The largest conservative subreddit.
Conservatism (Latin: conservare, "to retain") is a political and social philosophy that promotes retaining traditional social institutions.
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Mission Statement:
We provide a place on Reddit for conservatives, both fiscal and social, to read and discuss political and cultural issues from a distinctly conservative point of view.
Why do we have our mission statement?
1 - Be civil, follow any flair guidelines.
2 - No racism.
3 - Don't spam article submissions (this doesn't apply to comments). Limit 4 per hour.
4 - No vote brigading.
5 - Shit posts will be removed at moderator discretion and the user may be banned. [Click here for examples]
6 - Submission headlines must match the article headline or quote the article.
7 - Do not violate the Mission Statement (We provide a place on Reddit for conservatives, both fiscal and social, to read and discuss political and cultural issues from a distinctly conservative point of view.)