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PSP Firmware Guide By PSP Cult
PSP Firmware Guide By Revive Today
PSP Firmware Guide By Hackinformer.com(outdated)
Guide for beginners - history, plugins, accessories, recommended games, etc - By Binary Messiah
PSP Model Comparison (Imgur mirror)
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How do you change the PSP housing or shell? or is there a shop that can change it for you?
I’ve been trying to install cxmb but haven’t been able to is it because I have this disabled I found it in my settings
Adding games from ps3 to my psp doesn’t work somehow?did they stop supporting this or something?
is this issue fixable with a screen replacement or is it a motherboard issue? i’ve tried to reseat the ribbon cable but i’ve made it worse, when you turn it off and on again it kinda stops the glitches but continues on again after a bit. sometimes when the screen glitches the whole unit freezes
What are the chances this still works if I charge it? I need to order a charger. The crack goes right through the console, not the just the screen
I’m having my 17th birthday soon and have been looking into possibly getting a psp. I have had the ps4, ps4 pro, and have a ps5 now. Also had the family ps2 & 3, but those weren’t technically “mine”.
Anyway, I really love all the PlayStation consoles I’ve had and was wondering if anyone here would have any specific suggestions on maybe if I should buy a specific version, what games to utilize on it, etc. I’ve heard awesome things about it so I’m leaning towards a yes, but I just want to be sure before making any sort of final decision.
I’d also appreciate knowing what a good price to pay for one is, and if homebrewing is necessary because I don’t necessarily have an issue modding, I’m just very not confident in my abilities and would like to know it’s solid without that. Thanks for the help in advance!
I have a PSP 3001 Which I started using again after a while inactive, and for some reason the charger doesn't work. Apparently only what connects to the console doesn't work, or is it the charging port on the console?
I already cleaned the psp as a poster of the group said that by the way thank you very much, and if everything works correctly except when I connect the menu bar, does anyone know if it is an error or is it the bar?
I have Valkyrie Profile Lenneth on the way, but I'll still need one more to fill this shelf... So I can start a third. What game would you pick to add? While I play all of these and all genres, I'm especially a fan of action games, RPGs, and strategy games. Not a fan of sports games, generally.
I fixed my modded psp screen all by myself thanks to youtube, i finally have my baby back 🫡,
p.s. thanks for all the people in my other post for the advice as well🫡🫡🫡🫡
This seriously like a fully fledged home console game. Randomly generated levels that can go on forever, tons of loot and varied enemies, cool boss fights. This should be one of the go-to games for PSP among the likes of MGS Peace Walker and the God of War titles. At least IMO
I got a secondhand psp3000 and, at first, the action buttons, the dpad and the analog stick werent working, so I couldn't leave the date and time screen. However, after turning the psp on with a game, the game loaded and eventually the action buttons started working! The analog stick works in game but stops working on any menu. I've opened the psp, cleaned everything (since it was quite dirty), switched the film that goes under the dpad (but i think i bought a defective one since the L button didn't work) and nothing seems to work. Is there any solution or should i try buying another film?
My PSP. that I´ve bought like 2 years ago, is modded with CFW and I love it. I take it everywhere with me.
When I got it, it ran UMDs no problem. When I modded it, it still ran UMDs. Then I lost them and I just kept rolling.
But now, when I got one from a sale nearby, the thing doesnt even budge. I´ve tried every software fidling I could think of, took the UMD out and put it back in several times.
I have seen almost every thread on this issue and most people have the issue of the PSP not reading the disk, but at least something was happening. Mine doesnt do anything. No motor action, no laser. It just doesnt care, that I´m trying to use the thing.
I feel like I´m going to rip my hair out. Anyone knows about possible solution, please?
Hey guys, today I bought a PSP 3k off some guy on Marketplace and it worked fine for some minutes, I turned it on and off a few times to try and get the hang of it but now it won't turn on? I thought the battery was dead but it charged and when I try to power it on I get the green power button, but the screen goes black and it turns off by itself after a while, did it brick itself out of a sudden?
Best photo i could get sorry. Hopefully this is the right place to ask this.
I am capable of repairs that do not require soldering but i have no idea how to actually got this part out does anyone have any suggestions or should i just take it to a repair shop?
Psp Model 1000.
Trying to purge some of my collection to justify making room for a new entry or two, thankfully I’m planning to get rid of more than I’m trying to replace it with, but anyways. I came across my psp go, which as a novelty, is a pretty neat little device, but is it worth parting with towards a trade for a regular psp if it functions equally as well?
I never owned an original PSP of any of the several models that were released. Opinions from those who have enjoyed using both?
I got a psp 1000 recently, and everything works but I can't connect it to my laptop through USB. Does anyone know the solution to that? I haven't modded it either, is that necessary/recommended?
It could also be a broken port on the psp, or my laptop just being too old. I have no clue.
So hi everyone! I'm new to this sub but excited to be here. I have 2 questions:
When I charge my PSP 3000 the orange charging indication light does not come on but my console charges just fine and the green led light still comes on. Why do you think that is?
When certain UMD discs are in my console it seems like a loud scratching/buzzing sound happens intermittently as I play. Is this a disc issue or a console issue?
Other than these two questions my console works great! The back panel that covers the battery is loose but that doesn't affect functionality. I'm excited to see everyone's PSPs, how y'all mod them & etc. happy gaming and can't wait to talk with everyone. (:
Hi just bought a cheap psp from eBay and I'm planing on modding it. I bought an usb c female adapter to solder it in but I'm confermee it would brick it because of voltage. Should I put a resistor or something?
Everywhere I look on eBay and Amazon they either never have them or they are a lot more expensive is there a good place to buy them?
My analog stick was fixed holding down up back, so i decided to just remove it. But even still its holding up back. Is this a motherboard problem? Better question, is this fixable? I have a psp 2001.