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Those looking to start reading the manga where season 6 left off should start at chapter 328.

New Chapters officially released every Sunday 7AM PDT! Currently Ch 420

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    My Hero Academia Wave 3 Coming Soon!

    This is gonna be awesome

    1 Comment
    20:08 UTC


    does this mean there is a shadow realm? [CH. 198]

    19:15 UTC


    Is Bakugo really Horikoshi’s favorite?

    I’ve seen a lot of people talk about how Bakugo is Horikoshi’s favorite. And I can’t lie, he does tend to get what he wants in most situations and things tend to just work out for him.

    But I take it as less if he’s more of Horikoshi’s favorite and more of the fact that Bakugo is a deconstruction of the typical shonen protagonist and the joke of the MC who always wins and gets what he wants no matter what situation he’s thrown into and how that trope can actually lead to a vain and self-absorbed character like how Bakugo came to be. I guess, I took Bakugo’s character as “Getting what you want, isn’t always what you need.”

    17:37 UTC


    Should I hold off on reading the Manga until the anime is finished?

    My friend was telling me that I would be disappointed if I were to read the Manga and then watch the anime since they depicted alot of things differently in the anime than in the Manga. But the thing is, I don't really want to wait that long, I'm really eager to see how the story ends, but I'll wait if that's what you guys advise. I've been doing awesome by avoiding spoilers so....

    17:22 UTC


    Can Eri revert Deku back to the point where he didn't have OFA yet? And if that's the case, what would happen to OFA?

    It's just a question I had for a while.

    17:20 UTC


    A little recreation

    Used Posca Pens for the first time. It took a while but I enjoyed the process. And I loved this picture him standing on the roof and wanted to recreate it with a bit more drama - fire and smoke. Using only four colours was an accident so n the end but I think it looks good?

    16:24 UTC


    Attempt no. 1

    Please forgive the horrible skin tone… I didn’t mean to make him into Trump. And I’ll do better with the hair next time.

    1 Comment
    16:04 UTC


    Mitsuki Bakugou by Drakar-Art (Original fanart link: https://www.deviantart.com/drakar-art/art/Mitsuki-Bakugou-827580598)

    1 Comment
    16:04 UTC


    What would be some good villain concepts for a hypothetical MHA sequel/spin-off?

    I'm putting emphasis on "hypothetical" because it seems like every time I bring up the idea of an MHA sequel I always get one or two people jumping down my f**king throat with "It doesn't need a sequel! Just let things end!".

    Anyway, I'm trying to think of what would be good concepts for future MHA villains, be it in a sequel that focuses on the later adventures of Midoriya and our established cast, or a spin-off with an entirely different cast of characters as the focus, like MHA: Vigilantes.

    Typically when I see the topic of where MHA could go next with its villains the ideas of aliens, time travel, or the multiverse are often brought up, and those would be decent ways of justifying an increasing power level in the threats the heroes face, but that's not exactly what I'm talking about.

    While not all of them, most of the major MHA villains tend to fit the themes of either being against the status quo in some way or are tied into a legacy of some sort. Shigaraki wants to destroy the world because of how much he hates what it put him through, ultimately being a product of both All Might and AFO's legacies. AFO and Overhaul wanted things to go back to the way they were before All Might showed up and changed everything. Stain was inspired by All Might to do terrible things to people he felt weren't living up to his ideal. Number Six in Vigilantes became completely obsessed with O'Clock and wanted to be just like him, but was fixated almost solely on the power fantasy of being like his hero rather than the actual ideals he stood for. And by the look of things, the villain of the "You're Next" movie will be someone who was inspired by All Might to be literally the next All Might, down to copying his exact appearance and taking things to an even further extreme in trying to follow in his footsteps than Midoriya did. Even Smash, the MHA gag manga spin-off, had a reveal that its main villain was basically All Might's own version of Bat-Mite (or Larry if you're more a Teen Titans fan), who had used his incredible reality warping powers to drag the cast into such a comedic, silly world just so he could be close to his idol.

    It's not just about power levels or whether a character could be a threat. Whatever villain an MHA sequel or spin-off has, regardless of whether they're a regular person or a magic alien from a parallel Earth's future, should still be an MHA villain. They should still be something that reflects on the world of superheroes the series has established and would make for an interesting clash for the lead characters.

    For example, in DC Comics there's a lesser known character Ferris Knight, the Starman of JLA storyline One Million. He comes from a long line of heroes baring the Starman mantle. He inherited it from his mother, who inherited it from her father, and so on. ...And privately Ferris completely resents his legacy.

