle man and will be installing FreeMcboot on my MCP2 when it comes.
What is the process for taking save files from these two emulators and easily transferring them to the MC2P in a format the consoles with understand? I would like to transfer both PS1 and PS2 saves for each respective console.
I am about to get wifi and a laptop. I have 3 slims and 1 fat that doesn’t work. I have no idea about doing anything aftermarket to ps2 but I really want to get into it. What do I need to buy/what is the best? And how do I set it up?
is there any way to run them?
Did anyone see this movie back in the day?! It was loaded with talent that had yet to shine. It still holds up today too. I forgot the game was similar to LOTR two towers and others so I'm excited to play it again.
Was trying to play Ratchet Deadlocked for the first time and realized the laser wasn’t reading the disc correctly (disc is perfectly clean). Was wondering if a PS2 slim would work? Is there a specific model that’s better than the other? Is the PS2 slim a downgrade from the fat version other than the lack of a hdd port?