
Photograph via snooOG

This community is dedicated to Windows 8 which is a personal computer operating system released by Microsoft as part of the Windows NT family of operating systems.

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Please Help if you can. Windows 8 password usb

My Mom passed away and I finally got her laptop. It has windows 8 on it and I dont know the password. The password hint is Husband and I have spent the last week going threw ever thing I think my mom would put as a password and example of my moms passwords was Hummingbird1 that was for her email. doesnt work on pc. I have tried to boot safe mode but it needs pass to get to safe mode any way some one can help me I would love to see if her pc has any pics or videos from her phones

1 Comment
23:48 UTC


Can I install Windows 8 on a modern hardware low end hardware from 2021

Hello I got a Lenovo Laptop with the specs being AMD Athlon 3050U Intregated Radeon Graphics 512MB 4GB Ram Right now I have LTSC Windows 10 Installed on this because it's performance is terrible with normal windows 10 and windows 11 But I like to try downgrade the os

I like windows 8.1 can I install the os on my laptop?

11:43 UTC


Net framework 4.5.2 on windows 8

I’m trying to download it just get stuck on installing net framework can anobdy help me maybe I have windows 8 pro build 9200 laptop is a lenvodo idea pad 320 15isk dual booted windows 10 and 8 it a uefi installation and I wanna know if I can fix windows update thank you 🙏

19:14 UTC


Windows 8 tips

18:16 UTC


Gateway Laptop NE56R41 Drivers

I have a Gateway NE56R41 that I bought around 2013-2014. I was interested in formatting the drives and reinstalling OS due to concerns of viruses. It was my first computer that I actively used to use the internet, and I wasn't exactly as careful as I am now. I grabbed the WIndows 8.1 ISO from Archive.org, made a boot drive with it and successfully reinstalled Windows 8.1 and formatted the drive. However, I seemed to have wiped a few drivers that it needed. I'm going to list the Hardware ID's and what I believe them to be.

PCI\VEN_8086&DEV_1E3A - 7 Series/C216 Chipset Family MEI Controller #1
PCI\VEN_14E4&DEV_16BE - BCM57765/57785 MS Card Reader
PCI\VEN_14E4&DEV_16BF - BCM57765/57785 xD-Picture Card Reader

I used Devicehunt.com to figure out what the Hardware ID's belonged to. As far as I know, these results are accurate. I grabbed a few archived device drivers from archive.org and when I tried to install them through device manager, the updater said that the latest drivers were already installed. I'll assume that none of them belonged to the missing ones. I tried to find the drivers on Acer's website since the laptop of was branded Gateway but manufactured by Acer. (Weird) I tried to find the drivers through the archived Gateway and Acer websites in Archive.org, but I got nothing. On a sidenote, after reinstalling the OS, the wifi function does not work. The option to turn it on is faded out. Before the reinstall, it had two wifi options: Wifi and Wifi 2. Wifi 2 always worked but the first one never worked. TLDR: I need drivers that I can't find online and the WIFI fuction doesn't work anymore. (Probably for the best since...well it's window's 8.1)

00:52 UTC


Finally got 8.1 VM

I've wanted a Windows 8 VM just to play around with a bit for a while, and I finally got it. Using it, I think it is amazing performance (especially for a VM with 2 GB memory). Since my actual computer is a touch screen with a tablet mode, I am able to experience it the way it was meant to be. If this wasn't my only computer, I would be switching right now! It also nice that all the metro appx files are on archive.org, so I can get back the metro apps.

20:40 UTC


OSFirstTimer Trying Windows 8 DP

00:57 UTC


Can I run Windows 8 without a compatible proccesor?

Uhh so my proccesor does NOT have pae so I wondered if I could run it still

15:57 UTC


Windows 8.0 driver installation issues

Hello! I recently installed Windows 8.0 Pro build 9200. I have a PCIe Wifi card (my mb is too old to have wifi built in) and I'm trying to install the driver for it. It is an Asus product and the model number is PCE-AC56. I downloaded the windows 8 64 bit driver for it but it would not install. It says the driver is for a different version of windows. What should I try to get it working?

03:27 UTC


Is there anyway to play GTA 5 online on 8.1 anymore?

It just says rockstar games ended support it and I cannot get passed this screen.

