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is "Day of Ascension" the only 40K novel told from the Genestealer Cult POV?

Great novel, though. It takes a lot to make the Genestealer Cults look good, but by the Omnissiah the AdMech manage it.

1 Comment
02:09 UTC


Blood Ravens, Corruption, Primarchs, Kyras and Boreal Oh MY

I did a deep dive recently into the Blood Ravens chapter, I Love the DOW franchise (at least the first 2 games) and have an attachment to the characters, save Indrick Boreal and Asariah Kyras. There has been a great deal of speculations about them that has come up over the years. I'm hoping to clear some things up while throwing shade on others. I'll be alternating on what was probably the obvious choice for writers, then my stab at nailing down some of the lore that would be associated with it...

So first off! The Blood Ravens are an Enigmatic Chapter that came into existence during the Second Founding. Much like Chapters that were founded during that time, they took the Gene-Seed of their Parent Chapter and from there went on to do a lot of space marine stuff. Most of which is either covered up in secrecy or wiped off of records completely leading up to the 37th Millennium. Now this has shrouded the Video Game Borne chapter in much controversy, from the unknown Primarch to their unnaturally high numbers of psionically gifted members.

Now the easy plot stab. Writers for the Blood Ravens and the Dawn of War series, probably wanted to tell a story that wouldn't affect the plotlines and stories of other chapters that already existed. Having Ultramarines (strictly as for instance) in the Aurelia Sector, Tartarus, Koronus and other locations that the Blood Ravens operated in would create contradictions in the already established plot line for those chapters. SO to have a story that is its own encapsulated thing that doesn't interfere with any established lore is a good thing for writers to take liberties with how the Chapter developed as well as its own mix of tragedies and heroism. This is also probably why they chose the second founding for the inception time frame. This way they have a time frame where the Blood Ravens could come into existence without stepping on the toes of any pre-established lore. NOW for the less obvious influences as to WHY they chose an 'unknown' Primarch...

In truth, a lot of the second founding is already documented and the Astartes Chapters that had succeeded their Parent Legions had already been listed out. Outright saying that they were descendant from the Blood Angels or Raven Guard would, in a sense, take away a good deal of the mysticism behind said chapter... and I'm sure the Devs and Writers wanted the Blood Ravens to be interesting. Making the Blood Ravens like the 7th off shoot of Blood Angels or the 4th rendition of the Raven Guard would make them less prominent in their own game... The 'erasure' of their first 6 to 7 millennia of history is more than likely a convenient plot device to keep the writers from having to flesh out 7 thousand extra years of history on top of the three thousand that IS documented before current events of the first game even occur... what may have been unintentional in the process however, is that the Blood Ravens are actually a pretty interesting Chapter. As their story was more and more fleshed out in the games the more it brought about questions of origin, why they have so many psykers, why is their history so closely guarded, who is their Primarch and why do they remember nothing of their origins? Some of these questions are likely to NEVER be truly answered because if they were to reveal the II or XI legion's Primarch, the GW would have to proceed to tear down the veil on said primarch and flesh out a story that fits in with the current 40K lore. But also it makes it a lot of fun as a fan to wonder and theory craft their own take on things as I am doing now.

Now the Blood Ravens aren't truly 'unique' as a founding chapter of unknown origins. The Purple Stars, Red Hunters, Scar lords and Yellow Jacket Chapters are all chapters that don't know their own origin story and were created during the second founding. The text on the 2 unknown Primarchs and their legions is as you can imagine/ are aware, is extremely limited. The only things stated about those two is their story is mired in tragedy, so we can infer that their story isn't a happy one. This both serves as a convenient buffer and point of interest for the chapter because: 1) GW is in charge of that story, if they dont want to tell it, the devs for DOW dont have to explain it. 2) it adds that fluffy layer of mysticism that has garnered the Blood Ravens such interest. This allows the Blood Ravens to exist where they can have more story written about them, without writers having to meticulously work their placement into an already extensive storyline.

Why they have so many Psykers? It MAY have been a simple plot device to once again set them apart from other Space Marine Chapters and also make them more interesting. However, that fact, along with their unknown origin, is what has created the largest controversy surrounding the Blood Ravens, who is their primarch and why all the secrecy in their first 7 Millennia of existence? This feels like a lynchpin in the Blood Raven's story to keep fans interested so... more intentional than accidental.

