/r/AnimeTrailers seemed appropriate to create.
Please advertise /r/AnimeTrailers across reddit and the wider net where you feel appropriate and share some trailers to help to build a growing sub!
Format: Title (Year) Genre - Description (Spoiler)
Example: Arjuna (2001) Fantasy, Magic, Archery - A fatally injured girl is saved in her near death experience to become the chosen defender of Earth. (Spoiler)
For series I recommend using the release year and omitting the end year.
Pull the title and year from IMDB, Wikipedia, aniDB etc. The genre is best taken from aniDB. If there are many different genres listed on aniDB then pick a few.
Post a trailer just because you like the music or imagery. Fan made trailers are welcomed.
Keep it safe. This sub is neither targeted at nor prohibits under 18s, so ecchi is acceptable but please refrain from posting any nsfw links.