22:55 UTC


Anyone got old freda appx?

The old version for windows 8. I can't found it anywhere. It has the best touchscreen experience in all epub reader i tried on windows. New version of freda suck.

00:03 UTC


Does anyone know where to find a Windows 8 ISO?

I searched all over the internet and only found the Windows 8.1 ISO. Does anyone have an official link to the Windows 8 ISO?

23:46 UTC


Windows 8 arm

Hello guys

I wanted to install windows 8 on my mac air (m3 chip) with parallels. Whenever i want to upload the iso image, parallels wont let me install windows. It says i need a arm version, but how do i get it or do you guys have any clue how i can install windows 8 in another way

1 Comment
08:45 UTC


Windows 8.0 stopped working completly

So i was going to visit my windows 8.0 installation but it just kept giving me this error: your pc needs to restart. please hold down the power button. error code: 0x00000074 and 0x00000050, i tried reinstalling but nothing, my specs are: rtx 3070, x670p, 32gb ddr5, and nvme ssd, when i got it working the first time i had the same specs.

22:24 UTC


Is there still any Windows 8 download link to 'unmodded' iso working?

A friend of mine gave me an old convertable notebook.

I did pretty naive a full wipe and tried to install Windows 11. Endet up in bluescreen.

Same for Windows 10 and Windows 7.

After searching the web, i found out, that this device, before doing bios update, only runs with Windows 8, because of very specific hardware. And that's quite a problem!

I can't find any WIndows 8 iso to download. Pretty much any link is broken / not available and if it still works, i get a modded Windows 8.1, which also ends up in a bluescreen after installation.

Maybe someone could give me a hint, where to downlaod a simple, unmodded, original Windows 8 (not 8.1) version.

07:25 UTC


is there any one that has appx file of freshpaint app which was used in window 8.1

can anyone give me freshpaint app appx file that works on window 8.1 and it should work on window 8.1.

i have tried wayback machine form internet archive but none of the appx file works because it require update from store and the window smart screen doesn't allow the program to run

can anyone there that can help me in this type of problem

find me appx file that has 64x variant also it should run on window 8.1 please help me

18:41 UTC


Man I love 8.1 :)

18:11 UTC


7 or 8.1 or 10

I wanted to post this here because I am currently running 8.1 on my HP Compaq 6710b. I like 8.1 mainly because of the start menu, and I just like it better than 10 because while 10 isn't the slowest on my laptop it is definitely slower than 8.1 I like 7, but it only got updates until 2020 while 8.1 until 2023. Should I keep using 8.1 or upgrade to 10, or run Linux or something, while I love 8.1 I really want updates.

22:33 UTC


Software to manage webcam permissions

I need to stop accessing those adult video chat websites... and I don't trust myself to do it by my own.

So, my intention is to block my webcam's access to browsers and allow it to access other apps, and the software must be password-protected to prevent me from changing the settings or even uninstalling it.

It's important that it's software, because if it's an extension in the browser, all i have to do is uninstall the extension.

Is there any software compatible with Windows 8/8.1 where I can choose which applications can access the webcam, and which is password-protected?

Is this possible? Is there a way to do it?

19:05 UTC


Can somebody help me find an official/genuine Windows 8.1 Professional 64-Bits ISO? Latest version if possible

So, i've been searching for hours and cannot find an ISO for this version of Windows. I tried other methods but no success, so i turned to the platform with the peoples who know the most and i was hopping to find help here

22:10 UTC


Is there anyway to change the inactive title color in Windows 8.1?

It's so annyoing that I put a darker color to the title bar but soon as I click out to the desktop it shines in white color...

15:22 UTC


GUYS i finally install newest version of steam on Windows 8.1 🎉🎉🎉🎉

10:05 UTC


My Aero Windws 8.1

I really like how Windows 8.1 looks with Aero from Windows 7 :3

19:37 UTC


Guys finally i launched steam on Windows 8.1 !


08:06 UTC


Is it normal for VMware to not accept product keys or something?

So on this MacBook Air 2013, I got VMware via Internet Archive, and I installed Windows 8.1 from, yet again, Internet Archive. https://archive.org/details/win-8.1-english_202301 For some odd reason, the virtual machine doesn't accept the product key. Is it normal?

22:51 UTC

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