That being said its time for the lore stab.

One of the more popular belief is that Blood Ravens are a successor chapter to the Thousand Sons. This is due to the high concentration of Psykers and the collaborating fact that Magnus the Red is one of the most powerful psykers there is, pre daemonhood. This is fairly easily dismissed however as the Thousand Sons Legion was branded as a traitor legion and subsequently its gene-seed was destroyed rather than utilized for any subsequent founding. Furthermore and forgive my fan ignorance, but typically as I understand it, Space Marines take on the qualities and quirks of their founding Primarch. So the enigmatic qualities of the primarch is as prevalent amongst the space marines as well... Small detail... but Magnus didn't seek knowledge of the warp so that he could document it and understand it, he wanted to control it and bend it to his very will. Blood Ravens don't share that mentality. They seek knowledge, ancient texts and artifacts and dangerous truths, as both asset denial for the forces of chaos and protection for the imperium at large from what said secrets/artifacts entail. Magnus doesn't seem so deeply devoted to just knowledge as a whole. his Proclomation, "The minds of gods are not for mortals to know, or to judge. Accept that Tzeentch has a place for all of us in his grand scheme, and be happy in the part you have to play." At the same time however, he stated "If I am guilty of anything, it is the simple pursuit of knowledge." At least such was the case during earlier times. This however does fall in parallel to the Blood Raven's proclamation, "Knowledge is power, Hide it well."

This is Divergent from Magnus in that Magnus sought knowledge to increase his power, whereas to the BR, simply knowledge IS power. There are fan theory's that substantiate that BR could have been created by a group of TS that Magnus sent away before he fell, however I would think that that would create a contradiction in lore... IDK if its true but I thought before the second founding, gene-seeds were centrally stored on Terra or at most the Legion's home worlds. I'm not aware of chapter fleets holding their own Gene-seed stores for new recruits or replenishment as that wasn't an issue during the great crusade. That would imply Magnus sent a detachment of TS on some errand while also having the specific intention of founding a new chapter with a new name, when chapters didn't exist and didn't have a hard cap of a thousand members. Plausible but highly unlikely.

This circles around 2 main points about our unknown Primarchs. 1: Though there is VERY LITTLE written about them, what is known is that the 2 Unknown Primarchs are mired in tragedy that led to their very likely demise. and 2: after the II and XI legions were dissolved the Ultramarines ranks swelled, implying the 2 legions were folded into the Ultramarines Legion before the 2nd founding. This leads me to believe that Guilliman may be one of the few living people that would know anything about the Unknown Primarchs or Legions... though I doubt he would be forthcoming with that kind of knowledge. From this we may extrapolate a few details off of incomplete information.

  1. The II and XI weren't outright traitorous legions... if so it would be far simpler to simply brand them as such and keep it moving, filling them up with secrecy and deleting records would only make that more suspicious. furthermore, if they were Heretical Traitors they certainly wouldn't be retained and folded into another legion.

  2. The legions may not have even known on the by and large what even caused their legion to require being dissolved and folded into another. Memory wipe technology exists as well, so its not a stretch to wipe the memories of the few central members that may have known the why and the rest of the legion remain ignorant to the happenings surrounding their transfer.

  3. The unknown Primarchs themselves were not traitors/ heretics in a traditional sense. My inclination is that they instead discovered a rather inconvenient truth. My logic derides from how psionic gifts are manifested within the BR and the Emperor's goal after he finished the webway assembly to connect the Imperium, which was to either eliminate psykers as a whole in terms of mutation or make it so they are protected from the influences of the warp and chaos energies. What if that inconvenient truth was that EVERYBODY could be a psyker? That its not a matter of yes or no, but a matter of 'to what degree?' Kind of like the zed virus in The Walking Dead, everybody is already exposed to warp energies like background radiation and that only certain people actually show signs of such in the form of psionic gifts? SO the EMP's grand plan to eliminate the issue of psykers, therefore the dangers of chaos and the warp are also eliminated was ultimately doomed to fail? That his vision of a grand Imperium stretching from one side of the galaxy to another never actually had a chance?

