History's cool kids, looking fantastic!
A pictorial and video celebration of history's coolest kids, everything from beatniks to bikers, mods to rude boys, hippies to ravers. And everything in between.
If you've found a photo, or a photo essay, of people from the past looking fantastic, here's the place to share it.
History's cool kids, looking fantastic!
A pictorial and video celebration of history's coolest kids, everything from beatniks to bikers, mods to rude boys, hippies to ravers. And everything in between.
If you've found a photo, video, or photo essay of people from the past looking fantastic, here's the place to share it.
1: Photos and videos must be over 25 years old.
2: Please put the year or decade in title, otherwise your post will be removed.
3: Spam, racist, homophobic, sexist and offensive comments, as well as brigading, consistent reposting and shitposting, will result in a lifetime ban. Offensive comments include anything about pimping, about people's moms and scoring women. Nobody cares about your sexual impulses, least of all the OP.
4: All posts highlighting, in the title, that someone has recently passed away or titles trying to evoke sympathy upvotes will be deleted. Please add the info in the comments.
5: All reposts less than six months old and all reposts less than a year old from Top 100 will be removed.
6: All posts must feature a person.
7: We reserve the right to remove any post that doesn't showcase historical coolness. This includes photos, which are not obviously retro and portraits of famous young women doing nothing but posing.
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Her name was Scratchy because she scratched me...
New Orleans 1960’s. My older sisters and Princess the cat.
They went all over Europe on it (from the UK). My Dad says he still remembers how uncomfortable the ride down to the South of France was. My Mum also used to tell a story about the time they had a rather boozy lunch in Italy on a steep hill and he accelerated away a bit fast and left her sitting in the road when she went flying off the back!
(You can’t get that close to Stonehenge these days, unless you’re a Druid and it’s the solstice)
At a family reunion and my aunt had a picture of Hillary Clinton during Bills first campaign
Hello everyone,
In 2002 I was visiting Montreal, Canada and I found some photo albums on a bench near McGill University. At the time I made some lost and found posters but had no luck. I've been trying on and off over the years to reunite them with their owner by posting in various places (with no success). I've come to suspect that the black and white photos are from Vietnam and recently shared them in some Vietnamese subs and someone there suggested I try here. Awesome sub by the way. I'm an instant fan.
Link to Imgur album for anyone curious: https://imgur.com/gallery/N7lHa
Please get in touch if you have any clues and feel free to share with anyone you know who might be able to help.
I hope this finds you all well and safe. I'm an honest person with nothing but good intentions. Please get in touch if you have any questions or concerns.
All the best,
Update: Thank-you for all the wonderful suggestions everyone. I wanted to give you an update. So far I have reached out to three Vietnamese Canadian Newspapers, the McGill Alumni association, r/McGill, and the Canadian Vietnamese Society. I also posted at r/whatisthiscar in the hopes of narrowing down the location of the car photo. Thank-you to everyone who was dm'ed me with suggestions and advice. The search continues and I will keep posting updates here as I work through the suggestions.