    As he puts it himself, nobody ever asked him what he wanted, it had always just been assumed being the next Starman was what he wanted since that what everyone before him had. He feels he never had the chance to decide and that everything he could have been was taken away, leaving him trapped within a mantle he feels he can't just quit. He's not a hero because he wants to be but because he's expected to be, and eventually his secret resentment grows to the point he turns traitor on the Justice Legion, working with Solaris the Living Sun in a long-game plot to assassinate Superman, having worked out a deal that will finally grant him freedom from the Starman legacy ("I am a villain. I realized that the moment I realized I didn't care if Superman lived or died so long as I got what I wanted.").

    This is a concept I think would actually work really well for an MHA villain, especially one for a sequel to the main series, as this is a take on legacy we haven't really had yet. The closest has been Shoto, who was expected to become a hero like his father and completely resented him because of the abuse he put them through. But Shoto throughout the story still has always wanted to be a hero, just not one like Endeavor. And Touya was more than happy to be a hero like his dad, thus the tragedy of his story.

    Imagine something like Iida's situation, coming from a long line of heroes but instead of his admiration for his older brother an pride in his family fueling his drive it's instead just assumed he'll continue in the family line, or if someone like Kota was expected to become the new Water Hose after his parents were killed, which would only further his resentment of their deaths. They left him all alone and stuck him with a life he didn't want.

    This kind of villain/eventual antagonist might especially fit with an MHA sequel, given all the fan speculation that the future of its world will be one that tries to push the idea of more collective responsibility so that no one man has to be the sole pillar keeping everything held up. An unintentional consequence of that could be some people being unintentionally pressured into giving up whatever life they could have had in order to be Pro Heroes; the belief being they have a responsibility to do so for the greater good, when of course Shigaraki's backstory shows that people should just help others and step in when they have the power to do so, regardless of being a Pro Hero or an ordinary civilian. Someone with power shouldn't be expected to be just a hero and nothing else, they should just be expected to help when they see that there's someone who needs it. That's something anyone can do.

    But that's just one idea for a potential villain concept that MHA could use. Do you have any others of your own you'd like to throw into the ring?

    15:33 UTC


    Damn, psycho Deku was indeed a probability.

    15:27 UTC


    You’re isekai into MHA and get one CANON quirk of your choice. Which one will you pick? Anime only

    ANIME ONLY! So you can’t choose the quirk of a certain American hero.

    15:24 UTC


    It hurts when I see a randon baseball anime have a better sky and atmosphere than my fav big budget shonen anime. No hate to staff but I don't understand why bones keep using this same bland and uninteresting background sky in every single day scene? It doesn't build any kind of atmosphere at all.

    I know I'm beating a dead horse at this point but it hurts to see horikoshi's incredible art get this kind of adaptation. I'm sure animation will be great but what about atmosphere building? What about visual storytelling? I feel more scared of that baseball guy in the top image than Shigaraki in bottom.

    14:13 UTC


    Can someone help me

    Does anyone know what chapters are in volumes 37 and 38 of the manga?

    13:24 UTC


    Mirio made the Bakugo thing SO much worse.

    Bakugo rising from the dead after being killed unnecessarily was a... well, I won't mince words, it was a shit choice. Mind boggling stuff really, it was downright funny.

    But what often goes overlooked is the fact that it COULD have had some sort of narrative purpose really quite easily. It isn't inherently pointless. Hori went out of his way to make it so, actually.

    And this potential narrative purpose would be for Deku to be confronted by Bakugo's death before initiating the Saving plan in earnest. This would be different from the last Bakugo fakeout death, because the extremely narratively important Saving plan didn't exist back then.

    There's a few things you could've done with Deku thinking that Bakugo was dead. You could've had him chimp out, an acknowledgement that he is only human. And once he later finds out he's fine and goes back to the Saving plan, it would provide acknowledgement that while he does think saving Shiggy is the right thing to do, he understands that the only reason he can do this is because he's lucky enough not to have anyone close to him horrifically harmed by him. A bit of introspection, which would do this whole plan a little good.

    Or you could have him stick to his guns and continue on with the Saving plan anyway. This strengthens the Saving plan considerably, and gives him ground to stand on when we consider all the awful things Shiggy has done. Having him be willing to save Shiggy after he kills someone close to him would bat away all that criticism about the civilians being the real ones who suffered, and the idea that he's only willing to save Shiggy until Shiggy starts affecting him.

    Or you could do a mix of the two, leaning towards one side or another. But the important thing is addressing the big, big criticism of the Saving plan one way or another; taking it on board, or batting it away. This is the crux of the final arc, it would make sense for Hori to stretch shit to orchestrate this situation.