Truths like that, which would shake the Imperium to its core. The kind of truths and secrets that you would go to any measure to maintain and keep? And yet, the unknown legions and their primarchs were wholly devoted to the emperor, thus, their truth would never be revealed and they would never gain recognition for it. BUT to destroy them and their legions completely to cover up the secret would have been an utter waste so... lets make a conspiracy! I feel like if their Gene-seed held animosity for the emperor, then it would have manifested itself in the subsequent BR chapter. That's another strong point against Magnus, the BR gene seed is inspected and scrutinized significantly more than other Gene-seeds for both signs of mutation/corruption, as well as hoping to glean some sort of explanation for the abnormally high number of psykers the BR seem to produce. Unfortunately the Gene-seed that the BR utilize has no indications that points to a higher than normal predisposition to produce psykers. Interestingly enough initiates that previously had no signs of having psionic gifts wind up manifesting psionic powers after receiving their Gene-Seed. So what if the Gene-Seed doesn't store a genetic mutation, but genetic knowledge and wisdom that naturally 'unlocks' gifts that had previously lain dormant? This would partially explain why the Gene-Seed is otherwise unremarkable, yet causes higher than normal rate of psionic awakening. It would also explain the BR's own degenerative curse of Deepening Mysteries.

Rather than an unquenchable lust for blood, glory or honor, the Blood Ravens have an insatiable thirst for knowledge and secrets... especially the kind that winds up uncovering more information about their own origin and history. Which would almost follow along with the feeling of knowing you knew something important, but can no longer remember what that important thing was... But this isn't a direct correlation of knowledge = more power but that Knowledge = power... and like power... some/ a lot of people cant be trusted with it. This line of thinking falls in line with BR's quest to uncover ancient secrets... but usually they don't seem to pursue these things in search of personal gain, rather to catalogue and safeguard the information from both the Imperium and Chaos alike. They are also fiercely devoted to the Emperor, more so than some of their loyalist counter parts. They establish this loyalty to the Emp is caused by the absence of their own Primarch however, if their unknown Primarch harbored ill feelings or will towards EMP, then I would think these traits would manifest in the Astartes... however this tends to not be the case, rather the opposite. They also have and EVEN HIGHER than normal hatred for Traitors... BR's are the type to believe there's a special place in hell for turncoats and traitors, and by golly the Blood Ravens are gonna be the ones to send them there.

That being said, it would seem that the legions of chaos have a chip on their shoulder with the BR. Though in part due to the story being told in the DOW series, the BR have a higher than normal encounter rate with the chaos space marines. Which is where I run into a bit of mental confusion. Another reason I don't think that Magnus is the BR primarch is because Magnus became a daemon prince of Tzeentch. My 40k Daemonology is a bit limited, but from what I understand the chaos gods are pretty selfish and don't like sharing with one another. When they aren't in real space, doing their chaos shenanigans, they are having territorial disputes over the daemon worlds they already possess. So I would THINK that if the BR's were from the lineage of Magnus, then Tzeentch would have a special interest in them... but that's not who makes the appearance. Rather Aurelia itself fell because of the greater daemon Ulkair, who is a daemon of the chaos God Nurgle... annnd even though Ulkair was sealed away on Aurelia, he was successful in corrupting Azariah Kyras. . . who then went on to make his sacrifices in the name of Khorne... so... idk how that really works. My guess is that Ulkair sent Kyras to the warp, but Kyras made a deal with Khorne to get back out. Just seems that if it were based off a traitor legions Gene seed then they'd be predisposed to the god that the legion betrayed the emp for in the first place. Rather it makes it seem that Chaos in general is interested in the Blood Ravens... and the secrets they hold.

which leads me finally to Kyras, his corruption and what that had to do with Indrick Boreal. If you're not familiar with Kyras's story here's a brief synopsis. Kyras fought a greater daemon named Ulkair, he succeeded in sealing Ulkair, but Ulkair succeeded in corrupting Kyras and throwing him into the warp for some 500 years. Kyras came back and escaped with an apothecary aboard the Judgement of Carrion space hulk. Kyras was corrupted and the apothecary was possessed. The only one who suspected chaos shenanigans was Gabriel Angelos, chapter captain of 3rd company. ANYWHO the rest of BR welcomed Kyras back with open arms. Where Kyras quickly climbed the ranks and became both Chapter Master and Chief Librarian of BR. I believe this all took place before the Tartarus Campaign which gives us the setup for Dark Crusade and Soulstorms playout of events.

