
Photograph via snooOG

This subreddit is for anyone following or interested in learning more about an ancestral-style diet, such as paleo, primal, or whatever other names they're falling under these days.

Other topics of interest are health, fitness and lifestyle issues as seen from an evolutionary perspective.

Newbies, start here!

This subreddit is for anyone following or interested in learning more about an ancestral-style diet, such as paleo, primal, or whatever other names they're falling under these days.

Other topics of interest are health, fitness and lifestyle issues as seen from an evolutionary perspective.



If you're posting a link to your own blog/site, you must do so as a self/text post, and include the [Blogspam] tag in the title.

Please tag your post title with one of the following tags (just type it in the title somewhere, with the brackets):

  • [Blogspam] (mandatory when posting content you've been involved with making. Blogs, youtube channels, etc.)
  • [Article]
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  • [Research] (links to scientific articles)
  • [Discussion] (general discussion/questions)
  • [Question] (if you've got a specific question or need help with something)
  • [Food Pic]
  • [Progress Pic]
  • [Paleo Junk Food]
  • [Other]

If you are posting a picture of a meal you have made, take the time to include the recipe with us! It saves everyone having to ask for it every time.

Do not act like your One True Paleo™ is the be-all, end-all and is perfect for for every human on Earth. You should really not use the words "you need" here, unless they're followed by something like "to talk to your doctor". It's very unlikely that you know what the person you're replying to needs, and pretending otherwise can be confusing for people new to this world.

Please report:

Spam, harassment, people generally being dicks (including people acting like their Paleo™ is "correct" and others are wrong), posts that aren't relevant to paleo/primal. That sort of thing.

Please don't report:

Posts you disagree with, posts you don't like, posts that don't fit your version of paleo or are

THE MOST IMPORTANT THING is don't be afraid to experiment. If something is working well for you, don't worry if it isn't "strict paleo," because there's no such thing. Paleo is more of a framework than a set of rules.

If you're posting something kinda gross (Some of us do talk about poop from time to time), feel free to TMI tag it. It'll end up like this: gross thing. Code example below.

[gross thing](/tmi)

Contact the mods of /r/paleo

Monthly Theme

The r/Paleo community chooses a special "theme" every month to help encourage experimentation and discussion around a relevant topic.

Post anything related to the monthly theme; recipes, thoughts, questions, sources; and be sure to add the special 'Theme Post' flair!

For more information about the monthly themes see the wiki page.

User Flair

Helpful posters can get a gold star next to their name.

Message us if you want to nominate someone.

Paleo Iron Chef Competition Cookbook found here. Big thanks to dogfur for putting it together!

Related Subreddits (Note that /r/keto and /r/zerocarb are included here as many people find benefit in a low-carb version of paleo, but this is by no means an indication that paleo has to be low-carb)










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Santa Cruz Medicinals

I have been searching for Santa Cruz Paleo Strawberry Flavored Whey Protein for months now, any links or places? I’ve tried amazon, their website, eBay everything but yet I ALWAYS see him & others posting it

06:06 UTC


Help needed

Please help

I have been to doctor after doctor for an abundance of health symptoms, mostly fatigue, for about 2 years now. I feel like every time I go they find something that I have, but it’s not causing the Fatigue. Over the years I have been diagnosed with IBS, POTS, depression, ADHD, and PCOS. I also have a vitamin D deficiency, folic acid deficiency, and potential cortisol problem. We have treated all of these, but the symptoms get better for a bit then mainly persist and I am, quite frankly, so tired of feeling like crap all of the time. I am at my wits end. I think I have some food intolerance going on as well, as I have headaches and stomach pain when I eat eggs, pork, milk, etc. etc. I do not have celiac.

I have not really made any adjustments to my diet. I have an appointment with a nutritionist May 16, but I am thinking about going paleo until then to try and see if these symptoms are in fact caused by food intolerances. Would paleo be best, or is there another diet that would help? Weight loss would be awesome too, but if I can just get a little energy, I will be so happy as I am fairly young and just want my life back.

I am cross posting this to hopefully get some input. Any help would be greatly appreciated.

