A subreddit discussing presidents of the United States.
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All posts must relate to U.S. presidents. Posts about vice presidents, first and second families, and Cabinet officials are also allowed.
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No recent or future politics. As this is a historical subreddit, posts and comments about recent and future politics are not allowed. This includes absolutely all references to Presidents Trump and Biden in any context whatsoever. Please do not rank Trump and Biden in your tier lists.
No NSFW posts.
No unreasonable hypotheticals or outlandish fiction. For example, posts about “what if so and so became president?” should be limited to figures who had a reasonable chance at the presidency; Benjamin Wade is fine, Kanye West is not.
No low-effort posts. Low-effort posts (e.g., "What if all the presidents met in a room", "Who would win in a fight", "Describe me based on my favorite presidents or voting history") will be removed at moderators’ discretion.
Memes (including meme tier lists) and AI images are only allowed on Mondays. Memes (including meme tier lists) and AI-generated images are only allowed from 12 AM EST to 11:59 PM PST on Mondays. Note that Rule 6 still applies to these posts.
No reposts.
No polls.
Consider posting your polls to r/Presidentialpoll or another polling subreddit. If you are interested in creating a presidential poll, please submit it there.
General comments: /r/Presidents is devoted to the historical outlook, lessons, history, campaigning, and ramifications of the U.S. Presidency and those who have held the highest office in the land.
We encourage your contributions of Presidential trivia, historical facts and insight, news articles, pictures, Presidential runner-ups and their campaigns, and thoughtful discussion in hopes of growing a large and active community.
This is not a place for bashing Presidents for bashing's sake. However, a cordial debate over policy decisions is always welcome.
Discord: https://discord.gg/55gMwewJuw
Don’t do the
I am a Late 20s. Registered Independent. African American man from Tennessee. Only clarifying to introduce myself and give context.
The more that I read his writings, the more I admire William Howard Taft. The fact that Roosevelt would villainize him for his view on Trust Busting is absurd to me. Seeing the GOP split because Roosevelt was a hurt ego has changed my perspective on him. Also it seems natural that a classically trained lawyer would seem legislative solutions and oppose executive overreach. I’m curious how Roosevelt’s actions would have been perceived now. I also respect that he served as Chief Justice until his death. The fact that he stuck to his values and keeps serving the country revealed his character.
TLDR Taft is slowly becoming one of my favorite presidents.
Just like we did with the presidential ranking several months ago, I thought it would be cool to do the same with their wives (and in some cases their daughters).
So what exactly should a First Lady be judged on? I think there’s several factors that can be used.
How influential were they? Did they change/shape how the role of First Lady is viewed?
Their impact on the President. Did they influence significant decisions the president made?
Their Legacy. What are they most remembered for?
One thing they will NOT be ranked on is their looks. Don’t be sexist y’all.
And yes, I excluded the last 2 First Ladies for Rule 3 reasons, I don’t want to take that chance.
In the US, we consistently find ourselves choosing between 2 suboptimal candidates with very little meaningful progress made regardless of a winner and increased division. Im positive this occurs in other countries as well but I am American so I can only speak to my own experience.
Would a future advanced AI system provide a more logical and meaningful form of government than this? I have no idea how this would work in practice or what sort of solutions a machine could provide for human problems but I have to think eventually high level decisions that effect hundreds of millions or eventually billions of people cannot be made by idealogical human beings.
Rule 3 censored ofc
Avid reader here and big fan of Historical Fiction. I recently picked up Abraham Lincoln Vampire Hunter by Seth Grahame-Smith - loved the Movie.
What are some other Historical Fiction Novels that feature American Presidents?