Davian Thule, Chapter Captain of 4th company, conducted a brilliant campaign against 6 different factions on Koronus and ultimately emerged victorious. This didn't shoot him into the stratosphere of upper echelons in the BR like it normally would. Rather it had the opposite effect. Davian wound up distancing himself from the upper tiers of command. This is speculated to be because the artifact that was unearthed beneath their stronghold on Koronus held knowledge that shook his faith in the BRs inception to the core. So much so that he wound up destroying the artifact... whatever it was. If such is the case, and Kyras was in command of the BR at large. Then we can infer that whatever this artifact was... it would have greatly accelerated Kyras's plans for ascending to a Deamon Prince... except it didn't happen that way.

next up is the ill fated Kaurava campaign which deployed 5 companies under the command of Indrick Boreal. Where 3 of the 5 companies were completely wiped out and Boreal himself was killed in the action. Lore on the WHY Indrick failed so spectacularly is frustratingly vague. The only lore that spoke of strategy stated that Indrick had a predisposition for the "Steel Rain" strategy, where he favored drop podding in soldiers to the font lines to scatter and disorganize enemy forces, rather than focusing on static defenses like turrets... I can only infer that him sticking to this strategy rather than being adaptable or listening to his librarian diviners on a suitable strategy led to his downfall... but knowing what we know post sight about how events unfold for the BR... while it was hugely to the BR's detriment, it could only serve to Kyras's benefit. A lesser known fact about Captain Boreal, is that he was a direct under study to Captain Angelos... you know the only BR Captain that was suspicious of Kyras's return. If Kyras's intention was to corrupt as my BR as possible and sacrifice billions across sub-sector Aurelia AND ascend to Daemonhood... YET belonged to a Chapter that especially hates traitors... then its best to deal with opposition however you can. If the companies dispatched to Kaurava were filled with some of the most die hard Loyalists amongst the BR and then the majority of them were wiped out in a campaign that was largely deemed a "Mistake" amongst its survivors whenever you could get them to talk about it... then you would have at least 3 to 5 companies LESS of Astartes to oppose you when you truly begin your chaos shenanigans. Indrick may have had questionable leadership and war strategy but I don't think his devout loyalty to the emperor was in question at all.

Which makes all the more sense when the 2nd Aurelian Campaign commenced and Kyras branded Gabriel and Force Commander Aramus as the Traitors... in his grand scheme of things Kyras wanted as many of the BR that would oppose him out of the way in advance as possible. Due to the BR's innate psychic ability to 'foretell' battles in advance, he nearly succeeded. If it weren't for Honor Guard Captain Apollo Diometes he would have. and OH MY.. this was a lot longer than I expected it to be. I hope you enjoyed the pedantic nerd read if you read this far. FOR THE EMPRAH!

02:07 UTC


Iron Within question

I may be a little late to the party asking about the warhammer TV short Iron Within, but does anyone know what the marking in the imperial guards is? I assume it's a regimental mark, but it looks like an Eldar symbol.

02:00 UTC


Historical references

What are some 40k moments that seem to have historical references? Reading Warhawk for the first time makes me think it’s a historical reference to the battle of the bulge

01:40 UTC


Return of the Legions

With the absolutely filthy amount of threats the Imperium has, would it be practical and perhaps recommendable that the first founding chapters reunite with their successors into the original Legions?

01:38 UTC


Need help finding a Horus short story

I've been searching forever and cannot find a short story where Horus is listening to the ongoing war abd talking about it to the skull of Ferrus Manus. It was in audio format, I think part of a collection of short stories. Tried finding it on Black Library but no luck.

00:46 UTC


How much stuff from modern day would stick around by the 30k/40k era?

I’m writing an AU where the Primarchs have children and families (before anyone says anything, yes I know they’re probably canonically sterile, this AU is mostly just wish fulfillment), and there are parts of the story set on Terra. What I’m wondering is how much stuff/concepts from our world would last into that era: like, could one of my characters go to a coffee shop (or whatever they have as the equivalent of coffee) with a friend? Do they have portable music players? I know at least they have musicians, obviously, but I have no idea what stuff, for example, a regular teenager might listen to for music in the Imperium. Sorry if the questions are stupid, by the way, I just really want to worldbuild this AU accurately! It’s right before the Heresy, so early M.31 (I set the year around 004.M31, if I remember correctly from my notes draft).