    And yet... Hori elected to just plop Mirio down and have him explain to Deku that infact, everything's actually alright. He didn't need to do this, but he did it anyway, defusing any drama this situation could've had, and any purpose Bakugo's death could've served.

    The death would still have been markedly awful writing, but I think a fruitful comparison could be drawn with Toga at the beginning of this arc. Her dragging him through a portal, and then managing to dodge him long enough for him to just give up is quite a stretch, but it serves the purpose of having Deku show up late to UA, and to provide for a fight between Toga and Ochako.

    Imagine if Toga dragged Deku through the portal, they had their whole crepe talk, and then Deku clonked her on the head and went back through a portal in time to arrive at UA right on schedule. That's what we have now. A concession made in writing to make a situation, only for that situation to be resolved with ease.

    11:31 UTC


    'My Hero Academia: Memories' "Destruction" Preview

    09:06 UTC


    I found this in my old gallery and I want to share it

    This Art made by my sister at 2019

    She started me to MHA (My ever first anime) and made me a Shonen fan. This Art was a birthday gift from her

    1 Comment
    08:55 UTC


    I was bored so I made up quirks for some of my classmates, including one for myself. Tell me which one is your favorite! Are any of them good enough for Hero work?

    Student 1) Quirk: Mist

    • Create mist and turn into mist.

    ME! Student 2) Quirk: Cougar

    • Advanced strength, agility, and jumping power (cougars jump as high as 45ft). Also comes with razor sharp claws, fangs, and heightened hearing/vision.

    Student 3) Quirk: Judgement

    • Absorb kinetic energy, multiply it, and release it!

    Student 5) Quirk: Bubbles

    • Cast protective bubbles over yourself and others, or subdue enemies and other hazards.

    Student 6) Quirk: Black Flame

    • Conjure and control black fire.

    Student 7) Quirk: Desire

    • Touch someone to discover their deepest desires and cast illusions of those desires.

    Student 10) Quirk: Tree Arm

    • Left arm is now wood. It is able to branch out to great lengths, tap into the plant network, and even fire beams of pure solar energy.

    Student 11) Quirk: Siren

    • Swim fast, breath underwater, and emit a sonic wave from your throat.

    Student 14) Quirk: Sun Ball

    • Turn into an unstoppable ball of light.

    Student 15) Quirk: Jade

    • Cover your body in jade-like armor.

    Student 17) Quirk: Mighty Spear

    • Turn into a spear that can soar through the air.

    Student 20) Quirk: Titanic Shadow

    • Project a titan-sized aura around yourself and become an unstoppable giant.

    Student 21) Quirk: Monster Flowers

    • Grow monstrous flower mutants that fight for you.

    Student 22) Quirk: Fairy Queen

    • Fly using a pair of fairy wings. Also comes with butterfly minions.

    Student 23) Quirk: Lion Guardian

    • Manifest a fierce lioness that fights for you.

    Student 24) Quirk: Song of Light

    • Control the light by singing. Different keys/notes have different affects.

    Student 25) Quirk: Boar

    • Transform into a giant unstoppable purple boar.

    Student 27) Quirk: Shadow Crossing

    • Travel through the shadows. Bring friends along too. The shadow dimension is also a good place to put enemies in timeout.

    Student 34) Quirk: Petal Blades

    • Launch and control sharp rose petals.

    Student 35) Quirk: Infatuate

    • Cause others to become extremely infatuated with you, making them highly susceptible to your command. Only works on those who are attracted to females.

    Student 37) Quirk: Crowning

    • Boost the physical abilities and quirks of others or yourself.

    Student 38) Quirk: Ghosting

    • Become incorporeal, allowing you to pass through solid matter and soar through the air.

    Student 39) Quirk: Storm Wings

    • Fly with big bird wings that can control the wind.

    FYI: I didn't just make up random superpowers for my classmates. I adapted the special meaning of their names into cool hero-worthy quirks. For example, Student 25 has a name that literally means Boar. Thus, their quirk is to transform into a boar. The description says purple boar because my classmate has purple hair : )

    Obviously, other names aren't so clear cut (this is why I don't have quirks for every classmate), so I got creative.

    I came up with the idea from seeing how the names of My Hero Academia characters relate to their quirks in some way or the other.

    Hope you like them!

    08:17 UTC



    Did we see Deku transfer the All Might vestige? Or was that vestige also transferred in that one attack which unceremoniously transferred like 3 vestiges? Imo it would’ve been cool if the All Might vestige stayed and let Deku keep the stockpiled power in an “I Am Still Here” moment instead of him losing it completely and maybe having the small embers or whatever

    07:20 UTC


    Horikoshi's author comment from Weekly Shonen Jump 2024 issue #22/23

    07:06 UTC


    Chances of this being reality?

