My Hero Academia Memes - You too can be a MEMER!
1. All posts must be related to My Hero Academia in some way.
2. You are allowed to make posts/memes about other users but just don't go too far and remember to use good reddiquette. Mark posts like these with the Meta flair.
3. Tag your post if it is NSFW. Overly NSFW (racial/other slurs, full nudity, and real life gore) are banned. Memes about NSFW content about Eri or Koda are also banned. Even the ones making fun of people looking it up.
4. You are allowed to repost memes as long as they haven't been posted within the past month. Report illegal reposts if you find one to the moderators.
5. Spoiler tag AND flair your memes. Any frame from an anime episode that is from the past week is considered a spoiler.
6. No Karmawhoring, no poll posts, no 'theories", no question posts, no tier lists, and no AMVs.
7. Shipping belongs on r/BokuNoShipAcademia, no shipping memes or memes about shipping. Except on shipping Saturday which runs all day Saturday following the GMT time zone.
8. Be kind to each other.
Posts are still subject to mods discretion and can be removed for any reason.
Good Luck
Manga Fukidashi has no mouth and he must eat
Like does he just say "nom" everytime he has to eat? Does he eat like a minecraft character?
Deku full power vs 1 limb Saibamen
Source: My Hero Academia: WAR Abridged [Part 2]
Joyride Entertainment
I wanna see some deep in-depth look on the potential frauds