Light-hearted and uplifting pictures and videos of baby, babies, cute babies, ugly babs, laughing and crying bubbas. All human babies and baby owners welcome.
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My son is 1! I have brown eyes and my husband has blue/green eye. Will his eye color change?
Would you do business with him?
Hello, my wife swears our 6 month old has blue eyes. I see them as becoming brown. Any input??
Mother had mental issues and father was out on job. They came is a very critical situation. He was completely dehydrated and septic. This is him in just 25 days. He was so malnourished he had no appetite for food. Finally it was such a happy day when he asked for food himself and ate everything we gave him. His 5year old sister was his biggest support. Eating with him, playing with him and she would even pick the guy up and roam around the ward all happy and bubbly, eventually he got the energy and cracked the most satisfying smile when playing with his sister.
He’s almost 2
When the little princesses decide daddy has slept enough – bang-bang with a toy, one after the other. 😆💪