    Im assuming this might be true and if it is horikoshi is a mad man

    06:52 UTC


    New order fight

    I’m reading the fight between afo and star rn and I’m a bit confused. Star set the rule that new order would rebel against other quirks by why couldn’t afo change this rule? If I’m a fool and just need to keep reading my bad lol

    04:47 UTC


    What the heck does Nezu do to fund UA with this much money.

    04:01 UTC


    How Shigaraki and AFO could've been handled..

    I think I've thought of a way that would have been significantly better for Shigaraki and All For One's respective stories.

    First, what are the problems with Shigaraki and AFO's story as is? Well, they drag each other down. Not in the cool thematic way either.

    AFO is shown to be a genius mastermind who's thought of everything five hundred thousand steps in advanced which is boring and not fun to read by the fifth 'it was me all along' reveal.

    Shigaraki's character arc is completely decimated. His whole story throughout MHA was growing to be a villain his own right. He was nurtured by AFO, but importantly none of the main reasons for his hatred were caused directly by him.

    So, what's the fix? Simple. Have Shigaraki either regain control of his body after breaking AFO out of prison or have him perform the Tartarus breakout for his own reasons(maybe to free Compress or something.)

    From there you have two villain factions; a rogue All For One on his own and Shigaraki with his league of villains and remaining PLF soldiers. This dramatically increases tension for the Villain Hunt Arc. The stakes are much higher; Shigaraki will destroy everything, One For All be damned, when he recovers. Not only that, Deku has to worry about All For One coming after him to take OFA from him so that he can become the most dangerous villain again so AFO can return to the top of the villain higharchy.

    This would culminate in a final war arc that would essentially be a 1v1v1. Villains vs. Heroes vs. All For One. It maintains All For One's intimidating presence, retains Shigaraki's agency in the story, and allows for a much better parallel between AM & Deku. Rather than butting heads and getting in each other's way, Deku and All Might would boost each other to new heights, showing the benefits of a positive mentor relationship. Additionally, this would allow for a much more personal Bakugo fight between him and Shigaraki since it would be the man who kidnapped him instead of some AFO clone.

    I feel like this would've fixed a lot of people's current issues with Shigaraki and All For One's narrative and made it a lot more enjoyable to most people.

    01:38 UTC


    Announcing My Hero Academia: We Are Here

    In a history far far away, in a time where events have gone differently, Izuku Midoriya begins the next stage of his story as the worlds greatest hero.

    Officially announcing "My Hero Academia: We Are Here". An upcoming original fan manga sequel to the hit series Boku no Hero Academia by Kohei Horikoshi. Stay tuned for updates.

    Official Twitter: https://twitter.com/myherowah

    I hope we can surprise you guys. Plus Ultra.


    01:28 UTC


    “The juxtaposition between Shigaraki/AFO and Deku/All Might could have been good”

    taking these exact words from a comment i just saw on a post, but you see this general sentiment a lot, that the dynamics between these 2 duos “would have” been good if AFO actually stepped down and let shiggy fully take the reigns, letting it be like a “dark” version of the dynamic between deku and all might

    what i don’t understand is how all these people either fault to realize or fail to acknowledge that AFO not being willing to TRULY cede his power to a successor IS THE POINT, that IS the dynamic. where all might accepted it gracefully when it was time for his era to end, afo couldn’t, he refused to let his era end in the way that he always has by using quirks and medicine to stay alive for like nearly 200 years. like it’s literally in the quirk names, one for all is passed through the generations, getting stronger precisely because of the nature of passing the torch, while all for one wants it all for himself, horikoshi i don’t think could make this any clearer if he tried. deku is gifted a quirk and the ability to save people through his genuine hard work and determination to be a hero while tenko had quite literally everything taken away from him through no fault of his own because his grandparent was a hero.

    like the parallels and the inversions are all there and very plain to see, but it feels like people just choose to ignore that because it’s not the dynamic they thought it was. and yes, something can be “the point” and still not be executed well, but that’s not the initial claim people make. everyone just says that they like shigaraki as a character more than they like all for one so the structure of the story should be entirely different to accommodate that

    00:52 UTC


    If You Got The Chance To Interview Horikoshi-sensei What Would You Ask Him?

    It’s obvious that the likes of Kubo and Kishimoto have influence Hero Aca but for me I’d love to ask him if there’s ever been any western comic creators like Todd McFarlane, Jim Lee, Brian Micheal Bendis,etc that have influenced his work at all.

    00:08 UTC

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