21:55 UTC


The paleo diet

I'm just generally curious what prompted you to start eating paleo, for how long and have you noticed improvements?

06:56 UTC


Beef/Beef organs protein powder?

Does anyone know of a good Beef/Beef organs protein powder? Most common protein powders out there are whey based, and the beef ones I've found contain sweeteners or other unwanted stuff.

Protein shake has always been a very effective way to get in an extra meal, specially when I'm traveling, but having trouble finding a clean one that's carnivore/animal based compatible.

19:36 UTC


Seeking guidance…

I’m currently on a carnivore diet to heal my intestines after a very bad infection. I must admit that I like it, but the more I read about cholesterol levels in strict carnivores, the more it scares me. I would like to slowly transition into paleo, and I am seeking pointers as the information I’m gathering is often contradictory:

  1. Calorie intake/macro - tracking or intuitive eating?
  2. Dairy - any allowed?
  3. Meats - fatty or lean?
  4. Fasting - yes/no?
  5. People who have been on paleo for a while, does you bloodwork look ok?
22:08 UTC


Snack Ideas

So I am the kind of person who needs a snack after work around 4pm. My wife doesn’t get home until 5:30, so that’s when I plan on having dinner finished. Frankly, I can’t wait that long. Right now, my snacks are usually cheese. My breakfast and lunch are usually about half fruit, so I’d prefer to not to have more fruit as a snack. What other snack ideas do you all have?

18:23 UTC


Dairy probiotic yogurt

I eat White Mountain Bulgarian style unflavored yogurt with 90 billion probiotics. I usually add organic turmeric and coconut cereal with organic valley salad toppers. I’ve found that probiotic yogurt to be extremely beneficial since my body doesn’t break down vegetables efficiently. Is it possible to continue consuming this snack on the paleo diet?

15:14 UTC


Seeking Advice: Returning to Paleo (F27)

Hi first time posting here, I first went paleo at 16, influenced by my mom who adopted the diet around the same time. It felt transformative—like it cured my depression and made me feel incredible, almost as if I was walking on air. I ended it a year later but always wished I hadn’t. Now, 11 years later, I’m considering a return to paleo. I’ve gained weight and feel a strong pull towards the diet that once made me feel so good, and the fact that I remember how good I felt is a main reason, like it just felt so good in my body. However, the restrictiveness of strict paleo has been a struggle for me. I’m thinking of trying an 80-20 approach—sticking to paleo 80% of the time and allowing some leeway for foods like homemade sourdough or wholemeal bread. I’m unsure how much this might impact the positive effects I once felt. I’m also considering a 30-day challenge, like Whole30 or a strict paleo reset, to detox my system, although I often find it hard to stick to these plans past a week. I’m not primarily looking to lose weight, but rather to feel better in my body. Paleo has been the most effective for me compared to other diets, and I’m prepared for it to take time. Also, I don’t live in America, so finding paleo-friendly alternatives can be challenging. I would love to hear any tips or insights, especially on how to manage a modified paleo diet or push through a 30-day challenge. Thank you!

07:18 UTC


What’s your “kitchen nightmare” meal?

Hey y’all. Two year paleo college student here. I’ve found some paleo meals super easy to cook, especially those with vegetables. Some meals… not so easy. My personal hater rn are burgers- they never turn out right, no matter the recipe I follow.

What paleo/healthy food can you never seem to cook right? Any easy to make recommendations?

19:14 UTC


Does paleo diet reduces glycemia issues ?

I mean a true paleo diet with 60% or more day calories from animal product so with very little amount of carbs. Does it make someone habe his glycemia a loy more stable. For example can someone under such diet avoid migraine by eating not a vert regular time like 15h instead of 12h ?

21:27 UTC


Organic fruit vs inorganic higher quality fruit for optimal health

Whats more important for health, organic fruit thats okay or high quality inorganic fruits like the one above which probably have pesticides?

23:25 UTC



I did W30 last year and kept the paleo diet going for months. I lost 40 pounds and felt better than ever. My husband and I have very stressful jobs and also bought our first home, right around the holidays, so I just gave up. Now I’ve gained half the weight back and feel bloated, exhausted and like I want to go back.