00:18 UTC


What do the Primarchs think about Pre Dark age humans, and the Men of iron?

This has been a burning question for a long time in my mind as with the ultimate goal of the imperium of mankind is to bring humanity on top similar to how pre-dark age of technology humans were and since the Men of iron are in a sense deeply responsible for the fall of humanity surely the Primarchs would have an opinion on them both? (Sorry for the word dump)

00:18 UTC


Why did Malcador have to sit on the Golden throne?

Okay I've recently finished reading the Master of Mankind and something hasn't been sitting right with me and I'd like some lore experts to weigh in on this. In the novel the Sisters of Silence round up 1000 psykers to sacrifice to the Golden Throne so that Big E (aka Jimmy Space aka 12 Shamans in a Trench Coat) can leave the Throne and intervene in the War in the Webway for one day.

So what I'm asking is why didn't Big E just do this again during the Siege of Terra so he could face Horus? Why did Malcador have to die when a 1000 psykers could be sacrificed instead? Was it ever explained or were there simply not enough psykers on Terra at the time?

23:55 UTC


Which Ork Warboss is more powerful? The Beast or Ghazghkull?

I know the Beast tried to conquer the entire galaxy while Ghazghkull focused on one single planet, but the wiki says Ghaz fought many kinds of enemies too. And which Warboss's WAAAGH armies were bigger?

23:31 UTC


Is the warp only local to the Milky Way or to many galaxies across the Universe?

I was just having a shower thought and I thought about how far does the warp stretch, is it only constrained to our Milky Way, or does it extend beyond to many other galaxies? Is it only a certain piece of the warp that is local to our galaxy, containing the chaos gods, with the rest of the warp being unknown, but reaching far out?

23:21 UTC


Primarch's non hesitancy about join the Emperor

This is partly a question party a observation that I believe is true, but feel free to correct if I missed something.

Not one Primarch was hesitant about following the Emperor and joining the Great Crusade. Most Primarch it seem either issue a challenge and then followed the Emperor(Russ, Vulkan, Ferrus?), had no need to be convinced(Magus, Horus, Perturabo), or just need a short conversation(idr). Angron and Mortorian weren't hesitant, Angron was convince by his legion and Morty sucked it up I think after the both had a horrible introduction to the Emperor.

Sangyboy had a demand that his planet be left in peace and Khan was weary but ultimately sided with the Emperor. I guess that some hesitancy.

I find it awful funny that no Primarch was like" Mr. Glowyman I will not abandons my world just to follow you because you "say" your my father and creator, also my guardian taught me stranger danger. Look I have a good thing here why would I want to go fight in possibly either a never-ending crusade or suffer some unknown fate after the crusade is over. Sir, did you just say that I have tens of thousands of gene template enhanced warrior children, wtf. Okay tell me why I should trust you we here don't just trust random starmen. What do I get out of all this." So on and so forth

Did no Primarch ask a shit ton of question and inquires. What did the Emperor do to make them like that was it the shared DNA, warp stuff, his charisma, warp stuff, something less entirely. Clarification would be nice.

23:21 UTC


Did any named astartes die from the rubricon? (no matter how smal)

it is supposed to be a dangerous procedure but all the important people survived it, it doesn't feel dangerous at all

23:14 UTC


Was the dark king a back up plan ?

I saw a take that E was intentionally going to turn into the dark king because he thought he would be able to control it. I had been under the impression that he did not realize that the effect of taking in that much power would turn him into the dark king.

22:50 UTC


Is power armour recovered from battle?

So Apothecaries venture into battle to retrieve gene seed from fallen marines… Do Techmarines or Serfs etc. go out to recover power armour or weapons from fallen marines?

Surely theres some sort of recovery method for that, either that or techmarine Jeff has to put in a purchase order to the Mechanicus?

22:38 UTC


How does eidolon feel about chaos?

I’m trying to make a unique list for whenever eventually eidolon gets a 40K model, but how does he feel about chaos? Like would he fight alongside slaanesh daemons?

