The Reddit community for Warhammer: Age of Sigmar and the Mortal Realms
Come chat about Warhammer: Age of Sigmar by Games Workshop.
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Hi folks,
please see below for a full battle report of the Las Vegas Open 2025 for Warhammer The Old World, biggest tournament ever for TOW!!
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Basically, I'm kinda interested in getting into the game, branching out from Warhammer 40k (to which I'm also a noob), and wanted to know of the best starting book to read for each faction please
And if ya wouldn't mind answering this as well: what factions are best for starting players?
Hello Everybody
I am currently organizing a path to glory campaign for about 10 people with the new book that just came out. This is the first time that I will be doing something like this, and although I think i got it under control I wanted to ask the ones that ran ptg campaigns before.
How did you run your path to glory campaign ?
Is there anything i should be aware of?
Do you have any advice for me with this kind of thing ?
Thanks in advance!!!
My new year resolution for 2025 was to give my money some respect, so it's a no-no for a tower followed by a nerf to my koolboyz
Other than GW being GW, is there any actual reason that anout half of the non-newest armies are all online only? I used to be able to go into my FLGS and buy anything Sylvaneth or Deepkin, but now it's half online only. I'm tired of this, grandpa...
I mostly paint 40k so I love to get to paint some AoS thanks to MotM. If I would start an AoS army it would be Skaven.
Creating my own Army of Renown, just for funsies. This is meant to best represent the Ogroid legions as they fall to Chaos.
Allowed units: Demon Prince (no more than one) Ogroid Thaumaturge Ogroid Myrmidon Ogroid Theridons Fomoroid Crushers
Terrain, Spell Lore and Manifestation Lore is all taken from the Beasts of Chaos.
All Myrmidons get 0-1 Thaumaturge in their regiment. All Thaumaturges get 0-1 Myrmidons in their regiment.
Battle Trait: All Ogroids gain the ENRAGED keyword when damaged. Ogroids and Demon Prince gain ‘Blessings of the Destroyers’, which work exactly like Marks or Chaos before the battletome changed them to Pledges.
Heroic Traits: (You may take all 3) DP only: deal 1 damage to a friendly unit within 12”, roll a d6 for all other friendly units; on a 4+ Heal(d3) Thaumaturge only: while ENRAGED, +1 power level. Myrmidon only: while ENRAGED, once per then use All Out Attack for free.
Artifact: Theridons only. Select a Blessing of the Destroyer. While ENRAGED and has a banner, gain this Blessing along with the original selected.
Now with the most mentions of Snotlings since the World-That-Was. (Actual Snotling mentions may vary.)
For those unfamiliar with this project, I maintain a Google Sheet with all the little lore lines from the various cards in Warhammer Underworlds - well, all the ones I can find, at least (if you have some that I'm missing, like the Arena Mortis hazard cards, let me know!). With the preorders for the new warband and deck going up, various worthies have received their preview copies and foolishly posted the cards where I could see them, so now Borgit et al. and the Edge of the Knife are added to the approximately 5000 other entries.
Hi, Im just starting in aos and am having a big of trouble picking a army, I looked around a bit but all the videos and such ive seen have been about lore and not how a army might play and i typically play death guard and orks in 40k so wondering what might be some good equivalents (other then maggotkin and warclans). The armies I'm most interested in based on aesthetics are:
Bonereapers Seraphon Gloomspite gitz
Just looking for a rules clarification please. Can unlimited spells... A) Be cast by the same wizard more than once per phase? B) target the same unit more than once? (E.G. casting 'deranged transformation' targeting the same unit of morbheg knights twice. Or casting 'invocation of nagash' healing/damaging the same unit multiple times)
So I want to get into age of sigmar (I have played a bit of 40k already) and I was wondering what is the best way to get started The ultimate starter set or the shaventide box?
Just got done painting my Stormcast Spearhead! It was tons of fun, I like how they turned out 😀