I have been reflective on my foods that give comfort and have slowly made changes to address them. Takeout coffee I’ve replaced with specialty teas, sugar with fruit but the only one I can’t is bread. I love bread, it comforts me better than my husband can 😂

Has anybody experienced this? Any suggestions? I am working really hard on not allowing my emotions to rely on food.

12:45 UTC


coconut milk tasting bland and coagulated question

I opened a brand new can of organic coconut which tastes incredibly bland and is coagulated...won't mix with the liquid evenly. Wondering if the company just put in coconut oil and the liquid hence the crappy bland taste. Coconut milk is supposed to taste rich and sweet. Is it possibly rancid or just the 1st option I presented (coconut oil + water)?

01:11 UTC


has anyone here successfully reversed their prediabetes with paleo/whole 30?

last year i saw a functional doctor and he tested my blood glucose levels. they were fine at the time, but he said right before i gave birth to my twins (he was able to access my previous results) about 6 months prior, my levels were at 89. he said in functional medicine, they consider 90 & above to be prediabetic. he said my results show that my body is slowly building up some insulin resistance and that i needed to go ahead and address it now to reverse it & prevent any further issues in the future (like i said this was almost a year ago). i did paleo for about a month but i had to stop because my husband and i were struggling quite a bit financially and we just couldn’t really afford to fully make the switch. i had to use lots of carbs to bulk things up and make food last a long time to save money. so now, here i am, i haven’t seen a doctor since then, but i feel like complete garbage constantly. i am always exhausted, i ALWAYS feel like im going to faint, terrible heartburn, etc etc. and i get headaches anytime i eat something sugary. so i just know that my body is probably still struggling to metabolize sugar properly & im super afraid that i may be full on prediabetic, or even diabetic, at this point. & we’re in between insurance policies so i can’t afford to see a doctor anytime soon. have any of you used paleo to reverse your glucose/insulin issues?? also, any tips for making paleo as cheap as possible? we are still on a tight budget, but i just can’t take it anymore. its so hard to keep my house clean & care for my kids when i feel this way constantly.

16:50 UTC


I’m eating as much fat on paleo as I did on keto, is that normal?

Idk why but I guess I thought I would eat less fat on paleo than I did on keto. I eat between 70-90 fat grams a day, which is right around what I did on keto too.

I thought I’d be able to drop my fat intake on paleo, but it doesn’t seem like it.

Anyone here track your macros/fat?

11:46 UTC


Fruits on paleo.

Hello guys. I want to ask which fruits I am allowed to consume? I was on ketonalmost 4 years but I want to switch ti paleo. It's less restrictive. I Willa till eat keto foods but I will increase my carbs intake to 50-60g. I am wondering can I consume banana, or cherry? Some sugary fruit?

04:56 UTC


Anyone here have advice on anxiety and depression? Hesitant to try meds.

I know this is a paleo page but it’s also a community for health oriented people.

I’m struggling with anxiety and depression. I’ve never tried meds but I think I may have to start. I already eat well, take vitamins (d, c, b, magnesium, fish oil), and exercise.

Anyone here on the spectrum of “health nut” and finally gave into trying meds? Or found something else that helped?

I’ve tried CBT therapy, DBT therapy, EMDR, brainspotting, neuroptimal neurofeedback, IFS therapy, etc.

16:40 UTC



The egg was made with organic almond milk. Egg and berries!? I know, but it’s amazing what you can get used to.

10:07 UTC

23:57 UTC



Hi I am a doctoral candidate researching Type 2 Diabetes Management, I would GREATLY appreciate if you can take my survey as I need participants! 😊

The purpose of my research is to examine how adults’ diabetic knowledge, basic mathematical skills, and cognitive function influences their management of diabetes.

To participate, you must be 45 years of age or older and be diagnosed with Type 2 Diabetes.