22:37 UTC


Couple questions

  1. I recently finished the lion: son of the forest and was sad to see that the story continued in the arks of omen rulebooks, is there a chance that they will eventually published in novel form like dark imperium was? I love 40k lore but I can't justify spending that kind of money on rulebooks just for some lore(though I am considering getting into the hobby as well).

  2. Have the lion and mephistion met and what did they think of each other if so?

  3. I've just caught up on the dawn of fire series and I'm looking for the next series to jump into, any suggestions? For context, I've read dark imperium, a significant portion of the blood angels saga(centered around the devastation of baal), the uriel ventris chronicles (though I do need to grab the 1 book that wasn't included in the omnibuses)(side note, any chance we will get more uriel ventris novels?), a few of the gaunts ghosts novels(not really doing it for me but ill try again in the future), and ive started the vault of terra series. Currently I'm probably gonna grab the rest of the vaults of terra novels and the watchers of the throne series however after that I could some advice as to where to go next. Should I just start by deep diving the space marines battles novels? I'm also considering the Ragnar blackmane novels.

  4. Are there any particular novels that I should read to get up to speed on the "current" events going on in general?

  5. Could ya guys recommend some lore YouTuber that are considered generally reliable or trustworthy?(Aka not just spouting clickbait nonsense or intentionally spinning things to fit "their canon"(it's 40k so there's a dang lot of stuff left up to interpretation and thats fine, what I am specifically reffering to is copium nonsense )) I've already watched that vast majority of Luetin09s content (it's fantastic) and I'm looking to branch out see other people's interpretations of the lore

  6. I'm currently playing battlefleet gothic armada 2 and I'm curious about something from the prologue. In it the vengeful spirit basically bitch slaps an imperial battle group without appearing to break a sweat, is that because it's a Gloriana class battleship or because the vengeful spirit has specifically received some for of enhancement from chaos? Which begs another question, how would the vengeful spirit compare to the macragge honor now that it's been suped up by cawl? Are they now effectively different enough from the original Gloriana class ships to be their own unique class and how do they compare to other Gloriana class ships such as the terminus est or the conqueror? Have those 2 also received enhancements from chaos? I know the conqueror has lotara sarrin fused to it but I don't know any details about how that affects it performance, neither do i know much about the terminus est, i know ita death guard and death guars ships tend to be mote durable due to papa nurgles blessings.

Sorry for these questions being all over the place but any answers would be greatly appreciated.

22:25 UTC


Sacristian vs Tech Priest

In regards to a normal Tech Priest (which I believe they can be tasked out to the Imperial Guard Regiments) and a Sacristian assigned to an Imperial Knight, is there anything differentiating them in appearance and/or war gear; or are they essentially the same thing just with different training/assignments? I understand that the Mechanicus, at least their Tech Priests, are asymmetrical in appearance outside their robes, but I think you guys know what I mean in here.

1 Comment
21:58 UTC


What books come before and after Dark Imperium?

So for my birthday recently I bought the Eisenhorn omnibus, the Night Lords omnibus and Plague War. So I’ll break it down; Eisenhorn come in French I need to swap it out so I’ve started Night Lords😂😂 As for Plague War, I bought it out of impulse seeing it for 7 quid not knowing it’s a book 2 of 3.

So after the NL trilogy, I’m to start Lord of the night then Prince of Crows. What about Dark imperium? No doubt on my next order I’ll order Dark Imperium 1 and Goblight but it very much seems like a big, central book in 40k. That being said, do any books come before? Or after even? With so many books I struggle with the chronology of the Warhammer universe.

P.s For my birthday my sister gave me like 30 quid and I managed to get the two omnibuses aswell as Plague War for 7 so I never completely paid for my own birthday gifts, only partially 😂😂

Also I’m gassed because from what I’ve heard, I picked the 3 perfect series to get into 40 with. Only uphill from here!

21:46 UTC


Are psker births true random?

Ie, can a mega powerful psker come from normal parents deep in the gutters of the most abhorrent hive city? Or are they gonna be children of pskers or come from weird bloodlines?

21:42 UTC


Which chapter?

Hey everyone!

Wondering which chapter you started to gain some interest/respect for after reading their lore?