Participants will be asked to complete an online questionnaire, which should take about 15 minutes to complete. If you would like to participate and meet the study criteria, please click here: https://qualtricsxmy8xq56c3g.qualtrics.com/jfe/form/SV_bjwMr1LVea8NFJk

Thank you for your time, I appreciate it immensely!

1 Comment
23:34 UTC


Primal specifics

Foe those who lean more towards primal, as I tend to, what dairy products do you include in your regimen and have you found any negative effects from any dairy?

17:18 UTC


Why do we need more sleep than cavemen ?

We should sleep between 7 and 9h but i keep reading everywhere that cavemen were sleeping like 6h.

So why this modern recommandation ? And why i feel so better after sleeping 8h than after only 6h ?

And why cavemen used to sleep 6h ? Also do you think there is ethnic cavemen difference in this thing ? For example i found that whites sleep in average 7h and blacks 6h...

01:10 UTC


Red meat and cholesterol

I am fascinated with paleo diet and try to eat a lot of unprocessed meat, fish, dairy and veggies. I’m gluten free and don’t eat processed foods. I’m confused on the contradicting statements out there about meat and cholesterol/ disease. There are some Nutritionists out there that swear on eating red meat all the time because it’s packed with nutrients, vitamins and protein. (I try to eat a ton of protein daily) but the general western consensus says to refrain from a lot of meat and to eat it twice a week max because it’s unhealthy for you. Me and my partner both have higher cholesterol, i also have high HDL which my dr says evens out the high LDL. What do you think?

05:37 UTC


Suggestions for late morning pre workout snack

Hi, I need suggestions for a late morning snack before a workout. I workout a good 45 mins and alternate cardio and weightlifting.

I find a small banana and a bit of almond butter is a fantastic snack prior to my workout;; however, I’m concerned about eating too much sugar and don’t want to eat a banana almost every day..

Any ideas as to maybe what else I can eat with my almond butter or an alternate snack idea for a pre-workout?

02:35 UTC


Why do I feel less hungry on paleo?

I’m of healthy weight and actively workout. I have tried keto in the past for weight loss which was great but also for inflammation (arthritis and it helped tremendously).

Anyhow, I’m trying paleo just to try it and see if I could do it. I’m not a big sugar person anyways, so I’m not really having any kind of withdrawals etc. when I did keto, I would eat dairy occasionally, but I did eat a somewhat version of paleo, like limiting process foods and eating mostly Whole Foods and lots of veges, cleaner eating, not all of the time, but often.

However, I’m usually a generally very hungry person lol and while of course I’m still hungry, I can tell a difference that I’m not as hungry or as hungry as often while on paleo. I’m only on my third week- what’s going on lol

14:34 UTC


What happened to Marks Daily Apple and the Paleo Mom?

I used to visit both of their websites a lot back in the day, but it had been a couple of years since last time now and I noticed they both seem to be gone?! Werent they like the pillars of the paleo/primal movement D:
The Paleo Mom I found on a different website, where she seems to have quit paleo and is going for a less "strict" way of eating. Mark's website just redirects to his Amazon shop.

Big shame if all those old articles and blog posts are now lost! Personally I still think it seemed like very sensible advice, but I wonder if they no longer believe in it themselves?

Does anyone know what happened, was there ever any explanations? (Im not on instagram or other social media so I might have missed out on something there)

08:22 UTC


How to overcome intense cravings?

This is my first week on paleo (started on 13/4). I've also cut out all dairy and nightshades. Today I'm really struggling with the cravings for milk and cheese.

Please share any tips how I can overcome this or make it a little easier?

00:18 UTC



Can I please get some suggestions for good tasting sauce for spaghetti squash or sauce/seasoning for paleo tacos?


Thank you!

01:56 UTC


School project

Hello, we have a project for school about the paleo diet, and would like to hear about your experiences, if you want of course. If you wish, the questions are as follows:

1: How long have you been on the diet?

2: Is it an easy diet to maintain?

3: What do you eat most of?

4: What do you do to meet your calcium needs?

5: Do you feel that the diet has done something good for you?

6: Have there been any negative aspects of the diet?

We would greatly appreciate your answers😊

07:38 UTC

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