For me it was the Ravenguard. When I started diving into 40k lore, I was really drawn to the Blood Angels and Space Wolves, never really giving a second thought to the Raven Guard. For me they were always kind of in the background and I didn't pay much attention to (which seems fitting for their chapter). After learning a bit of their lore, I think that they are a very cool and interesting chapter with an equally interesting primarch that I would like to learn more about.

What is that chapter for you?

21:38 UTC


Dawn of Fire as someone that is new.

I picked up a couple of these books because they were super cheap at the time. I've never read a Warhammer book before, though I've been wanting to start with Eisenhorn because that's what most people say, I just hadn't bought it yet. I'm still unfamiliar with the way Warhmmer books work in general, is it even worth doing all of the books in a row like I would a traditional series? Should I just shelve the Dawn of Fire books for now and focus on Eisenhorn then come back to them later?

21:34 UTC


What are the most notable milestones between nowadays and 40k?

Ive meant mostly technological stuff, but feel free to add other important milestones that humanity achieved (or happened to them).

21:16 UTC


Which parts of the Galaxy were less affected by the Horus Heresy ?

I'm curious if some segmentum was less affected, if sectors or planets were left untouched, or were less damaged than others etc.

20:39 UTC


So, does the Land Raider, actually raids?

Since the early 2000's it became a big meme in the fandom the whole "The Land Raider isnt named because it raids the land but because it was discovered by a guy called Arkham Land", despite it being a thing since 1990.

Now that I was thinking about it, is it the actual case?

Checking up at the Cambridge Dictionary, their definition of Raid is, on the military context:

a short sudden attack, usually by a small group of people:

to attack a place suddenly:

a planned attack by a military group that is done suddenly and unexpectedly and is intended to destroy or damage something:

Now, im not that versed on SM warfare, but the codex description appear to me that its basically a mobile fortress, it goes, guns blazing while tanking damage, and discharge its marines on the enemy. Marine combat normally is done as shock troops, but for raids proper, it appears to me that marines do that on foot or with jetpacks.

The Land Speeder appear to be closer to a proper "raiding" vehicle to me, but what you guys think?

20:37 UTC


What happens to a Chaos God’s power if one of their daemons is permanently killed?

Daemons are part of their patron Chaos God's gestalt consciousness/warp-entityness. So isn't it like part of them being destroyed? Does their power drop a tiny bit, if it was say a greater daemon? Presumably they recover that power and replace the daemon eventually right?

20:07 UTC


Timeline of the Imperial Bolter?

I'm trying to outfit a force of loyalist Imperial Fists set after the Siege of Terra and during the Scouring and I want to make it as lore accurate as possible with time accurate equipment and weaponry.

What is a rough timeline for each pattern of bolter?

From what I've gathered so far, MK VII was issued to the legions that defended the Imperial Palace and participated in the Scouring soon after, but I'm not sure what weapons they would be wielding. What model of bolter would be the most common during this time period and which ones were rare/outmoded by better versions?

Basic question is which models of bolter were invented first and which ones came after in sequential order? I wouldn't think marines of the Scouring would be wielding Mark Vb bolters, but I know that the chances of loyalists having Tigrus-Pattern bolters is rare, so please help me out. It's driving me nuts

20:04 UTC


A thought about the world eaters.

This is is spured by a comment in a thread about Angron without nails. I haven't read much World eater lore. So please forgive me if I'm way off base.

Angrons "super power" is understanding how people feel. Kinda being emotional connected to other people. A good number of people seam to think that even without the nails Angron wouldn't stay loyal.

That being said my half baked theory is that the world eaters would have turned into a type of terror legion had the nails never been introduced.

19:36 UTC


Why doesn't emperor reign from golden throne?

Hi! This may be a silly question, but I've been thinking of this

So there are many questions why he couldn't stand or get unplugged from the throne

But why doesn't he just reign from it? We know he can communicate (as per convo with Guilliman), and that he's somewhat aware of what is happening in the Imperium.

But still, the organ that is reigning are high lords, not communicating with Him, the whole standing in front of the throne was a really big deal for the 6 sisters

19:12 UTC


A chapter company deployment.

Does each company have their own battle barge or do they comandeer them when needed ( from what i know usually the 2nd company of the chapter is assigned to the homeworld most of the time so they wouldnt need a dedicated ship ), moreover would a whole company fit in one battle barge or would they need more. Are there any times where this is specified in the lore?

18:57 UTC

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